What an idiot Kerry is. Save the planet is just a screen for killing people so the select can be saved. Wake up left wing followers, they are not saving you, just themselves.....🤨

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We are the carbon they want to eliminate.

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Also your pets and livestock. Basic research exposes the reduce carbon and nitrogen idiocy. Sadly many people are to stupid, brain washed, etc. to do this.

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Stop with the "left wing" bull. The WEF is corporate and capitalist to the hilt, the opposite of everything the left stands for. These men are liberals and conservative--they are generally not right-wing--and never left-wing. (The Left has a long history both here & in Europe of critiquing and actively opposing every WEF principle--and this should be known by all)

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Heh heh heh. Is this the same Left that wanted me to lose my job, my children, my access to a restaurant, and even my freedom and transport me to a gulag because I didn't take the vaccine?

The Left are fascists. That's it. They can spin pretty stories of yesteryear, but today, they are totalitarian fascists.

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is it the same left than run blue states and want to continue with the Covid tyranny, squash 1A and 2 A, going after our cars and gas stoves?

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The same left that are so sure that they have all the winning arguments that they censor you for challenging them?

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The same left that votes a trans woman as woman of the year?

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The same left that says you have the right to decide what to do with your body -- but only if it's to have an abortion?

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Totally bang on.

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The "Left" have long since been targeted for "deportation" To Alpha Centauri or some such realm. These rubbery, polyethylene facsimiles we see around us now bear no resemblance. They are grim reapers, nothing more.

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Techno fascists. Modern day Nazis. Try again.

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They may not be by your estimate...but by name...today...many certainly are. You may need to redefine the term for yourself...but the last time I checked the DNC were still considered leftwing politicians. The left agenda is deeply embedded in this fascist tyranny...albeit in some cases very naively. The left is the new ultra capitolist. Factions of the political right are now the voice standing against this fascism.

In Canada we have 4 very distinct left wing parties...one is provincial. The three main ones...the Liberals, NDP and the Greens are all hard left...progressives. Also all huge supporters of the fascist commie WEF program.

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Case in point: Elizabeth May recently in "The News":



May that same day sent a personal email to Attorney General David Lametti, Government House Leader Mark Holland and Minister Mendicino. “Sad to say our unwhipped caucus is divided,” wrote May. “Hope you will not feel let down by this. Xo.”

“Thank you Liz,” replied Mendicino. “I appreciate very much your input and our conversation.”

“I am grateful for your openness and for being so good at your job!” wrote May.

May in a separate email that day circulated false media allegations of Kremlin involvement in the Freedom Convoy. “Hair raising,” she called it.

“It seems to me that the convoy exposes white supremacists and racism in a well-organized, alt-right network that is fueled by social media, Facebook and Russian sites, not just here but also elsewhere,” May told the Commons at the time. “The problem is the Emergencies Act can only last 30 days. We are uncovering a cesspool that will take years to clean up.”

May in an Emergencies Act debate said she considered the protests outside Parliament to be a form of torture forbidden by international law. “It was an occupation,” said May.

“It caused millions of millions of dollars of damage to this city and its residents,” said May. “Honking horns all night actually qualifies under the Geneva Convention as torture. One is not allowed to do that to prisoners. The people of Ottawa have been imprisoned by occupiers.”

“They may not have known what they were doing,” said May. “This is quite likely for many of them, especially the ones who seemed so surprised they were ultimately going to get arrested. Non-violent civil disobedience has a long tradition, which I will not go through, that includes knowing one is going to be arrested because one is breaking the law and has done this on principle.”

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Da*n. Another person who I admired has become an idiot. This 'was' the face of the Green Party, my party of choice. No longer!

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@ Jerard Capp: That is a lie.

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We all want a cleaner environment. This global warming scam is all about money and power.

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That is the explicit role (not 'left' or 'right') of the World Enslavement Forum - to protect the billionaires as they collapse the global economy. All the WEF techno crap is window dressing nonsense and a distraction.

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Extra terrestrial.

As in precisely what CS Lewis, "the most intelligent man at Cambridge Univ" (died the same day as JFK) wrote about in his prescient book, That Hideous Strength. He called them macrobes.

Well did St. Paul write "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

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Awesome quote

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Few human beings are as reprehensible as the haughty John F. Kerry.

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Definitely top 5.

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Kerry is such a demon carrier. When I look at him, all I see is what John Nada would see with the glasses on, of the skeleton aliens talking from the podium.

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They Live FTW!

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They want you to believe that all the rich families and corporations that poisoned and ruined the planet to begin with, are gathering in Davos to save it. What a joke . These people don’t feel emotions. Sociopathic children they are!!

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I like this. It doesn't resort to demonizing one individual at the WEF. And, I think really does add to an understanding of CORPORATE ENVIRONMENTALISM as opposed to that of my own of many other who care about ecocide, clean air, no 5G, no chem-trails, organic food, no glyphosates etc

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Back in the 70's I lived in a coop house with one young student at UMass Amherst who was an aide for Kerry. She liked him in the beginning but then she told me she watched him slowly back down and sell out because what was driving him was ego, not service. She looked so sad at the recognition that politicians were basically weak and without character. After JFK the country was lost forever.

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2004. Kerry (Yale, Skull and Bones) vs. W (Yale, Skull and Bones).

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Not news! Is there anyone who rises in this system, who doesn't start compromising himself or herself. Of course not, because if they didn't, they would no longer rise... no longer be a celeb and no longer be demonized by our glorious truth-tellers here.

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These jerks are so in love with themselves it’s disgusting. And the truth is they are all a bunch of idiots. They have no clue.

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I heard some snippets from the speeches and you are correct. I've heard far better stuff at high school debates.

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These "select group of human beings" have lots and lots of plans for us lesser plebes. Because they care and all. They just follow the science, you know. We must trust the science. But by science they don't mean the type of science most people think of. They mean Social and Behavioral or Political Science. Not Natural and Medical or Physical Science. Behavioral Science is the science of the efficacy of propaganda in changing perspectives and behaviors of the lesser, unsophisticated plebes. Propaganda, Mark Crispin Miller's wheelhouse. To produce a desired effect, measurable. Science.

Behavioral Science is also known as "The Science of Totalitarianism":


Behavioural Science is the science that will make us happy owning nothing and eating bugs - for the environment and our own good:


There's even a plug-and-play app for those better and more sophisticated elites we're grateful to have coercing and manipulating us for our own good using Behavioral Science-informed propaganda campaigns:


(from the March, 2020 SAGE meeting: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/887467/25-options-for-increasing-adherence-to-social-distancing-measures-22032020.pdf )

The Conservative Woman's 3-part "Sage's Covert Coup" series is a fantastic resource to explore this subject at great length:




The UK has been more transparent about their Behavioral Science propaganda campaigns of the pandemic and fundamental change of western civilization we've seen than in the US. Both the US and UK's behaviorism programs have been joined at the hip from the start:


Just know that when these select group of human beings tell us we must follow the science they mean social science, not natural science. And the plug-and-play app I link to above is the template for all of the distortions and deceptions of our time that are removed from common sense, and are antithetical to freedom, free thought and free choice. It's the science behind climate paranoia, normalizing gender dysphoria and mental illness, pandemic mask, distancing and jab madness, transhumanism, you name it. If it involves the endeavor of "fixing" mankind to reflect man's image instead of God's, then you'll find Behavioral Science propaganda techniques behind it, deploying a version of the plug-and-play SAGE app I've shared above. We're very lucky to have these select group of human beings fixing us lesser plebes, aren't we?

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We will show our love for them with guillotines for those convicted.

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A "select group" of super humans, almost extra terrestrials. They're not just billionaires, they're our saviors. God bless them all! Now let's gather up a bunch of child slaves for more lithium mines, and rev up those nuclear plants...

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Where is George Carlin when you need him?

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I suggest checking out The Jimmy Dore Show on Rumble or YouTube.

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For the more Christian on this board, I would proceed with caution. Carlin is not for all, and can be outright offensive--and not just to southern Christians.

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When you serve extraterrestrial overlords, you want to "save" the jewel of Earth for their coffers. I didn't hear Mr. Count Chocula mention anything about saving the people?

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They're "saving the planet" FROM the people, and for THEMSELVES.

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They are all lunatics in my book. Trying to outsmart Mother Nature 😝. They think they can live their extravagant lives while locking everyone in 15min virtual cities viewing life through a headset. I think not.

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I'd love to stop them! Please, tell me how!

Last time I checked, the following steps would be needed to save America:


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Use cash or barter. NO CBDC EVER!!!

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Cash will be phased out and people will run out of stuff to barter.

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It will only be phased out if people accept that.

Are you advocating for CBDC?

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And you truly believe that people will not agree after the food riots and the rest?


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The majority will agree. The majority will be enslaved and wiped out. Some of will stand and resist, starting with efforts now like saying no to vaxxes, resisting CBDC, slowly awakening those that can be moved by reality, preparing for what's to come.

It's really shameful believing that predicting the end and ultimately dying on your knees is something to tout. Be brave and do something beyond banal verbiage.

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As for dying, I would love to do it with honor and integrity:


I've seen too much death in my life, and most people, probably including you and me, die in their own piss, shit, and vomit. It ain't pretty and definitely not dignified in any way.

Still, leaving this world on your own terms as a free person is something I consider the ultimate victory. No, I'm not advocating violence as the psy-op is:


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seeds and knowledge fit very easily into a gobag

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@Ray, @Dog perhaps 'stuff' wil run out, but we give our time, aka effort to get things done - you do something for me, I do something for you and yours. 'services' is another word (but has a different meaning/feeling to it). the psychopaths at the top, who think they're in control can't understand the idea of giving.

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Yes, I am planning a sorely-needed article about the way the technocrats are cheating themselves.

On the other hand, I would use the word "psychopath" sparingly, because it is usually overdone in order to make the user superior, while (s)he only exhibits intellectual inferiority...


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I'd recommend telling as much people as possible about the truth of climate change! I write about that here:


Any thoughts is appreciated :)

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They're saving it by destroying it with satellites that are "sanitizing" it, makes sense! These misleaders are truly pathetic. I hope we can stop them and the self-destructive buffalo herds in time, by diverting their course with better solutions.

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And, of course, they are blaming their victims. :)

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They always do. Plenty of comments here on Substack about how the 'sheeple' vote wrong or don't vote and that they are who is at fault for our plight. Like voting has meant anything in 30 years in the US. Kerry should know all about that, LOL.

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Already Mark Twain noted that if voting meant anything, people wouldn't be allowed to do it. With the Dominion machines and mail-in votes, it's game over, anyway, but how can anyone imagine an honest person could ever be even on the ballots and win more than 1-2% of the "votes"?

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true about voting but even so there's quite a few honest politicians in congress, at least as honest as you or any of us.

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That sounds like defending the captors (as in Stickholm syndrome).

Can you name a single one, please, who fought against the muzzling of the people, the "tests," the lockdowns, the lethal injections, the 5G towers, the "aid" to Ukraine, the "budget," and voted against the renewal of the state of emergency and the (Un)Patriot(ic) Act?

I have written several articles on all these:


If you read some of my articles, you can easily find out that none of the politicians is as honest as I am. Of course, I cannot speak for you.

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Sorry, Roman, but there is no "we." Only the person can take responsibility and only those in power can implement changes, just like they have been doing it since 9/11, and they are obviously not with the "people."

It's a juggernaut (Italy is only an example):


against a flock chicken. :)


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I don't know how he stands carrying so much hubris.

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Just saw Albert Bourla avoid answering any vaccine related questions at Davos - like when he knew the vax did not stop transmission - kind of important question - of course no answer, and no curiosity from the assembled press at Davos.

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Hang him by his Hermés!! What an arrogant ass he is!!!!

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