A great talk by the journalist (whom I once despised), and an apt comment by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (another man of honesty, for which "our free press" hates him, too)
Philip Haney, Michael Hastings, 3 FBI agents in a chopper, 2 State Troopers in a chopper, the man that broke the tarmac story, the couple that manufactured HCT, the list never ends.
Not quite first they came for Julian Assange and WikiLeaks.. flashback 2010 after release of video showing US war crimes including gleeful murder of two Reuters journalists.
PayPal freezes WikiLeaks donations
Digital McCarthism in the United States?
04 December 2010
{Saturday December 4, 2010}
Yesterday, PayPal, the US based internet banking giant, froze the public donations of whistleblowing publication WikiLeaks. WikiLeaks is entirely supported by donations from the general public, most of which come via PayPal. PayPal issued a concurrent press release saying that it had "permanently suspended" the WikiLeaks account, which is operated by the German charity WHS, under its charter to support the distribution of knowledge.
Although WikiLeaks has been victorious in all its court proceedings, and there are no pending proceedings, PayPal claims "our payment service cannot be used for any activities that encourage, promote, facilitate or instruct others to engage in illegal activity."
WikiLeaks editor, Julian Assange, stated that "What we are seeing here are dangerous moves towards a digital McCarthyism. These actions, and the others like it, are not the result of a legal process, but rather, are a result of fear of falling out of favor with Washington."
The move comes after several similar attacks this week, starting with the removal of WikiLeaks' Amazon.com servers after interference by US Senator Lieberman & the Department of Homeland Security. Lieberman called for "[A]ny other company or organization that is hosting WikiLeaks to immediately terminate its relationship with them,". On Thursday the Callifornia company EveryDNS severed its connections with WikiLeaks after it said it suffered massive, illegal, denial of service attacks on its infrastructure by unknown entities. On Friday, the Library of Congress censored connections to WikLeaks.
PayPal is not the first payment processor to bow to U.S. pressure. Back on August 13, 2010, just one week after the release of the WikiLeaks "Afghan War Dairies", Moneybookers, also suspend WikiLeaks ability to collect donations, stating that, "[F]ollowing recent publicity [The Afghan War Diaries] and the subsequently [sic] addition of the WikiLeaks entity to blacklists in Australia and watchlists in the USA, we have terminated the business relationship"
WikiLeaks stated that the PayPal account suspension was serious. "The vast majority of our donations come through this account. We can still accept bank transfers, cheques and some credit cards. If you support our work, right now is the time to support us through these another means."
On Wednesday, two days before the asset freeze, WikiLeaks Editor in Chief also stated in a widely reported Forbes cover story that WikiLeaks would expose tens of thousands of files relating to abusive practices in US financial institutions.
Oh? Must I record each member of society that is cast down? 🤨 howzabowt, using my Tardis.... JFK, Marilyn, RFK, Lady Di, Saddam, 9/11 Truthers... besides, what, Unions? & the lunatics have taken over the rest of the asylum. 🤗
Oh no, they are coming for you, me, all of us. The other day a man was arrested in his own home for piercing his teenage son's ear. Apparently the kid put it on FB that his dad was going to do it, and the kid was underage to have a piercing. Do not forget the woman that was arrested in the UK for standing outside an abortion clinic quietly praying, her lips weren't even moving. They arrested her for thought process. The round up is happening and you can bet all of the anti-vaxxers are on the list.
They're going to have their hands full... there's quite a few of us... and our numbers are growing by the day. Picking off a few leaders will only stir the hornets nest even more.
Edit -- I want to make clear that I meant the globalists "picking off" some of our movement's leaders... not the other way around!
I would say that the left-right paradigm has changed from liberal-conservative to vaxxed-unvaxxed, which makes sense because ultimate that is going to be the big litmus test for participation in society.
But it’s still the two wings of the same eagle. IMHO
Can’t piece a kid’s ear but you can pierce him with the jab-snake-venom, or pierce-abort a fetus/newborn... or pierce-sex-change a gender-confused teenager?
if thoughts were actually crimes, we would all be behind bars.
If you are not allowed to THINK, then you’re not ABLE to CHANGE their agenda
They have already called him a traitor, because he refuses to be a traitor like them so they will arrest him. And why will they arrest him? Because they arrested hundreds of patriots without trial to be beat up in prison and locked down in solitary confinerment, just as they did to the whole country for "Covid" in the year before, whose only "crime" was to be escorted round the people's Capitol building by the people's Capitol police force and the people saw that and did nothing about it. So they know that no one will do a damn thing if they add Tucker to the Jan 6th, Seth Rich, Snowden and Assange list of political prisoners/murdered. Tucker had better hope his neighbour across the street isn't using a nail gun for renonvations or he might accidentally get a few nails in the head.
I'll bet it had something to do with the Dominion matter. Election theft is a Forbidden subject, always has been. But it was a big mistake in any case, as you say.
“WILMINGTON, DE — In a stunning result that came much more quickly than observers expected, the 12-member jury in the Fox News-Dominion Software trial has voted in favor of Dominion by a count of 138,000 to 1....”
Yes!! Quite definitely the monologue in which he lauds RFK Jr. for being a brave truth teller and specifically exposing Big Pharma lies AS WELL AS daring to run for President - which Tucker seemed to welcome - was all taking it over the line which Fox (Murdock?) was willing to tolerate - despite Tuckers huge popularity.
I too, like many on the “old left”, used to revile all things FOX - though I’d never listened to Tucker specifically - and I “hated” all things Republican - UNTIL the COVID scamdemic changed everything.
In the late spring of 2020, I began to smell a rat. It all felt “off”. I started asking questions and thankfully was red pilled by a cousin in Sweden as well as a friends cousin who is a scientist living in Hungary. He confirmed my suspicions then that COVID was manmade. He had no doubt about it.
Then it was off to the races. Of course I wasn’t going to take a highly experimental injection. It made no sense.
In the summer of 2021, I was desperate to find allies, as I live in what Mark Crispin Miller calls “The Blue Hell of Los Angeles”. And believe me, it STILL is.😵💫
By a miracle, I was introduced to a member of the West LA Chapter of Childrens Health Defense. I’d found my people!! In our meetings, I could breathe in the atmosphere of the fearless pursuit of and telling of the truth.
It’s been a long and painful journey as my loved ones, family, and most of my colleagues have bought the lies and still cling to them with a cult-like fervor.😰
Along the way, I began watching Tucker and to my great surprise found him to be a brave truth teller who interviewed those who were banned from mainstream media. I’ve come to admire him greatly and am deeply saddened - but not surprised - at his swift removal from FOX.
I pray he’ll land on his feet - and start broadcasting on Rumble and/or Substack.
There was an interview he did some months ago - and now I can’t recall who he was interviewing - but at the end they discovered that they both have been “in recovery” for many years. For those who know - that’s code. I too have been “in recovery” for many years and am thrilled to know that has been Tuckers path as well.
I only wish that I could find a way to send him an email - thanking him for being the brave truth teller that he is - and encouraging him to stay on that rocky, dangerous, but noble path.🙏
there's more to Fox than only the Murdochs, like some of its board members: 'A new court document leak from the lawsuit between Fox News and Dominion Voting Systems sheds new light on the network's decision to 'move on' from Donald Trump...' - https://thekylebecker.substack.com/p/new-court-document-leak-shows-driving
"Rupert Murdoch moves to be less 'vulnerable'...While Fox News did not provide immediate explanation about why the network decided to part ways with its top primetime host Tucker Carlson, reports began to surface that Rupert Murdoch was behind the decision."
The Terrorist organization, which betrayed its centralization by rolling out the "covid" panic in well over 100 countries simultaneously, see https://iaindavis.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/G3P-Chart.png, will probably be talking to only one or two people at Fox, and those are likely to be Rupert Murdoch and his son Lachlan.
Or how about the Nord stream 2 explosion?! The day after it happened, TC said it was likely the US. TC was the only thing I watched on FoxNews. I liked him on FoxNews because at least the silver hairs heard some truth about the GOP from him.
That's because the higher ups have reached a point where they can't contain low level "truth" any longer, so they open up the levy and allow a little to bleed out so the "truthers" can feast for a while and feel all chuffed about themselves.
Rupert Murdock does as he's told just like all the other middle-management slaves.
How much do the silver hairs really matter at this stage in the game?
As far as I can tell, the youth are going to walk away from all this. They've already lost hope in the system before they even get going. At some point, the managers will be begging them and us to crawl back. And if that happens it'll be on our terms. And round and round we go... because human nature appears to be an immutable force in this reality.
I think you're wrong here. Alex Jones has talked about how he helped Tucker wake up...not sure of the timeline, but Tucker went through a huge evolution in recent years, and in this past year he has been on fire. To wit his firing by evil America-hating globalist Rupert Murdoch.
Jones had family members in the military, who opened his eyes to deep state activity early in life. He's been exposing the lies more effectively than anyone else I know of for the past 29 years.
True, but he begin to see things differently when BLM showed up at his house, it became personal. He packed his bags and moved to Maine, family home, of course, but none the less got out of the DC Swamp. No doubt today was a doozy for him. One day you are #1 and then you are not, just like that.
Not to mention all of the concerned text messages and phone calls, not all by well-meaning friends. UGH.
I watched him long enough to believe he is having an awakening of sorts. Sometimes you can see it in his face or hear it in his voice. And if you listen closely there are underlying meanings in some of his language. You can see him say what he wants to say but knows he can't say it.
What gets me is how ordinary citizens can do the math and they can't, it takes them years. It is very frustrating and then when they do connect the dots, by then they realize they are owned and can do nothing about it but lie and play the game every day.
Possibly... for all his bragging about his improved sex life, he's out of shape and wheezing his way to the next million dollars worth of profit from his supplements business. I still tune in though cos the competition is nowhere near as entertaining.
Great take. He really started opening buried treasure. Especially the Nixon/JFK piece pulling in the CIA. The Federal Reserve directed Deep State lackies are working overtime thanks to the Internet reformation. Avoiding truth to protect one's illusions takes self-contemp to a level beyond comprehension.
Well and these people have sired the next generation… 92 year old soros has very young sons… 30’s… he’s chair of the Open Society and an even younger son… they’ll have access to all that money and you know they’ve been indoctrinated
He's been testing the Rogan/Beck/Crowder/Adams conversational style "independent" podcast for a while now. Wouldn't be surprised if he goes that route.
Gosh I hope so. I would have to stock up on popcorn that would make such fun watching.
It also would lean in favor of the idea that he decided to go rogue from the powers that made him wealthy and influential (I know... a long shot). Admittedly, even if he were to go that route, I'll keep my SH Skepticism firmly in place to make sure there's no knife-in-the-back coming.
Yes, you know I've read those. And I'm not going to Hero Ball the Tuckster. ;) But I'm going to keep a close eye on him now... since my known enemies have "fired him." Whether that means they are setting him up as the ultimate limited hangout mouthpiece for normies or he's actually closer to "my side" than working at Fox News would let him be... time will tell.
Thank you Mark for this post. As a lifelong Dem, I was warming up to Fox news by listening to Tuckers shows as he made more and more sense and MSNBC/CNN has morphed into state propaganda.
What did you think of fox's big settlement with dominion?
I will miss Tucker Carlson and won't be watching anymore fox news programs.
I don't know what to make of that settlement. Dominion is as crooked as the other e-voting_e-vote-counting companies, so I'd like to know what really happened.
It was one hand of Oligarch Overlord shifting money to the other hand of the (same) Oligarch Overload to reallocate funds (for the upcoming election fraud and all the hackers and mules they'll need to pay) and to create plausible deniability for the blue-pilled portion of the public that wants to screech "see!! This was tried in a court OF LAW... a judge said there was no election fraud!!!" (while of course none of that is factual)
Look who is taking over the US by backing Biden as President? CCP appears to be pushing Biden again and now is using threat of defamation lawsuits to censor critics of Blackbox proprietary voting software.
So CCP is using Dominion as it's baseball bat to shore up bidens re-election by stopping cold any claims of election theft. It won't be long before CCP takes over this country.
Looks like there is a strong China connection to staple Street connection via a $400 m investment :
An investigation into U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings revealed that the firm which owns Dominion Voting Systems received $400 million dollars from a Swiss bank with close links to the Chinese government less than a month before the election.
Any ideas of who owns privately held Dominion? This article mentions staple street paid $38m in 2018 for 76% stake in Dominion.
BlackRock Increases Position in Fox Corporation (FOXA)
Fintel reports that BlackRock has filed a 13G/A form with the SEC disclosing ownership of 45.74MM shares of Fox Corporation, Class A (FOXA). This represents 15.1% of the company.
In their previous filing dated January 27, 2022 they reported 39.87MM shares and 12.40% of the company, an increase in shares of 14.75% and an increase in total ownership of 2.70% (calculated as current - previous percent ownership).
I wonder if Blackrock is happy to have dominion win a huge settlement that stops any other claims of stolen elections, thus the CCP can continue to squeeze Biden and control every word he says.
Should we all start learning to speak Chinese before we get thrown into re-education camps?
I believe it was a combination of discrediting the George Floyd Story, and the Fake Pandemic Him speaking out, was the final straw. When you can’t attack the message, you attack the messenger.
Odd how the very night Tucker exposed some truth about J6 ol Mitch had his health episode and we haven't seen him since. Funny how the busy body media hasn't reported a thing about him, no video, no soundbites, no wave from a window, no nothing. I think he is dead and they are holding out for when they need a distraction.
"We had reviewed more than a million internal Fox documents and deposed dozens of people, and Fox’s legal team had reviewed more than a million of ours. Then, in a summary judgment ruling on March 31, the court allowed the case to proceed and dismantled many of Fox’s legal defenses, ruling its claims about Dominion were clearly false and it could not seek refuge in arguments about the lies’ newsworthiness."
"Our settlement with Fox is just one win on a long road. We have six more defamation cases pending: against Mike Lindell and his company, MyPillow; Rudy Giuliani; Sidney Powell; Patrick Byrne; One America News Network; and Newsmax. We will not stop until we hold all parties to full account."
The COVID biowarfare isn't unnecessarily blatant, designed to provoke civil strife descending into social collapse? Couldn't the satanic global government movement have instead released a massively deadly flu virus and gotten everyone to take soiked flu shots?
Beware the overly blatant acts of treachery against society, like the controlled demolition of Building 7 of the World Trade Center on 911 (2001). The satanic global government sects engineer civil wars and revolutions to install themselves in power. See exposés by Antony Sutton, William Guy Carr, James Perloff etc.
You were right Mark to point out a non sequitur. The unnecessary blatantness of the COVID biowarfare is evident even without the existence of the alternative of a more surreptitious spiked-flu-shot attack. On this topic, let me re-state what I wrote to Jessica Rose today: Soberly remember please the 🇨🇦 war dead, misled into the satanic global government-engineered World Wars 1 and 2. See any love-to-hate-’em Hitler-esque figures on the world (or national) stage right now?
Building 7 wasn't "demolished" (unless you count the debris that wiped out the bottom half of the building leading to its collapse later in the day). This is clearly visible in videos taken at ground level next to building 7 rather than the massively shared and deceptive video of the collapse that only shows the top half of the building. A little more research would clarify this simple fact for anyone who cares to do it.
Wow! You win the prize for the dumbest comment ever! Did you do the math all by yourself or did you get help?
Two planes hit the twin towers. When one of the towers fell down it sent massive amounts of debris across the street to building 7 and practically destroyed the bottom half of the building. But you keep believing moronic myths that have been deliberately seeded to make the truth movement look like a bunch of kooks and knuckle dragging simpletons.
But maybe that's exactly what they are and that's why we always lose because we're surrounded by idiots and they drag us down to their level.
Dude, since you've resorted to insults, here's something back: you are all over several stacks I read, and have proven yourself unworthy of taking seriously. Are you Larry Silverstein's cantor or something?
No. There is absolutely no evidence that explosives were used on that day. All the stuff about nanothermite etc has been thoroughly debunked but people like to believe in fairy tales because it makes their life more interesting.
No that's totally false what you are claiming, Tsubion. See a recent video and powerpoint presentation on the use of explosives on 911 from the founder of Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth. https://www.bitchute.com/video/9iw0mEIjS6lL/
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth wouldn't know the truth if it smacked them in the face. They have zero credibility in my opinion. Just a bunch of grifters grifting.
No explosives were used on 9/11. That's just a "truther" myth that has continued to this day because people in general believe the first thing they come across that confirms their bias without doing due diligence and investigating further.
None of the buildings fell at "free fall" speed on 9/11. They all followed a classical pancake collapse pattern at a speed measurably slower than "free fall" due to severe structural damage.
Building 7 even toppled over to the side (so not into it's footprint as many claim).
Just because something looks like a controlled demolition doesn't mean that it is! You have to study the case in depth and see how massive chunks of debris were sent flying across to the lower half of building 7 (which is not visible in the typical video shown to truthers) and which caused severe structural damage across the bottom half of the building. Later that day the fire crews were ordered to pull back and it fell down. That's all there is to it.
Firstly, let me say that we must forgive all people all things, and not practise punishing retributive justice, only mercy for all people (my understanding of what Almighty God demands, as explained in the teaching of Yeshu‘a of Nazareth). The unnecessarily blatant inside-job giveaways on and around 911 are designed — rather unmistakably — to cause division in America and its allies. Division that can be exploited especially to cause civil war and so collapse the existing sovereignty and absorb these highly armed nations into 1 world government. For summaries of the unnecessarily blatant acts of inside-job involvement in 911, see the documentary "911—The New Pearl Harbor" and resources from AE911truth.org, Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth, and the architect who founded that, RichardGage911.org. The Mazzucco documentary I cited first goes into detail on the quite transparently fake/false debunking.
I'm sure you know how to type 9/11 truth debunked into a search engine. You can start there. Or you can try these for starters... https://www.metabunk.org/forums/9-11.28/
No. Not just my opinion at all. But the rational conclusion of millions of people who have looked into the subject matter with a critical eye and gone through the available material including the deceptive YouTube documentaries that put false ideas in the minds of gullible people who call themselves the 9/11 truth movement.
Quite honestly, people who are still pushing this nonsense after 20 years are nearly as bad as the original perps.
Here is a link to excellent work by documentary filmmaker Mazzucco showing inter alia how all the debunking attempts are false. And again let me say, that this is a deep tragedy and we all should stick to mercy and forgiveness for all the people who planned and committed the (100% or partially) inside job attacks of 911.
Tucker gave a wonderful interview with a friend a month ago (Clayton Morris, I think, the host of Redacted). He said, ""It's been this amazing and beautiful experience for me, to be in the face of these lies and feel like, ‘I don't have to go along with this at all’ and be like, 'are you gonna fire me? Okay, fine, go ahead. I'm still not lying.' 'Are you gonna arrest me? Go ahead. I am not lying, period.' “ I wrote about it at the time, https://thinkaboutsuchthings.substack.com/p/telling-the-truth-sets-a-man-free
I agree! he has discovered he is over the target these past months, and he is exhilarated. He is in an adventure from now on. ~~~ As he said, in telling the truth, one doesn’t have to hide or create any story…. Like stamping on the floor to see the cockroaches scurry away….
Since virologists claim that viruses (if they even exist) cannot be isolated from unwell humans without mixing them into a witches brew of green monkey kidney cells, fetal bovine blood, antibiotics, and enzymes, there is no reason to believe that they can manipulate them in any way. Hence, GoF is just another fiction and massive distraction.
I didn't notice Tucker being as honest as Mark makes him out to be. His speech was the usual rambling monologue used to actually hide the truth. If Tucker was having a "truth" moment in an otherwise total life of lying why didn't he actually tell some truths, directly and with candor.
He went on and on about how he so greatly admired truth tellers but not a mention about how he, Tucker, badly maligned David Ray Griffin right on his show. Tucker C has a long long way to go to make up for his life of lies. He never ever needed the money so out goes that argument as to why he has been a total scum bag for his whole life. He needs a new gig on some network where he will have to spend all these same numbers of hours telling truth to power after his long years of being a fox scum bag.
Surely you are not suggesting Tucker has changed, Mark. If he had actually and really changed he would simply tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, which is all a decent, honest human being ought to do. Right?
A lifelong liar doesn't do a 180 in a flash. This is NOT to say that any actual truths he does speak are a bad thing, they certainly are not, they, individually, are to be commended.
Tucker often shares that he is Episcopalian but frustrated by the denomination's turn to wokeness. No one is reporting this but it was easy to do an internet search that Christ Church Georgetown has been his D.C. church home.
And what do you know...the rector there was the first person in metro D.C. to come down with the plague in March 2020. Spent two weeks in hospital, wink-wink, almost died. Was interviewed extensively after he was recovered enough and his case was plastered all over the news. One of the first super spreader events. That IHS church is known to be home of prominent d.c. elites from both the right and left who come together once a week to sing Kumbaya in unison.
As for me, I ditched my woke progressive church membership as soon as I figured what's up in 2020 and I gave that progressive pastor an earful on my way out.
So obvious it's One Big Club with assigned roles and scripts.
Just having RFK Jr on his show last Thursday was more than any of the msnbc news shows could do. I really grew to respect Tucker and am bummed he is gone, cancelled by Rupert Murdock
Limited hangout. Anyone that makes a living in the mainstream is playing a role. It will be interesting to see where Tucker (and RFK Jr) try to lead the flock next.
That word, "flock" is far too accurate as regards Americans and american hangers on. And it has led to untold sums of misery for the poor, defenceless nations of the world throughout the usa's long reign of war crimes, genocides, terrorism, torture, rapes, and all the other assorted and sundry usa deep deep evils.
How does one grow to respect a serial liar? He has been covering up the mass murder of his fellow citizens on 9/11, and the equal or much greater crime, he has been aiding and abetting the usa's mass murder of millions for decades.
I've seen a bunch of videos over the last few years. Tucker is a terrific speaker and or guest. He's better speaking or being interviewed than he is a host.
"The more you tell the truth, the stronger you become," said Tucker Carlson, three days before they fired him for it (and he was absolutely right)"
True - listen to Mattias Desmet, psychologist, and author of "The Psychology of Totalitarianism" or listen to his interview with Carlson Tucker in which Carlson proclaims the interview to the most important interview of his. Truth telling imbues moral strength, imbues moral courage, imbues more strength. Listen at 59min.
Thank you for this. I now know the difference between a dictatorship and totalitarianism. Having been apolitical most of my life, I have been on a learning curve in this regard since 9/11.
Assuming that Tuckers viewers are somewhat conservative, tells me that the mere fact that Tucker Carlson has 10 TIMES the amount of viewers than CNN does tells the entire world that Joe Biden absolutely did not earn any where near the 81million votes he claims to. Stolen elections have consequences. No one voted for this insanity.
First They came for Alex Jones but I didn't care. Then They came for Tucker Carlson but I didn't care. Then They come for us.
You forgot Steve Bannon.
And Peter Navarro. And General Flynn!
And Lou Dobbs
and Donahue
After Michael Moore questioned "green energy" he disappeared too.
And Matt Taibbi
Poor Matt, seems a nice fellow and shook up. He should call Alan Dershowitz for a beer.
and dr. jane ruby
Andrew Breitbart. Benghazi. Vincent F
Philip Haney, Michael Hastings, 3 FBI agents in a chopper, 2 State Troopers in a chopper, the man that broke the tarmac story, the couple that manufactured HCT, the list never ends.
Not quite first they came for Julian Assange and WikiLeaks.. flashback 2010 after release of video showing US war crimes including gleeful murder of two Reuters journalists.
PayPal freezes WikiLeaks donations
Digital McCarthism in the United States?
04 December 2010
{Saturday December 4, 2010}
Yesterday, PayPal, the US based internet banking giant, froze the public donations of whistleblowing publication WikiLeaks. WikiLeaks is entirely supported by donations from the general public, most of which come via PayPal. PayPal issued a concurrent press release saying that it had "permanently suspended" the WikiLeaks account, which is operated by the German charity WHS, under its charter to support the distribution of knowledge.
Although WikiLeaks has been victorious in all its court proceedings, and there are no pending proceedings, PayPal claims "our payment service cannot be used for any activities that encourage, promote, facilitate or instruct others to engage in illegal activity."
WikiLeaks editor, Julian Assange, stated that "What we are seeing here are dangerous moves towards a digital McCarthyism. These actions, and the others like it, are not the result of a legal process, but rather, are a result of fear of falling out of favor with Washington."
The move comes after several similar attacks this week, starting with the removal of WikiLeaks' Amazon.com servers after interference by US Senator Lieberman & the Department of Homeland Security. Lieberman called for "[A]ny other company or organization that is hosting WikiLeaks to immediately terminate its relationship with them,". On Thursday the Callifornia company EveryDNS severed its connections with WikiLeaks after it said it suffered massive, illegal, denial of service attacks on its infrastructure by unknown entities. On Friday, the Library of Congress censored connections to WikLeaks.
PayPal is not the first payment processor to bow to U.S. pressure. Back on August 13, 2010, just one week after the release of the WikiLeaks "Afghan War Dairies", Moneybookers, also suspend WikiLeaks ability to collect donations, stating that, "[F]ollowing recent publicity [The Afghan War Diaries] and the subsequently [sic] addition of the WikiLeaks entity to blacklists in Australia and watchlists in the USA, we have terminated the business relationship"
WikiLeaks stated that the PayPal account suspension was serious. "The vast majority of our donations come through this account. We can still accept bank transfers, cheques and some credit cards. If you support our work, right now is the time to support us through these another means."
On Wednesday, two days before the asset freeze, WikiLeaks Editor in Chief also stated in a widely reported Forbes cover story that WikiLeaks would expose tens of thousands of files relating to abusive practices in US financial institutions.
Julian Assange
Truth, which is why people need to ask God for discernment!
Good one!!!
Interesting how your take is so much shorter than Pastor Niemoller's... 🤔
Oh? Must I record each member of society that is cast down? 🤨 howzabowt, using my Tardis.... JFK, Marilyn, RFK, Lady Di, Saddam, 9/11 Truthers... besides, what, Unions? & the lunatics have taken over the rest of the asylum. 🤗
You seem to be taking offense for some reason. Here's Pastor Niemoller's poem:
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
No, friend, no offense! We're all on the same planet with this 👍
Oh no, they are coming for you, me, all of us. The other day a man was arrested in his own home for piercing his teenage son's ear. Apparently the kid put it on FB that his dad was going to do it, and the kid was underage to have a piercing. Do not forget the woman that was arrested in the UK for standing outside an abortion clinic quietly praying, her lips weren't even moving. They arrested her for thought process. The round up is happening and you can bet all of the anti-vaxxers are on the list.
They're going to have their hands full... there's quite a few of us... and our numbers are growing by the day. Picking off a few leaders will only stir the hornets nest even more.
Edit -- I want to make clear that I meant the globalists "picking off" some of our movement's leaders... not the other way around!
What are you talking about?
You said this... "The round up is happening and you can bet all of the anti-vaxxers are on the list."
And I said what I said.
Tucker might have evolved ... or he might simply be repositioned.
he has become obi wan now that vader struck em down
Eh, maybe, time will tell.
I would say that the left-right paradigm has changed from liberal-conservative to vaxxed-unvaxxed, which makes sense because ultimate that is going to be the big litmus test for participation in society.
But it’s still the two wings of the same eagle. IMHO
Point well take .
Can’t piece a kid’s ear but you can pierce him with the jab-snake-venom, or pierce-abort a fetus/newborn... or pierce-sex-change a gender-confused teenager?
if thoughts were actually crimes, we would all be behind bars.
If you are not allowed to THINK, then you’re not ABLE to CHANGE their agenda
matrix prison. the new freedom normal
Thats crazy. But the kid could get hormones and the chop without so much as adult permission.
They actively HIDE it from the parents and bypass all the permissions required, to get around it they just changed the so-called laws.
Believe what is going on around you, or don't believe. I do not care.
F.O. & just have your fifth shot then...
Or Jovenel Moise of Haiti, John Magufuli of Tanzania, Hamed Bakayoko of Ivory Coast, Ambrose Dlamini of eSwatini, and Pierre Nkurunziza of Burundi?
Indeed. God bless them all.
They have already called him a traitor, because he refuses to be a traitor like them so they will arrest him. And why will they arrest him? Because they arrested hundreds of patriots without trial to be beat up in prison and locked down in solitary confinerment, just as they did to the whole country for "Covid" in the year before, whose only "crime" was to be escorted round the people's Capitol building by the people's Capitol police force and the people saw that and did nothing about it. So they know that no one will do a damn thing if they add Tucker to the Jan 6th, Seth Rich, Snowden and Assange list of political prisoners/murdered. Tucker had better hope his neighbour across the street isn't using a nail gun for renonvations or he might accidentally get a few nails in the head.
Because he’s going with Elon...
They are making mistakes, as Rupert Murdoch is making here, because they are becoming more afraid, if not outright panicking.
I'll bet it had something to do with the Dominion matter. Election theft is a Forbidden subject, always has been. But it was a big mistake in any case, as you say.
Dominion was never going to lose- think of the upshot...
True! The US judiciary is filthily corrupt. A "win" for Dominion isn't what it appears to be, and the truth will always out itself.
“WILMINGTON, DE — In a stunning result that came much more quickly than observers expected, the 12-member jury in the Fox News-Dominion Software trial has voted in favor of Dominion by a count of 138,000 to 1....”
But Tucker was questioning the Trump lawyer, trying to get evidence.
The network on the other hand was promoting the story.
Was the Tucker “Take Down” a Deep-State Hit?
Dominion’s biggest investors are Black Rock & Vanguard. But wait! So are Fox’s. The money shuffle is not what it seems.
Yes!! Quite definitely the monologue in which he lauds RFK Jr. for being a brave truth teller and specifically exposing Big Pharma lies AS WELL AS daring to run for President - which Tucker seemed to welcome - was all taking it over the line which Fox (Murdock?) was willing to tolerate - despite Tuckers huge popularity.
I too, like many on the “old left”, used to revile all things FOX - though I’d never listened to Tucker specifically - and I “hated” all things Republican - UNTIL the COVID scamdemic changed everything.
In the late spring of 2020, I began to smell a rat. It all felt “off”. I started asking questions and thankfully was red pilled by a cousin in Sweden as well as a friends cousin who is a scientist living in Hungary. He confirmed my suspicions then that COVID was manmade. He had no doubt about it.
Then it was off to the races. Of course I wasn’t going to take a highly experimental injection. It made no sense.
In the summer of 2021, I was desperate to find allies, as I live in what Mark Crispin Miller calls “The Blue Hell of Los Angeles”. And believe me, it STILL is.😵💫
By a miracle, I was introduced to a member of the West LA Chapter of Childrens Health Defense. I’d found my people!! In our meetings, I could breathe in the atmosphere of the fearless pursuit of and telling of the truth.
It’s been a long and painful journey as my loved ones, family, and most of my colleagues have bought the lies and still cling to them with a cult-like fervor.😰
Along the way, I began watching Tucker and to my great surprise found him to be a brave truth teller who interviewed those who were banned from mainstream media. I’ve come to admire him greatly and am deeply saddened - but not surprised - at his swift removal from FOX.
I pray he’ll land on his feet - and start broadcasting on Rumble and/or Substack.
There was an interview he did some months ago - and now I can’t recall who he was interviewing - but at the end they discovered that they both have been “in recovery” for many years. For those who know - that’s code. I too have been “in recovery” for many years and am thrilled to know that has been Tuckers path as well.
I only wish that I could find a way to send him an email - thanking him for being the brave truth teller that he is - and encouraging him to stay on that rocky, dangerous, but noble path.🙏
"now I can’t recall who he was interviewing - but at the end they discovered that they both have been “in recovery” for many years."
Ed Dowd I think
I think JP has it about right:
Fox is controlled opposition, and Tucker was becoming uncontrollable.
there's more to Fox than only the Murdochs, like some of its board members: 'A new court document leak from the lawsuit between Fox News and Dominion Voting Systems sheds new light on the network's decision to 'move on' from Donald Trump...' - https://thekylebecker.substack.com/p/new-court-document-leak-shows-driving
"Rupert Murdoch moves to be less 'vulnerable'...While Fox News did not provide immediate explanation about why the network decided to part ways with its top primetime host Tucker Carlson, reports began to surface that Rupert Murdoch was behind the decision."
The Terrorist organization, which betrayed its centralization by rolling out the "covid" panic in well over 100 countries simultaneously, see https://iaindavis.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/G3P-Chart.png, will probably be talking to only one or two people at Fox, and those are likely to be Rupert Murdoch and his son Lachlan.
great chart, TQ for the link.
Thanks to Iain Davis
will check :-))
I had wondered for months why they were allowing Tucker to say everything he was…
Jan 6
The election
The vaccine
Big pharma
He was hitting trans ideology very hard!
He was saying what we all are on substack and privately… but he was one of the few who was allowed a platform to speak… for a brief time
Guess they shut that down!
Or how about the Nord stream 2 explosion?! The day after it happened, TC said it was likely the US. TC was the only thing I watched on FoxNews. I liked him on FoxNews because at least the silver hairs heard some truth about the GOP from him.
That's because the higher ups have reached a point where they can't contain low level "truth" any longer, so they open up the levy and allow a little to bleed out so the "truthers" can feast for a while and feel all chuffed about themselves.
Rupert Murdock does as he's told just like all the other middle-management slaves.
How much do the silver hairs really matter at this stage in the game?
As far as I can tell, the youth are going to walk away from all this. They've already lost hope in the system before they even get going. At some point, the managers will be begging them and us to crawl back. And if that happens it'll be on our terms. And round and round we go... because human nature appears to be an immutable force in this reality.
The oroborus never stops..
I wanted off this fairground ride... but the alien scientists keep plugging me back in. I guess we're stuck here for now.
I think you're wrong here. Alex Jones has talked about how he helped Tucker wake up...not sure of the timeline, but Tucker went through a huge evolution in recent years, and in this past year he has been on fire. To wit his firing by evil America-hating globalist Rupert Murdoch.
Jones had family members in the military, who opened his eyes to deep state activity early in life. He's been exposing the lies more effectively than anyone else I know of for the past 29 years.
True, but he begin to see things differently when BLM showed up at his house, it became personal. He packed his bags and moved to Maine, family home, of course, but none the less got out of the DC Swamp. No doubt today was a doozy for him. One day you are #1 and then you are not, just like that.
Not to mention all of the concerned text messages and phone calls, not all by well-meaning friends. UGH.
I watched him long enough to believe he is having an awakening of sorts. Sometimes you can see it in his face or hear it in his voice. And if you listen closely there are underlying meanings in some of his language. You can see him say what he wants to say but knows he can't say it.
What gets me is how ordinary citizens can do the math and they can't, it takes them years. It is very frustrating and then when they do connect the dots, by then they realize they are owned and can do nothing about it but lie and play the game every day.
Why have BLM or Antifa never shown up at Alex Jone's house or Infowars studios in Austin Texas? Easy target wouldn't you think?
Maybe they're all working for the same boss? Two sides of the same coin? Punch and Judy show for the masses? Professional wrestling fakery?
Maybe, maybe not. Alex would likely punch the crap out of someone. Time will tell.
Possibly... for all his bragging about his improved sex life, he's out of shape and wheezing his way to the next million dollars worth of profit from his supplements business. I still tune in though cos the competition is nowhere near as entertaining.
Great take. He really started opening buried treasure. Especially the Nixon/JFK piece pulling in the CIA. The Federal Reserve directed Deep State lackies are working overtime thanks to the Internet reformation. Avoiding truth to protect one's illusions takes self-contemp to a level beyond comprehension.
Maybe he’s James O’Keefes brother 👀👀😂
BF- why does your profile look like a bot?
You’d still didn’t answer my question.
Did you know being an online troll… to push ideas… is actually a paying job these days?
We believe in free speech here
And I’m not interested in convincing anyone of anything …
Tucker, Bongino and Beck as anchors, with Megan Kelly, and a handful of others gone independent could steal 3/4 of Fox audience, I have no doubt.
Yeah exactly... Yuck... all horrible characters in this Punch and Judy show.
Notice how all the old geezers are running the show.
Biden. Murdoch. Schwab. Kissinger. Soros.
Evil takes forever to die.
Biden isn't running anything.
Correct...he is "pretending" to be running things.
barry and crew
And above them?
I think you know the answer to that.
It is what it is... the real question is... how do we stop having our own power used against us by these parasites?
Must be the adrenochrome they have injected to keep them young.
Well and these people have sired the next generation… 92 year old soros has very young sons… 30’s… he’s chair of the Open Society and an even younger son… they’ll have access to all that money and you know they’ve been indoctrinated
So this is going nowhere
You know they have a legacy planned
There’s a certain class at NYU that should be mandatory for those who have proven they don’t know what truth is . . .
Good luck, Tucker! You are free now. Especially
He's been testing the Rogan/Beck/Crowder/Adams conversational style "independent" podcast for a while now. Wouldn't be surprised if he goes that route.
I don't like his style though.
Devil's Advocate says: He was amassing his viewership, which he will now use as both sword and shield. He wasn't free until he built his weaponry.
You're not allowed to think independently unless or until you can't be Epsteined easily.
Gosh I hope so. I would have to stock up on popcorn that would make such fun watching.
It also would lean in favor of the idea that he decided to go rogue from the powers that made him wealthy and influential (I know... a long shot). Admittedly, even if he were to go that route, I'll keep my SH Skepticism firmly in place to make sure there's no knife-in-the-back coming.
Yes, you know I've read those. And I'm not going to Hero Ball the Tuckster. ;) But I'm going to keep a close eye on him now... since my known enemies have "fired him." Whether that means they are setting him up as the ultimate limited hangout mouthpiece for normies or he's actually closer to "my side" than working at Fox News would let him be... time will tell.
Dear Heavily Vaccinated,
Safe And Effective?
It Doesn’t Even Protect Your Ego.
And That’s Just Killing You.
Isn’t It?
That would make a great t-shirt.
Love ‘Ya
Thank you Mark for this post. As a lifelong Dem, I was warming up to Fox news by listening to Tuckers shows as he made more and more sense and MSNBC/CNN has morphed into state propaganda.
What did you think of fox's big settlement with dominion?
I will miss Tucker Carlson and won't be watching anymore fox news programs.
I don't know what to make of that settlement. Dominion is as crooked as the other e-voting_e-vote-counting companies, so I'd like to know what really happened.
It is a fact that guilty people sometimes protect themselves by litigating the hell out of their opponents so..................
It is one of those life simplifying moments. Now there is zero reason to turn on Fox News.
It was one hand of Oligarch Overlord shifting money to the other hand of the (same) Oligarch Overload to reallocate funds (for the upcoming election fraud and all the hackers and mules they'll need to pay) and to create plausible deniability for the blue-pilled portion of the public that wants to screech "see!! This was tried in a court OF LAW... a judge said there was no election fraud!!!" (while of course none of that is factual)
might've been a Punch and Judy act, with an active part by Fox' board - https://thekylebecker.substack.com/p/new-court-document-leak-shows-driving
Hi Mark,
Look who is taking over the US by backing Biden as President? CCP appears to be pushing Biden again and now is using threat of defamation lawsuits to censor critics of Blackbox proprietary voting software.
So CCP is using Dominion as it's baseball bat to shore up bidens re-election by stopping cold any claims of election theft. It won't be long before CCP takes over this country.
Looks like there is a strong China connection to staple Street connection via a $400 m investment :
An investigation into U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings revealed that the firm which owns Dominion Voting Systems received $400 million dollars from a Swiss bank with close links to the Chinese government less than a month before the election.
Any ideas of who owns privately held Dominion? This article mentions staple street paid $38m in 2018 for 76% stake in Dominion.
did you know that Blackrock owns 15% of fox News? https://twitter.com/Kogz/status/1650627744110194692
BlackRock Increases Position in Fox Corporation (FOXA)
Fintel reports that BlackRock has filed a 13G/A form with the SEC disclosing ownership of 45.74MM shares of Fox Corporation, Class A (FOXA). This represents 15.1% of the company.
In their previous filing dated January 27, 2022 they reported 39.87MM shares and 12.40% of the company, an increase in shares of 14.75% and an increase in total ownership of 2.70% (calculated as current - previous percent ownership).
Feb 1, 2023
But another article says vanguard owns something like 12%, https://www.thecoldwire.com/who-owns-cnn-and-fox/
I wonder if Blackrock is happy to have dominion win a huge settlement that stops any other claims of stolen elections, thus the CCP can continue to squeeze Biden and control every word he says.
Should we all start learning to speak Chinese before we get thrown into re-education camps?
I believe it was a combination of discrediting the George Floyd Story, and the Fake Pandemic Him speaking out, was the final straw. When you can’t attack the message, you attack the messenger.
J6 as well.
100%. I think those in power are in fear.
Odd how the very night Tucker exposed some truth about J6 ol Mitch had his health episode and we haven't seen him since. Funny how the busy body media hasn't reported a thing about him, no video, no soundbites, no wave from a window, no nothing. I think he is dead and they are holding out for when they need a distraction.
Dominion CEO Poulos isn't finished:
From his NYTimes 21st april 2023 editorial:
"We had reviewed more than a million internal Fox documents and deposed dozens of people, and Fox’s legal team had reviewed more than a million of ours. Then, in a summary judgment ruling on March 31, the court allowed the case to proceed and dismantled many of Fox’s legal defenses, ruling its claims about Dominion were clearly false and it could not seek refuge in arguments about the lies’ newsworthiness."
"Our settlement with Fox is just one win on a long road. We have six more defamation cases pending: against Mike Lindell and his company, MyPillow; Rudy Giuliani; Sidney Powell; Patrick Byrne; One America News Network; and Newsmax. We will not stop until we hold all parties to full account."
The COVID biowarfare isn't unnecessarily blatant, designed to provoke civil strife descending into social collapse? Couldn't the satanic global government movement have instead released a massively deadly flu virus and gotten everyone to take soiked flu shots?
Beware the overly blatant acts of treachery against society, like the controlled demolition of Building 7 of the World Trade Center on 911 (2001). The satanic global government sects engineer civil wars and revolutions to install themselves in power. See exposés by Antony Sutton, William Guy Carr, James Perloff etc.
Right (although a non sequitur).
Where can one perceive a non sequitur in my comment, I am eager to hear!
You were right Mark to point out a non sequitur. The unnecessary blatantness of the COVID biowarfare is evident even without the existence of the alternative of a more surreptitious spiked-flu-shot attack. On this topic, let me re-state what I wrote to Jessica Rose today: Soberly remember please the 🇨🇦 war dead, misled into the satanic global government-engineered World Wars 1 and 2. See any love-to-hate-’em Hitler-esque figures on the world (or national) stage right now?
Building 7 wasn't "demolished" (unless you count the debris that wiped out the bottom half of the building leading to its collapse later in the day). This is clearly visible in videos taken at ground level next to building 7 rather than the massively shared and deceptive video of the collapse that only shows the top half of the building. A little more research would clarify this simple fact for anyone who cares to do it.
Troll. Trolling. Trolled.
Keep protecting your mythological view of reality. I'll stick to reality.
The “reality” of two planes, three buildings? Sounds like a punchline.
Wow! You win the prize for the dumbest comment ever! Did you do the math all by yourself or did you get help?
Two planes hit the twin towers. When one of the towers fell down it sent massive amounts of debris across the street to building 7 and practically destroyed the bottom half of the building. But you keep believing moronic myths that have been deliberately seeded to make the truth movement look like a bunch of kooks and knuckle dragging simpletons.
But maybe that's exactly what they are and that's why we always lose because we're surrounded by idiots and they drag us down to their level.
Dude, since you've resorted to insults, here's something back: you are all over several stacks I read, and have proven yourself unworthy of taking seriously. Are you Larry Silverstein's cantor or something?
How is the free fall depicted in the videos of Bldg 7 deceptive? Do you claim that the building wasn't collapsed using explosives?
I totally agree with you.
Explosives were used.
But I'm just a "truther."
No. There is absolutely no evidence that explosives were used on that day. All the stuff about nanothermite etc has been thoroughly debunked but people like to believe in fairy tales because it makes their life more interesting.
No that's totally false what you are claiming, Tsubion. See a recent video and powerpoint presentation on the use of explosives on 911 from the founder of Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth. https://www.bitchute.com/video/9iw0mEIjS6lL/
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth wouldn't know the truth if it smacked them in the face. They have zero credibility in my opinion. Just a bunch of grifters grifting.
No explosives were used on 9/11. That's just a "truther" myth that has continued to this day because people in general believe the first thing they come across that confirms their bias without doing due diligence and investigating further.
None of the buildings fell at "free fall" speed on 9/11. They all followed a classical pancake collapse pattern at a speed measurably slower than "free fall" due to severe structural damage.
Building 7 even toppled over to the side (so not into it's footprint as many claim).
Just because something looks like a controlled demolition doesn't mean that it is! You have to study the case in depth and see how massive chunks of debris were sent flying across to the lower half of building 7 (which is not visible in the typical video shown to truthers) and which caused severe structural damage across the bottom half of the building. Later that day the fire crews were ordered to pull back and it fell down. That's all there is to it.
Firstly, let me say that we must forgive all people all things, and not practise punishing retributive justice, only mercy for all people (my understanding of what Almighty God demands, as explained in the teaching of Yeshu‘a of Nazareth). The unnecessarily blatant inside-job giveaways on and around 911 are designed — rather unmistakably — to cause division in America and its allies. Division that can be exploited especially to cause civil war and so collapse the existing sovereignty and absorb these highly armed nations into 1 world government. For summaries of the unnecessarily blatant acts of inside-job involvement in 911, see the documentary "911—The New Pearl Harbor" and resources from AE911truth.org, Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth, and the architect who founded that, RichardGage911.org. The Mazzucco documentary I cited first goes into detail on the quite transparently fake/false debunking.
Well... if we're going to get into religion... I'll leave that to you guys.
I'm sure you know how to type 9/11 truth debunked into a search engine. You can start there. Or you can try these for starters... https://www.metabunk.org/forums/9-11.28/
No. Not just my opinion at all. But the rational conclusion of millions of people who have looked into the subject matter with a critical eye and gone through the available material including the deceptive YouTube documentaries that put false ideas in the minds of gullible people who call themselves the 9/11 truth movement.
Quite honestly, people who are still pushing this nonsense after 20 years are nearly as bad as the original perps.
Here is a link to excellent work by documentary filmmaker Mazzucco showing inter alia how all the debunking attempts are false. And again let me say, that this is a deep tragedy and we all should stick to mercy and forgiveness for all the people who planned and committed the (100% or partially) inside job attacks of 911.
Tucker gave a wonderful interview with a friend a month ago (Clayton Morris, I think, the host of Redacted). He said, ""It's been this amazing and beautiful experience for me, to be in the face of these lies and feel like, ‘I don't have to go along with this at all’ and be like, 'are you gonna fire me? Okay, fine, go ahead. I'm still not lying.' 'Are you gonna arrest me? Go ahead. I am not lying, period.' “ I wrote about it at the time, https://thinkaboutsuchthings.substack.com/p/telling-the-truth-sets-a-man-free
I agree! he has discovered he is over the target these past months, and he is exhilarated. He is in an adventure from now on. ~~~ As he said, in telling the truth, one doesn’t have to hide or create any story…. Like stamping on the floor to see the cockroaches scurry away….
His in home interview w/Malone was excellent. He admitted he believes it was a bioweapon.
Virus pushers are either lying or duped.
Since virologists claim that viruses (if they even exist) cannot be isolated from unwell humans without mixing them into a witches brew of green monkey kidney cells, fetal bovine blood, antibiotics, and enzymes, there is no reason to believe that they can manipulate them in any way. Hence, GoF is just another fiction and massive distraction.
Well then they're both wrong!
I didn't notice Tucker being as honest as Mark makes him out to be. His speech was the usual rambling monologue used to actually hide the truth. If Tucker was having a "truth" moment in an otherwise total life of lying why didn't he actually tell some truths, directly and with candor.
He went on and on about how he so greatly admired truth tellers but not a mention about how he, Tucker, badly maligned David Ray Griffin right on his show. Tucker C has a long long way to go to make up for his life of lies. He never ever needed the money so out goes that argument as to why he has been a total scum bag for his whole life. He needs a new gig on some network where he will have to spend all these same numbers of hours telling truth to power after his long years of being a fox scum bag.
People change.
Surely you are not suggesting Tucker has changed, Mark. If he had actually and really changed he would simply tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, which is all a decent, honest human being ought to do. Right?
A lifelong liar doesn't do a 180 in a flash. This is NOT to say that any actual truths he does speak are a bad thing, they certainly are not, they, individually, are to be commended.
But why try to polish a turd?
Tucker often shares that he is Episcopalian but frustrated by the denomination's turn to wokeness. No one is reporting this but it was easy to do an internet search that Christ Church Georgetown has been his D.C. church home.
And what do you know...the rector there was the first person in metro D.C. to come down with the plague in March 2020. Spent two weeks in hospital, wink-wink, almost died. Was interviewed extensively after he was recovered enough and his case was plastered all over the news. One of the first super spreader events. That IHS church is known to be home of prominent d.c. elites from both the right and left who come together once a week to sing Kumbaya in unison.
As for me, I ditched my woke progressive church membership as soon as I figured what's up in 2020 and I gave that progressive pastor an earful on my way out.
So obvious it's One Big Club with assigned roles and scripts.
Just having RFK Jr on his show last Thursday was more than any of the msnbc news shows could do. I really grew to respect Tucker and am bummed he is gone, cancelled by Rupert Murdock
sadly no more than a lullaby to make us go to sleep happily.
Limited hangout. Anyone that makes a living in the mainstream is playing a role. It will be interesting to see where Tucker (and RFK Jr) try to lead the flock next.
Bono's Mullet: to lead the flock next.
That word, "flock" is far too accurate as regards Americans and american hangers on. And it has led to untold sums of misery for the poor, defenceless nations of the world throughout the usa's long reign of war crimes, genocides, terrorism, torture, rapes, and all the other assorted and sundry usa deep deep evils.
Murdock is 92... just saying.
murdock is shedding hubris after running after women 50 years his junior.
More like murdock has been shedding his skin for a lifetime.
How does one grow to respect a serial liar? He has been covering up the mass murder of his fellow citizens on 9/11, and the equal or much greater crime, he has been aiding and abetting the usa's mass murder of millions for decades.
He also peddles possible upcoming alien deception
I've seen a bunch of videos over the last few years. Tucker is a terrific speaker and or guest. He's better speaking or being interviewed than he is a host.
I agree.. he's a horrible host. Mouth open fake attentiveness never looked good on anyone.
By the grace of god go you
Agree 100%
To slay Tucker now will only make his followers stronger than the Globalists can imagine.
Telling the masses we are at war is a mistake for Klaudia Schwab and the Pervs.
I was having similar thoughts.
Tucker's voluminous lies are self slaying.
"The more you tell the truth, the stronger you become," said Tucker Carlson, three days before they fired him for it (and he was absolutely right)"
True - listen to Mattias Desmet, psychologist, and author of "The Psychology of Totalitarianism" or listen to his interview with Carlson Tucker in which Carlson proclaims the interview to the most important interview of his. Truth telling imbues moral strength, imbues moral courage, imbues more strength. Listen at 59min.
Thank you for this. I now know the difference between a dictatorship and totalitarianism. Having been apolitical most of my life, I have been on a learning curve in this regard since 9/11.
as we all have - courage and truth will grow.
Assuming that Tuckers viewers are somewhat conservative, tells me that the mere fact that Tucker Carlson has 10 TIMES the amount of viewers than CNN does tells the entire world that Joe Biden absolutely did not earn any where near the 81million votes he claims to. Stolen elections have consequences. No one voted for this insanity.
Tucker is probably better off. He can join Meghan Kelly and enjoy more freedom
Sorry, Meghan Kelly is a shill
She really isn’t . She’s outraged Tucker was fired - and she was the one who suggested he take her job when she left Fox .
Maybe not a shill, but lame for sure.
what, exactly is a "shill"? I'm not a MK fan, just curious.
The media is full of them.