The murderers are trying to stop Dr. Michael Yeadon, with fake tweets accusing HIM of murder!
There seems to be no limit to how low they'll go, to make their dreams of democide come true
For banning him, AND for refusing to do anything about that fake account—a fount of highly dangerous disinformation—Twitter's board and management must be among those finally held accountable for crimes against humanity.
From Dr. Michael Yeadon (on Telegram):
Here’s the latest FAKE ACCOUNT of me on Twitter.
I’m permanently banned from Twitter. The entity operating the fake account has stolen my name & image. Twitter ignores my complaints & demand that they that fake account offline.
With that said, look what a pathetic tweet they’ve manufactured.

Very interesting is that a helpful person sought & obtained under a FOI Act request, the number of stillbirths which occurred over each of the last several years.
The NHS trust was St George’s, London.
In each of the last decade or so, it looks like mid-30s stillbirths in each year.
The number did NOT increase in 2020, the alleged pandemic year. Note that nobody had at that time been vaccinated, because first emergency use authorisation wasn’t until late Dec 2020.
In 2021, the number of stillbirths recorded rose to be around six times as many.
This seems barely believable to me.
Best wishes
His June 3rd interview on Epoch TV was so powerful. I am not surprised to see an attack appearing now. One would think readers might spot it as a fake post.
Dr Yeadon has sacrificed so much for public health. He is a hero in this sad saga.
Michael Yeadon is the first doctor I heard praise the Lord likely from a article with a video attached.
I'd say therefore he's the first one who helped save my life from the certain anaphylactic shock I expected were I to have injected. after hearing him I waited.
Thank you Doctor Michael Yeadon.
And this is obvious viruganda even if you had no clue what the truth is, it comes off as false on it's face, but then folks are easily fooled, apparently...
Hence viruganda.