His June 3rd interview on Epoch TV was so powerful. I am not surprised to see an attack appearing now. One would think readers might spot it as a fake post.
He is one of my heroes in this. Sage, since Nobel prizes have been given to hideous people for no reason, can you invent please another prize we can award to people like Dr. Yeadon and those who are fighting for our side?
I'd suggest the "used to be CEO of a company which knowingly pushed a myriad of dangerous products with faked or cherry picked safety trials, but came to his senses or felt guilty and now tries to expose the dangers of their latest greatest product award"
we'll need a different name for the ones who started out red pilled, of course, not everyone gets to be CEO of an evil multinational company.
Michael Yeadon is the first doctor I heard praise the Lord likely from a globalresearch.ca article with a video attached.
I'd say therefore he's the first one who helped save my life from the certain anaphylactic shock I expected were I to have injected. after hearing him I waited.
Thank you Doctor Michael Yeadon.
And this is obvious viruganda even if you had no clue what the truth is, it comes off as false on it's face, but then folks are easily fooled, apparently...
Thank you to Dr. Yeadon! From the very beginning of this nightmare you have educated us with a calm reasonable voice. I believe you have saved many people from the Bioweapon.
Don’t let the liars get you down, Mike. We know the truth, and soon the truth will out and these psychos will be punished for their egregious crimes.
YOU FiGHT PSYCOPATHS by REJECTING whatever they offer, and tell you to do!! Show CONTEMPT and REJECTION - they hate you for it, but they already hate humanity.
STOP BUYING through AMAZON and all those Big CORPORATIONS and like groups and WEF Members.
When one person makes an accusation, check to be sure he himself is not the guilty one. Sometimes it is those whose case is weak who make the most clamour.
STANDARD behaviour from PSYCOPATHS who lie, twist bits of the truth in their statements/conversations etc., and they are so believable as they believe their own lies, and turning on the charm is a basic requirement in the Psychopathic character, they as quickly turn it off again too. Test then and you can observe that "feature" of their character.
Fauci is a classic with is always changing nonsense.
Elon Musk, in his effort to acquire Twitter, has paused the deal due to the large percentage of bots and Twitter being dodgy about this. You think they would be getting rather bored with their lies. When in a hole they can’t stop digging, for them it’s a race to the bottom.
THIS low level of comments PROVES that Prof., Mark Crispin MILLER does NOT CENSOR his site. Though it does not earn any respect from others who make the effort to contribute with thought out comment and language that explains their thoughts.
After reading Prof., Millers site this am, I have been thinking that its the first time I have seen such vitriol & language used on Prof., Millers site, and while we understand the deep frustrations when reading drivel and anger, it is not fair to others. Just put the symbols of foul language on the page.
My serious thoughts due to this outburst, was because people who have suffered with the Fauci Lab leaks since 1983, and vaccines before that too, can have TOURETTES SYNDROME at the worst times of the manifestation of the viruses in their body.
I know because my eldest son who is well educated/has a very high IQ and also was ALWAYS a gentleman, but who succumbed as I did -with this Auto Immune Disorder that we now see in evolving in JABBED people (same pattern overtime) , but with marked Heart problems and pregnancies going awry now, and sudden deaths in formerly sports and very healthy people, that reflects the effects of the man made SPIKE.
My eldest son became unbelievably foul-mouthed and inadequate in his expression of his language/speech.
yes. It's annoying to have to scroll a lot. My comment had information which is decent info. Now no one can see it unless they have the patience of Job.
Yeadon has improved a lot since the beginning, but he is still pushing the criminal "viral infection" paradigm... He seems to be keeping up with the changes in the people's mood...
In the last 7-10 days I actually exchanged ideas with him on Substack, and he seems to be becoming quite respectable, because he realizes that compliance is not going to save anyone, including him.
As for the PCR fraud, the CDC admitted it was useless already last December, yet it is still in use for "diagnosing" "covid," "monkeypox," and "bird flu." Just what unprecedented heights of stupidity can people elevate themselves?
His June 3rd interview on Epoch TV was so powerful. I am not surprised to see an attack appearing now. One would think readers might spot it as a fake post.
Dr Yeadon has sacrificed so much for public health. He is a hero in this sad saga. https://m.theepochtimes.com/former-pfizer-vp-massive-fraud-playing-out-on-a-global-scale-reckless-to-vaccine-the-whole-population_4509490.html?utm_source=ref_share&utm_campaign=copy&rs=SHRXKWTH&
bypass paywalls with archive.ph and 12ft.io
(yes, I have no respect for paywalled news.)
here's the epoch times article de-paywalled: https://archive.ph/gydbg
He is one of my heroes in this. Sage, since Nobel prizes have been given to hideous people for no reason, can you invent please another prize we can award to people like Dr. Yeadon and those who are fighting for our side?
I'd suggest the "used to be CEO of a company which knowingly pushed a myriad of dangerous products with faked or cherry picked safety trials, but came to his senses or felt guilty and now tries to expose the dangers of their latest greatest product award"
we'll need a different name for the ones who started out red pilled, of course, not everyone gets to be CEO of an evil multinational company.
Thanks Adria, this link works for me without a payroll. Great interview. 💕
Unfortunately paywalled.
I can access on Facebook usually ( hate admitting I’m still on there)
Gifted link
Former Pfizer VP: ‘Massive Fraud Playing Out on a Global Scale,’ Reckless to Vaccine the Whole Population
Who's paying me Eddy for pushing a concept that viruses don't exist? A pharmaceutical company maybe?
Michael Yeadon is the first doctor I heard praise the Lord likely from a globalresearch.ca article with a video attached.
I'd say therefore he's the first one who helped save my life from the certain anaphylactic shock I expected were I to have injected. after hearing him I waited.
Thank you Doctor Michael Yeadon.
And this is obvious viruganda even if you had no clue what the truth is, it comes off as false on it's face, but then folks are easily fooled, apparently...
Hence viruganda.
So glad you heard him & it made a difference. (God bless)
Thank you to Dr. Yeadon! From the very beginning of this nightmare you have educated us with a calm reasonable voice. I believe you have saved many people from the Bioweapon.
I admire Dr Mike Yeadon for his integrity and courage to stand for the truth.
Nothing is too low.
Don’t let the liars get you down, Mike. We know the truth, and soon the truth will out and these psychos will be punished for their egregious crimes.
Any tool who believes they're reading from "Honest" Mike Yeadon's thoughts is truly mentally retarded.
I deleted the app today
How do you fight people like this? Being honest is not enough.
YOU FiGHT PSYCOPATHS by REJECTING whatever they offer, and tell you to do!! Show CONTEMPT and REJECTION - they hate you for it, but they already hate humanity.
STOP BUYING through AMAZON and all those Big CORPORATIONS and like groups and WEF Members.
Keep the pressure on them. Then they will crack.
When one person makes an accusation, check to be sure he himself is not the guilty one. Sometimes it is those whose case is weak who make the most clamour.
Piers Anthony
It's called "accusation in the mirror"
great author.
STANDARD behaviour from PSYCOPATHS who lie, twist bits of the truth in their statements/conversations etc., and they are so believable as they believe their own lies, and turning on the charm is a basic requirement in the Psychopathic character, they as quickly turn it off again too. Test then and you can observe that "feature" of their character.
Fauci is a classic with is always changing nonsense.
Elon Musk, in his effort to acquire Twitter, has paused the deal due to the large percentage of bots and Twitter being dodgy about this. You think they would be getting rather bored with their lies. When in a hole they can’t stop digging, for them it’s a race to the bottom.
Leaving your trolls to roll around in the shit for now, Mark. I've better things to do than to play insults with the idiots.
THIS low level of comments PROVES that Prof., Mark Crispin MILLER does NOT CENSOR his site. Though it does not earn any respect from others who make the effort to contribute with thought out comment and language that explains their thoughts.
Please do.!
After reading Prof., Millers site this am, I have been thinking that its the first time I have seen such vitriol & language used on Prof., Millers site, and while we understand the deep frustrations when reading drivel and anger, it is not fair to others. Just put the symbols of foul language on the page.
My serious thoughts due to this outburst, was because people who have suffered with the Fauci Lab leaks since 1983, and vaccines before that too, can have TOURETTES SYNDROME at the worst times of the manifestation of the viruses in their body.
I know because my eldest son who is well educated/has a very high IQ and also was ALWAYS a gentleman, but who succumbed as I did -with this Auto Immune Disorder that we now see in evolving in JABBED people (same pattern overtime) , but with marked Heart problems and pregnancies going awry now, and sudden deaths in formerly sports and very healthy people, that reflects the effects of the man made SPIKE.
My eldest son became unbelievably foul-mouthed and inadequate in his expression of his language/speech.
yes. It's annoying to have to scroll a lot. My comment had information which is decent info. Now no one can see it unless they have the patience of Job.
Any tool who believes they're reading from "Honest" Mike Yeadon's thoughts is mentally disabled.
But soooo many are
God bless Dr. Yeadon. He was definitely "tip of the spear" in revealing the truth.
Yeadon has improved a lot since the beginning, but he is still pushing the criminal "viral infection" paradigm... He seems to be keeping up with the changes in the people's mood...
In a recent interview, he admitted that you don't really need a "virus"- the invalid PCR test was enough.
In the last 7-10 days I actually exchanged ideas with him on Substack, and he seems to be becoming quite respectable, because he realizes that compliance is not going to save anyone, including him.
As for the PCR fraud, the CDC admitted it was useless already last December, yet it is still in use for "diagnosing" "covid," "monkeypox," and "bird flu." Just what unprecedented heights of stupidity can people elevate themselves?