Sadly, I'm not surprised.

Notice also the watering down of the violation of rights of the unvaccinated.

The unvaccinated were told they couldn't work if they didn't submit. They couldn't go into restaurants. They shouldn't be allowed custody of their own children (though I don't think they manage to enforce that last one)

Is that different from telling Jews that can't hold certain jobs?

It that different from telling blacks they can't enter certain restaurants?

If it's "to convince them to get the jab" the very first of the Nuremberg code OUTLAWS such coercion to take part in a medical experiment.

But they're trying to eliminate these very serious issues by pretending "Oh, they were upset they couldn't go to the movies for a while."

No, that is not what we're upset about.

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The vaccination was like a religious ritual.

What if someone said, "You need papers proving you were baptized to hold this job," or attend college or enter a store?

This medical dictatorship is also a state sponsored religion.

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Just last week I saw a California bookstore with a large sign outside: “unvaccinated must wear masks. Get vaccinated. Get boosted.” I decided not to go in, ever.

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Yes. But it's like a religion that says....

"Here is a bowl of 100 M&M's. 50 are harmless. 25 will give you a pain for about an hour. 15 will give you a life-changing, permanent injury that will disable you. And 10 will kill you. Eat one."


"You have to eat one, or you will not be a member of our faith."

(Now put in the creepy little children wearing black cloaks. "One of us! One of us! One of us!").

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A religion requiring human sacrifice rituals.

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I have thought of those elderly nursing home patients in New York as a sacrifice.

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👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Really love how succinctly you put that.

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Those who were coerced to take a poison jab or several --can't undo that jab. Once it's done it's in you against your desires. Not that any of the things you mention are acceptable. So I agree that's not what we are upset about.

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Agreed: That is not what I'm upset about. I'm upset about government "mandates" requiring acceptance of a a non-vaccine which has already killed people, and that the information of how many people have died from the shots is being hidden deliberately. I'm upset about the fact that the "vaccines" are still being pushed after it has become common knowledge that they kill or permanently disable people.

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I'm not upset anymore now that I've been learning about the psychology of denial.

Despite not knowing it consciously, people are avoiding the boosters.

Subconsciously they took the clot shots and now subconsciously they're not getting them.

Both cases, they were not using their frontal cortex, the thinking mind.

This push back against comparing it to other genocides is natural. Do the people agree with the mass media? I think not. Even though the lab leak story is bullshit, it shows that people are starting to see that authorities are lying to us and poisoning us.

(From https://leftlockdownsceptics.com/alleged-cia-involvement-in-jfk-assassination-goes-mainstream-so-now-what/ )

"And then there is the psychological effect of the Big Lie which is axiomatic in gaslighting. The paradox here is that the bigger the lie, the harder it is for the mind to bridge the gulf between perceived reality and the lie that authority figures are painting as truth. I believe that the prospect of being deceived evinces a primitive emotional response on a par with staring death in the face. We are hard-wired to fear deception because we have evolved to interpret it as an existential threat. That’s why deception can elicit the same emotional response as the miscalculation of a serious physical threat. Lies told to us don’t always bear the same cost as a misjudged red light, but the primitive part of the brain can’t make this distinction and we rely on cerebral mediation for a more appropriate but delayed response. And in the long run, the lie is often just as dangerous as the physical threat. Many government whoppers – ‘safe and effective’ – do cost lives.

To avoid the death-like experience of being deceived, a mental defence is erected to deny that the lie is happening."


"The evolutionary psychologist William von Hippel found that humans use large parts of thinking power to navigate social world rather than perform independent analysis and decision making. For most people it is the mechanism that, in case of doubt, will prevent one from thinking what is right if, in return, it endangers one’s social status. This phenomenon occurs more strongly the higher a person’s social status. Another factor is that the more educated and more theoretically intelligent a person is, the more their brain is adept at selling them the biggest nonsense as a reasonable idea, as long as it elevates their social status. The upper educated class tends to be more inclined than ordinary people to chase some intellectual boondoggle. " -Sasha Latypova

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I have always struggled socially and thought "weird things" since young. Very unpopular. Everyone told me these were liabilities, but I believe they helped me see through the psy opp.

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Oh yeah, not being "normal" is exactly how we learned more than others.

It was demonized in the past brutally, and these days it's shamed away. I'm glad to be in a society that didn't destroy me for asking questions. This COVID thing scared me though. Sooner or later, our perception will be more common among the folk. The new scams are still based on old trauma.

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Just spoke with someone today who mentioned his kids got covid ; I asked were they vaxxed ? He said : They would have been much worse if they weren't vaxxed (2020?) and we in Canada are doing so much better than those in the states ! I suspect he is watching young trudeau both on CBC and his utube channel. Just imagining how much worse things will be going forward here. Thank you for posting this because ,we in Canada are the fine examples of how the agenda keeps rolling out . Went to an event with Dr Ryan Cole ,as one panel member ,in the aptly titled : Cells Don't Lie ,whereby he showed a variety of stained slides of where the spike protein goes all over the body . Based on what I said to this couple , I can check even more people off my list who will be walking over to the other side of the street to avoid the crazy gardening lunatic .

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It's scary how effective propaganda can be at its slyest.

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We are so complacent here overall as a society: rocking the boat isn't part of our DNA .

I'm not even sure the word "propaganda " crosses people's minds . I believe Trump said he liked the uneducated and I used to wonder about that; now I know why young trudeau is so teflon - like- people aren't inclined to read anymore it seems, but are great at parroting those slurring words .

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I don't know if Trump said that or not.

But I suspect the uneducated (meaning, didn't go to college) may have better BS detectors than college graduates.

Was it Orwell who said "Some ideas are so stupid only an academic can believe them"?

Also, I think con men like people who are confident in their intelligence. They think they're too smart to be fooled.

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My mother always called those people .. educated idiots.

There’s a big difference between being ‘book smart’ and having common sense.

Common sense is typically hard earned through tough life lessons.

Being ‘educated’ doesn’t give you common sense.

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Wrong. Commonsense IS intelligence. The inventor of IQ tests, Alfred Binet, said he only measured basic mental retardation in children. "Intelligence", he said, "cannot be measured because it is not linnear. But the US psychiartrists adopted his tests against his opposition to introduce intellectual streaming, which presumes (a) testing is possible and (b) intelligence is genetically-deterrmnined, which it is not. This elitism is the genesis of eugenics which, in fact, spawned psychiatry.

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I do not remember who from, or where I heard this regarding conmen, but the jist of it was: "A con man doesn't try to convince you to trust him, he wants to convince you, that he trusts you, so you will trust him." As we were locked down and all became experts separated from each other, hiding behind our screens and absorbing and analyzing all the CNN, CDC, mainstream lies, sharing, reinterpreting the numbers, mongering fear for them, virtue signalling out the whazoo, they trusted us to be our own demise. They trusted us to turn on each other and divide based on lies.

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That sounds like David Mamet's movie about Con men.... "House of Games."


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It might be, I loved that movie.

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Did see him in a video saying that but it was before Chatty Guy so I don't know what to believe these days . It had the quality ,to me at least , at that time , that he could fool them . Wonder what he really meant by that but suspect he has a few more important issues on his plate for the moment ...

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Back when I used to watch the Apprentice (when it was interesting -- I can't imagine why he decided to run it for celebrities.). There was an interesting episode where Trump's "mid-episode business advice" was not to underestimate blue collar contractors. "These guys are sharp. They will take advantage of you if you don't keep an eye on what they're doing."

One of the teams ended up getting screwed by the contractors they hired. They ended up having to try to lease an apartment that was still under construction.

Now I never met Trump, but anecdotes show up of him being very appreciative to the blue collar worker, the cooks, the orderlies, the ordinary people working their jobs.

In contrast, there are stories about Hillary treating those kind of people like garbage and servants.

It's like the old adage that if you're on a first date with someone, a good gauge to their personality is how they treat the waitress.

(Granted, all this is just rumor and I can't verify how Trump or Hillary treat working people when the cameras aren't rolling. So feel free to doubt my anecdotes)

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All you need is to look at the trail of bodies behind her, they don't call it being Arkancided for nothing. As far as I know there isn't such a thing called Trumpcided.

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Total moronic acting.

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That is the key to successful grifting. Academia and science produce the most gullible people because they believe their intellectual superiority protects them. Next comes business schoolgraduates and religious people.

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Sorry if I did not respond earlier ! So many things to read and keep . It is getting worse by the day with these people who are getting away with their ideas and narratives - all supported by self censorship - as is the plan, now that people will be watched even more closely for their so called wrong thinking.

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Thank you so much for posting Vera's movie today Mark.

I'd heard her speech in Germany at the time she made it but had never seen the video.

Beautifully done, and the perfect weekend to see it.

I found Katherine Watt's emotions and reflections in the interview below to be the best at describing mine and wanted to make sure you saw it.

Thank you for being here and posting at this time in our history - it has been crucial to my courage and sanity.


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Sars-Cov-1 = a colossal but not quite successful hoax.

Sars-Cov-2 = a colossal and highly successful hoax - sequel to the above.

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They learned their lesson from SARS-COV-1 and spent years planning part 2

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Canadians fell for the Covidian hysteria hook, line and sinker. And they did so in part because they keep looking at things through the prism of 'what's happening in the USA'. The problem with this gives the a distorted reality of the situation and lulls Canadians into complacency regarding our own statistics and facts.

Canada from the onset, sans restrictions and vaccinations, always had a low CFR from the get-go in 2020. I don't know why but it was something I observed. But what happened was after the restrictions were coerced onto the population, people lazily assumed the numbers were low because of the measures. But this can be demonstrably false as endless studies and graphs have shown comparing places with restrictions and those without. There's simply no correlation to lowering the CFR.

A more important figure is the IFR and Canada's IFR is slightly worse than the U.S. So we aren't doing better on this front despite our draconian reaction.

Health Canada, moreover, as pointed out by a few people watching it closely, has been manipulating data as it sees fit like the CDC. The goal is to obviously try and retrofit the data to their narrative.

Canadians need to get their smug heads out of their asses.

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Apr 8, 2023
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The Constant Gardener In Tinfoil ...

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Interesting propaganda too.

"Oh...the antivaxxers could not go to the movies for a few mths. Boohoo."

That is like talking about the bumper of a car being damaged at an accident when the car is full of casualties.

Funny the "word salad artist" forgot to mention the media and all governments relentlessly attacking the unjabbed with every insunation imaginable. Odd how he left out the deaths and injuries caused shortly after the injections. Peculiar how he failed to mention the thousands fired from their jobs, including doctors, and the loss of income security. Did he mention the disgusting violent police brutality used against peaceful protesters in Ottawa? Where was the mention of stealing millions of dollars of cash...of locking personal bank accounts...of imprisoning and fining pastors and protesters? What about the total media compliance with gubment via generous payouts? Oh wait...it was all absent...but like the "made for television" world he lives in...he did manage to bring up hollywood buffoonery via the movie theaters lock out. No mention though of rejected medical care for the unwashed.

That is the world this moron thrives in. A world of make believe and deceit...and doubtless the zombified masses glued to CBC drank the coolaid, belched, cussed out the conspiracy theorists...then watched a drag queen show at an NHL game...took a deep breath, and said...

" Ahh, all is well again."

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Perhaps, since most non-Jews have no inkling what 2000 years of persecution, in the forms of expulsions, (Spain, England, and regional ones in Russia and France) theft, murder, the Spanish Inquisition, the diatribes of Luther, the pogroms of Russian Cossacks and the Tzar, and then the Marxists, culminating in the State Murder Machine of the Nazis, it might be hard for us to understand the unique relationship, the anxiety that must be almost genetic, to be survivors of that long history, and make no mistake, all Jews living today are survivors of the Holocaust, which they refer to as the Shoah.

My recent late friend, a well known Jewish artist, and Holocaust survivor of 96 years was lucky enough to escape Germany as a young child on the Kinder train to France, then on to England for the remainder of the war. She then made her way to the US, married a devoted man and bore 3 sons and a daughter, all of fierce intellect, ability, and talent. All have prospered in the US and contributed greatly, one as a master carpenter, craftsman, and inventor, another as a biochemist, a third as an accountant, and the fourth, the daughter, as a clothing designer and project manager for companies from China, California, New York, and London. I often have felt, as I hope my friend felt, that each one of those children were a hardy "f**k you" to Hitler and the hyper efficient murder machine of the 3rd Reich.

I know each would raise an eyebrow to close comparisons with the current murder machine we appear to facing today. I would suggest there are elements to compare--first, that government's--all governments, most effective act is murder; this has been true throughout history when it served some purpose, often seen as the greater good. The calls for a new Nuremberg are not misplaced, but the situation is different. This time, the line has been crossed to murder apparently quite indiscriminately; young, old, all creeds, all races. None of us are targeted because we come from a people who would not bow down to kings, or give up a faith for atheist regimes. We are targeted because we are in the way, useless eaters, inconvenient survivors despite government's best efforts, but we are not uniquely selected. The Jews of the world have been, multiple times, with 2000 years of hate resulting, but not culminating in the death camps of Europe. Because the hate continues. It's on Rumble, Gettr, Twitter, and FaceBook, where when I hear the tired old diatribes against the "joos", I ask, which Jews are you referring to? My highly skilled dermatologist? My neighbor who is a master bonsai gardener when he is not performing opthalmology? Or perhaps the Israeli researchers that contributed to the intel processors that spread personal computing far and wide?

The hate that created the death camps is still the hate that circulates today. It is one of type-casting, of lies, of innuendo, and rumor. Let's end that.

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Thank you so much for this.

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I am honored by your reply, Thank YOU.

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My parents were Hungarian and Austrian, both Catholic. My grandfather in Austria was beaten within inches of death and thrown in jail because he did not bow before the politically guided mob and dared to disagree. My other grandfather died in a work camp, one of a type that operated for 69 years under the Soviets. There is no museum or memorial for him or the millions of others that perished in those camps. As a young child, my mother escaped these things in the dark of night and spent 3 years in a refugee/concentration camp to come to Canada.

It does not upset me that there are no guardians of the history of these events, even though the weight of persecution -- based on belief, or simply based on who you were -- is firmly ensconced in my genes. I welcome any comparisons when the current totalitarian regime is compared to similar elements of my family's experiences with the Soviets. The discussion of similarities is in no way seen by me as an attack on what my parents and grandparents suffered.

Over the past couple of decades I have noticed that criticism of public discussion of Hitler or the Shoah seems to have shifted. It is always appropriate to mount opposition to those that would seek to undermine the acknowledgement of that evil. However, we seem to have crossed a line to some warped ego based assertion that one group suffered the most (in all of history), and by extension they have the exclusive right to dictate the terms of discussion on the topic of Hitler or any related topic.

Is the Jewish descendent multiple generations removed from the Shoah more or less traumatized than a direct descendant of Stalins' murder, famine, and slavery? Are they more or less traumatized than a parent of a dead child who took a vaccine simply to eat with friends and attend class at University? The whole notion of comparing trauma or historical disrespect in this context is ridiculous. Yet that is in essence what the "institutional guardians of The Holocaust" (as Mark aptly calls them) are effectively doing.

Maha, the circumstances in other points of history are never identical and I respectfully disagree with the assertion that the killing machine of today is indiscriminate. What we witnessed (and are still witnessing) is/was a class based killing. The oppression and discrimination was also squarely directed at those who did not (and still will not) bow down to the frenzied mob manipulated by the kings of corrupted capitalism. The suffering was disproportionately borne by the working class and poor. Fundamentally this is very similar to most tyrannical regimes that murder and oppress millions.

Hitler planned to starve tens of millions of slavs to death by taking their food, resources, and industrial capacity for his own use. Those plans were thwarted by Stalin so he instead resorted to killing nearly a couple million POWs through starvation or direct execution. Thankfully we don't have to create museums about the tens of millions that were targeted for death -- simply because of where they lived and were deemed subhuman -- mainly because Hitler was thwarted. This is important because we are still living under a very active tyrannical regime that is still killing a lot of people and extending the suffering of the working class. The point of making comparisons to history is to raise awareness of where we could be headed so that today, we can stop this regime and prevent further destruction.

I always saw my Jewish compatriots as brothers and sisters in standing up to false kings and evil rulers. I am sympathetic to the 2000 years of trauma. I will admit it is disappointing that I perceive that a minority -- but very loud and vocal -- of folks or "Guardians" that will not reciprocate my sympathy and respect unless I pay homage to the "most persecuted".

Personally, I will leave the argument about which people suffered the most, to the academics of history. We have far more important things to focus on right now.

Thank you Mark for posting this. Vera and others need to be heard because they are the speakers for the dead from the past and today.

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I believe you are totally accurate when it comes to persecution. My Grandparents who suffered under Stalin only wanted a safe haven to hide and blend into society. They never spoke of the atrocities and certainly never made issue of how they escaped. They believed they were equals and free in a Canadian society. Wouldn't they be surprised in this present time of history if they would still be alive. My Grandmother would express her feelings by thanking God she died before seeing this chaos in Canada.

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George, you ask, Is the Jewish descendent "multiple generations removed" (I would suggest one generation is still common) more or less traumatized than--here we can give hundreds of examples including the Armenians, the Hutus, the lower castes of India--? I can't say, for sure, other than the generalization that all suffered. Perhaps you might ask one.

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I have friends and colleagues in every category and the question isn't important. What I have learned and observed is each person's trauma is very different whether inherited or directly experienced and there is no measure of the trauma itself, only the effect on the individual.

My general observation is that those in need of the most help speak the least about it.

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Ahh, I see what you did there.

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Honestly, there is no need to look for something negative into everything. Some things are as they seem on face value. My grandmother was always bothered by the chasing down of WWII criminals while nothing was done about the Soviet crimes. I did not adopt her view on that. My objection is to those that want to silence discussion.

My observations of trauma (consistent with my personal experience) is that hidden personal traumas are the most damaging because the person isn't aware of how they're affecting their own thinking. That could equally apply to someone who's parents were affected by The Shoah or by someone who was bullied as a child be it for religious reasons or simply because they had a german last name.

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Long live the Jew. The best of all mankind...

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Grattytude to ya Mark for sharin' this outrage; the AMAZIN' Vera had it nailed from the start!

The parallels are SO clear an' as Vera also stated, the Holocaust was just "practice" for what we got today. I agree! The "tech" is better (jeers to IBM nevertheless). The stakes are higher (it's world-wide, not just YourUp!). In a sense, we are ALL Jews (includin' those've us that got born thatta way...) because if folks cannot SEE how the shunnin' an' the idea of the unjabbed bein' unclean doesn't foller that Nazi playbook (written by bankers!) wull, we're all sunk! (I think them mockin'boids 'r countin' on it in fact...)

I wrote about it here (anyone curious kin scroll down to the headin' that says:



ps the Holocaust denial thing ya mentioned is back like a giant festering boil on the hiney of an elephant--I see it daily ('cludin' on my own stack where I have to navigate thru some truly eye-poppin'ly mean comments....) an' as ya said rightly, dismissin' the parallels with today's plandemonium an' the WWII Cullin' of the Jews IS just as bad as H. denial cuz today there are no "allies" (fake 'er otherwise) ta come in with guns blazin' ta "save us".... an' anywayz, with friends like Patton headin' the "rescue" effort.... who needed enemies?

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Hey, it's not like there are laws preventing anyone from questioning ANYTHING connected to the capital h holocaust. Oh wait, there are.

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Yup, an those imposin' 'em (in Candid-a too!) 'r the same folks that dis-allow anyone ta compare the CovidCull to the big H. I think we ALL gotta question MUCH 'bout what happened per the Off-Fish-All story of the HolyCost (to whom? right?) and for ALL events HisStoryCull--an' there IS room for those that EVEN think it's all bunk (they should not be banned or silenced, 'course not!)

BUT I disagree with all who think the whole HolyCost didn't happen--I grew up with family lost to the camps, I grew up talkin' ta survivors--family friends, the folks with the numbers on their arms, I had two "fambly" members in Germany servin' in the army; none of these folks "invented" what they saw an' experienced to serve some narrative (like what the evil ADL does now..)...SO...theirs were personal stories an' real ones... there is much evidence that validates the personal accountin's. Vera Sharav herself could testify! (That boat blown up wasn't an oopsie either--many think nobody was killed "on purpose" but her story negates this "nobody killed on purpose" tall tale and shows what really DID happen too! a WHOLE boat full of children blown up because...littles are not great workers--SHE knew!).

So questions SHOULD always be allowed. I do NOT for one second think it was invented in Hollyweird (however good their own sets n' costumes are)--some do! Some say all the photos were even "made up." To me there is much to learn, much that has been whitewashed, much that is HOGwash... but indeed imo the Holocaust DID happen, no question. I've always got open ears tho!

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I doubted no part of the story until I learned that it was a ThoughtCrime to do so. I even saw a few of the (nearly infinite number of) movies about it, including "Playing for Time" starring Vanessa Redgrave. The IMDB summary of same includes this: "The real Fania Fenelon was upset over the casting of Vanessa Redgrave due to her support of the Palestine Liberation Organization." Yes, mustn't offend those entities just because they've been running a concentration camp for three quarters of a century.

All those years ago we saw the play "My Name Is Rachel Corrie" but only after being accosted outside the theater by angry members of a certain tribe.

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Shoot--I replied ta this an' it disappeared... comment if ya cain't see the response!

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I see nothing.

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Dang, it done vanished! But okay, lemme say this... No-buddy should be forbidden from askin' ALL them hard questions--it's always (as my youngest sez) "suss" when questions are cut short or downright "ferbidden"... SO...yeah, the ADL is now the attack pittbull ready ta maul--the doggie JAWS most sane folks don't want --not the ol' ADL but this new 21st C in-tarnation! ADL as THEthoughtpolice now em-braced by MSM... it's a HORROR.

We all SHOULD be askin' questions...always!

Now I have my doubts about SOME "H"-related lore...'bout them gas chambers at LEAST as far as the Off-Fish-All story goes, an' quite a few other things that seem like repeat-n-repeat wreck-erds from WWI which phonographed non-stop absurd anti-German BullCrap ta beat the band! (cuttin' off hands, punti'n Belgian babies... etc).

BUT I don't throw out the baby with the bathwarter... NO I don't think the Bergen Belsen deaths were photo-staged (typhus makeup? really?) I don't think them camps were country clubs (some lit'rally say they were--), I don't know 'bout the numbers (6 mil is a Kabala thing...) but I DO KNOW that there is fuk-ery on both sides (off-fish-all side an' hoax side) AND that a lotta Jews DID die--only IBM knows fer sure the totals...

We gotta story 've MONEY an' US involvement (GM, Ford, IBM, Rockyfellers... why it was like ol' home day in Potsdam!) Seriously... we kin say it wasn't a hoax AND still question--a LOT! (But yup, even the hoax folks should have their soapbox!) But as fer folks gettin' hot under the collar 'bout questions... nope that's wrong as a week with two sundays!

In fact, bannin' questions is not only wrong, it's not even Jewish! Jews are told ta question EVERYTHING an' few know that studyin' Talmud is doin' this ALL DAY LONG, askin' questions for HOURS on end... (folks make the mistake to take talmud as law but it's really a bunch've opinions from wise men OR wisenheimers that contradict each other (!) and the pernt is to argue them an' question' them an' play judge n' jury ta figger out yer own decision!

Jews are traditionally encouraged to question even God's very existence (in them Orthodox no less!) to debate, to use their noggins so this ADL, this THOUGHT CRIME stuff--is positively UNJewish. It's a HORROR an' a half!

What gives? Who (WHO?) is behind'em? (Soros...but others too...)

OH an' as for Dame Vanessa, she's a great actress indeedy an' fer her to speak her views in the press is A-OK by me (whuther I disagree 'er not) but to use the OSS-CARS (that ol' vehicle..) as a platform fer polly-ticks is just wrong... it disrespects the (formerly honorable) honor an' what wuz a right lovely ceremony--cuz the award is fer ACTING, not fer belchin' up yer onions 'er for co-optin' the event!

So Brando (imo) also was wrong in givin' that fake Indian Maiden his award "rejection" an' givin' the audi-ants a polly-tick-all show... he may've been punkin' the ceremony on purpose (he was that kinda guy, a true jokester...) but Lady Redgrave was serious--gravely so! Either way, both actors wrongly brought polly-ticks to an a-politi-cull ceremony but if they wanna speak their minds cuz fans listen--wull that's their choice otherwise. Got no skin in that game...

OH an the play 'bout Rachel Corrie sounds worthwhile indeed an' it's SAD that ya got accosted but...I'll betcha... ADL / Soros/ someONE tipped off that angry mob--someone paid them or at least "goosed 'em" ta start trouble... I smell a rat outside yer show... a SHOW rat! (Wuz it good? They did it in London I think...) Whatever mob ya sawr, I bet it didn't represent "The Chews" any more than Al Sharpton represents "the Blacks..."....

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My grandmother lost thirteen family members to Nazi camps. She was a Polish Roman Catholic. She and her husband, my grandfather (who died before I was born), escaped from Poland and came to the UK as refugees with basically the clothes on their back. My grandfather immediately joined the RAF and my grandmother worked at a munitions factory.

I've been to a few Holocaust museums and we never get a mention, which infuriates me.

I often wonder how many people like my grandmother's family were appropriated to make up the (literally) magical six million number. As Gilad Atzmon has pointed out many times, Jewish suffering is worth a lot more than that of any other peoples.

Ron Unz is an ethnic (but secular) Jew and this article is well worth a read.


I have no issues with Jewish people, but I feel very strongly that certain people are not being honest on this subject, and as someone who is descended from people who lived through Nazi atrocities, I feel it is my right to have a say in the matter. Just like they do.

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You're absolutely right.

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Thank you Mark. It took a lot of courage to write what I wrote and I wasn't sure how you would react. You have my thanks and sincere respect.

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Not for nothin' but Ron is a covid true believer. Read a few of his articles about the covid lab leak and other covid origin theories.

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We can disagree about that but yes, he's adamant he's right about stuff.

I vehemently disagree with his Covid origins theory because I believe it was released deliberately world wide and we have evidence to suggest it was circulating in Europe as early as June 2019.

If you are suggesting that Covid doesn't exist then I respectfully disagree, because I have had it and have never had anything like it before.

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During the flu season of 1998, I had a flu that was unlike any I'd ever had. You'll see that being said by people during every flu season. That isn't proof of anything. The flu I had in '98 was severe enough that I went to bed and woke up later thinking I had slept all night, when I had slept for 3 days.

As to Ron being a "covid true believer", That is a demonstrable fact, not an opinion. It isn't subject to your agreement.

What evidence do you have that "covid" was circulating in Europe in 2019? Who are the "we" you're referencing? As to its existence, no proof has ever been published. If it has, please link me to the source.

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My father survived Auschwitz, taken as 15 yo we are Polish. Naturally I've been following the issue and concluded that, with so much suffering and tragedy, it does not serve to glorify one group. We saw it led to the "corrections" already (six million) no one can deny the undeniable but many don't like the "holocaust industry" it became and it being used as political and social tool of manipulation. This, of course is only my personal view.

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I'm as worried as you are, Pr. Miller.

However, Scottish journalist Neil Oliver says there is hope (link enclosed):


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Just curious, why does Mr. Oliver always wear the neckerchief? Is there a reason, or is it like a trademark kind of thing?

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reverse blame the truth tellers and twist current events so that history is no longer recognizable to the vast ocean of ignoramuses...my dad lost many family members in Poland and Hungary to the concentration camp murdering Nazis and sympathizers...Fauci is Mengele on steroids. When you examine the early 1930s when Hitler first came to power and they began to implement the policies which called Jews vermin and anyone who was against them, politically, intellectually, gays, Romany/Gypsies, priests and nuns too, you see the lockdowns and shutdowns we experienced during the fake covid pandemic is virtually identical. Creating an us v. them, divide and conquer, and frighten the shit out of people. And bribe greedy doctors and nurses and pharmacists and hospital administrators. Happy Passover.

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When mental midget Dan Panneton's children and nieces and nephew's all die early of heart issues and cancers, maybe then he'll realize that there is a new Holocaust. Maybe, but probably not.

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He'll probably say it could have been worse if they had NOT be jabbed.

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All of my relatives who wore masks, hid at home, and took the jabs caught covid and fared much worse than I and my relatives who did not wear masks, hide at home, and take the jabs. They still can't figure it out and are glad that they took the jabs or else "it would have been worse". Maybe they're not really that stupid, but are afraid to go against the narrative. They'd rather die than be called a conspiracy theorist. I only feel sorry for their children.

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A good excuse is one you can use over and over again...

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Thank You Mark. We understand. The truth is outing. Maybe this Easter provides a channel to understanding. Bless you and your family - you have been a mainstay for all of these years.

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Thank you for this. Vera is completely onto it with transhumanism being the next experimental regime, while the vaccines and boosters take their continuous toll. Utobian has a map of all the new gender care clinics which is shocking, but not in the context Vera is giving us, in the sense of incremental moves towards their goal. https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/a-dystopian-peter-pan

Not fifteen years ago, SFSU taught critical thinking, and now crazed hordes of transgender activists have attacked Reilly Gaines for speaking about transgender men in women's sports. https://news.yahoo.com/riley-gaines-assaulted-trans-activists-143122235.html

I don't rule out a globalist black ops force that can change costume at any time, but when I took classes at SF State, no one ever asked me a thing about vaccines or even TB. Look at what young people must put in their bodies to attend there on top of the required covid vax and updated boosters, which are also required:

California State University (CSU) requires all students to be current on a number of immunizations and to complete a risk assessment for tuberculosis (CSU Executive Order 803).

This executive order and its requirements apply to undergraduate and graduate students, students matriculated in self-support degree programs and K-12 students participating in concurrent enrollment courses entering the California State University.

Required Immunizations and Screenings

Hepatitis B (Hep B) - three (3) doses for students age 18 years and younger.

Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) - two doses (2) with first dose on or after first birthday; OR positive titer (laboratory evidence of immunity to disease).

Meningococcal Disease (Serogroups A, C, Y, W-135) - one dose (1) on or after age 16 for all students age 21 or younger.

Tetanus-Diphtheria-Pertussis (Tdap) - one (1) dose after age 7.

Varicella (Chickenpox) - two (2) doses with first dose on or after first birthday; OR positive titer. History of contracting the disease does not meet compliance.

Tuberculosis (TB) Screening/Risk Assessment.

Corporations, like Disney and Amazon, are dispensing religious advice like "be kind, be inclusive" This is a corporate "religion" https://unbekoming.substack.com/p/empires-religions, but the intent, despite all the ostensible celebrating, is to kill and maim, most particularly, the poor and the very minorities it is supposedly celebrating, and to conduct human experiments on the transgender identified. What happens to brain development, which doesn't complete until age 25, with all these gender affirming drugs? And what is wrong with these students? 72 vaccines on the childhood schedule? Ideology education? Social media black algorithms? Poisoned food and air and water? A synergy of those things? The tectonic shifts Vera is outlining will continue unless we find a way to stop them. All the parallels have bearing---French Revolution, Armenian genocide, the Holocaust, Mao's China, Stalin's Russia. I sometimes wonder if the black site version of AI information processed the question of how to utterly destroy humanity, and they are following that playbook. It can't and never will be able to dream, make metaphors or be divine, but it can process information millions of times faster than we can. Anyway, thank you for this production.

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Of course it's a bunch of hand-waving dismissiveness, Igor. The holocaust began with restrictions of basic freedoms and ramped up to full-scale genocide.

Those making comparisons have mostly been pointing out correlations with the early stages, not the final outcome.

The virtue-signalling objections and outrage are also taken from the phase one playbook.

It's a matter of PREVENTING another holocaust.

Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom from genocide.

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I was dumbstruck when listening and watching Dr Gates in this light hearted exchange with a cutting edge comedian that unknown to many he has a doctorate in eugenics and despite his best efforts is sadly a largely unappreciated man. This is mostly due to his excessive sense of modesty that has been overshadowed by his magnificent philanthropy which brings health , happiness and joy to those in need especially those in what would be considered third world countries. His clairvoyance and unique insight regarding such highly complex matters like natural immunity and PCR tests should have him in good stead long after shuffling off this mortal coil. Long live the King !!

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Gates had to have understood the implications of using the term "the final solution" to refer to the vaccine (at the 2:28 mark). That was his devious, psycho-smiling, pink-sweater-wearing way of associating it with the Holocaust.

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That's the way it struck me too.

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Vera, and many Jews I know feel this way. But there's a large group that are whining like they always do: "WEEEEE'RE the persecuted onnnnnnes! NOT youuuuuuuuuuu!".

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In that way it's totally "woke." Oddly similar to what trans activists say.

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Glad to see someone make that specific connection to "wokeism." They might be the original "wokesters."

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You mean like the guy in this video? Scroll down to the second video in the link, he is sitting on the front row and just doesn't stop. I am not Jewish, so I don't know all the ends and outs, I have read about WWII and the camps w/great fascination trying to understand the what/why/how. My compassion, anger, empathy is there. I have Jewish friends I embrace and love, and then there are Jewish people like this guy I cannot stand. To me he is a Wokester, the kind I want to tell to shut up. They are needlers, just to catch attention and be self-important. They just whine, whine, and then whine some more.


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Exactly like that. Perfect example. Meeee meeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

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Thank you. Glad it isn't just me that sees it.

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