Jun 6, 2023Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

Academia is as corrupt as every other institution, not to mention lives in a bubble of all their own.

What a stressful, expensive, bunch of garbage. I am so sorry you are having to go through this. I am hoping for a positive outcome, kudos for taking on the fight, sending up prayers. I am grateful to those that have been supportive.

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Jun 6, 2023·edited Jun 6, 2023Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

Best of luck to you. Your fight for the truth is much appreciated.

If it's any consolation, most of your tormentors are fully vaccinated and boosted.

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

Thank you for unrelentingly fighting the good fight. I wish you the best of luck.

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

The behavior of your colleagues unfortunately confirms every stereotype of today’s “elite” academics as being the odious, boorish idiots the rest of us see them as.

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You can't make this stuff up. You're allowed to teach there, but not teach propaganda, which you know better than anyone, but then this whole situation, which is about the the biggest propaganda campaign ever, everyone being forced to wear medical masks to instill fear and loathing, is proving that they themselves are big purveyors of propaganda.

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

I have been following your story through the last three years and just know the pendulum swings, and you have momentum.

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

Thanks for the summary Mark, and welcome to the "liege lord {legal{ system" which is nothing more than a commercial endeavor primarily designed to protect the liege lords. While old "common law" was merged with equity law in 1938 under the FDR regime, accessing a common law court is still possible. However, you have to understand who you are, which is rare in today's world.

In the liege lord system you are a; person, resident, citizen, plaintiff, defendant, affiant, litigant, petitioner, etc. etc. These are all dead, fictional "legal" entities that have no basis in reality. As such, judges can rule however their benefactors wish with little to no ramifications.

Under ACTUAL law, you STAND as a man, nothing more, nothing less. And as a man STANDING on the LAND, you have the RIGHT to access the LAW OF THE LAND and be compensated by any man or woman that has caused you wrong, harm or injury. And here's the best part, the judge in such a proceeding is nothing more than a referee, his/her "opinion" matters not as you get to assemble a jury of your peers to decide on BOTH the "law" and the "Facts" of your case.

The downside, you have to learn what you're doing and you can't hire an "attorney" (one who takes from one to give to another) as they have no standing or basis in law as they have only been trained to operate within the liege lord system to "Re-Present" the man (you) as the fictional legal entity (Strawman - person, defendant, citizen, affiant, etc.). The simpler your lawsuit the better. Simple lawful words like harm, property, trespass, defamation, etc. are all that's needed. And key to your very simple case is that you sue men and women only, not fictional entities like "professors", "guilds", "organizations", etc. You sue John Smith, sometimes ACTING as blah blah blah, Frank Jones, sometimes ACTING as judge in the lower court, etc. etc.

You "appear" in court "Sui Juris" as the man, Mark Crispin Miller, not "Pro Se" which is nonsense legalese, in a "Court of Record" in front of a jury of your peers. If you know learn the ropes, the judge can only sit back and watch the proceedings. The judge can't "give instructions" or "throw out evidence" or disqualify witnesses, or any of this other LEGAL garbage. You present your case with whatever you want and your opponents present whatever they want. The jury of peers sorts out the final outcome. Clean, simple and as things should be.

But you'd have to learn the ropes, something an attorney can't help you with. Should you be interested I can share some information to help you get off the ground. I do think your case is important on multiple grounds - freedom, medical malfeasance, academic fraud, legal fraud and a whole host of other arenas. It will take some serious learning and research on your part before you could proceed as the legal system is designed to trip you up at every turn. If you don't understand what they're doing, you'll get sucked into it and be once again unlawfully converted back into a pawn on the legal chessboard instead of the man with rights that you truly are.

Good luck on whatever you choose to do!

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

All the best to you, Mark. Praying that you have the best outcome you could hope for. You are an inspiration to so many of us. 🙏

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Stasi America style. Best to you in your stand for sanity and stand for free speech and thought. Quickly becoming Woke New World Order's most hated state, individual liberty, taken up by the ordinary and the powerless for a taste of glory.

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

Have been with you since Day 1 of this hell. I'm stunned to find out here about Abby Martin's non-support. I wonder why? Was there any communication between you? Did she actually agree with "them," or was she possibly scared (underneath that combative exterior) to take a stand on this "controversial" covid-related issue? Do I have to "cancel" her, too?

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I had wanted my son to attend NYU because of you. When all this blew up, I thought there is no way I want him attending there. Of course, they gave so little financial aid (was told wrong demographic) it wasn't an option. Universities just have to fall. There is no other option. I think they are too far gone. Hopefully you can join Peter Boghossian at University of Austin.

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

This feels like an in-depth eulogy for the death of academia; at least for the liberal arts and critical thought within. These 'colleagues' are a huge pack of cowards destroying the principles many of them probably pretended to represent once upon a time.

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You are among many with integrity bearing the brunt of our Americanized version of the Chinese Cultural Revolution. I am among many who appreciate and thank you for fighting fascism.

And I would like to be the first to sign up for your privatized class on propaganda.

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

Wow Mark,

Can only empathize from afar and not very well I'm afraid. Hard to fathom the sheer irony of your life's study become weapons of the same mob you'd spent years explaining, exposing and elucidating upon.

But you've broad shoulders for the effort, a keen intellect for this crucial debate and a bravery that tips the scale over fear. I send you continued strength, wisdom and patience. Godspeed, morgan

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MCM, were you aware several of their beloved mask studies were retracted with neither a peep nor an apology?:

1) To wear or not to wear? Adherence to face mask use during the COVID-19 and Spanish influenza pandemics, 11/12/2020, Early Human Development -- RETRACTED

Quote: "The way that anti-maskers chafe at the mask requirement evokes a time when people were advised to wear a mask during the 1918 pandemic. As the Spanish flu swept through the world causing global devastation in 1918 and 1919, face masks became ubiquitous to help in preventing the spread of disease. A century apart, medical authorities urged and urge the wearing of masks to help slow the spread of disease. Nonetheless, people were and remain resistant to this simple and common sense advice." --- RETRACTED

2) Introduction of mandatory mask policy was associated with significantly reduced COVID-19 cases in a major metropolitan city, 7/21/2021, PLoS One --- RETRACTED

3) Decrease in Hospitalizations for COVID-19 after Mask Mandates in 1083 U.S. Counties, 10/23/2020, medRxiv --- RETRACTED

Retraction Watch has roughly 350 Covid papers that were retracted. So a good chunk (perhaps half) of what the legacy media was reporting at the has been retracted, with no acknowledgment. I would love to do a study on how many news stories relied on retracted papers.

Anyway, as we all know, the journals are heavily biased toward industry (a laughable understatement). So any time an anti-narrative study is submitted, the merchants of doubt (paid academic mercenaries) immediately pounce. That's for the very small percent of critical papers that even make it that far. So when a pro-narrative paper gets retracted, it's a big deal, there were likely huge flaws.


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Good luck, Mark. Unfortunately, I don't share your confidence in success. Being in the right has rarely mattered in the courts and no less so than in the last few years counter narrative. IMO, the legal system needs tearing down with every other ignorant, corrupt state agency. The world would be a much better, safer place without them.

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