Notice he fell, then got back up and started rapping before he fell again.

Only one conclusion can be drawn from this.

Commotio cordis.

(If you disagree you’re a transphobe Nazi).

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Bad headache. He will reappear even if he is dead. The Buffalo Bills player did. And With his mom? How did the Evils pull that one? There is not enough money in the world!

Interesting that the owner of the Buff Bills also had a Cardiac arrest around 2020 presumably from the Bioweapon injection because she was otherwise healthy and a proponent of it.

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Commotio cordis is cause by direct trauma to the chest. I missed the part where he took a baseball to the sternum.

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Found the transphobic Nazi!

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I know you are but what am I 🤪

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I met a woman on my dog walk this morning. Hadn’t seen her for 2 years......”How have you been?” Back and forth talk. She said a lot of her family had died or is dying from aggressive cancers, and have died from heart attacks. I said, “it’s the vaccines.” She angrily said, “of course it’s not!” And walked away. So. This is like an inner self afflicted terrorist attack into the mind of the vaxxed. By her against here self, and now me. There won’t ever be change of dogma. It was so easy to create the inner Marxist.

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i got a similar reply yesterday, mind boggling actually. the person said it seems all her friends are coming down with either heart issues or cancer. i replied with a peer reviewed study (this is a virtue-signaling "follow the science" type person, so you'd think this would resonate). she immediately rebuffed, calling the study BS, and said if it was the vaccines it would be obvious because we'd be seeing it everywhere. (umm... didn't *you* just say you're seeing it everywhere?) but that's how propaganda & gaslighting works, get you to ignore what's in front of your own eyes.

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If that was happening, it would be all over the news! lol. lmao.

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Ask her what her theory is then: If not the jabs, what?

What happened in the past couple of years to trigger such a horrible outcome in so many otherwise healthy people?

If she says, “Covid,” ask her specifically what the problem is: Is it the Spike Protein?

Why would that be the culprit seeing each jab introduces billions of them into the body?

Let’s see how their minds work.

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Their minds work??!

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they say, all the people deferred health treatment from fear of Covid, so now they are dying....umm

ever notice how they always have a one sentence response that makes NO SENSE!

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Yeah, all those suddenly gone young people should have known their strength, stamina and enthusiasm for life was a sure sign of bad things to come and needed some doctoring.

Makes perfect sense!

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She will say it’s all ‘long covid” due to getting sick before magic elixirs were available. Also somehow Trump did it.

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That’s where I’d push and say, “Long Covid? Ok. So what specifically is the mechanism of harm in the Covid infection of any duration?”

She’ll inevitably conclude the Spike Protein as she’d be unaware of the other nefarious elements within the ClotShot. Once she says Spike, you then inquire again about those safe and effective shots and their billions of little helpers.

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part of this mind control is "not allowed to ask questions" believe the experts, do as told in exchange for safety. The spell has been broken minus a few willing to die for their belief in what exactly?

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I will try this…

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Yep. I literally had a friend tell me that since he hasn’t seen news of vaccine injury on the the network news or in the NYT any talk of vaccine dangers are in the category of fringe thinking.

It is a religion now.

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It truly does seem like a religion that the participants, the sacrament takers, experiencing alarming disease, refuse to link to their multiple injections.

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By the way, the apologists are heavily into “Long Covid” as one of their chief excuses, whatever that is. Is there anyone who knows for sure what it is? I have found nothing definitive on it yet. I expect I never will.

My kids when they very small invented a character they called "Bibby Bobby." He copped the blame for most of their misdemeanours! I see a direct parallel here.

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Ha ha.

We had "Dewey Dewey Dewey!"

"Dewey Dewey Dewey" met an unfortunate end on a long road trip.....

via spankings.

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IMO things will only change when MEDICAL DOCTORS begin attributing adverse events to even the possibility that it was caused by the injection. Until then, those that want to desperately believe "safe & effective" will cling on to that for dear life.

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It’s hard to get Killers to admit what they’ve done to their Patients.

But one day they will ⏳

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but you would think the patients who be unwilling to cover backwards...mind control

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I struggle with these people. To say something or not to say something… the people I know who are fully entrenched… I’ve decided it’s best to say nothing and just let it lie. I usually just say ‘I’m so sorry for all your loss.’ Which is really all they wanna hear!

A person I know

Vaxxed himself and his family

His dad was dx with liver cancer

And was Dead the following week

I told him to look to the vaccine as the cause … and he was open to hearing it. Said he won’t get anymore jabs himself. I told him for the sake of his young kids that’s his best choice .

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I can’t help myself. I say it even if it doesn’t make a difference at that moment you never know if the seed will sprout a year from now. Maybe that denier will mention it to someone else who happens to hear truth....

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If we don't say it we will never know if saying could have helped.

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Oh, I already have. Many times.

All my old friends and family know exactly what I think about the injections that I gently warned them against.

Now when they call to talk clot, cancer, new neurological problem, I just listen and say nothing. My lack of response is deafening.

If they asked me for recommendations, I'd be thrilled. Every single person I knew had always called me for health advice for decades - until January 2021.

I even loaded up with tons of extra C and herbs (and this time IVM) to hand out like I've done my whole life and no one came to me except my sons.

I have a LOT of vit C and herbs now.......

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Wow, Jill. They knew you were a trusted source of health information until they were told otherwise. My Dad was born in 1918, and I remember he used the word “ingrate” a lot. Seems appropriate here.

I, too, say nothing when people tell me of their inexplicable health problems post jab. They know what I think already. The die is cast...

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Thanks Bridget.

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Same. They shut me down but I still try to pepper comments about injuries/death from mRNA shots into conversation. You never know when that seed might sprout and who it could save

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I pretend they can read my mind.

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You did it!! You saved some people! ❤️ So exciting. I keep trying, I think a few have listened but they don’t ask any further questions like I did after I took two of the shots...yeah I know 🙁 But the silence and lack of curiosity is dumbfounding.

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". . . the silence and lack of curiosity is dumbfounding". EXACTLY.

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they want to move on with their lives and act like nothing happened

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If only weight gain was linked to the jabs. Then everybody would be talking about it.

But then the TPTB would offer new Boosters loaded up with Ozempic, probably.

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If you say nothing, they accuse you of murder, if you try to tell, they say you're crazy. It's a circular "unwinnable" argument.

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I find too they don't want to go there. I can't imagine how scared they must really be after the truth is coming out. I think denial is safer than facing what was done to them.

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I had a nightmare that I was force-jabbed and deathly afraid of what was in my future. I woke up in a cold sweat with my heart racing but so grateful it was only a dream. I can understand why jabbed up people can’t bring themselves to confront this.

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I did confront it, I feel an uncertain future but I research to see how I can help myself, have been taking tests. I’m more concerned with my totally unaware family...I tried many times. I do agree...I think most know the danger and don’t want to face it.

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Fizzygurl -same for me. I pray a lot. And I am so blessed to go to a doc at Tenpenny’s practice.

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I’m also a Laura...two things in common. I will pray for us and everybody else who got duped.

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That’s right! We have previously commented with each other. 🥰


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Oh nice! Good for you. Any detox ideas or therapies they recommend? I need to wrangle up a good naturopath or something. I yelled at my doctor because he wouldn’t give me an order for a test or a script for ivermectin.

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Laura (Fuzzygurl) - someone in this thread mentioned ozone therapy. Tenpenny's office offered UBI - ultraviolet blood irradiation (same thing I think). I did 3 or 4 sessions just because they suggested. I haven't had any symptoms of an adverse event, but have done everything I can to mitigate any damage. I also take NAC and nattokinaese daily. I suggest following the FLCCC protocols.

If you can, ditch your doc and do your best to find a naturopath. The FLCCC has a physician directory for docs that will prescribe IVM, so you may find your new doc there. The rub is that they don't take insurance.

Also, if you get ivermectin from India, you don't need a script. I've ordered many times from pharmacyonair.com. 73 cents for 12mg tablets in a blister pack. I ordered again a few weeks ago and it took less than 10 days to reach Ohio. I've ordered many times and so have family members without any issues. I also got HCQ, prednisone and doxycycline without a script. I used to pay via PayPal, but ditched them when they started their shenanigans. I do a wire transfer from my bank (they did not charge me for the wire). If your order is over $200, shipping ($30) is free. Let me know if you need any help or have questions.

Ha! I knew I was somewhere over 70 stack subscriptions! It's a full-time job keeping up. My fave is Jeff Childers - Coffee and Covid. He writes 6 days a week for non-paid subscribers. He's hilarious!

Yes - we made a mistake, but we must forgive ourselves and repent. The Bible tells us over 300 times to not live in fear. We trusted doctors. Never again! Prayers for you.

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You can order Ivermectin at Grant Pharmacy. (recommended by Frontline Dr.s)) That's what I did and it is the only thing I have found to keep the symptoms from wreaking my life. I take 5 days on and 5 days off. I'm not vaxxed. I think shedding is what got me...3 times. Dec. 2020. Jan 2022 and Sept. 2022. I also do lots of supplements and homeopathic. Good Luck on this journey we never asked for.

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I'm getting ready to buy the horse paste and do a round for general health.

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Have you tried Ozone therapy?

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No, I’d love some details. Saw somebody on the last sub I was reading mention a hyperbaric chamber... Also some thing about Europe having some frequency machines that will take the stuff out of your blood, sounds somewhat like a med bed

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I’m going to a local Doctor who has this machine. First visit is $100. Thereafter it’s $150 per session. That is, unless you can afford to buy it outright.

My first appointment with him is later this month. I’m concerned about being the recipient of Transmission, so I’m giving it a try. Not sure if it can detox the Spike and other elements or not but what do we do if not keep trying?

I’m trying to figure a way back into the world. I have a blood clotting disorder and it’s pretty boring being stuck at home.

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I admire you and wish you the best!

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Thank you! I got a bonus of a trip down the rabbit hole...I don’t regret that.

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I had the same effing 'nightmare', simply believing I had been jabbed, a little bandaid on my arm. That was the last night I slept next to my now ex. I have never had a nightmare in my life, and I know that my very cells were trying to keep me safe by getting me away from it. Transfection was planned, so I do not doubt the damage was done to me on some scale, but isnt it incredible how few are willing to discuss the transfection...it means the jabbed cohorts are now killing the rest of us, perhaps more slowly. The whole thing is a nightmare, and one that my taxes were used to finance. May they all realize and soon what we are looking at, but at least you and I do, Dee. thanks.

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On behalf of all us dummies, I apologize for being stupid and getting the jab and being part of the shedding club. So weird I did then 4 months later decided to investigate... I did it because my daughter is a Covidian and lib and my grandson was being born but if I would’ve really thought about it, I could’ve got a vax card; lying to her would not be fun but sometimes you have to cheat.

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thanks for your honesty Fizzygirl. For me the fake vax cards are what perpetuated this badness, two people now bound in a lie, a doctor or nurse and a patient. Twice as hard to admit. Animals will work systems, it is our nature. Only some will choose to not acquiesce. I cannot acquiesce.

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I would've taken it but almost died from the 2019 flu shot and was told I had Covid. Once I started asking questions....well that was it for me.

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Mar 15, 2023
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I think the truth is darker than most can admit, that folks are forever making killing exosomes, every cell that makes proteins makes these affected proteins. Genius sick.

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Denial IS NEVER safer. Selfish perhaps. These people are cowards and selfish.

There are things, vitamins etc you can take to help.

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We had a 70 year old neighborhood guy who walked his two sickly dogs that he cared for poorly. He had a heart valve replaced. When the bullshit all started, we had a couple of vaxx conversations. In the last, he yelled at me saying that I was going to die (from the covids of course). His dogs died because he was such a good judge of healthcare, then he would walk alone. I haven't seen him in more than a year and imagine the vaxx wasn't really his friend. ???

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The people at the top that ran this deserve anger and justice. But we need more compassion for everyone else. That old guy is a victim of a military psyop. He bought into it enough that he harmed himself repeatedly and likely convinced friends and loved ones to do the same.

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and hold the king psycho responsible for mandating patients must die alone

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Exactly right. Compassion for the public. The gibbet for the leaders.

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I wish more people would develop critical curiosity and face the darker side of what is going on. But I feel bad for people. We do not deserve to be victims of bioweapons. We should not have to live inside the delusions of powerful nut jobs. We should not be incessantly lied to, preyed upon, experimented on and have human lives up for grabs. It is no way to live. A lot of people don't even have a way to understand it because of all their conditioning. We deserve to live in a world that is easier to navigate than this insanity.

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After 25 of your same replies she will start to allow it to seep in.

After 35 , she will give into it.

After 45 she will say," yes, obviously. "( with a snap )

Keep going Cattexas!

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To admit it’s the shots is to admit they are partially responsible for killing friends, family and themselves. Most will not ever do that.

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They need to be forced as repentance.

They need to apologize that they were wrong.

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They will die from the vaccine as they thank the vaccine. They are brainwashed beyond help.

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Sad but true. I thinks its called the Stockholm Syndrome?

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Without more research, how can one know the true cause? This has brainwashing elements galore. It's sad because a lot of well meaning people trying to "do the right thing" were tricked.

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Yes they were. They were subjected to a planet wide mass psychosis operation that made them afraid, then offered them safety with a solution. Then made they afraid again and offered them safety with another solution. And with each fear/safety modulation they become more hooked into the Cult of Covid. We see them every day. They walk outside with masks on. They are afraid of the air, they are afraid of us. It is sad to see so many completely brainwashed by this mass psychosis. Most of them can’t be helped. They are shells of humans who die thanking the vaccine that kills them.

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You did an important thing. You chipped away at her belief a little. Not one person, but if she hears it again, then again from maybe a doctor…

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I hope you yelled after her, "Yeah, it is!"

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Mar 15, 2023
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That is reassuring that they realized the truth and we are not completely in bizarroworld Zombieland.

Thank you for posting.

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Everyone needs to see this man, which most think was August Landmesser (though it could have been someone else) refusing a Nazi salute. It takes 3 seconds to look https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/august-landmesser-1936/

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Good Lord please stop this carnage 💔

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Tell the entertainment industry and the stage hands guild. In the mean time, I'd suggest not buying any tickets from any venue or company that ever required anyone to get jabbed.

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It’s a bizarre time to be alive. Wake me up from this fucking nightmare please

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I feel the same, it’s a nightmare. You wake up in the morn with all this crap on your mind...will things change today, is this real? We say the world has completely flipped upside down...feels like it’s on its third somersault!

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I used to be afraid of nightmares before I went to sleep. Now I'm afraid of them when I wake up. Life is strange.

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That is hilarious!

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Great point! Sadly so true...so much going on right now...head on a swivel. Not much positive going on right now except faith.

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That is what I thought for the first year or two also.

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I keep saying everything is inverted. But maybe things need to get as absurd as possible before swinging back. I honestly feel that something good will come out of all this.

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It has to, here’s the order of the last few weeks: bad, bad, bad, bad, very bad

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It’s ok. Interacting with fellow like-minded humans here will get the energy going in the right direction if we stay positive. I actually believe that. We don’t even have to be positive in the moment; just knowing we are an ever growing group helps. We will win.

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Fizzygurl, feel the same when I wake up in the morning

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We are in a dark age.

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The continued silence regarding Damar Hamlin’s heart attack speaks volumes. The truth remains unspoken.

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Exactly...the get up then fall over was the same. A lot of people were not tricked by that, if you were on Twitter at the time and there was a post about him, 50% said he died and people were posting his death certificate from the paper...also none of those men they tried to pass off as him were fooling many: wrong tats, too skinny, too short, pidgeon toed whereas Damar walked with feet splayed.

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Whoa! Pretty sad to think he had a heart attack and possibly died and his family is accepting “hush money. “

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That’s the part I did not want to mention. Covid partly was a money laundering scheme and lots of that money was needed for hush money.

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Mar 14, 2023
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I think we had an indication when the players were crying on the sideline when Damar went down...they know. Aaron Rodgers was the first to clue them in.

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Yes, I think they reported in real time that he was dead for at least 10 minutes.

Unfortunately that, and a little less, would do it.

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I wonder if Beta Blockers would help?

Dr. Peter McCullough would know.

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I've wondered if beta blockers would help too, since they reduce adrenaline.

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Reduce the affect of Adrenaline on the heart I believe.

Good question for Dr Peter McCullough.

Answer could be, it is not a cure for the myocarditis or pericarditis but it may... mitigate the effect of the heart stress with the adrenaline rush. But the sport playing ability will be lessened. Can’t get heart rate up.

I am not a Cardiologist but I think like one lately. Sometimes better esp. when it comes to them insisting on their patients still!! taking the

experimental permanent gene editing Bioweapon Injection. Here’s looking at you Cleveland Clinic, Cardiac Care , Ohio and Houston Methodist Hospital Heart Failure Center, Houston Texas.

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Mar 14, 2023
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I think all the athletic “episodes” have to do with the vaccine interacting with an increase in adrenalin production. Soccer players seeming to be the most vulnerable with their non stop movements. I’m sure that comment will get eye rolls but why all these healthy athletes?

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I think it has to do with metals and heat. Musicians, athletes, people holding microphones…amplification of vibration, movement, heat production. Probably doesn’t play nicely with whatever’s in the shots plus EMF everywhere.

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How much does it take to connect the dots?? Main stream media is most complicit in this...people still relying on that for the truth. I just saw something posted that they are requiring five shots for lots of these colleges...depopulating our youth, it’s sickening. Just a question for you since you know a coach in pro sports, do you think they make everyone except the big star moneymakers take the jab?

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I’ve emailed my Big Ten Alma Mater’s President now several times asking about their ongoing jab requirement yet get nothing in return. They keep asking me for donations via email every quarter.

Oh, I also informed him he’d face legal consequences down the road for injuring and killing Students, Staff and Faculty, too.


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Good for you for asking...I think we all need to be questioning those in authority on this...of course the crickets you get back is very disheartening. We just wonder why do these people get paid, they don’t seem to do any sort of job.

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I’ve also been forwarding a few of Steve Kirsch’s substack pieces to my local NBC affiliate. I direct them to its ace Investigative Reporting Team. I usually poke the bear a bit in my emails. No responses there, either.

Say, when did obnoxious, lying, Government sponsored Verbal

Prostitutes become so timid and taciturn?

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Mar 14, 2023
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Tough to pass up that money

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💔May his death ripple towards discerning fans, friends & family whose eyes are open/ing... may he awaken someone, anyone with his passing.

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That is a big part of the problem, very few families of the famous are speaking out, either they are dense or someone has told them to keep it zipped.

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Of what they say is true about myocarditis causing death within 5 years and that many are sub clinical, we could be on the precipice of an awful lot of death

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Five years may be the exception. From what I’m seeing in those repeatedly jabbed I know who died, it’s simply a matter of months from their last Booster.

That’s why there’s value in letting them know they should consider trying to detox from the shots. Doing nothing obviously isn’t helping.

I’m about to discuss this with yet another friend who told me recently he spaced out his vaxxes as a way to avoid harm. He’s in Journalism yet is clueless to the Pandora’s Box he’s opened. He thinks the Catholic Church cares about him and has his back by recommending Pfizer’s product for its alleged distance from the development and/or testing of its product on stolen human cells.

With friends like that, who needs Serial Killers?

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You can try it. Don’t know if they’ll be open to detoxing, they’d have to accept that something bad is going on and they should try to clear it out. I hope you succeed, I haven’t. But I do look for opportunities. It’s all rather heartbreaking and mind-numbing.

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I just found this delicately worded piece by Dr. Syed Haider in Austin. Low key and very reassuring in its tone. I just texted it to my friend. There’s nothing inflammatory in it to suggest anything other than calmly forging ahead with worthwhile remediation ideas.

Unless you’re completely resistant to the idea you CAN identify and solve problems, that is. A positive mindset is a fighting one in my book.


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Love it! What great timing here. Thx!

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The Catholic Church Lied to him. Pfizer used aborted fetal tissue in testing their poison.

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Yep. He said something insane like it told him Pfizer was the formulation furthest removed from the Genocide.

As Homer Simpson would say, “Uh, ok…”

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This website is an EXCELLENT resource for finding which vaccines have used fetal tissue. I see now they've even got a section devoted to covid shots. You may wish to share it with your brother. It says Pfizer used the HEK293 line of human embryonic kidney cells from a healthy baby aborted in the 1970s. Some in the Catholic Church (and elsewhere) are convinced there were only a handful of babies from the 60s and 70s that were used in this way, but they are sadly misinformed. The 293 indicates it was their 293rd attempt at obtaining the cell line. You can find interviews with Stanley Plotkin on YouTube admitting this.


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I pray I am wrong.

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This is extremely sad to see a young guy drop dead like this. Then I just now went on line to check some local news (Northern Ireland) to see that a 19 year old GAA (Irish rules soccer) player Tiernan Fullerton had "died suddenly" on Monday morning at the club in Co Armagh. of course, no cause of death mentioned. How many other athletes died suddenly in recent weeks?

What can you say?

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I hadn't see this view of his death. The other angle that was widely seen was not as graphic. This rapper was built like a fire hydrant who obviously lifted a lot of weights. From what I have seen he was a high-energy performer. If he was poisoned by the vaccine then the poison would have been more likely to circulate to his vital arteries.

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Adrenaline seems to trigger this. RIP. Just terrible.

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And vascular

Happens during times of high energy output- when blood is really pumping

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Dr. Peter McCullough Cardiologist explains it when it is a myocardial infarction.

Sorry I don't have the link but he has a substack.

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Sorry but it’s NOT a heart attack.

They can call it that all they want.

Firstly, that seemed staged and I’m not saying it was but it seemed it with the music crescendo sounding like lightning at that point and the ⚡️ flash looking thing in background behind him.

And his fall was very controlled.

Have you ever seen a heart attack victim spaz his legs like that?? Never.

This looked like a staged zapping of a human being.

And again I’m not saying this was fake I’m just saying it looked staged...

I know this is happening because I’m hearing about these events in people I know following the exact same pattern: young healthy male in peak performance shape died suddenly while performing some high-intensity event.

Even worse is he is revived and put on life support. Only to die later after all this suffering.

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Why so many athletes have died...early on it was mostly soccer because of all the running.

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And why so many die in their sleep, just before dawn. Your body releases adrenalin to wake you up too.

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A rapper pal of his said that he was on drugs almost 24/7. Who knows?

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They also blamed drugs for the Foo Fighter's drrummer's death, Taylor Hawkins. He had really tamed his drinking and drug use. I think he still smoked pot occasionally. Nevermind the enlarged 600 g heart they found in his autopsy.

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There are musicians and film stars who are high on pot all the time. They joked about Seth Rogen's drug use at the Academy Awards.

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Until the shots were mandated I never saw a musician die on stage. Which drugs?

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I notice a change is coming.

They are beginning to admit officially that the killshots have killed people.

Perhaps admitting to the democide, or to some parts of it, is what they want to use to distract from the collapse of some banks.

The cooling of the mark does not seem to be cooling fast enough.

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So the GO turning to Graphene Hydroxide in the body then presented with EME ( Electromagnetic

Energy ) that the Base speaker could produce, causes the GO nanoparticles to rip through the tissues/organs where it has deposited. Usually heart and brain. All by design. Aren't they clever!

And people thought it was funny when their injection site was magnetic. Not really funny now.

A Proper Autopsie can reveal the cause of death of course. Give the body to Dr. Ryan Cole.

He has done tens of thousands.

Admittedly this is a hypothesis. All the pieces of the puzzle point to this including the massive cover ups and lack of proper autopsies. If you think this sounds crazy, you are right, it is Homicidal Psychopathic crazy. Now start thinking like one and you will figure out why young " healthy " people are dropping dead. Hint: It is not just one mechanism of death as you must know already, the Evils have death plan A, B, C, D and E etc.

They have thought of everything because as a Serial Homicidal Psychopath, ( Maniac - think the Cali old man that was just caught after 30 years ) they do. The one in question now has many accomplices. He and his accomplices need to be stopped in their tracks.

Ideas? It is getting to be too late. Looks like he is going for 500 million dead or more. See his World infamous Ted Talk on how to Depopulate the world. Don't bother using gaggle.

Please somebody prove me wrong.

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Glastonbury festival 2019 .... lots of the staff complained of unusual headaches, nosebleeds, dizziness. They went every year and said this year was different. EMF readings on site for that year were off the scale (and obviously no vax).

Astroworld 2022 ..... people were collapsing throughout the day (not in crowds). People couldn't breathe, they were having nosebleeds, involuntary defection, seizures and cardiac arrests. The official narrative of 'crowd surges' made no sense. Previous crowd surge events like the Hillsborough disaster caused compression asphyxia, NOT cardiac arrests and seizures. Also many reported a sense of extreme 'doom' and 'foreboding' which is a known effect of microwaves (they said they'd been to many Travis Scott concerts and this was the first time they'd ever felt like this).

The only explanation that makes sense is frequency and frequency + vax (binary effect). I agree it's still a hypothesis (it's annoying when people make unsupported sensational claims that make the whole subject look ridiculous). But as a hypothesis it fits all the evidence and the science.

There's a cancer treatment that literally injects nanoparticles into the cancer and then zaps it with EMF to destroy the tissue. That's what seems to be happening in some of these cases, more or less.

Also at concerts and festivals everyone is waving their smart phones about. That's got to turn the air into a microwave soup.

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New Health,

Obviously the cell phones are antenna, the newer the phone essentially and the poorer the signal the stronger the energy being emitted. Is there an Electrical Engineer here ( my sig other is not available) that can weigh in on what the cell phones would/could do to the G. Oxide ? Easy experiment actually, similar to the one a smart guy posted on bitchute of GO suspended in H2O in a plastic bag poised vertically. Then he played a base speaker next to it. Don’t recall the decibels. The GO continually, violently jumped around in the water. I will look for link later. I probably searched graphine oxide suspended in water sound bass speakers.

Physics majors here?

Gathering more info on the hypothesis.


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You've seen this right? A guy pulls off the road to answer his cell phone. He holds it to his had and then keels over dead. The security camera registers some sort of interference at the exact moment he collapses.


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No I have not seen this before but I just did. The bottom line is we need to check these dead bodies or Cardiac Arrest victims for GO ( Hydroxide ) and cause of death. There are no two ways about it. I realize it is difficult to find the presence however of course it can be done. Dr. Ryan Cole can do it with assistance. I am almost afraid to mention his name here.

I can describe a couple possible ways here to find the presence, but I won’t. Mostly with a deceased body.

Are u familiar with Houston rapper concert and the S. Korean disco mass casualties ?

Important to delve heavily when these events happen right away before the Evils start to scrub the Internet and spin the story lines. I do. WEF is perfecting AI that memory holes the Internet and jumps into peoples computers to do so also. People need to stop doubting that all this stuff can be done because they are not educated on it. So it is important to save physically unattached to your computer anything important. Easier said then done for some of us. Also important to keep in mind the double, triple and fake Psych Opps as well as the real ones. We have to keep in mind that these could ...be fake set ups to terrorize us. The actual dead bodies don’t lie but why and where the hell are they disappearing to and why are the families in on it? Is the Kh. Mafia threatening and bribing these people to play along?

How is Bruce Willis’s family being paid off to lie to the public and endanger other’s lives because of it? Or is it mostly stupidity there. Money certainly is making more people stupid though, conveniently. People in the Medical field know exactly what is going on here. Why aren’t they speaking up more? I know they are heavily censored but still.

These Homicidal Psychopaths are having so much fun. Especially with our disorganization as well as the mass ignorance. Only one way for this to slow down and stop. I do not see that happening yet unfortunately...

So hard to believe these Bastards are trying to kill us and have been at it for so long when you look at all the evidence. And so many areas infiltrated with these Operatives. Like Woody Harrelson says on SNL, people would never believe the script much less that it is reality.

Also have to watch out for double and triple agents and purposeful disinformation. This is a cross between an intricate chess game and a poker game.

And we still have to try to live life

“ normally “.


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New Health,


I hope I am wrong, but unfortunately it does not happen very often.

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MCM - did you see the actors upset over the memoriam segment of the oscars? there were too many deaths, they couldn't fit them all in, even though this year they did an extended length (almost 4 hour) ceremony:


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It was all intentional. “They” don’t want the very lengthy list to be seen all at once.... disgusting.

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Commotio Cordis strikes again...

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How in hell are they hiding all the deaths from the bioweapon shots, this is awful, he was only 28 years old. God please save us from this evil.

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This Plague still remains relatively unknown by the vast majority of peeps for these reasons: the vast majority of said people have taken the Jaab —and *refuse* to believe such deaths are directly resulting from that action; generations of mind-control and a worldwide Media System that is highly-controlled by powerful, entrenched interests that can suppress exposure this unfolding assault.

Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars ...

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Very well said.

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Thank You 🙏🏾👊🏾🔥

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Thank you 🙏 💪

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As someone who works with a great many young musicians this is especially tragic.

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