A year ago I would have dismissed this as conspiracy nonsense. But now I think it could very well be staged. Once you accept that governments world-wide are conspiring to depopulate us with the clot shots, then anything goes. I now accept that JFK and JFK Jr were both assasinated by the Deep State; 9-11 was an inside job; HIV=AIDS was a hoax and an earlier attempt at depopulation; the Moon Landings were a hoax. I'm even open to the possibility that outer space is fake, according to the flat earthers.

Here's another skeptical take on the subway shooting:


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I wouldn't credit "flat earth" theory, which is always used to ridicule the other, far more credible "conspiracy theories"—so consistently, in fact, that that movement may itself be a psy-op, to be lumped together with 9/11 Truth and the all the rest.

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Thank you, Mark — your clear thinking is something I crave. It’s why I was attracted to science and engineering in the first place, and spent so much of my career and time in those fields. What you wrote here makes sense to me. The “flat earth” stuff is a highly effective way to discredit all of us who question the narratives. A clever psy-op indeed!

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Apr 18, 2022
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It has happened with climate science as well, so I am not surprised by the Dean of Science at MIT. These people most assuredly don’t evaluate science on first principles outside their field. Even in their field, they are stuck since the school decided to adopt this stance, and so she’s all in (or she wouldn’t have a job!). I found the same to be true at Caltech, where I had been heavily involved in philanthropic activities there (after receiving my MSEE in 1986). I am so disgusted with that institution now and want nothing more to do with it.

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I agree!

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Yeah, don't even really need evidence for that one, it seems obvious to me. You hear these propagandists "9/11 truthers, antivaxxers, flat earthers - some people just don't BELIEVE in SCIENCE" ... one of those is not like the others...

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I too thought the same about flat earth, and, though I still believe the earth to be round and orbiting the sun in a solar system in a collection of solar systems called The Milky Way, you can't help but be implessed at the effort put in to some of the explanations. I would recommend watching the EWARANON videos. People are welcome to think whatever they want, but I recommend watching all 10 or so hours with your critical head on. I was still left with more questions than answers (and these are questions that I don't have the tech or intelligence to answer myself), but either way, I want some of what he's smoking.



and here's 3 more


No one has to tell me this is crazy, but it is quite possibly the best and most coherant argument you will ever watch, so I recommend at least giving it due respect.

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First 2 links are dead.

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They keep going dead, just look up ewaranon or lost history of flat earth on odysee.

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Apr 18, 2022
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He’s a guy with an opinion, and he expressed his opinion. I was not impressed with his reasoning. I don’t think it was planned as a psy op, but he has lost a lot of credibility with me when he stepped into this area.

There is so much we need to do! And we are wasting time with this sideshow.

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Agreed. Honestly I don't care at this stage if it is natural, man made, snake venom, or viruses don't exist. They aren't the problem and never were. The totalitarian worldwide response, pharma, globalist oligarchies are the problem. "People" are the problem (and I use the term people loosely...).

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Thank you. I usually am roundly castigated when I suggest that nearly everything covid now is old news; it's time we focus on the real problems that TPTB are causing, and their nefarious plans for humanity. Yes, it would be satisfying if some/all of these covid criminals were brought to justice, but the amount of time we would waste doing so simply allows TPTB to continue driving the train down into the abyss; we would be playing right into their hands. We need to identify the worst actors behind the push for totalitarianism and take steps to neutralize them and stop them from doing what they're doing.

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Can YOU (WE) stop BIG PHARMA, THE U.S. GOVERNMENT, AND THE MSM ALL UNDER THE CHRISTIAN VATICAN IN ROME, ITALY? Could patriotic Germans STOP Adolf Hitler during the Holocaust?

The ONLY thing that we CAN do is SURVIVE THEM and WARN others.

I post publicly and freely on MeWe. STAY WELL NATURALLY!


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Yes, yes, yes!

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Soilent Green is people! It’s peeeeeeeoopplle!

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Succinct and to the point — I agree!!

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Apr 18, 2022
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Couldn’t agree more!

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Apr 18, 2022
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Yes! Except that I do think Dr. Ardis himself is sincere in his beliefs, even if he is off the rails here. So… it wasn’t a “planned” psy-op, but is now turning into one in the way you describe here.

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Partially, yes!

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Your comment is very discouraging to me. You had me at first... but then, you think all 17 moon landings were fake? Outer space is fake? Are we losing ALL critical thinking skills here? I’m trying to get people on board with your first points, but there is no way I can go back to medieval times with primitive beliefs... a flat earth?

I worked as a satellite systems engineer for many years. I’ve long been interested in astronomy, the stars, etc. This kind of talk is just... ignorant. Even Copernicus and Galileo knew better.

No need to respond. You will believe what you want to believe. But SIGH.

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I doubt very much that the moon landing was a hoax, although some of the later stuff could have been staged. A lot of radical conspiracy theories like that are a form of psyops - seed ideas - designed to turn people off from the other stuff, much of which is real.

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What have you actually read about the moon landing?

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Well, it may be enough just to know that the soviets didn’t dispute it.

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Do you really think that's enough? After all we've seen in the last 2+ years?

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If you do even a little research on the moon landing you'll be amazed they have managed go pull it off for so long. I understood the comment about the "flat earth" meant something like, "At this point, I'm not discounting anything before I look into it," which was exactly my feeling after a year of this psyop. So I actually did look into the flat earth theory. I wasn't convinced and still retain my belief in the solar system, galaxy and universe, but with the suspicion that even that model quite possibly involves aspects of deception.

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Apr 19, 2022
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I prefer this, especially the part about the Soviets watching it in real time.https://www.fastcompany.com/90375425/apollo-11-landed-moon-how-you-can-be-sure-sorry-conspiracy

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I actually took the trouble to read this and that's wasted minutes I'll never get back. Are you serious? This is on the order of Facebook "fact checkers": full of unsupported assertions, baseless ad hominem attacks, snarky "conspiracy theorist" derision, and handwaving dismissal of the few pieces of evidence of hoax they simply alluded to, did not present. There is absolutely NOTHING of substance here. Are you serious in offering this and suggesting that this is all you need? What a perfect example of how to stay willfully blind. If this is a subject you don't care about, don't want to investigate or know about, prefer to accept the official narrative, at least be honest with yourself about it.

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I am “agnostic” about the moon landings. But you have to be careful about making false equivalences. The claim, or even the suspicion, that the moon landings were faked does not equal claims that there is no outer space. Nor does it equal claims that the earth is flat.

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Apr 18, 2022
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Amazing Doc. 😉

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Yes, I have 0 doubt all of the moon landings were fake. If it could have been done with 1960s technology then Elon Musk and Bezos would be routinely going there now. NASA actually claims they "lost" the Moon landing technology!


I didn't say I think outer space is fake, but I'm at least open to seriously considering the possibility it's fake. There are different positions on this:

1) One skeptic believes Flat Earth is nonsense but also believes everything NASA does is fake with the exception of satellites (only one-way space flight is possible).


2) Some believe Flat Earth is a CIA PSYOP but geo-centrism may be what's fake.

3) Some believe in Flat Earth and doubt outer space even exists i.e. the Earth is surrounded by a Firmament per the Bible.

I'm inclined towards #1 now but I honestly don't know. I've read a claim that Copernicus, Galileo, Newton and Darwin were all Freemasons i.e. satanists and can't be trusted. The globalists are constantly promoting Fake Science. Some claim they've been doing so for centuries- if true, then you have to question everything then.

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Freemasons weren't Satanists back then.

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It's difficult to tell when Freemasonry became evil- some say recently and others say its been evil from day one. George Washington was a 33 degree Freemason and I heard the claim Washington couldn't have been a satanist because Freemasonry hadn't been corrupted yet in the late 18th century. I read elsewhere that while Washington was president, someone in Europe wrote him and warned him that secret societies were infiltrating various governments for nefarious reasons. Washington denied knowledge of such societies and dismissed the warning- why lie if FM was innocent back then?

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Apr 18, 2022
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Nope, not going there. Going to the moon is not that hard, BTW. I’ve been in the space business my whole life, and listening to this type of ignorance is too much, and discourages me because I know how absolutely off-putting such claims are, and I’m trying to convince others regarding the real B.S. out there. But it got me thinking that, if someone just believed something because they were told to believe it, and didn’t understand it well... well, then you can start to question everything.

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Deborah, it's not BS; and how scientific is it to refuse to watch a documentary? Or read Bart Sibrel's Moon Man, or Dave McGowan's Wagging the Moondoggie. It IS "that hard," or they'd have been doing it routinely ever since.

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I filmed this short speech (from the dais), given by my late husband Harold A. Rosen when he won the prestigious 2015 Goddard Memorial Prize in Washington, DC. I worked with him a lot to craft (and practice!) this short speech, which summarized what he accomplished in a succinct manner: https://youtu.be/X7jFh3OwnMs

He died in January 2017.

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Doing it routinely… for what purpose? (“Been there, done that”). Mark, seriously, I have no interest in listening to twisted facts. I wish you would just stay away from this: it diminishes all your credibility and good arguments in the areas you do know more about.

I stick by my point: It isn’t that hard to go to the moon. I didn’t say it was easy, but we do know how to do it. Your assumption is that we would do it routinely assumes that there is a good reason to do it routinely. And there is none, despite all kinds of convoluted and hugely uneconomical schemes over the years for “mining minerals” from the moon — anything to justify the expense. My late husband (Harold Rosen) and I had a team to compete in the Google Lunar X Price for going to the moon… long story. We had the most viable team and experience, but we pulled out after it become clear that the real goal was not to actually go to the moon (we could do that), but to make it COMMERCIALLY viable to do so repeatedly — a losing proposition.

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How do know those "facts" are "twisted," if you don't know what they are? You're letting a bias prevent you from looking into an important subject.

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"Going to the moon is not that hard, BTW"

Sure - I've been there myself a couple of times. They now have KFC up there.

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" But it got me thinking that, if someone just believed something because they were told to believe it, and didn’t understand it well... well, then you can start to question everything." Or, it could get you to never question anything. I suggest you reread what you wrote and try to recognize the irony.

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I also hate how they if any footage used it is the worst. When you look at so much of the incredible hi res footage, like the recent Apollo 11, For All Mankind, etc, and you tell me how the heck they faked that over 50 years ago, sorry, hard pass.

And on flat earth? Please, if you are a flat earther in the US, call up one of your fellow flat earthers in say Western Australia or Africa and ask them what time it is, and where the sun is... And regards the whole argument, who cares? Say it is a global conspiracy? So what? To do what? When we have real "conspiracies" for power and money thru endless war, pharma, etc, they are the ones that matter. If I found out the world was flat, my response would be the same. SO WHAT?

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Me, too! Theories galore about everything. But alas, I guess many of us are attempting to get at the truth. Despite all the smoke and mirrors and debated minitue, I think we all know deep down that it is not lone nutters and 19 arabs with box cutters.

Not sure about the moon. But I sure love looking at it.

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Che la luna.

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Well, of course, throw in "flat earth" to muddy the waters. I am willing to bet you that no one on this thread believes in the flat earth theory, and many haven't even considered it. But yeah, mix it all together and then make fun of it all so you don't have to make any effort to find out why so many intelligent people with an ability for critical thinking have come to the conclusion that the moon landing was faked.

Up until recently, I just took for granted that the moon landing was genuine and was only dimly aware that there might be a few people who questioned it. Then one day when the subject came up tangentially with a friend whose intelligence I respect, and she was quite firm about believing it was a hoax, I went and checked it out. I didn't belittle her. I didn't call her a conspiracy theorist. I didn't say it was a waste of time to look into it. I fully expected to find she was wrong but very quickly realized she was right.

It seems clear that you and some others here are more anxious to protect your preconceived ideas and beliefs than about finding the truth.

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Apr 18, 2022
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Much to many people’s dismay, the fabulous Saturn V rocket technology was purposefully destroyed/ not saved for budgetary and other reasons, as NASA had decided to move on to other things.

It wasn’t about the computer technology, for as you rightly point out, it was very primitive by today’s standards.

Ha! You think going into low (or any) orbit means you are smart? It just means you are brave. The engineers, mechanics, scientists, project managers, etc., who made it happen are the smart ones.

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Apr 18, 2022
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We know there are surveillance cameras in the subway, so that's pretty strange if no surveillance camera footage has shown up.

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Teasing out psyops requires good detective work. Suspect anything the MSM toots. I think Mark you know the signs and can smell a rat better than most. Suspicion is a good start.

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Its pretty disheartening to come to the realization that basically all geopolitics during my lifetime were scripted. JFK obviously mafia or govt (same thing). I never gave 2 seconds thought to 9/11. Never considered lunar landing fake. Now I nearly as sure on the other sides of the same coin. Clearly space exists but landing on the moon, then, and returning back. Hmmm well. Am I sure about this subway attack? No, but even before this posts I noticed several of the questionable aspects of the videos pointed out herein. Its awfully strange how all of a sudden there are multiple shootings and none of them fit the recently prescribed profile. In and of itself that is enough to question the veracity.

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Did the people behind the covid hoax stop to consider how much they were destroying the credibility of?

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Re: the moon landings:

I find blind spots fascinating e.g. how the Left eagerly jump on the covid bandwagon because it seems they can be ferociously sceptical about all sorts of organisations but not about the medical/scientific establishment. Similarly, there’s a commenter over on Off-Guardian by the name of Petra who fearlessly denounces most of what she sees on the TV news as staged bullshit ... but not the moon landings. Why not?

I can only assume it’s because these landings provide some kind of psychological assurance that the human race can truly pull together to do something remarkable and that “Science” can indeed “redeem us”.

Well sure, if it’s true then it is indeed something to be proud of. (Or perhaps not. There are many who believe it happened but are disgusted that the millions spent on it were not put to more urgent use considering world hunger etc.)

But viewed as a psy-op, it seems to me to fulfil some functions.

First, it was used as a distraction from tensions at the time – most obviously Vietnam. (And how the ruling class love their appeals to unity as witness covid’s “We are all in this together”)

Second, it made up for psychological wounds in the American psyche after the Russians had the nerve to be the first to send a man into space. Steven King has documented the trauma this caused. And of course now, under cover of protest against the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Americans are even trying to delete Yuri Gagarin from the history books.

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And as in all of the psyops the key component seems to be funneling money somewhere.

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I'm questioning everything nowadays - - at a time, of course, when 90% of the people around me are apparently questioning maybe 5% of what they see! Oh well. "Comfortable being alone in my views" as Chris Martenson says. So your comment about the Moon landing makes perfect sense. Science, the great redeemer, always seems to show up at the right time, right place.

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I find it is unnecessary to believe a thing - that it is wise to entertain the thing, swish it around in your mouth, check the texture, evaluate the flavour - but you don't have to believe in it (swallow) to consider it. Ergo - there is very little that we actually know. We run from belief to belief, investing in each - when they, too, are merely thoughts. Let them go. (kind of a Zen answer, I know).

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I reckon 80% never question anything at all. It's as if the "news" comes to them in a totally unproblematic straight way.

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I saw this video in which the narrator points out what seems like a woman directing people. https://www.bitchute.com/video/NPDG2YKIZ3mr/

There are a bunch of people wearing red and black (maybe red and black is the rage in Sunset Park these days?) (There is also a guy in red sneakers like in Orlando. Coincidence?)

At one point, there is a man standing holding one black shoe in midair. He waits and then tosses the shoe. Bizarre. You would think people would show more interest in getting away.

(Disclaimer - I don't necessarily agree with everything said by the narrator. Some of what it shows is interesting. I have not really verified this source or had time to look at their other videos)

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It certainly would be a good Psyop if that's what it was. I mean good timing. Just as people are starting to get back to normal. Hey, stay home stay safe!

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I agree, any big event in this country could be a false flag. Especially if normal surveillance cameras "happen to not be working" that day. 🙄 Every event should be evaluated with scrutiny, and not believed at face value until you have a chance to weigh the evidence yourself.

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Perhaps it is time to keep our skepticism on a shorter leash. to stage this with all the critical timing and moving parts..?? then what about paying for this mini production.. ?? regarding the cameras being out.. I bet 30% of the subway cameras are out.. gangs screw them up all the time.. I give this incident a 5% possibility of being staged..

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Why do we need to believe it? Why do we need to dis-believe?

The Observer doesn't need to attach to any narrative.

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I remember the incredible detective work uncovering the Boston Marathon bombing. Crisis actors who appeared ubiquitously in other staged events (along with, famously, a war hero who lost a leg fighting in Afghanistan who happened to have lost the same leg again during the Boston Marathon "bombing")

There were two locations that the Boston explosions occurred. One was cordoned off and the other was given the full televised treatment. Whenever I mentioned it to friends, relatives and collegues I was called a conspiracy theorist.

Great work uncovering the latest event designed to take away any freedom we might have enjoyed up until now. In China they have had police, metal detectors and luggage x rays for well over a decade in order to enter the subway. The assumption that this will be rolled out throughout the USA as well is a highly likely scenario.

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There's a man now facing the death penalty because of the Marathon bombing.

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Thanks for providing some context and info.

I stated that there were two locations, one was cordoned off (presumably this was a genuine attack) and another one which was given most of the attention via press and what appeared to be crisis actors.

My point in referencing the Boston bombing was not to deride those who genuinely lost their lives nor to insinuate that innocent (nor guilty) individuals should be unjustly punished but to raise how the spectacle of attention of these events happen to coincide with the agendas of intelligence agencies.

Another good example of this is 9/11. Nobody can deny that the twin towers went down with people in them, that planes were hijacked with terrorists who had training with flight instructors. The individuals in question were well known to the authorities. What has been denied is why all military planes were sent to Utah on a training mission coincidentally at the exact time that the event happened to take place, inconveniently preventing any aircraft from reaching NYC or the pentagon in time to prevent the incidents from occurring. Also building 7 collapsed at free-fall speed without being hit. Passports were recovered intact at the scene after the buildings were reduced to cinders and rubble.

Yes, many people died. The tragedy of incidents such as these occurring is that there is real loss of life and yet the staged sequences are still instigated enabling authorities to enact their planned restrictions on the populace.

Please understand I do not mean to undermine the level of tragedy that befalls innocents when events like these are 'allowed' to take place. We have to look deeper at why they happen and not follow the lead and talking points of secret service propagandists who have exploited these events known to authorities in order to gain advantage of the citizenry.

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It just drove it home to me - like with the Port Arthur "massacre" that they are willing to kill citizens for their own ends. It doesn't make the deaths any less real that they were caused by one of our own.

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This whistleblower testimony seems to confirm similar conclusions regarding three-letter-agencies and orchestrated world events, that are designed to remove our freedom and keep us enslaved


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The strange thing about this piece, the filmed shooting in a NY subway. 3 years ago I would have thought you guys were crackpots

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Spot on, appreciate you calling these details out Mark Miller. These orchestrated shooting incidents make me think to something researcher Mae Brussell used to talk about. She would reference the 70s film CABARET (the backdrop happenings in that film), and forecast that the cartel/cabal would escalate more and more the terror/fear operations chaos in the same manner in the U.S., flooding America with incidents such as all these orchestrated shootout operations to bring the totalitarian regime closer into place.

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I’m glad you brought this up … of course we reflexively wonder about the veracity of emotional news stories. All mass shootings should alert us to what is going on in the gun control world, they often proceed legislative efforts … staged or not shootings are often conspicuously timed. I wonder though, if this was staged, why not cast more a obvious villain? A Kyle rittenhouse look alike? Why not make the victims more LGBTQish? I mean if you are going to the risk and effort of staging a major story like this where there are many legitimate witnesses (risky ground for staging!) … why not go for the obvious story that feeds an already raging narrative? The “casting” seems too obscure?

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My only counterpoint to your take is that the MSM has largely ignored the story because of the identity of the alleged shooter.

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That is not how really terrified people run away. They don't stop until they get all the way home.

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We know that with sirhan sirhan , he did indeed shoot at rfk.

However, he was supported by the security guard behind rfk who had the same gun.

In this case I wondered why he didn't shoot to kill... Not even the police do this lol

Same with the colorado shooting at the theater.... Many things didn't check out.

But it did happen just it was kind of illogical.

Oh and the shooting at the center in California where there was no footage and they later caught the woman who was tiny yet nobody described a short gunman.

So who knows what really happened

.. If we can verify the victims we can say he really did shoot but it still doesn't eliminate the tl programmed assassin or patsy theory....

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