Unfortunately, there is no vaccine against bad poetry.

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Sounded AI generated.

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That's the general impression received while reading.

Need to get some Rappers over to Africa






They have no warning and when one of

their own Doctors warns....THEY ARE ASSASSINATED.

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Testosterone is a candidate (I say this even though my T-level is basically zero as a result of Zoladex).

This GAVI nonsense is basic chick-lit.

It's SQUARELY aimed at women - who are the "shock troops" for all Narrative Management.

Ask yourself what demographic makes up most of the demand for dumb shit:

- dreamcatchers;

- copies of 'The Secret' and Maya Angelou anthologies;

- yoga pants; heels; face-glop; false eyelashes;

- face masks; jabs; rights-evisceration for non-compliance;

- kids getting ~70 needles of dubious efficacy before they're 10;

- politicians with nice teeth and good hair.

This is important.

There's more of them than there is of us; they're more gullible; they're scared and unhappy; they're vulnerable to slogans; they're more politically engaged (more enrolled; higher turnout).

They helped give us MRSA and antibiotic resistant pathogens because of their obsession with germ-free kitchens and their demand that little Tarquin be prescribed an antibiotic for a viral ear infection.

And when the sloganeers get one of their brain-worms into the target brain, women will hector the menfolk until the menfolk buckle.

The "COVID Karen" is just a subspecies of the societal cancer that is Karenism.

Notice the phenotypes among the 'poets'. Weak men.

Hard times make strong men;

Strong men make good times;

Good times make weak men;

Weak men make Clown World.


Change my mind. (I use Arch btw)

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Get this man 10cc of Rudyard Kipling STAT! If that doesn't work, we'll need the Bukowski.

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Real talk: when I first read "White Man's Burden" I thought Kipling was being ironic. I have his collected works, and the only piece that affected my weltanschauung is "Arithmetic on the Frontier".

I ought to have made clear - when I said that the "poets" were 'weak men' I was specifically talking about the pay-to-play soyboys in the examples in the article.

All I need to keep my head in the right space are -

Byron's "Epitaph to a Dog"; Chesterton's "The Secret People"; "The Bastard from the Bush"; and Catullus' Carmen 97.

And one line from "Rich Men North of Richmond", which is truly evocative and relevant to our current situation -

=== Wish I could just wake up and it not be true - but it is. Oh, it is. ===

I would have bet against a 6'6" left-handed Ginger-American, but I would've been wrong.

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Kipling’s ‘The Stranger’ is a gem

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LOL! Very good.

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there's power in music: don't comply - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_sEYlTwi54

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Eric Clapton & Van Morrison agree!


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tru dat

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Hey -- WTF, I am an unvaccinated woman who is none of the above (except I probably do own a pair of yoga pants) and there are just as many evil men cashing in on others' suffering and death, their portfolios being boosted by vax propaganda... But Tarquin, lol.

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It's OK - descriptions of group tendencies don't apply to every individual in the group.

So if someone (usually me) writes or says something inflammatory that includes a claim about a measure of 'central tendency' - e.g.,

* Khazarim are lying schemers and can't be trusted;

* Maori men and African-Americans have reduced impulse control relative to whites;

* women are dumber than men (and female IQ is less variable)

* politicians and bureaucrats are parasitoid vermin who should be exterminated, expropriated and their DNA removed from the human gene pool...

Well, each of those statements is only the basis for a 'prior' (in the Bayesian sense).

They're rules of thumb; 'prejudices', in other words.

Well, except for the one about politicians and bureaucrats - that's an axiom.

There are women in the right tail of the IQ distribution (more than 2σ above the mean) - I've been shacked up with one for 31 years.

Thing is, genuinely smart women are rarer than hen's teeth - which is precisely what the low variance of female IQ would imply.

The upside is that there are correspondingly few outright women-morons - in the 'tard region of the Bell Curve, men outnumber women 10:1.

Men are just the best at everything - engineering; drug abuse; murder; suicide; idiocy.

Despite her reasonably high verbal acuity, "The Lovely" is still in The Cave* on pretty much every issue of substance - she's only barely PINK-pilled on Pharma/Psych etc., which is sad.

That's invariably the case with smart women: they're very good with words, but terrible at shape-rotation and quant... and those two things are the aspects of cognition that are required to make a modern technological society work.

But it's not ALWAYS the case that smart women are vebalists; there exist women who can 'do' quant.

I've known two women who were highly competent economic modellers - both had PhDs in Mathematics, and were left-handed. One of them was objectively smarter than me, but less widely-read.

Back when there was talk that women could get rid of men, and humans could reproduce using "test tubes" (IVF) a wag observed that

=== A society run by women would fall apart the day the oil needed changing ===

(this could be updated to "the day the printer fell off the network" perhaps)

Still, that's not as good as the Greatest Zinger of All Time - from Bias of Priene in the 5th century BCE:

οί πλεῖστοι ἄνθρωποι κακοί


2500 years later, there's still no evidence against the proposition. That's a keeper.

(My translation of κακοί is biased - Bias/biased... get it? kek)

* The Allegory of the Cave - in Plato, "Republic", 7.514a et seq. Everybody should read it (or have someone give them the gist).



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LMAO--good one!

Doggerel. Woof-woof!

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Brought to you by Globalization and the IMF. The winners get a free ticket to a Hollywood movie.

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Ultimately, people get a free ticket to a dirt nap.

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what about good poetry?

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If your bank accounts can be closed for Freedom Convoys (Canada)...why not for genocide?

Lotta folks sucking at the GAVI and Gates Foundation teats.

Could make a dent.

Why did Melinda leave Bill again? Something about Epstein Island?

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but plenty of vaccines for non-existent contagious pathogens

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And no vaccine against the vaccinated.

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or against the vaccinators.

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Some else commented on another substack that the new variant is BS24/7, nice spin as is crapaganda, cheers.

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Sep 4, 2023
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Edward, but yeah.

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This is revolting beyond words. It's a CULT.

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Fauci Kool-Aid drinkers.

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Fauci--another blight on Italians! I call him Dr. Faustus instead.

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Fauci's name will be forever associated with Hitler's last name.

Both mass murderers.

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You're right! And Birx is Irma Grese or Ilse Koch, the female Hitlers of that day.

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What did she say in her book? “I just chose six feet distance, arbitrarily that people must follow, for when being in a larger group.” Haha. ~~~My own comty posted stickers on our PO floor, so we would know not to be too close when standing in line for mail. Can you beleeeeeve. ?! I wrote them, Leeedership, to remind them “we all know what a six foot man looks like, a six foot beach towel, and a six foot kitchen counter”. We don’t need stickers on the floor!! Here’s _____ room for your own disgust. Infantilizing to the max. LOL.

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Same with the idiotic arrows in the supermarket. So Covid germs won't spread if we all walk in one direction? The psy-op interns were probably laughing hysterically at the fact that they had made the public run around in circles while following arrows on the floor.

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It’s money. Period. They didn’t get the injections like the riches countries. As they learned the sides effects, a small minority took it....the rest destroyed. Gates philanthropist side is not to provide them with a well and food independence but poking all he could in poor countries.

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Ghates sterilized girls in Africa with his mmr vaccines trials and in India countryside experimented with hpv.in India his org is being sued due to side effects in India. Censorship keeps us all naive to this evil.

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Wow. Looks to be targeted to a certain segment of the population. Shameful and ugly.

Do Not comply.

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Gates doesn't want to lose access to testing his killer "products" on innocent African children.

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What would make me happy is if they all took money from him, then refused the vax and maybe broke a few wrists.

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His health emergency might come along yet, that is, if he got the real thing.

Shameful, criminal, wicked, corrupt.. even the words don’t mean the worst to describe him

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And a continent that is full of natural resources!

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There ya go. Hey, watch for wildfires, coming to a Continent near you.

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Yes, the "useless eaters" are getting in the way of stealing the wealth.

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"COVID Tyrants want to take away our Freedom. Hear my words— WE WILL NOT COMPLY." https://twitter.com/TeamTrump/status/1696931890555429249

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" Hear my words— WE WILL NOT COMPLY."

FFS being anti vax is not an act of rebellion. The 'elite' don't go near the vax either. Gates, Bourla, Tedros, Fauci are on the same team as the anti vaxxers.

Being anti vax is boring conformity. It's just common sense. It is copying the elites.

It's the vax injectors who are the mavericks, the ballsy, the reckless, the daredevils. They are the ones not complying with science, health or safety. Taking the vax is the true act of rebellion.

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Uh it's estimated that over a billion people took the covid "vaccine." It's okay if you don't like Trump.

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Sep 4, 2023
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Well we are going to get one (politician) so we need to choose the best from what is available.

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I think if enough people follow as you suggest and can be convinced to not vote well then "they" will have won. Even if I don't get my guy or gal (because of corruption or being legitimately out-voted) I'm still going to the voting booth.

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I will vote even if I have to wrote in a name

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as Blind Joe sang: I Will not Comply - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_sEYlTwi54

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Poems of lies, no vaccine has ever been proven to save any life. But clean water, nutritious food, santitation, warm/cool safe housing, no war, no famines, and a chemical free, natural life does save lives.

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the expose just posted 25 books that confirm your statement Koala. And I know at least 2 more!

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That's great. I did my own experiment. My son has never had any vaccines except Vitamin K that was given without parental consent. He is now in his early 20s and never even gets a sniffle, no allergies, no sickness, no depression, no other issues.

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the family of 7 that I know are the most healthy people I know, mom dad and their 5 kids. Very active, never get sick. In 10 years they had 2 problems for which a teledoctor was called in, and both times they could solve the problem with herbal treatments, very cheap and non-harming

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Excellent to hear, I use herbs, fresh leafy greens, fruit, and homeopathics too.

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It’s so disgusting I can’t even look at it

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skimmed through it, and saved it, because I want to remember the names of people who call themselves poets but who are infact paid puppets of propaganda.

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Sick as in horrific. And this is from a group (Gates at the head) that forced African women of childbearing age only to get five doses in two years time of the Tetanus shot laced with a sterility drug in order to receive their WHO aid. Horrific. And this is from a man and his quest for more billions to test all their new shots on Africans. Sick beyond belief.

Come on Kennedy!!!! Hoping for a better world for my children, our children, the children of the world. Look to the Amish and see what vaccination--or the lack of--has done. No ADHD, ADD, asthma, autism, allergies, cancers.... please wake up world! Our children need you!

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Kind of looks like they are trying too disable and kill brown people...

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Bill from the Gates of Hell, has done this for decades.

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I made a meme with a woodchipper, about his latest plan to save the world:


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From my book of poetry “Journeys into the Red Zone”. A poem that will not make you sick. It will give you hope.

“To Defeat the Beast”

When Satan walks the earth

Taking different shapes

Of men, beasts and things

Infecting the small and the mighty

Poisoning both the strong and the weak

Buying souls by the thousands

And then making them work

Tearing asunder, all that is just

And all that is good

Replacing; love with hate

Toleration with humiliation

Peace with war

Feasts with famines

Plenty with poverty

Life with death

Preying upon human sheep

No man, woman or child is safe

From his deadly embrace

Tis not safe in the world

When Satan walks the earth unchained

And unfettered by heaven and earth

Answering to no one

Destroying with reckless abandon

And a gleeful distain

For everything good in this world

For everything loved in this world

When Satan walks the earth

All that is just and good

Must forge iron swords of truth and justice

To be wielded by ordinary men and women

Whose purity of heart and conviction of soul

Will give them the strength and the courage

To defeat the beast

Sending him and his human whores

Back to the pit of hell

Back to the fire and brimstone

Back to where, they belong

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powerful, may it be so...

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Thanks! I am a bit optimistic.. those who are left will seek justice and will build a better world from the ashes of the old world. But what do I know? I’m just an old man “trying” to enjoy what is left of my life as the world dies.

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ha! im no spring chicken either, and i do understand the need to be present in each moment every day, and hold on to my knowing that nothing can truly keep the human spirit down! only way i can stay sane actually 🙂

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I have a better poem:

Vaxxie, vaxxie, so obsessed,

Wore your mask and took your tests.

Still got COVID, every strain,

Spike proteins inside your brain.

Short of breath at 24,

"Dr. Fauci, gimmie more!"

Proteins tangle and misfold,

Amyloidosis taking hold.

Swollen heart at 25,

"Thank Moderna I'm alive!"

There's no cure for microclot,

Getting worse with every shot.

Heart attack at 26,

Prayed to Pfizer for a fix.

Vaxxie, vaxxie, death is lurking,

Doctor says, "that means it's working"

Died of SADS at 27,

All good vaxxies go to heaven,

Obituary headline noted,

"Anti-Vaxxer Dies of COVID."

His family is quite upset,

But they're alive, at least on net.

And, they say, "it's for the better,"

Without the vax "he would be deader"

I wish I could claim authorship, but someone else is responsible for this gem.

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I think it was Conway judge

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The funniest thing I’ve read in months!

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Now have Oliver put it to music

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They mock us. They enjoy using our language, our values, particularly for life, against us.

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Now THAT's brainwashed!

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I couldn't bear to read these poems. Were they bribed?

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I took that for granted LOL

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I doubt very much they wrote them. They sound like pop songs ..... formulaic, professional, tightly written (by a ghost writer).

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Probably a modest pay-off as behooves artistes--and lots of free publicity.

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I wondered that myself.

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Many years ago, the great editor, Paul Krassner, published in his journal, THE REALIST, an anonymous poem sent by one of his readers:




I'd like to offer a variation inspired by vaccination poetry:




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👏🏽👏🏽Love it!

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written by AI ... lower your expectations ...

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This was in the 1960s and AI wasn't a thing yet.

And the first poem, not my version, is too good for AI.

Double anapest!

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It’s getting Creepier by the day. I am going to read them all twice, perhaps they convince me to get another vax in my lifetime.

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Bwahahahaha. This is awesome. Propaganda + line breaks = poetry.

Let's write our own!

By the year twenty-


You and I &

one &


shall be happy

& own





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