Thank you, Mark, for having the stomach to scope out the ravings of these traitors to the cause of human rights. I can hardly bear to hear about them. May the truth come out soon, and may all of us -- especially the truckers and others protesting in Canada -- stay strong until it does.

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Have you seen Naomi Klein's disgusting tweet, Mark?


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It appears that one clear impact our "pandemic" has had is to differentiate between what has shown itself to be an unrepentantly totalitarian "left" - as contrasted with those of us with enough still functioning neural synapse's left to somehow continue to engage in critical thinking in support of basic human rights. The very publicly displayed intellectual cowardice and moral disintegration of the likes of Moore, Chomsky, Klein, Giroux, etc. has been rather breathtaking to behold indeed. Though I dare say less surprising than it might have been only a few short years earlier. Trump Derangement Syndrome appears to have morphed quite seamlessly into Covid Derangement Syndrome. Surprising absolutely no one still capable of independent thought.

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They know exactly what they are doing. The Bible calls them the workers of iniquity.

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They never were moral. They are fabricators.

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This isn’t counter-protest. It’s anti-protest.

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Looking at Michael Moore, I suspect he is in that small minority of people who actually need 7 or 8 bedrooms and bathrooms. The latter especially seems to be much in demand among well-known Democrats these days.

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"Critical Pedagogy"... my big fat hairy something-or-other.

I've been a teacher for 25 years, from kids in their early teens to adults. From JDs to 'aspies', from schools where a good day was a day with no police present to schools where the kids just gobbled it all up and asked for more please.

The entirety of "pedagocial science" fits on the back of a postcard. The rest is experience, the right blend of humility and pride balanced with personal integrity and professionalism. Oh, and actual knowledge of the subject you're supposed to teach.

And it's a testament to this man's lack of moral fortitude and his sycophantic ignorance that he equates protesting governement mandates with fascism. The leading phrase of fascism is "Nothing above the state - nothing outside the state".

And no need to buy his book. He wrote an article for Der Stürmer, I mean Salon, about it:


If you get past the first paragraph without experiencing something akin to an aneurysm, well done!

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Bravo, Rikard

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Thank you. One of a thnakfully short list that really gets my steam up is this whole schtick that there's some kind of mystical science to teaching that only those special enough to be inducted in the club understands.

The teacher shows and tells how it's done.

The pupil tries on their own.

The teacher corrects and instructs.

The pupil practices under oversight.

Together, the teacher and pupil then lets the pupil explore his own ideas.

And finally, after enough practice, the pupil starts to master the subject and can even develop it firther than the teacher's knowledge.

The rest is just adapting methods depending on subject.

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Without preservation of our rights, democracy = tyranny from the captured masses. Hang on; we're in for a wild ride...

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Sad to read yet more examples of people I once gave time to, lose their minds to more of this nonsense. All the same, I appreciate MCM keeping us informed of developments in this unusual battleground of deception, medical experimentation and mainstream media mass programming.

Do keep up the good work but, my God, do we need a stomach for it! And it ain't over yet!!

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Fuck Michael Moore’s convenience issues with the bridge. Note his kneejerk use of capitalist ownership / private property terms. Reveals much about his psyche.

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Doesn't the left realize that when the whole Covid narrative comes down -- and it will eventually -- that they will be in a very bad position. No one will pay attention to those who backed the wrong horse so strongly. But of course they don't realize this since they only pay attention to "the Science".

Unfortunately the right, which has been much more vocal in this matter, don't understand things either. Those on the right often condemn Joe Biden's excesses because he is on the left or a Marxist. Please! Biden, and most of the Dems these days, are moderate Republicans. The highly touted Bernie Sanders is a liberal. People, get a grip!

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I wonder if the deep idiocy is not partly based on worshipping at the Church of Vaccine - anyone who doesn’t hold to the belief that these thing are safe and effective and ignores the evidence their eyes is simply a deplorable, and it is even a matter of class status.

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Every time the left holds power it reveals itself for what it is. An ideology of hate, jealousy, destruction and power. People like Moore only wear the mantle of rights and freedom when they do not control society, once they have control there is no self awareness to see how big of hypocrites they are. They never once believed in anything they preached other than they should be in control and tell the rest of us what to do.

People like yourself who see this for what it is were never of the left, if you believe in rights then you believe in the individual. Any talk about the “greater good” is an illusion to justify the removal of individual rights and a repudiation of rights as a whole.

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Exactly. The ‘collective’ is to be feared. It means to the Individual/ little person be damned!

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This present darkness reminds me of the opening of Lord of the Rings...Mordor is afoot. In this fight the little people become heroes and the learned support them: do you sport a staff?

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Many of these so called progressives know nothing about the plight of the working class. The working class is cancelling them from pertinence.

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They are the Al Sharpton’s of the World. Hustlers, Frauds, and Bullies. Toxic Narcissists. Academia, Hollywood, Politics, the media, CEOs, rife with narcissism and sociopathy. When you take away merit the filth rises to the top, colonized and destroys. those of merit flee the cesspool.

The same thing happens when a matriarchy takes over. The real men leave. What’s left is a strict pervasive hierarchy of women and non-men. They thrive at bureaucracy.

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Secret oaths. The last two years have at least been clarifying.

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