Horrible in the air, accident / collision, of a small and large plane, at an airshow today in Dallas. Can't help but wonder!?!


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Another amazing compilation by MCM and team. The pilots know. Soccer players seem to know. It seems at this point, those that are unaware have their eyes closed and don’t want to know.

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And they will never open their eyes. They will just go blindly into the night.......There is no possible way to wake up everyone. I know so many who want to see, hear nothing about this!🥲

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I worked as an Air Traffic Controller for 27 years in busy airspace in Toronto and Vancouver. I have handled many emergencies over the years, both mechanical and passenger medical issue events. I have never had a pilot incompacitated, nor have any of my collegues to my knowledge. This extremely rare event is suddenly occuring in the last year and a half with alarming frequency. These pilots are some of the healthiest people on the planet who must pass rigorous medical exams every six months. There is no question as to the cause.

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These sudden deaths seem to be increasing... so in the paranoid it’s all about me catagory... is it the additional boosters? Or is it the vaccine in general that is wreaking such havoc with people’s health? I had two Pfizer’s, the last in June of 2021...sometimes I get very dark and think this vaccine was so carefully engineered that when thousands of 70 + start dropping dead, no one will notice.

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Don't take any more, nor any injectables

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Trust me, I’m not. I turned down the flu shot and my doctor said, “ I don’t blame you. People have lost trust in me.” So, I’m done! I’ll be damned if Little Tony gets to decide when I croak!

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This is a most noteworthy comment

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It's sad that big pharma was able to take over healthcare to the point that doctors equate trust in pharmaceutical products with their own credibility.

Imagine taking the rejection of covid shots as a personal affront.

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My doctor’s comments were measured.... I think her anger is with the CDC and FDA making proclamations they knew were not science based. Also, she mentioned that “one of my kids” ( 12, 15 and 17) had had issues with “ the vaccine.” I respected her for that admission and left it at that. I should drop off my RFK Jr book...

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Alternate drs said, from the beginning of this Holocaust, many would die in two plus years. Sadly, there will be many more, and is happening now, not just us oldies. Each booster, as I understand it, weakens 5he immune system by 25%! Never get shots since 5he first swine flu, and never will!

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My housemate crashed into the car in front of him last week. That pushed it into another car.

Triple jabbed, and at a stop light.

he said doesn't know how it happened....

Ends his working career.

They stopped him on the wrong side of rail on GG., A few days later

I am convinced it was a vaxxident Friday last week....and saddened by his decline.

He refused to read the RFKjr and promised not to get booster, but lied and I saw the band aid.

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I wonder if anyone knows of cases in which the optic nerve is affected. This has happened to the 40-something wife of an acquaintance. Her sight in both eyes has been failing over a period of weeks; the specialists who are treating her have said hers is a very unusual case and that they believe antibodies are attacking her optic nerve. Steroid treatment has brought intermittent improvements, but these are temporary and she has been told that there is probably not any cure.

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There are specific reports of the vaxes affecting the optic nerve. I suggest trying to reach either Dr. Pierre Kory or someone at the IFCCC. They seem to be the group most knowledgable about how to help people with vaccine injuries and I know I read something about vision problems related to the vaccines. I'm sorry I can't recall exactly where. Good luck to your friend!

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Thank you, Dawn!

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They force the vaxx, and then want the issues reported, it is like they know there are going to be side effects, the people are the guinea pigs that are supposed to report the side effects for their own benefit and study for their information purposes, not to help people. Maybe I read it wrong. Anyway, it seems there are quite a few issues w/the eyes.

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Thank you!!

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Hi Christine - All vaccines are dangerous. I have a friend who had a Shingrix injection (for shingles) in about 2018 BC (Before Covid) at age 70-ish. Within a month, she started having severe difficulties with her vision, including a 20/400 diagnosis in one eye. She was treated by specialists at the UCLA Medical Center, who had no clue what was wrong, and diagnosed an autoimmune condition. After many visits to multiple eye doctors, a glaucoma doctor (not at UCLA) happened to ask her if she had had the Shingrix shot.

Her eyes improved and her eyesight started recovering ... until ... she got a flu shot that fall. Her vision problems came back with a vengeance. She now has excess keratin excreting from the inside of her eyelids, and it scratches the cornea in each eye. There is no way to stop the excretions. The UCLA specialists are now telling her she needs surgery to remove her eyelashes. She takes several drops every two hours that she is awake. An eye doctor puts in no-correction contact lenses to protect the corneas.

She's still in disbelief that a vaccination could have affected her health this way. I was able to talk her out of getting the "C-Shot," but her husband and son both got it to "protect her" because her immune system is "compromised."

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I can’t get why people keep taking jabs of any kind!

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I’ve been entertaining this theory that the vaccine/boosters target peoples’ “ Achilles Heel”.... hence the increase in all forms of disease.

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You could certainly be right.

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I like that. Makes sense. Probably right!

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I know two people who developed Glaucoma after the jabs, but will never admit it was from them!

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Is there a specific name for her condition? This sounds horrific. I'm a biostat person who studies low profit / complementary medicine and would be willing to look into what I can find that could help slow the degeneration. N-acetyl cysteine comes to mind immediately as it's highly neuroprotective in general. And anti-inflammatory supplements: turmeric extract, high dose fish oil. Is it optic neuritis, or infiltrative optic neuropathy, etc? If you think she would be receptive to non-mainstream medicine (backed by studies -- I'm a statistician and not into "woo" although I respect a good placebo effect) please let me know. I'm a woman in my 40s as well.

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Don’t overlook vitamin Lutein and Zeaxanthin for eyes. Dr. Mercola makes a good vitamin called Eye Support.

I’m not a dr and don’t know about your condition.

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I'm not knocking you, but Mercola should make some eye drops so he can see clearly that SARS-CoV-2 has never been proven and no proof has ever been provided (see Christine Massey's amazing therein)


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Hi -- thanks for the link; I'll take a look. Mercola has always seemed to me like a Covid skeptic, but since being against the Covid (or "Covid") vaxx doesn't have to correspond to believing/not believing that Covid is real, it's enough for me that he cares about the harm the vaxx is doing.

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I see what you're saying, they're on "our side" if they oppose and expose the Vax. But sooner or later--for this whole nightmare to come tumbling down--people will have to begin to realize that covid is a totally made-up thing, the virus has never been proved and in fact virology itself is a fraudulent "science."

Why believe parts of a completely fabricated story whose intent is to deceive and enslave?

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You probably know about Dr. Kaufman (and Dr. Cowan), but if not, he's the first guy that came forward in 2020 and said "the emperor's got no clothes," in terms of no actual virus. Check him out on bitchute, he's done many interviews and is very clear and plain-spoken.

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Will do.

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I agree. But his products over the years have been helpful to me.

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Thank you — coincidentally, I take Dr. Mercola’s eye support formulation, as my dad developed macular degeneration when he was elderly, and also because I have eye strain (my fault). I know it won’t necessarily prevent problems down the road, but I figure that anything that strengthens the health of my eyes is a plus.

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I to, developed macular, one eye dry, one wet! I’ve taken the vits for a long time, although recently d3veloped it anyway. I had a huge number of mris, X-rays, etc over the last five yrs. I attribute it to that. My retinal specialist said it could be, but hasn’t been proven enuf. It’s enuf for me. I ordered a pair of tanning goggles and will use them for all that can affect my eyes! Was nuts about a lead shield for thyroid, but never though5 about eyes!!! Good luck.

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It sounds like you've been through an awful lot -- more than anyone should have to go through. I hope your eyesight has been preserved and has stabilized. Best of luck to you too.

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Thank you so much -- I am sure there is a specific name for it, but so far my friend is frustratingly vague about the medical terminology being used by his wife's doctors -- starts to try to articulate it but then claims he is "no good at remembering that kind of thing". They live in another part of the country and I don't know his wife well enough to contact her directly. I will keep trying to get some specifics. You are so kind to offer your help.

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D-dimer to see if actively bleeding loads of capillaries in the eyes....

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Hi freelearner — it’s taken me a while, but I got the name of the condition my friend’s wife is suffering from: Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody disease (MOGAD). I know only enough to know that some post-vaxx neurological adverse events involve damage to the nerves’ myelin sheath. Fwiw, here’s some information on it from the Multiple Sclerosis Society:


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Nov 13, 2022
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I hope that he has been able to retain some vision. No one seems to know for sure what the outcome will be for some of these strange things that are happening to people.

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And here is another example that occurred in Canada during the Emergency Measures Act inquiry - the prosecutorial lawyer collapsed in what is now understood by anyone paying attention to be the classic vaccine-induced manner. fast forward to the 8:55 timestamp - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0I7TQ4EY4xU

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After that incident he deleted his tweets in 2021 bragging about getting his shots.

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As always, thank you and shared.

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Thank you for bringing up Alan Dana’s appearance, we need to have all pilots tested for health problems!

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So many sudden POST COVID VAX DEATHS? I worry that an oncoming car might have a driver that's been OVER-INJECTED with the POISON and that he/she might pass out or have a, now highly popular, Heart Attack that, since December 2020 has become an everyday occurrence.

Likewise, when flying to Scotland recently, I wonder when they might require a PILOT and TWO Co-Pilots 'cos sudden VAX related deaths are so frequent?

Make Pfizer & the other murdering Vax makers responsible for their irresponsible actions of making useless Depopulating injections (ridiculously called VACCINE?) while enjoying a LICENCE to KILL by way of the 1976 TEMPORARY CONCESSION of IMMUNITY from LIABILITY that they now regard as PERMANENT!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer

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It's tough to decide which was more depraved, forcing the shots onto airline pilots or pregnant women. Crimes against humanity.

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I've said this before but they didn't force it on anyone. Even losing your job is not forcing it. This is all an experiment for Them--they watch how We react--and probably laugh at how MANY succumb so easily.

If even 50% of pilots got together and said "No way, Jose," that b.s. "mandate" would have been over in a few days. Same across all industries. It ALL comes down to US, as David Icke has been urging since this started.

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The pace is quickening and not in a good way.

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Thanks for your commitment to tracking these vaxxidents!!!

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A question for you....how many swimmers have succumbed? As a swimmer myself... might the chlorinated water flowing thru nasal passages minimize the negative vaccine effects???

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People have "died suddenly" while swimming, all around the world—in pools as well as lakes, rivers and the ocean. (I don't see how chlorine in the nostrils could mitigate the effect of the spike proteins.)

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Was hopeful 😕

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Interesting. I’ve been rinsing my sinuses for over a year...

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Yes…that’s why the question.

I too use nasal rinse after being in a large crowd…no Covid to date!

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O M G. That poor woman. Good for you for persuading her not to get the Covid vaxx!!

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