Isaiah 5:20

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.

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Terrific post, Mark. With so much happening in the world, it's easy to overlook what the globalists are trying to do to Africa. This article is a reminder that we need to care. Your podcast with RFK Jr was also enlightening.

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One can't help but wonder at not simply the "convenience", but the absolute "necessity" of Kary Mullis dying just prior to the covid propaganda operation. Had he not died right on cue - it isn't hard to imagine Mullis ripping Fauci's idiocy up one side and down the other - while exposing for the whole world to see that not only the emperor, but his whole entourage have no clothes.

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Indeed. He would have been a major obstacle.

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One video of Magufuli had him saying, in the English voice over, “I would rather die than kill my people with lockdowns.” He was a brave man like JFK, with insight and moral courage. But we live in an evil world.

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I cannot stomach it anymore. I used to read “both sides”

To see perspectives but now I just look at headlines on nyt, wapo, cnn and to see how things are spun and see what is being covered. It is so upsetting and disgusting to think people believe what they read as truth. Keep fighting one and all!!! The truth shall set us free… eventually.

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Apr 23, 2022·edited Apr 23, 2022

Mark - a terrific article! Magufuli was a hero who stood up to the globalist parasite class. And he was murdered for it.

Your work has made me even more aware of how "media" has been/is used to manipulate "us" (as in the public) to form our own "opinions" about who we are. Many people do not realize that their "unique" identities have been engineered in think tanks and rolled out via the tools of the Blackrock-Vanguard owners.

I appreciate Mark's sharp focus on propaganda history from the babies-on-bayonets to throwing out babies in incubators to obliterating any widespread knowledge of "sudden deaths," as well as his reminders that the media like the Gray Lady is not a friend of anyone with a free-thinking mind.

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For some general background about how the US deals with problematic third world leaders, I would recommend "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" by John Perkins. On the Magufuli case in particular, Polly St. George does one of her great deep dives in this 22 minute video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/SXDvSnDwUe3Y/. I'm going to sign up as a paid subscriber today. Keep up the excellent work!

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Absolutely! I thought of Perkins' book when Magufuli, as well as two other African leaders, met a quick and mysterious death! Another book that should be required reading in high school classes! (Like that would ever happen.)

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Too bad Perkins got injected.

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You would think he would know better. I know someone who also should have known better, but got it. He is no longer with us.

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I just saw a video interview with him by Richard Gage of A&E for 9/11 truth. I’m trying to figure out where his blind spot is because he is better positioned than most to understand what’s going on!

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Yikes! I would not have guessed. Especially after his poison/ground glass dining experience.

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Mark, 🙏 for this. V good timing. I’m penning a hit piece on The Old Gray Broad as we speak. This is more grist to the mill. Not that I was short on reference points. Should be up by next weekend.

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Please send me the link when it's up

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Africa is the fastest growing continent population-wise. TPTB have to get more jabs in African arms else their depopulation schemes will be thwarted.

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I sure can’t stomach the NYT. Thank you for filling me in on this story. My mom was the first to tell me of these suspicious deaths of leaders who were skeptical of the pandemic and vaccines. I thought she was a little kooky at first, but I looked into it. She’s been right about it all! I guess I should always listen to my mom 🤣(but doing my own digging will remain important--as we all should)! I wonder how many leaders are fearful for their lives right now.

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Apr 23, 2022·edited Apr 24, 2022

So true. I deliberately receive the NYT and Atlantic blasts just to keep my finger on the pulse of the agenda. It’s a great barometer of what is not happening but where TPTB are headed next.

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I think you're really close!

Have you checked out the comments here and in your other posts by Slandermen?!


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I honestly, genuinely, in my heart and mind, do not know how people can't grok this.🤯

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The Gates-funded Guardian also called for Magufuli’s overthrow. The call was about 3 weeks before he disappeared.

Then the Times, I think it was, reproduced an old article from the 1960s purporting to show that Magufuli had gone to London as a young man for heart treatment.

The Vaccine Deep State definitely didn’t kill him! And Mullis died of natural causes just when needed.

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Epstein hung himself with paper sheets.

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Brilliant work as always, thank you Mark.

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Thank you for this. I was so encouraged by Magufuli's level of awareness... and so crushed when he died.

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