You stood up to, and fought, the tyrants.

Thank you.

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Thanks for your effort...YOU ROCK!!! 👍🏼👏🏼👏🏼💪🏻👊🏻💖🙏🏻

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In simpler terms, it appears that Ms. Nass is experiencing a similar pattern of treatment, and I believe that Jordan Peterson may face a similar outcome or result in the future.

- Luc

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And I hate it.

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If you are a truth teller, you are experiencing it in some way, shape, or form.

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I feel very upset about what happened to Professor Miller. He didn't have a fair opportunity to present his argument.

- Luc

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And never mind that it has been proven masks are worse than useless.

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With you all the way, from the start and going forward. You've been a true inspiration from the beginning of this disaster.

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I've posted this poem before at various sites about various events.

However, it has never seemed more appropriate.

I wish you all the best, Mark.

We live in a time when "The best lack all conviction, while the worst

Are full of passionate intensity."

"Now all the truth is out,

Be secret and take defeat

From any brazen throat,

For how can you compete,

Being honor bred, with one

Who were it proved he lies

Were neither shamed in his own

Nor in his neighbors' eyes;

Bred to a harder thing

Than Triumph, turn away

And like a laughing string

Whereon mad fingers play

Amid a place of stone,

Be secret and exult,

Because of all things known

That is most difficult."


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Professor Miller, did you get to keep your ob as tenured faculty? IF I am reading this correctly, then I guess I am happy for you, if that is what you want. Frankly, I think your substack column shows that you are sorely needed on a platform like Spotify....and at the very least, please consider, if they don't let you teach your propoganda course at NYU, PLEASE PUT IT ON LINE AS a SUBSCRIPTION or pay per view.

I am SO disppointed...they slandered you, defamed you , made up lies about you.

But you recognize rightly that all of NEW YORK state and NYU ...the judiciary is pretty much bought and paid for by pharma, big govt. and the democratic party.

But that is not the point. The point is , New York state is hopelessly corrupted...and at the end of corruption is death.

Please think about getting out of New York state and NYU before they turn into something even more awful than a rotting corpse....

And please stay here with us. We appreciate you more than you know.

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Now there is an idea, teach the propaganda course online.

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Contact Dr James Lyons Weiler and check out his courses that you could work into at IPAK-edu.org.


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"But that is not the point. The point is , New York state is hopelessly corrupted...and at the end of corruption is death."

100% correct. I'm stuck in NYS for now because of family issues but will make my escape as soon as I am able. Nobody should EVER vote in NY - corrupted even down to the local level of dogcatcher. In fact, I'm so sick of NY that this year I am resigning from the NYS Bar. Just a bunch of grifting cronies always asking for more and more money.

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Much worse ! Like Bobbie Ann Walker’s fight against Hochul’s Quarantine Camps!!

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I think that's Bobbi Anne Cox?

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Thank you!

And I became a paid subscriber to her Substack, Knowledge is Power:


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This is not only sad news but also very frightening, in that it moves kangaroo justice even more deeply into the U.S. system of legal redress, while expanding and strengthening suppression of free speech, and authoritarian action by judges and school governing bodies. Yes, there is much resistance growing throughout the land, but hardly enough or quickly enough to avert the great reset, unless there is an unexpected sudden and dynamic awakening of the dumb masses that are volunteering for slavery.

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Oh, that’s crazy. I read your entire lecture to the students, and it was a solid, thorough, and appropriate examination of propaganda. The problem isn’t you: it’s that the courts, themselves, have been brainwashed by the propaganda (so much for critical thinking of those with degrees).

All of which is why free speech is in its death throes...

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The courts are not brainwashed,

They are corrupt...like they have never been corrupted .

You are witnessing the end of all things.

There is no coming back from such corruption - without a total destruction of the system.

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"Corrupt" implies a systematic intentional malice on the part of magistrates. Ideologically-tainted courts are no doubt a reality. But when you consider the vast number of good judges, doctors, nurses, etc. who still believe that masks or mRNA gene therapies actually work — despite a mountain of high-level contradictory data — that's brainwashing.

I fully agree with you, however, that the entire system, as a whole, has become so corrupt on every level of society in the West — educational, political, economic, medical, etc. — that it will have to be destroyed in order to uproot the evil. The Great Reset only reorganizes the corruption, of course; it will take the hand of God to do the former...

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'brainwashed' or corrupted...? transparency is a mighty tool.

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Speaking TRUTH to power - GOD bless you MCM for our Lord lives in the Truth & the Light of Truth will come to pass. You are a courageous Truth Warrior & are deeply respected for standing firm & speaking Truth to tyranny. Justice will prevail either in this lifetime or the next ...

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Well, at least I know now that the government of New York is fascist.

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You are an intellectual power house with integrity! Thank you for fighting back the tyranny that's coming for us all! A lot of us support you and are onto the criminals that are trying to enslave all. The last few years woke me up and I've met lots of others who get it.

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I'm sorry you lost Mark, but karma is a bitch, and those who live by the vaxx are literally going to die by the vaxx.

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All I want to do right now is to just swear - ALOT. Thanks for all you do and for fighting the fight.

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The Decision makes sense given the Known Integrity of the people you are dealing with, which is ZERO. But remember what goes around comes around ⚖️ . Just keep doing the next best thing and enjoy the Gifts 🎁 of your experience. You are a better Man, but you know you are not better than 🙏 . Enjoy your Humility 😇

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And don't stop writing your Substack. We need you. We need you to also along with cataloging all the died suddenly's...to teach us about the monster censorship government sponsored that is slowing encircling us and blocking out the sun.

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I also agree that this outcome is to be expected from a court system that is rigged and owned by those at the top.

I was attending Queens College before the forced lockdowns and was kicked out of the physical education program because I refused to get the jab. I had a religious exemption that was granted by CUNY but not the DOE for student teaching at that time. I reached out to the head of the department and the student affairs at the school with my questions/concerns regarding the matter. The student affairs ignored my emails and the head of department doubled down on me with the "moralism" and denial many of us are witnessing.

There were two professors in the phys ed department during zoom class times that asked students if they received the jab and one sent an email out to all her students telling them to get the J&J. I still have the receipts and sent these to the student affairs and the head of the department but it did nothing even though I explained this goes against existing law, privacy, and civil liberty.

They ignored me so I decided to leave the program. I was about done too. That's the way it goes.

My mother is a teacher and did not comply and was also fired. There was a pending class action suit that was just thrown out similarly with no serious rational.

I do not like being told what to put in my body or on my face or where I can and can not go unless I take their drugs. I will not forget this and go in denial or excuse the criminality.

Let's continue and see what happens.

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I've been watching Jimmy Dore's show for years now and that's how I learned about you and your story when you went on recently.

I said wow too.

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My mother always says … there’s what’s right… and there’s the law. They are sometimes two different things.

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Is there no way to appeal to the Federal Court of Appeals? It feels like your rights to 1st Amendment protected speech are being abrogated by this decision, and your right to a good reputation, and an academic career, unbesmirched by these obviously baseless slanders.

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