Over two dozen incidents of insane violence nationwide, from just last month alone, confirm the likelihood that "vaccination" is not just dangerous itself, but has made people dangerous, too
Honestly I think these incidents are just more evidence of the breakdown of western civil society and not related to the vaxes. People have become so self centered and selfish that this stuff has become common place. I bet many of these people are on ssri meds too.
I think the lockdowns really screwed a lot of people up for life. I know several people that were deeply changed by the fear porn and isolation. You could be correct though and it’s the vaxxes but I think we tend to blame everything on them. Either way my little town isn’t the same as 2019 and there are lots of odd going ons lately.
Agreed. During the lockdowns car drivers did all kinds of nutty things in residential neighborhoods...speeding, loud excessive engine noise because they could etc.
as the vxx is destroying the overall health of the nation i would expect more and more facets of society to crumble and limits to bad behaviour be broken
I know that fear response can short circuit higher reasoning and I originally leaned toward that explanation. but I do think it's possible that some level of physiological frontal lobe impairment is a force multiplier. fear is temporal. I wonder exactly how little damage can alter one's ability to reliably access rational thought centers? guessing it's mostly undetectable until it isn't - and that takes a lot of time to determine conclusively in diagnostic terms.
in the last 2 years our little rural town has had much more violence, even a few murders. In the 15 years before that (since I live here) there were may be 3 in total. Now there are several murders a month. And the next over bigger town is a real disaster. It was bad when I moved here but nowadays I refuse to go there.
I would even say since 2023. This year has been nuts. I live in Thailand and reports of these ultraviolent episodes have dramatically increased this year… bearing in mind that Thailand was initially much less violent than the West.
So after taking James Corbett's course on Media, I've limited my screentime use, one reason being that videos and media give us experiences we've never physically had, thus ultimately warping our sense of reality (https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/4-reasons-to-stop-watching-news-and)
I think there's plenty of things that we can do to FIGHT BACK against the system (ps: stopping being dependent on the system is one: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/how-to-not-quiet-quit-and-live-your) but i caution about these videos and clips because all it does is make us, the readers, live in more doom and gloom --
Have they "multip[lied] only since 2020?" One can't really get statistics, but I did find, for one state, that reported simple assaults increased only modestly between 2016 and 2022/3. ( I also just discovered that duckduckgo no longer allows one to select a past time period, such as 2015 to 2019, which one used to be able to specify to get a flavor of old news. )
But on that note, we have no idea how much mental health plays in all this and we all know the lockdowns and honestly our world since then, our virtual ocularcentric world (https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/our-ocularcentric-society) ACTUALLY CONTRIBUTES to these mental crises. The vaxes might just be the trigger, but it can't be looked at as the sole cause.
These are most likely BIOWEAPON JAB related and just starting.
Football and all the other "bread and circuses" will be done soon.
America is being INVADED and people fight over seats at a game.
I predict from going down rabbit holes for decades this will accelerate to DRs and any other COLLABORATORS that murdered folks with POISON JABS being EXECUTED in their offices or homes or on the street.
Politicians and MSM WHORES also as the families who had kids and spouses and siblings MURDERED by these BOUGHT OFF GLOBALIST COLLABORATORS will start to do what the COWARDS in the POLICE Forces won't do.
From a spiritual standpoint, this all looks like demonic influence. Demons are real and they quite literally want people to kill. Not to put too fine a point on things but all Satan's minions want to do is use/influence people, ruin them (through temptation, or negative emotions, or lack of self control) and take people to Hell for eternity. Influencing someone to kill damns at least one person to Hell unless the killer repents. Depending on the state of the soul of the victim, they may also be damned. The jab may have an ingredient that makes people more susceptible to demonic influence.
These videos are shocking. The level of anger is over the top and out of proportion for the infraction. It’s rage isn’t it, not just anger. I have noticed rudeness too and a coldness, just since 2021. No smiles or warmth. Harsh customer service. Impatience. Very noticeable. I think people are injured. As well they are losing control of their lives and lashing out. Kick the dog syndrome. We need to have some feeling of power over our lives. These last few years really tested us. Here’s something that helps me process what we are witnessing from 2 Timothy 3:1-5 “But mark this: there will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God-having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.”
Thanks Dr. Miller - yes, it's a combination of toxic chemicals in the environment, in vaccines, and in the media, and EMF fields and high-stress economics, and a deliberate "divide-and-conquer" strategy by the plutocrats - We have to be super vigilant these days, and also have compassion for each other and not let the psychopathic oligarchs pit us against each other...
Throw in a year-long lock-down, add racial rioting, include normalizing transsexual surgery, legalize marijuana, mix in a stolen elections, churn in the police stand-downs instead of protection and enforcement, and voila! you have an exploding society.
Other researchers have also written about the strange cognitive effects of the vax (Igor Chudov), and there might be something to it. We know it crosses-the blood-brain barrier and does it have an effect like SSRI's causing homicide/suicide or is it more "indirect" and just makes one feel horrible enough to lash out at the world? (We do have a recent case of a pretty East European actress who euthanized herself due to her vax-life misery).
With all the above said, we must note that MOST of these acting-out events take place in THE country where everything of valor is degraded, while most of destructiveness is legitimized by both the controllers and half the population. It ain't happening in other western countries as of yet to any degree comparable. Cultural history repeats and expands itself.
Mankind is seperated from God and the gulf gets wider.All these things vaxx, body mutalation, war , violence play into but the conflic is unseen because it is spiritual.
Mark, a spirit of lawlessness is overtaking the nation that feels sonewhat like what i have read of what germany was like after WWI--a complete loss of values. It might be connected to vaxx but might not. I believe as people see the bottom falling out of the facets of ‘normal’ on so many fronts, what veneer of civilization that is left is going to be completely gone soon. I would say we are witnessing the rise of ‘demoralization’ as the KGB defector shared 50 years ago on that famous interview. We are on the Titanic and its not going to be a “stay calm and carry on” version of that tragedy. I expect it to get very bad and very ugly.
Yes. I think you are right. the average person seeing the lawlessness of our leaders going into high gear during Obama etc has empowered people without much of conscience or grounding to just give in to these same temptations. Unfortunately bad apples within police have made it worse. The relentless uniparty running roughshod over all moral conduct against political rivals and Covid injustice kicked things into o/drive.
would be interesting to know how many cell towers or 5g transmitters there are in proximity to each of these incidents. EMF in general is unhealthy. and is there a chemical in the covid shot which can be remotely activated to trigger aggression?
yup! full out convinced it's the signal + clot-shot nano tech... seen it in The Kingsman (church scene, cell-phone triggered fight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZCtSq3yDPs ) an' of course Rawanda... that signal came from a plane (de plane de plane). Turn off yer cells at 2pm ya'll--don't wanna repeat!
I'm with Mark on this. Family members with unprovoked confrontations, inexplicable off-the-charts anger. My view is this is caused by early onset dementia from the bioweapons.
I've also been listening to theories that earth's weakening magnetic field has an effect on people's brains...it looks like the weakening has sped up in the last few years with some people putting the field down to just 65-70% of where it was for the last several hundred years(interestingly the chinese sent a ship up to investigate this earlier in the summer but have not released their results...which might lead you to believe they are worried) ...apparently in a lab experiment with mice, tested under different magnetic field level exposures, as the field was weakened they became increasingly more violent...which when the field was completely taken away, they ended up not just killing each other but eating each other as well...food for thought indeed...
A friend told me about her suburban neighbor who has been threatening to shoot her dog. The dog, a rescued pit bull got into the neighbors back yard recently. My friend was able to get the dog out with the aid of the mans wife. I told her to take the situation VERY seriously after reading this article. Sept. 30: Manhattan woman Jackie Billini, 57, is SHOT DEAD just months after being threatened by hammer wielding attacker who broke her arm - with man and dog also killed.
I have noticed drivers spacing off at green lights. Not a day goes by in my big city where I have to give at least one driver ahead a little "toot toot" to wake them up. Maybe I am more impatient, but I do wait a few seconds before honking.
Honestly I think these incidents are just more evidence of the breakdown of western civil society and not related to the vaxes. People have become so self centered and selfish that this stuff has become common place. I bet many of these people are on ssri meds too.
"The breakdown of Western civil society" has been going on for decades. Why would these "altercations" have begun to multiply only since 2020?
I think the lockdowns really screwed a lot of people up for life. I know several people that were deeply changed by the fear porn and isolation. You could be correct though and it’s the vaxxes but I think we tend to blame everything on them. Either way my little town isn’t the same as 2019 and there are lots of odd going ons lately.
Agreed. During the lockdowns car drivers did all kinds of nutty things in residential neighborhoods...speeding, loud excessive engine noise because they could etc.
as the vxx is destroying the overall health of the nation i would expect more and more facets of society to crumble and limits to bad behaviour be broken
I know that fear response can short circuit higher reasoning and I originally leaned toward that explanation. but I do think it's possible that some level of physiological frontal lobe impairment is a force multiplier. fear is temporal. I wonder exactly how little damage can alter one's ability to reliably access rational thought centers? guessing it's mostly undetectable until it isn't - and that takes a lot of time to determine conclusively in diagnostic terms.
in the last 2 years our little rural town has had much more violence, even a few murders. In the 15 years before that (since I live here) there were may be 3 in total. Now there are several murders a month. And the next over bigger town is a real disaster. It was bad when I moved here but nowadays I refuse to go there.
I would even say since 2023. This year has been nuts. I live in Thailand and reports of these ultraviolent episodes have dramatically increased this year… bearing in mind that Thailand was initially much less violent than the West.
So after taking James Corbett's course on Media, I've limited my screentime use, one reason being that videos and media give us experiences we've never physically had, thus ultimately warping our sense of reality (https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/4-reasons-to-stop-watching-news-and)
I think there's plenty of things that we can do to FIGHT BACK against the system (ps: stopping being dependent on the system is one: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/how-to-not-quiet-quit-and-live-your) but i caution about these videos and clips because all it does is make us, the readers, live in more doom and gloom --
Interested in any thoughts there.
Left a comment at your site.
Have they "multip[lied] only since 2020?" One can't really get statistics, but I did find, for one state, that reported simple assaults increased only modestly between 2016 and 2022/3. ( I also just discovered that duckduckgo no longer allows one to select a past time period, such as 2015 to 2019, which one used to be able to specify to get a flavor of old news. )
I would agree with Michelle. The vaxes are one thing, but that's a great callout on SSRI "drugs." (PS: I like to use the word DRUGS vs MEDS: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-dark-side-of-medicine-see-no)
But on that note, we have no idea how much mental health plays in all this and we all know the lockdowns and honestly our world since then, our virtual ocularcentric world (https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/our-ocularcentric-society) ACTUALLY CONTRIBUTES to these mental crises. The vaxes might just be the trigger, but it can't be looked at as the sole cause.
it's the vax...DO NOT BE FOOLED...the childrens vax "program " starts the mental problems...then watch out when you add POISON ON TOP of that...
I assume that by "the vax" you mean the various vaccines which have been injected into children in recent decades, not just the MRNA jabs.
These are most likely BIOWEAPON JAB related and just starting.
Football and all the other "bread and circuses" will be done soon.
America is being INVADED and people fight over seats at a game.
I predict from going down rabbit holes for decades this will accelerate to DRs and any other COLLABORATORS that murdered folks with POISON JABS being EXECUTED in their offices or homes or on the street.
Politicians and MSM WHORES also as the families who had kids and spouses and siblings MURDERED by these BOUGHT OFF GLOBALIST COLLABORATORS will start to do what the COWARDS in the POLICE Forces won't do.
Not condoning it it's human nature though.
From a spiritual standpoint, this all looks like demonic influence. Demons are real and they quite literally want people to kill. Not to put too fine a point on things but all Satan's minions want to do is use/influence people, ruin them (through temptation, or negative emotions, or lack of self control) and take people to Hell for eternity. Influencing someone to kill damns at least one person to Hell unless the killer repents. Depending on the state of the soul of the victim, they may also be damned. The jab may have an ingredient that makes people more susceptible to demonic influence.
This is merely an early glimpse of the Glacial Mad Max scenario that Ed Dowd has been predicting.
You can discount the Real Housewives of NJ. They've been violent from the outset, more than a decade ago.
These videos are shocking. The level of anger is over the top and out of proportion for the infraction. It’s rage isn’t it, not just anger. I have noticed rudeness too and a coldness, just since 2021. No smiles or warmth. Harsh customer service. Impatience. Very noticeable. I think people are injured. As well they are losing control of their lives and lashing out. Kick the dog syndrome. We need to have some feeling of power over our lives. These last few years really tested us. Here’s something that helps me process what we are witnessing from 2 Timothy 3:1-5 “But mark this: there will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God-having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.”
Thanks Dr. Miller - yes, it's a combination of toxic chemicals in the environment, in vaccines, and in the media, and EMF fields and high-stress economics, and a deliberate "divide-and-conquer" strategy by the plutocrats - We have to be super vigilant these days, and also have compassion for each other and not let the psychopathic oligarchs pit us against each other...
Throw in a year-long lock-down, add racial rioting, include normalizing transsexual surgery, legalize marijuana, mix in a stolen elections, churn in the police stand-downs instead of protection and enforcement, and voila! you have an exploding society.
Other researchers have also written about the strange cognitive effects of the vax (Igor Chudov), and there might be something to it. We know it crosses-the blood-brain barrier and does it have an effect like SSRI's causing homicide/suicide or is it more "indirect" and just makes one feel horrible enough to lash out at the world? (We do have a recent case of a pretty East European actress who euthanized herself due to her vax-life misery).
With all the above said, we must note that MOST of these acting-out events take place in THE country where everything of valor is degraded, while most of destructiveness is legitimized by both the controllers and half the population. It ain't happening in other western countries as of yet to any degree comparable. Cultural history repeats and expands itself.
It's happening worldwide. It's even happening in long-peaceful Thailand.
Mankind is seperated from God and the gulf gets wider.All these things vaxx, body mutalation, war , violence play into but the conflic is unseen because it is spiritual.
Mark, a spirit of lawlessness is overtaking the nation that feels sonewhat like what i have read of what germany was like after WWI--a complete loss of values. It might be connected to vaxx but might not. I believe as people see the bottom falling out of the facets of ‘normal’ on so many fronts, what veneer of civilization that is left is going to be completely gone soon. I would say we are witnessing the rise of ‘demoralization’ as the KGB defector shared 50 years ago on that famous interview. We are on the Titanic and its not going to be a “stay calm and carry on” version of that tragedy. I expect it to get very bad and very ugly.
Yes. I think you are right. the average person seeing the lawlessness of our leaders going into high gear during Obama etc has empowered people without much of conscience or grounding to just give in to these same temptations. Unfortunately bad apples within police have made it worse. The relentless uniparty running roughshod over all moral conduct against political rivals and Covid injustice kicked things into o/drive.
would be interesting to know how many cell towers or 5g transmitters there are in proximity to each of these incidents. EMF in general is unhealthy. and is there a chemical in the covid shot which can be remotely activated to trigger aggression?
yup! full out convinced it's the signal + clot-shot nano tech... seen it in The Kingsman (church scene, cell-phone triggered fight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZCtSq3yDPs ) an' of course Rawanda... that signal came from a plane (de plane de plane). Turn off yer cells at 2pm ya'll--don't wanna repeat!
I'm with Mark on this. Family members with unprovoked confrontations, inexplicable off-the-charts anger. My view is this is caused by early onset dementia from the bioweapons.
More cameras around. I think it isnt more its just more recorded.
I've also been listening to theories that earth's weakening magnetic field has an effect on people's brains...it looks like the weakening has sped up in the last few years with some people putting the field down to just 65-70% of where it was for the last several hundred years(interestingly the chinese sent a ship up to investigate this earlier in the summer but have not released their results...which might lead you to believe they are worried) ...apparently in a lab experiment with mice, tested under different magnetic field level exposures, as the field was weakened they became increasingly more violent...which when the field was completely taken away, they ended up not just killing each other but eating each other as well...food for thought indeed...
A friend told me about her suburban neighbor who has been threatening to shoot her dog. The dog, a rescued pit bull got into the neighbors back yard recently. My friend was able to get the dog out with the aid of the mans wife. I told her to take the situation VERY seriously after reading this article. Sept. 30: Manhattan woman Jackie Billini, 57, is SHOT DEAD just months after being threatened by hammer wielding attacker who broke her arm - with man and dog also killed.
You're seriously linking this to the vaccines?!
What a fool.
I have noticed drivers spacing off at green lights. Not a day goes by in my big city where I have to give at least one driver ahead a little "toot toot" to wake them up. Maybe I am more impatient, but I do wait a few seconds before honking.