Grateful for the protection. It could've been worse.

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Kept him from being hospitalized, so there's that.

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SADS is a better outcome than being hit by a stage 4 cancer.

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SADS is better than being sick with the flu for a week, I guess....

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or getting a cold or a sniffle.

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We have the cure for cancer in Kanada: it's called "MAiD".

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Looks like Mr. Exton was also a fan of MAiD. https://opengovca.com/proactive-disclosure-travel/adam-exton

"Adam Exton is an employee working in Health Canada. The position title is Director of Parliamentary Affairs." Consultation roundtables on Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) on behalf of the Parliamentary Secretary."

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Health Canada and the MAID debate has been hijacked by people who know nothing about health and are so full of hubris that they actually think they are qualified to make decisions about life and death. This guy's death was another wakeup call for these people but they don't seem to be listening.

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This may be premature for their purposes, but ultimately one less loose end they'll need to clean up later.

If I sound cynical, it's probably because I've begun to see the whole situation as if I'm observing or ganized cryme on a grand, international scale.


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Well, that is because you are observing crime on a grand international scale.

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“Organized crime on a grand international scale”. And there you have it! By virtue of my past career, I am still in touch with people in almost all the globe. I try to explain to some Brazilian friends that the corruption they see on their institutions, and particularly on the newly formed government is mostly local, perhaps regional. The corruption in the US, Canada and Europe is global! (P.S.: I think Brazil is about to go globally in corruption, based on the leanings of the new (but old) government. Watchful waiting)

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I tend to agree with you but I am hoping the people who have not simply sold their souls to the cartel and are living in denial, or have chosen to pretend nothing is going on because it is convenient, can still be swayed and become a constituent of the good.

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So, in Jan 2020, this guy is going to or holding conferences about medically-assisted death??

Yet another example of just not being able to make it up...

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Good quality Maid in Canada.

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The irony, right? And the jokes -- they just keep comin'.

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I have to agree, my cousin, 58 got diagnosed w/some rare cancer, no cure. Chemo will drag his life out by a year or two, but that is it. He was healthy and fine until the jab. It will be a long slow painful death, SADS would be better.

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Consider using fasting and keto or carnivore diet to see if it helps slow or stop the cancer...

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That and Ivermectin will cure cancer UNLESS they had the jab. If they took the he poison, they wiped out their immune system.

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MMS - also, please check out antiparasitic drugs like IVM, Mebendazole and others actually reduce tumours and even remove all cancer cells. I have lost my dad and brother with cancer and only recently finding out about the cures pharma want to keep hidden. He has nothing to lose if he tries them. Chemo will hurt him and cause more pain and suffering. I think there are people on substack who write about it. India, for example, uses lots of antiparasitics as people get infected with all sorts due to drinking dirty water and eating badly cooked street foods. Yet their cancer rates are very low compared to US and no doubt other first world countries.

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I'll second commenter Markker's suggestion to check out antiparasitics like IVM, mebendazole, and fenbendazole.

There is a substack devoted to discussion of fenbendazole, link below, maybe you/your cousin could possibly benefit (?) ... May not work for everyone ... but sure is worth looking into:


The use of dewormers, besides being able to get rid of worms, apparently may have (for some people) the additional benefit of activating one's "cell mediated immunity" (which fights cancer cells and "virus" infected cells). If true, this is HUGE.

Ivermectin, like fenbendazole, is an antiparasitic for treating cattle. While I myself have not taken ivermectin, interestingly, there are numerous studies demonstrating that IVM works well as an antiviral against the bioweapon.

Hydroxychloroquine, like fenbendazole/mebendazole and ivermectin, is also an antiparasitic treatment used for decades against the parasite malaria. HCQ, interestingly, if used as an early treatment with some zinc, also works well against the bioweapon.

So here we have here 3 antiparasitic drugs -- Fenben, IVM, and HCQ -- which (1) fight worms/malaria/parasites, and (2) also may be effective against "viruses" and cancer ... This would be GREAT news for people ... because these are old, off-patent, inexpensive generic drugs ... and this is TERRIBLE news for Big Harma for the same reason: these are old, off-patent, cheap generic drugs ... bad for the bottom line ... and means fewer customers for pricier treatments at places like Sloan Kettering.

It seems then that these antiparasitic drugs somehow (a) upregulate the arm of the immune system known as "TH1" (cell mediated immunity that fights cancer cells and "virus" infected cells), and/or (b) downregulate the arm of the immune system known as "TH2" (humoral immunity). So they may act as immuno-modulators to optimize or improve immune function.

Safe ... minimal side effects versus horrible side effects for chemo/radiation. I tend to agree with Markker who wrote, "He has nothing to lose if he tries them. Chemo will hurt him and cause more pain and suffering."

May not work for everyone ... but sure is worth looking into.

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fenbendazole substack page

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Except with SADS, you don't get to prepare for your death, final judgement. Which I think is Satan's angle. He doesn't care when you die, only that you end up in hell.

Capital punishment is quite merciful in that you have much time to repent, become Catholic

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Modern Canada sounds like it is run by the nefarious Screwtape of Screwtape Letters.

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God is still the one in full control regardless of the fact that satan looks to be the one in charge now. If God would know these people can redem themselves, they wouldn't be hit by SADS.

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With SADS, you don't get to make an Act of Perfect Contrition/ prepare for death.

But not as physically painful, this side

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That is hilarious, but macabre.

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Nailed it.

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Dec 17, 2022
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I don't wish it on them. But did you know that our "good stewards" who believe they must protect us by controlling us and mandating that we do things that may harm us do so believing that any harms they cause are "for a greater good," "couldn't be helped." True story, it's their actual belief system to rationalize and justify the deaths on their bloody hands.

These people believe this sort of thing, have for a very long time, whenever they are trying to remake man in their own image. Like Stalin. And as described by the New York Times, Pullitzer Prize-winning writer Walter Duranty:

"...Collectivization was the main cause of a famine that killed millions of people in Ukraine, the Soviet breadbasket, in 1932 and 1933 – two years after Duranty won his prize.

Even then, Duranty dismissed more diligent writers’ reports that people were starving. “Conditions are bad, but there is no famine,” he wrote in a dispatch from Moscow in March of 1933 describing the “mess” of collectivization. “But – to put it brutally – you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs.”"


So, if one were to reciprocate their logic, players dropping dead while billions watch the WC final would be dying "for a greater good." Breaking eggs, you see, for that yummie omelet that awaits us all!

Just sayin'.

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They need to start adding that line in their will

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nice sentence for a gravestone, too

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Would certainly cut down on the production time for them to have it pre-etched. A real concern these days with the excessive mortality demands and all.

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At least he didn't have to suffer with the "being alive thing"....

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Too perfect, fab laugh & hat tip Sir!! :~)

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It is like trying to reason with Jim Jones folks before they start gulping down the coolaid. There seems to be a suicidal component at work here. From the outside it appears crazy to us. But to the Cult of Covid members, it makes perfect sense.

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Do these perps see themselves as martyrs.

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I don’t know - their brains are messed up by the vaccine - so anything is possible

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Damn, Lawrence. You are funny.

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I first saw George Carlin on a TV show called "Laugh in" many many years ago. I saw him live in Las Vegas a couple years before his death. This comment is pure "George Carlin" humor. George and many others have influenced my intellectual and literary development. I particularly loved George's understanding of the language and the power of words. Spend some time looking at some of his stand up routines on YouTube. FYI - George was a high school dropout.

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Many of us here in the USA consider Mr. Carlin a National Treasure. We miss him.

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I certainly miss him.

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Carlin was on "Laugh-in"? I must have missed that -- or forgotten. I, too, admired Carlin's use of the language. Every once in a while I do watch some of his routines. I wince here and there when he gets a little too vulgar for my taste, but the man was clearly an astute and honest observer of the world.

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Swimming in the polluted Hudson River as a child...immune systems "tempered in shit." He knew more about immunity and health as a comic than doctors do today.

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Yes - and another very interesting and strange musical genius and social commentator was the late Frank Zappa. It is musicians, artists, comedians, writers and poets like this that have shaped my consciousness and honed my sense of humor. I am blessed by all of this. I am cursed by all of this. Ignorance is indeed bliss, while knowing can be window into the gates of hell.

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he could have gotten covid on top

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I won't be too surprised if it's spun as Covid-related.

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It is Covid-related, i.e., Covid drove Canada insane and enriched Pfizer, et al, which in turn may have cut this guy down in his "prime".

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If he had've lived it would have been worse.

This perp has had a taste of his own medicine.

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Sorry to hear of his passing - hope this causes more people wake up

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All of this is horrible. It’s almost like we are in a war. We celebrate the death of an enemy. But we all know that no one really wins a war. Both sides lose and only the Angel of Death wins.

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This answers a question. Some of these bastards were also stupid enough to get the poison LOL

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Yes, many are. My wife has a bunch of extremely wealthy clients in bay area/silicon valley. Most of them have been jabbed and boosted. Our elites are braindead idiots.

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I think many people mistook getting these injections for harmless virtuesignaling. I don't think they all expected them to be protective against disease. I think they just expected them to be inert. They took them as fashion accessories or club badges. I don't think all of them have ever been genuinely afraid of disease. They mostly cling to their leftwing-connotated in-group markers and to the opportunity to punish and close out members of the political opposition from social life.

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Yes, they partied and vacationed while they locked us up and shut down our livelihoods. They smirked with mock concern as they assured us 'we're in this together' and insisted 'everyone must do their part' to end cov!d or else get cut off from society ...

No, most never believed a word of it, but ironically their saintly deeds are sending them to heaven.

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I would be surprised if any of them believed that real heaven exists. They were mostly trying to create it here on earth.

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Last paragraph, sarcasm? Coercing an experimental medicine is against the natural law. A grave sin, objectively

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Nope! Wrong spot!

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Since they probably didn't expect any afterlife at all, they'll consider it "heaven".

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They will know well where they are.

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Yes and even when one of their own children drops dead there's no outrage. Simply denial.

Shakespeare meets Vaccine Injury Denial. Listen to Turfseer's PERCHANCE TO DREAM: https://soundcloud.com/turfseer/perchance-to-dream

Subscribe to Turfseer's Newsletter. Songs, music videos and much more. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-virus-is-my-god

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It's vile, unmanly to just "take it" when family member dies.

Or you get maimed.

Absolutely no respect for them

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Dec 18, 2022
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Who do you have no respect for?

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Yeah. When Trump was touting the jabs, they vociferously refused. Social pressure from their tribe. Don’t want to be “othered” or canceled.

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I think there is some truth in that, however, from my own anecdotal experience, many I know took their face diapers off once they got the clot shot, because they did think it provided them protection. That may have slowly changed as reality is becoming harder and harder to ignore for some of them, but certainly not all of them...

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In places where masks were mandated for unvaccinated only, running around without mask was also a social marker. The same for kn95 masks for unjabbed vs surgical masks for jabbed. A status symbol /virtue signal that too.

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I'm not going back to Natural Grocer until I see an apparently sincere apology. Since when do "natural" food and medicine people demand their patrons get mRNA (or any vaccine) shots?

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I live in Olympia WA and when all the rules were handed out, the local organic food co-op were the most Nazi-esque and insane of them all. I thought that an understanding of nature and the body's innate immune system would influence their philosophy of doing business. Nope and nada.

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Any unvaccinated person who wore masks when the mandates only applied to them probably wound up vaxxed too.

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yes that qualifies for my jabbed former friends. One even said, that the virus was merely a fortified cold. So at least that one knew. But got the jab, in case it just saves one life ! I suppose you can die from a cold, if you are already sick enough

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Bingo 👆

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Interesting angle & I think u may be correct for many of these people.

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I agree! An elderly family member, after their first or second dose of Pfizer posted a FB picture of their wrist, captioned it: *my NEW, favorite piece of jewelry!", It was the silicone Pfizer bracelet they were giving out to the jabbed to virue signal with. 😏

Same person also stroked out within 24 hours of receiving their booster last year, but you know, it was NOT the booster according to this person, their doctors didn't even suggest it, and family was appalled that spouse and I could even suggest such a thing. I'm out! 🙃 ✌️ 🥂

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Dec 18, 2022
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😂🤦🏼‍♀️🤪 oh man.... Thankfully the person made a "full recovery" with no lingering symptoms, and will live to boost again, until they 🚀 outta here.

YOU, Fast Eddy, had me LOL, thank you!!

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I agree with you 100%. Most of them aren't genuinely afraid of the so-called disease. Instead they enjoy persecuring others..

Watch 1692 WAS A VERY GOOD YEAR on Youtube as the mainstream Covid narrative is compared to the Salem Witchcraft trials: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qx8keLopGIM

Subscribe to Turfseer’s Newsletter. Songs, Music videos and more. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-virus-is-my-god

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Indeed. The petty tyrants love chaos and get a kick out of bullying the weaker. I'll def watch this.

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Also a denizen of Insane Francisco, & I have the same experience. Just turned down an invite to a neighbor's X-Mas party where they are going to rapid-test all the party-goers before they come in, but, hey, at least no vax proof.

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Betcha 1$ they come down with something after that party. Ok, 2$.

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Not a doubt in my mind they'll get sick. 🤣

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Wow. The brainwashed city is awful with some businesses still requiring mask wearing. I´m in Marin and the masks are coming back here.

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LOL. The people graduate “with honors” at mass conformity Sheeple University. Watch the hit music video on Youtube; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPt5jtIMqnQ&t=3s

And while we're at it don't forget Tiffany Dover. Listen to the music video WHERE HAVE YOU GONE TIFFANY DOVER? https://turfseer.substack.com/p/where-have-you-gone-tiffany-dover

Subscribe to Turfseer's Newsletter. Songs, music videos and much more.

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She might need to get some new unjabbed clients in the next few years.

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Unless she is an embalmer or similar.

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The pendulum swings the elite become dead and the unjabbed become the elite

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You’d think money was a replacement for neurons.

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These vaxxed-up elite are oh so virtous is what they are.

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Same with my upper class clientele. They will die out. (unless robots replace them!) - One of the top industrialists, Harvard-educated..., celebrated Diwali 2020 with masks, and sitting 6 feet away from each other..! When a family member shared this during a session I almost spilled my tea.

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Dec 18, 2022
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If we would have described to them, say 5 years ago, this very scenario and told them they would get themselves, for comparison, 5 flu shots in the span of a year and a half, what would they have said? I am thinking they would have said, no way would I take that many jabs in that short amount of time, willingly. Such fear, and now I think, such a mind numbing effect it is having on them. Truly they do not cannot think certain thoughts, it seems to me. Nano mind coercion, perhaps quite specific. Inability to question certain topics. Acceptance of forever colds and low energy, pains. Only a few folks seem to remember how they used to be before jabbing.

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Was at Target a few days ago, in the supplement/vitamin aisle, next to the in-store CVS pharmacy, and masked elderly woman was talking to pharmacy counter worker, trying to get her booster and flu shot but the vaccine clinic portion was closed at the time. Worker tells elderly woman to come back tomorrow when clinic opens, elderly woman asks: "just to clarify- it is safe to get my booster AND my flu shot at the same time?!

Worker (not a pharmacist or doctor) replies: "Yes, it's totally safe.".

I scoffed & said aloud: SHOW HER THE DATA THAT PROVES IT'S TOTALLY SAFE! They both damn near whiplashed themselves as they turned my direction.⚡ 🤷🏼‍♀️

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🤞hope Turdeau was that arrogant

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I'm sure Schwab made sure he didn't get the real thing.

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It's highly doubtful that he did.

Certified nurse confirms justin trudeau and wife sophie faked vaccination on live tv:


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Serial Killers typically only kill others.

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Honestly, I think most of them did. They are true believers in a cult. 

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Speaking of cults watch CHURCH OF THE PANDEMIC MIND. There’s a new church in town!


And while we're at it don't forget Tiffany Dover. Listen to the music video WHERE HAVE YOU GONE TIFFANY DOVER? https://turfseer.substack.com/p/where-have-you-gone-tiffany-dover

Subscribe to Turfseer's Newsletter. Songs, music videos and much more.

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Thank you so much. Subscribe to my newsletter to hear new songs and commentary on the old ones.

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The Thai princess was just pronounced dead... they did their best to keep her alive after her 'cardiac' event... 44 years old, super fit, in direct line of succession and part of the power structure there. Why do folks keep assuming that the 'effetes' are so diabolical that they avoided the shots while making everyone else take it? Please, they are really that stupid and believed their own lies.. so except for maybe a handful, almost all of them took the clotshots.

This makes for a rather interesting situation, compared to previous periods of revolution where there was huge amount of terror, bloodshed etc. This time round, the effetes have taken themselves out of the game. Give it 2 years.. 5 years max. So set your imagination and efforts to rebuilding society in a more sane and sustainable manner for what comes after that...

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The Thai power structure is not part of the global power structure. Governments and local elites in countries like Thailand are order followers and not part of the global oligarchy. This Canadian man was just a government manager and likely an oblivious order follower too.

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A quick historical recap... during the height of the lockdowns in Thailand, where they supposedly had strict border controls and movement restrictions between provinces etc, it got leaked that the top generals and politicians were having massive parties... with high end escorts from Ukraine being flown in. Turns out one of them was covid+ but because they had special exemption from quarantine etc, it spread to the Bangkok elites that way. Remember Boris Johnson having nice parties at No 10, while rest of Britain was being locked down and told not to visit their grannies etc?

You could argue that they're just following orders... yes, just like BJ was following orders. No dispute there. But if you really knew how wealthy the Thai king is, and how much of that is in real assets, not fake financial digital chits, and has the full force of law backing him in Thailand with the lese majesty laws, him not being on social media or in the news willingly (unlike Jeff Bezos or Musk), is a prudent move for someone that wields power behind the scenes. The Deep State has cultivated the power class across it's sphere of influence in both overt and covert ways aggressively for the last few decades. Most of the elites kids went to school in top US colleges (I was rubbing shoulders with Saudi princes, US political scions, royalty from all around the world while at Stanford)... they've all been groomed to be part of a jet setting elite that thinks the world should bend fully to their will. I met a lot of the top Germans, eastern europeans etc at Stanford too.... and interestingly, while rich Chinese families may have strived to get their kids into the Ivy Leagues, most of the chinese and russian politcal elites did not do that. They may have attended just a year or 2 at most of some graduate or post graduate course, but the same top level of political buy-in from Russia/China was never there. That's just something that becomes clear in retrospect.

I am currently in Singapore.. have rubbed shoulders with the local elites, who are the same ones feted at Davos etc. Believe me, while most are well-spoken as that's a major point of emphasis in their grooming, most have shitz for brains. Exactly the same as when I was around the global elites while at Stanford. The average person only gets to see polished performances on MSM tv, where the elites seem to be in full control of the power levers etc, but in reality, everything is stage-managed to the nth-degree... and most are just talking puppets. Are there true elites who didn't jab? Sure, there's always exceptions.. but at this point, most of the elites are truly senile and incompetent - entrenched and stable power structures for multiple decades always result in such imbeciles. So yes, most have jabbed with the clotshots. Think of the British royals.. who are so inbred... yet could still speak in dulcet tones while mouthing the standard platitudes. Sure Prince Philip and the QE2 were old, but with modern medicine, they would probably have been able to live till 100+ , easy... yet both passed after the jabs came out. The elites really believed their BS that their shit doesn't stink... and started to eat their own shit. Just like the inbred white tigers that were part of the magic show at Vegas' Treasure Island in the 90's. I think I've still got a video somewhere one of the tigers took a dump... and after a short while, went back to er.... chew on it.

Take it from me, most of them took the shots. Don't get too distracted by the efforts to put up 5G towers everywhere, the CBDC's etc... not saying that they're not legit concerns, but it's a sign of desperation as they're literally doubling down on all their failed policies right now. The Ukraine thing is another sure sign that they are stupidly following a script that went awry, sanctions package after sanctions package against Russia, end result? Europe de-industrialized and back to the dark ages, literally. Even London is having sporadic blackouts right now with freezing pipes taking out power and internet connections. Just a fwiw.

So focus on the what we want to build after that... the elites have literally taken themselves off the board, full effect likely seen from mid 2023 onwards.

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Sadly, they were the true believers. Very sad if he left behind children and a wife.

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at his level they are true believers

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If they did to themselves without pushing it on everyone, I would have no problem. It is a personal choice after all (still idiotic). However, they are not - they "know" better than us and will do everything possible to force their crap on the population. Still, in this case, it looks like he may be of some use after all - as a poster case for what one should avoid at all costs.

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Yes it's their mantra: Trust the Science. Watch TRUST THE SCIENCE RAG

“Doctor” Fatty Arbuckle and Buster Keaton join forces to remind us “Trust the Science”


And while we're at it don't forget Tiffany Dover. Listen to the music video WHERE HAVE YOU GONE TIFFANY DOVER. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/where-have-you-gone-tiffany-dover

Subscribe to Turfseer's Newsletter. Songs, music videos and much more.

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That's pretty amazing, isn't it?

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And we have a Bingo here!!

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Dec 17, 2022
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They are the same thing in a narcissistic psychopath's mind. Useful idiots = flying monkeys and useless eaters = scapegoats. Both help move their agenda forward.

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Bill Gates loves them both. His heart is that expansive.

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I guess he was shot by one of those violent, racist truckers? Oh, wait, he was injected with an experimental gene-based therapy and died suddenly with no cause given. No, that can't be it, maybe an Iranian drone attacked him while he was out jogging? The information is classified and that's why there is no word on causation from the government, the press, or anyone else. That's a fine way to thank the man for his humanitarian service, helping us all to...

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Climate change

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Ah, but of course! Why didn't I realize that!

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What can’t it do!?!? It may just solve all of our problems in the end…

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He was probably sleeping.

Very dangerous these days - to go to sleep.

I learned this by reading all of Mark's posts.

Many, many of the people in his posts died suddenly while sleeping. Or jogging or driving or walking or singing or drumming or dancing or breathing or swimming or, or.........

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Yes. Life itself is, well, a death sentence. Jabbed, sleeping and breathing simultaneously is dangerous. Unjabbed, only sentence #1 applies.

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But there may be more to this story. Much more.

Scroll to Ynona Ynot's comment on how he perhaps took his own life.

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Great post. Watch 1984 IS HERE on Youtube. The famous novel becomes a metaphor for the current dilemma we find ourselves in


And while we're at it don't forget Tiffany Dover. Listen to the music video WHERE HAVE YOU GONE TIFFANY DOVER? https://turfseer.substack.com/p/where-have-you-gone-tiffany-dover

Subscribe to Turfseer's Newsletter. Songs, music videos and much more.

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you almost had it......notsoTruedon't swayed him into the jab then had an injection faked on himself and called on the Russians to do him in....but wait, didn't Obozo say he was really good at killing people?

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Thoughts and prayers and all that, but hey, one less asshole trying to illegally fire me from my job again now that the government was finally forced to give it back to me after more than a year of resisting their threats and "final" offers.

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Stay strong. Sorry for your experience with your rogue government. Resist always. We are with you in spirit 100 percent.

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Thank you for that. The kindness of strangers at a time when a large segment of society sees me as a pariah means a lot.

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I'm still wondering about the government lawyer that dropped to the floor suddenly , as he was asking questions during the convoy inquiry . Disappeared somewhere with no mention. Maybe that's the agenda : a disappearing act with no mention or follow up. Seems we are all a bunch of goldfish with a memory less than 3 seconds -maybe that's too much time on reflection.

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You have a name? For that lawyer? I’d like to know more.

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Here you go : Gabriel Poliquin

lawyers and spectators were cleared from the hearing room. Gabriel Poliquin was in the early stages of examining Mario Di Tommaso when he collapsed to the floor.Nov 9, 2022

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Lots of info there, including some of the original video of him passing out.

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I thought there was a follow up on him that said he "recovered".......

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... from what did he recover is what I wonder - dehydration maybe? I suppose it's worth a better dive into finding out how often an event like this has taken place prior to the new stuff we have been injecting , mixing and matching , the many times over this past few years .

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According to this he tweeted that he was getting better but hasn’t appeared in public since the collapse.


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Ya don't tell anybody.


I am born and still live in CHINADA east Toronto .

I'm 66 and have fought the Allopathic Reductionistic medical cartel System for 30 years.

I already knew they are and were PHYCOPATHS and controll freaks.

My parents came from two WWs last century to come here for FREEDOM 75 years ago.

And here we are fighting NATZIS again in CHINADA .

We've never COMPLIED to ANYTHING and never will.

I've been in stores with 200 people and the only lone without a face diaper many times.

I've never put one on.

Being 6ft 6 inches and 260 muscular guy helps so yes I use it but not to bully just to watch the body language is funny as he'll to me..men send their woman to speak with me.lol

Lots of mask wearing robot pod people here in CHINADA.

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Same experience. I would go a large grocery store in Olympia WA with no mask and most of the time there was no one without a mask. I'm short, 5'5", but have grey hair. Maybe they figured I was an old battle axe, which was fine with me.

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The rest of us, if a bit sheepish, just need to walk in with a maskless group. Like the Mennonites do. Nobody bothers a group like they do a lone crusader.

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Watch POD PEOPLE BARBECUE. Following an alien invasion, humans are hatched in pods and turn into mask-wearing zombies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dr5y3gndykM

Subscribe to my new Substack newsletter where you can listen to more songs and music videos along with bonus material including ezines and blogs. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-virus-is-my-god

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Sharon Osbourne has suffered a "medical emergency."

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Maybe her pal Dr. Elton John will pay her a visit to boost her spirits.

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Yup - she is headed for a Pfizer toe tag too...

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Playwright David Mamet has said something like this: “Maintaining the liberal worldview requires that the liberal pretends not to know a lot of true information.” Willful blindness and hypocrisy aren’t just traits of poor character. They’re strategies!

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You've just described "Sandy" Cortez (AOC). Dumb as a box of rocks.

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I don’t know how you find this stuff Mark. Because somehow it all seems to disappear when we’re not looking. Thank you. Reading more on him it appears he was also instrumental in “finding and vetting” many ministers and members of parliament. Liberals I am going to assume. According to one obituary, there would not have been a “functioning government” without him. Rather surprising that they would’ve allowed him to actually be injected with the real deal.. Given his stature, it’s unthinkable that they wouldn’t be celebrating somebody who did so much for their cause. They can’t even honour their own.

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Well, that certainly wasn't the Covid response he was expecting.

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To borrow from Mark Twain:

Why does a hearse horse snicker when hauling a lawyer away?

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Because everyone snickers when a lawyer dies?

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The minions of the Agenda will pay a heavy price for their ignorance. They are as disposable as the rest of us worthless bottom-feeders. It is a little late in the game to wake them up, but they made their choices and will learn the hard way as most like to do.

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Yes they are!!!

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Did he help coerce the deathvax? If so, good riddance

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I think he was mixing the coolaid and handing it out.

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1. Don't drink the Kool-Aid


2. Don't inject the Cull-Aid

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Yes and I like your user name. And Cull-Aid is bad for you (and the species).

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Jacinda Ardern has gone full blown fascist

New Zealand Demands Citizens Report ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ Who ‘Oppose Gov’t Policies’ as ‘Terrorists’


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Coming to America.

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Well, I was expecting that a lot earlier from that red Dalek. Surprised it took so long to be honest.

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Some one help me with this, I remember when the jab first rolled out in 2021, some CEO of a major employer stated that they will be needing to replace 60-75% of their employees over the next 2-3 years, due to 'health issues'

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It was a woman in charge of planning the staffing the merchant ships. She did not know where they would be able to find enough people/men.


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I thought it was for oil production workers but could be both.

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Thanks, that was it

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He doesn't seem to be mistaken.

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Yah, I saw that one.

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Geez that was swift ..... will Canada speak up now 🦗🦗🦗🦗

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Absolutely not. They will double down. After all, this was a good outcome, wasn't it? He could have had Covid and that would have been way worse....

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Definitely a good outcome ... because "socialist/communist" Canada will never have to pay him a dime of government retirement benefits or provide him with any more health care.

Alway$ follow the money.

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