A family member had prostate cancer in 2015. Successfully treated it with a combination of natural, alternative, & allopathic methods. He gets checked out every 6 months, has been 100% cancer free 2016-2021.
But at the beginning of the year, suddenly the cancer is back. But this time with a vengeance. PSA over 200. Cancer in over 20 lymph nodes. Cancer in bladder & spine. He was free & clear just months ago. Oncologist says this kind of rapid spread was previously unheard of, even impossible (unless you were a worker at 3 mile island, Chernobyl, Fukushima, etc). But the doctor admitted to seeing a lot of this sudden rapid cancer in the last 12 months. Yes my family member got the jab. Am I supposed to believe that's just coincidence?
My heart is broken, as my beloved family member will soon be on one of Mark's lists. Spinal cancer can get very painful as it chokes off the nerves before eventual paralysis. This is not going to be pretty. I have suspicions that he is contemplating a less painful exit strategy. He has 2 kids.
I am terribly sorry. We went through it as well. My ex husband, ( father of my grown children) died of multiple cancers in late Oct 2021. Never had before. He had heart surgery a year before. Guess where they found cancers? Heart, lungs and spine. How do you miss a cancer in lungs or heart only a year earlier? He died within 3 weeks of diagnosis. We are heartbroken. They Wouldnt let our son in to say goodbye. They threw my nurse daughter out a few hours prior to his death. We often wonder what they gave him to speed his death up? Remdesiver possibly? We will never really know the truth.
I am so sorry to hear this! And to throw your daughter out and not let your son in is horrible. I will never trust any hospital with the health of my family again. It’s no longer about patient care, but the covid $$. When hospitals and doctors are paid for covid treatment for use of Remdesivir and the Ventilators, and disregard everything else, it is purely criminal. Many cases aren’t even covid related, but they falsely claim that to get the payouts. I don’t know if you recall the nurses who testified early on that the ventilators were what was killing people, not covid! So to establish that as the only protocol was done purposely by Fauci.
so awful to even contemplate ... damn these monsters CEO Pfizer Bourna, Moderna (?name) J&J (CEO name?), Fauci, Ralph Baric, Peter Daysak ... one day they will pay for what they're doing ... AND BIDEN going along with vax mandates (our military; there is no worse crime)... Our Military ,,, just food for the crows & billionaire enrichment & their goal is shorten their lives (for obvious reasons) ... The US Military should go rogue & take them all out ... Nazi's
I'm sorry ... (please elaborate) I'm finding more than one meaning for CHD ... when you say 120k 'pure bloods' do you mean unvaxxed ? ... thanks for your time!
When I was young and atheistic I thought Hell was one of the most abhorrent ideas invented by man.
But now I'm starting to think it would be worse if there is no Hell with so many people on Earth who badly need it. Otherwise, they might leave this mortal coil without punishment.
I just found out today a friend of mine who has been cancer free for 15+years has a very rare cancer in his brain that metastasized down his spinal cord. They put a port in his skull to administer chemo in a more precise manner. Gave him a few months to a few years...and he is grateful he got the jab. The weight of all this seems too much to bear at times...
I agree there is so much bad news, but we tried to tell people and they didn’t want to hear it. I tried to tell our pastor at church to quit pushing them because of their dangers and I never heard back from him. I told him one day he would regret pushing it. Now people are dropping like flies at this church. We left after over 35 years there! Everyone we knew who had cancer in remission, has had it return ten fold and worse! They too are still convinced taking the jab has nothing to do with it.
An Ottawa (Canada) Instagram friend was physically assaulted by a shul member (who he knew well) when he tried to go to services without a mask. I'm horrified that the Jewish community didn't rise up for freedom/sovereignty, but just capitulated. Plandemic confirmed my prejudice against ALL organized religion EVERYWHERE.
I was bewildered at Israel in the beginning, but then analysis from various angles explained it. But, as you say, diaspora Jews (on a community-organizational level) should've seen through it. Wow: so, 75 years of Shoah blablabla for naught. 'Never Again' turned into 'Whoops We Didn't See THAT Coming!'
And I thought I had good reason to switch from my synagogue to Chabad when they threw me out for waiting to pick up my kids at the entryway without a mask.
And I was disgusted at how the hypochondriac torah school teacher would cringe away from children playing outside without a mask on, saying she didn't want to get sick.
Chabad is amazing. I went to one service. The Rabbi ran it without a mask. After the service, when people were talking, he put a mask on. I asked him:
"Why did you wear no mask when you were a few feet away running the service, but now that you come near to chat, you put on a mask?"
He said: "I just want people to be comfortable."
I said: "I'm more comfortable without the mask."
And he took it off. Like it was nothing. Great moment.
Zelda, the Catholic Church is in eclipse. Francis, Vatican aren't Catholic. We are a tiny, time remnant. Catholic Church is fully against this communist attempt to takeover the world.
Bishop Daniel Dolan spoke out against this, poisonous shots from beginning. Sgg.org
Just one sermon from a priest
Link not working to take you to exact spot... But he talked constantly against it, as did his 3 priests . from march 2020.
Sermons and bulletins .
Father Stephen McKenna became an expert on DeATHVAX, many interviews of him on various sites Inc
This is excellent. Thank you. Our current pope (not mine) is not a good man. Clearly walking with another entity other than God. Sorry to say it, but its so obvious! He sure doesn’t preach what this pope did! Many people I know feel the same way!
Thank you for all this! We left the Catholic Church years ago because of too much contradiction and when we were going to parochial school the nuns and lay teachers were abusive and nasty, and we were actually good kids growing up in the 60’s!! Our biggest travesty was talking in line or throwing a paper wad!!! Seriously! But even then we saw such contradiction and down right nasty treatment of students, from beating with a paddle and I am not talking about a well deserved wack on the butt, but brutally by a 6 foot plus bully of a lay teacher who beat one of our classmates 20 times as hard as he could in front of the whole class! He was real skinny and too this day he had to have injured his back. On another day he threw him up a concrete flight of stairs because he was talking in line! Other teachers saw it and nothing was done. It was after that day and other abuses by nuns (one was my twin brother) that I rebelled and started standing up to this abuse. The same went for the priests....not godly at all. When we had our children, we were told it changed, but all we had to do was walk into that school and we shuttered. We turned around and left. The church finally has gotten some great priests and the school has been reformed, but it took years. We went to the Episcopal Church and now they have gone full woke and was pushing the jabs. We left in the beginning of 2021, but not after I told our pastor that he would be sorry one day for following this agenda and many people will die because of the jab! People I keep in touch with tell me parishioners are dropping like flies, young employees having massive strokes, etc. all because they took the jabs! So I am glad God gave many of us discernment with all of this, but it is sure painful and frustrating to witness and they refuse to listen no matter what you show them.
You're right... Except he is not pope. He got thevotes, but a papal claimant must be Catholic. Divine law . perennial teaching of Catholic Church. and common sense.
A Catholic must submit to teaching of pope on faith and morals.
Catch 22 when Francis says one of weekly, daily heresies for those who want to be Catholic yet call him pope.
Sedevacantism is only solution. Peace
You want to fight New World Order, in a tiny way, ? Call their man: Mr. Bergolio.
I am so sorry. My neighbor- also had resolved prostate cancer about 5 years ago- FFW to 2021 and has 1/3 of his lung removed for a tumor and also a secondary lymphoma cancer. This whole thing is a nightmare
That "certain race of people" would include Dr. Zelenko, who somehow died of cancer— like countless other members of that "certain race" (including many in my own family).
You're not "God's witness," David. You're working for the enemy, whether you know it or not, because this line of yours deflects attention from the actual elite.
First of all, the couples you refer to are cousins, not brother-sister.
Example: Jacob, married Leah and Rachel. They were the daughters of his UNCLE Laban. (The brother of his mother, Rebecca). That's a cousin, not a brother-sister.
If that sounds odd, the royal families of Europe did it for centuries.
The prohibitions also popped up later in Exodus.
Abraham was given a test of faith which was to be the most difficult thing possible for him to do -- sacrifice his son. If G-d said: "Sacrifice yourself to save your son's life," Abraham would have done so without hesitation. Instead, he was told not only to sacrifice his son, but by doing so would apparently invalidate the entire covenant because where would his descendants come from? Further, contraire to artist renditions, Isaac was in his 30s at the time of the sacrifice, not a 9 year old boy. And finally, at the moment of truth, Abraham was stopped in the sacrifice, because the point was faith, not carrying it out.
Abraham and having Sarah claim to be his sister rather than his wife: The text makes clear that the people they were deceiving were of a mental bent that if they knew Sarah was his wife, they would murder him and take her as a sex concubine. Is that a better fate for Sarah?
Your rant then goes on to accuse the G-d of the Bible being evil, mostly through your twisted interpretations above.
"Jews control all money to enslave all people". Where'd you get this from?
"Jews wanting to use Gentiles as slaves." Where'd you get this from?
"Jews wanting to molest children." Where'd you get this from?
"Jews wanting to turn people into transvestites." Where'd you get this from?
"Jews want to poison people world wide with the media." Where'd you get this from?
"Jews want to control world governments through money and the global money supply." Where'd you get this from?
If you got it from the scriptures, lets see your citations. Are they any better than your interpretations of Genesis?
If you got it because: "Hey, that Jew Goldberg is a greedy banker." That's Goldberg's sin. If you want to tie it to all Jews, then let's learn your ethnic background so we can find a member of your tribe that sins, and condemn you for it.
If you say that Judaism doesn't condemn sex within their own family, then you demonstrate your ignorance of the many mitzvahs prohibiting just that within the Torah itself.
Here, I'll copy paste for you the commandments of forbidden sexual relations. Each includes its citation to the Torah, so you can check it yourself. Once you do so, you can rescind your insult about Jews and marriage or you can press on with your ignorant, hate-filled rants. Which I will demonstrate are ignorant due to your failure to intelligently respond to my list. I expect you won't engage, but who knows, every once in a while I may be surprised.
Laws of Forbidden Relations
139 Not to have relations with your mother Lev. 18:7
140 Not to have relations with your father's wife Lev. 18:8
141 Not to have relations with your sister Lev. 18:9
142 Not to have relations with your father's wife's daughter Lev. 18:11
143 Not to have relations with your son's daughter Lev. 18:10
144 Not to have relations with your daughter Lev. 18:10
145 Not to have relations with your daughter's daughter Lev. 18:10
146 Not to have relations with a woman and her daughter Lev. 18:17
147 Not to have relations with a woman and her son's daughter Lev. 18:17
148 Not to have relations with a woman and her daughter's daughter Lev. 18:17
149 Not to have relations with your father's sister Lev. 18:12
150 Not to have relations with your mother's sister Lev. 18:13
151 Not to have relations with your father's brother's wife Lev. 18:14
152 Not to have relations with your son's wife Lev. 18:15
153 Not to have relations with your brother's wife Lev. 18:16
154 Not to have relations with your wife's sister Lev. 18:18
155 A man must not have relations with a beast Lev. 18:23
156 A woman must not have relations with a beast Lev. 18:23
157 Not to have homosexual relations Lev. 18:22
158 Not to have homosexual relations with your father Lev. 18:7
159 Not to have homosexual relations with your father's brother Lev. 18:14
160 Not to have relations with a married woman Lev. 18:20
161 Not to have relations with a menstrually impure woman Lev. 18:19
162 Not to marry non-Jews Deut. 7:3
163 Not to let Moabite and Ammonite males marry into the Jewish people Deut. 23:4
164 Don't keep a third generation Egyptian convert from marrying
into the Jewish people Deut. 23:8-9
165 Not to refrain from marrying a third generation
Edomite convert Deut. 23:8-9
166 Not to let a mamzer marry into the Jewish people Deut. 23:3
167 Not to let a eunuch marry into the Jewish people Deut. 23:2
168 Not to castrate any male (including animals) Lev. 22:24
169 The High Priest must not marry a widow Lev. 21:14
170 The High Priest must not have relations with a widow even outside of marriage Lev. 21:15
171 The High Priest must marry a virgin maiden Lev. 21:13
172 A Kohen must not marry a divorcee Lev. 21:7
173 A Kohen must not marry a zonah (a woman who had forbidden relations) Lev. 21:7
174 A priest must not marry a chalalah (party to or product of 169-172) Lev. 21:7
175 Not to make pleasurable contact with any forbidden woman Lev. 18:6
It's a shame that you chose that YT channel to link to for the Kate McCann episode. People in his comments are pointing out the vaxx link and he is just copy-pasting "Another antivaxxer clown..." under them all.
Great point... I saw that video on a different channel, earlier, I think. I tried to reply to his "Anti-vaxxer Clown" comment, intelligently, and at length... Of course it was censored by the CIA's media platform, ScrewUToob...thusly:
"@UCUdwu5ITRW6TYstAXUmv_DQ Except that the point is well-taken...
What you just witnessed there was just but one, of more that 1200 potentially lethal or debilitating mRNA injection adverse effects - that Pfizer ADMITTED TO, in their (now, made public) submissions to the US FDA ... One can easily imagine why Pfizer and the FDA wanted 75 years to release horrific and damning data, of just that sort.
It normally takes about 10 years to push a vaccine to market, through the extensive trials and longterm testing requirements. The PLAN (as evidenced in October 2019's "Event 201" "exercise") was ALWAYS to avoid all of that essential safety and effectiveness testing, by using an "Emergency" to get an unprecedented "Use Authorization". That was made legal, by Dick Cheney's legislation, enacted after the Pentagon's 2001 "Dark Winter Exercise", and the subsequent release of some 'False Flag' Anthrax terror letters, using US Army Anthrax.
As a result, in that early test run - countless members of the US Military were sickened or killed, by an Anthrax vaccine, mandated to prophylactically protect against a non-existent threat - specifically an Iraqi WMDs program that had already been shutdown, and which UNSCOM was busily monitoring and inspecting against.
In this instance - you're mislabeling a Biological Product - mRNA Gene Therapy injections, as a "Vaccine"... Oh yes, I understand - they deliberately changed the definition of "Vaccine" so that these could be included amongst a group of traditional technology products, which have an entirely different delivery mechanism, and methods of action. So now, War has been redefined as Peace, and Freedom to be Slavery... Very good of you to avoid any WrongThink, by questioning any of that...
Not only has the definition of "Vaccine" been changed - but so has "Anti-vaxx". Now it includes opposition to Forced Human Medical Experimentation - officially declared a Crime Against Humanity, at Nuremberg. SLAVA INGSOC."
Luckily I (fingers crossed) got a heavily redacted version of that reply to stick... But for sure that channel is run by a huge 🤡 - who's projecting onto others.
Well done you. I didn't have the patience and just gave him both barrels. I'm pretty certain I'm shadowbanned on YT (as always) so it's probably moot, but if he does reply to me he will definitely regret it.
"Another antivaxxer clown..." is not an argument and I am done playing nice with people like that.
the Great Reset (including the vaccine; a major component of it) was most definitely a Covert Military Operation ; psyop with MSM propaganda & an actual physical attack on millions using a bioweapon.
I have a dream that there will be Newsreels before movies in theatres like in the "old days" EXCEPT the news will be these videos of the vaxx carnage and throw in some of those creepy embalmers' pix of clots and entrails they got from dead vaxxed peep!
I think it's more complicated than that... People are starting to wake up, but there are still a lot of Covidians; and lots of people still can't understand the extent of what is happening. Once they do, I don't think the execution of these criminals will be slow in coming.
If you are having some kind of massive heart situation don’t you grab your chest in pain and cry out a little? All these videos just show people literally dropping dead. It’s the most bizarre and unnatural thing I’ve ever seen.
As a firefighter and emt for 28 years I concur. I never witnessed such devastating cardiac events. Usually, a lot of patients had signs and symptoms before the "big one" hit them. Most had time to dial 911 or a family member did thus preventing further damage as time is muscle. In worse cases people are in denial and wait to call for help, making good outcomes harder to come by. The videos I've seen are nuts. The person's collapse is so sudden and devastating they literally are dead before they hit the ground.
So do you think they are passing out/fainting, and could this be a brain and not a heart thing? Or is it sudden, catastrophic heart attack with no time to clutch the chest? Very curious about your observation.
Keep drilling holes in their BS narrative, after awhile even the blue Covidians may see what is happening in front of their own eyes. Life is a paradox. They use tech to censor, and for surveillance.
We use tech for sharing ......Everyone becomes a reporter of the Truth.
If you want a reality check, look at NZ. We have just seen the departure of Ashley Bloomfield, a spin doctor that would make Goebells blush. In his departure speech he said that unvaccinated were 6-13 tjmes more likely to die from Covid, yet:
In the past 6 days, no undervaccinated (0,1 and early 2) person under the age of 70 has died with Covid, but in that time 16 double and triple jabbed have died. That means the vaccine effectivenss against dying is zero in the under 70 cohort.
So what about the older cohorts. Take the 90+. 10 undervaccinated, compared to 109 boosted, have died in the last 13 days, with 8 in last 6. Does anybody really believe these undervaxxed old folks really died of Covid and were rabid antivaxxers, because thats how the government will spin it. The government will withhold the information that matters: proof that they aere undervaccinated and why, at the time of death.
Amazingly, the following article made it to the front page of Google News tonight. That site had been, from the beginning, countering every single fact that appeared in public consciousness that might have clashed with the prevailing narrative.
Was including this in the "Beyond the Headlines" section the covert work of an editor who had reached the point where he'd had enough? Or has the narrative fallen apart?
As you know the Federal Government is now doubling down on vaccines. They are chasing the variants with vaccines which are allegedly “reformulated”. Do you know if they still have liability protection? This is just a disaster!⚔️🤯⚔️
It's incredible that even people like Ron Unz are labeling this entire subject a Sunstein-inspired conspiracy theory (he's been jabbed with Pfizer, twice). It's interesting to read the comments on his article.
Yes. Incredible. What's up with him? He also thinks that "the coronavirus" was a bioweapon hatched exclusively by the US, to be used against poor China.
Well he made me laugh at least...I can’t imagine he’s right, but I desperately hope so. Considering all the vaxxed loved ones I’m surrounded with!
“According to the newspapers this morning, Goldman Sachs has now required all its employees to get vaxxed before they’re allowing to work in the office, a requirement that presumably will include all their upper-ranking executives. I’d expect this sort of policy will soon be followed by almost every other major Wall Street firm.
So apparently the diabolical plot by our ruling elites to exterminate themselves is now moving forward at a good pace. People won’t be able to keep complaining about Wall Street once almost all the Wall Streeters have vaxxed themselves to death.
If only our top financial executives had been shrewd enough to take their personal health tips from random eccentrics ranting on home-made videos rather than paying top-dollar for the private services of their ultra-elite personal physicians, they would have managed to avoid this grim fate.”
Puh-leeze! The upper people will either get saline or a fake card. The wealthy wouldn't risk their lives like that! They're too important in their tiny little minds.
Wow, I hadn't heard about those Gorillas in Canada. You'd think THAT one might get the crazies' attention.... (I mean, the animal stories always seem to get more traction with them than the human ones, sadly.)
A family member had prostate cancer in 2015. Successfully treated it with a combination of natural, alternative, & allopathic methods. He gets checked out every 6 months, has been 100% cancer free 2016-2021.
But at the beginning of the year, suddenly the cancer is back. But this time with a vengeance. PSA over 200. Cancer in over 20 lymph nodes. Cancer in bladder & spine. He was free & clear just months ago. Oncologist says this kind of rapid spread was previously unheard of, even impossible (unless you were a worker at 3 mile island, Chernobyl, Fukushima, etc). But the doctor admitted to seeing a lot of this sudden rapid cancer in the last 12 months. Yes my family member got the jab. Am I supposed to believe that's just coincidence?
My heart is broken, as my beloved family member will soon be on one of Mark's lists. Spinal cancer can get very painful as it chokes off the nerves before eventual paralysis. This is not going to be pretty. I have suspicions that he is contemplating a less painful exit strategy. He has 2 kids.
I am terribly sorry. We went through it as well. My ex husband, ( father of my grown children) died of multiple cancers in late Oct 2021. Never had before. He had heart surgery a year before. Guess where they found cancers? Heart, lungs and spine. How do you miss a cancer in lungs or heart only a year earlier? He died within 3 weeks of diagnosis. We are heartbroken. They Wouldnt let our son in to say goodbye. They threw my nurse daughter out a few hours prior to his death. We often wonder what they gave him to speed his death up? Remdesiver possibly? We will never really know the truth.
I am so sorry to hear this! And to throw your daughter out and not let your son in is horrible. I will never trust any hospital with the health of my family again. It’s no longer about patient care, but the covid $$. When hospitals and doctors are paid for covid treatment for use of Remdesivir and the Ventilators, and disregard everything else, it is purely criminal. Many cases aren’t even covid related, but they falsely claim that to get the payouts. I don’t know if you recall the nurses who testified early on that the ventilators were what was killing people, not covid! So to establish that as the only protocol was done purposely by Fauci.
Thank you. Yes I am well aware. Evil.
so awful to even contemplate ... damn these monsters CEO Pfizer Bourna, Moderna (?name) J&J (CEO name?), Fauci, Ralph Baric, Peter Daysak ... one day they will pay for what they're doing ... AND BIDEN going along with vax mandates (our military; there is no worse crime)... Our Military ,,, just food for the crows & billionaire enrichment & their goal is shorten their lives (for obvious reasons) ... The US Military should go rogue & take them all out ... Nazi's
The "leadership" of military is persecuting its own CHD reports 120k soldiers remain purebloods. May God help them
I'm sorry ... (please elaborate) I'm finding more than one meaning for CHD ... when you say 120k 'pure bloods' do you mean unvaxxed ? ... thanks for your time!
Children's Health Defense. Article in last 45 days. Let me know if you can't find it.
Purebloods means to not have taken Covid 19 DEATHVAX.
When I was young and atheistic I thought Hell was one of the most abhorrent ideas invented by man.
But now I'm starting to think it would be worse if there is no Hell with so many people on Earth who badly need it. Otherwise, they might leave this mortal coil without punishment.
So sorry🙏😪
I just found out today a friend of mine who has been cancer free for 15+years has a very rare cancer in his brain that metastasized down his spinal cord. They put a port in his skull to administer chemo in a more precise manner. Gave him a few months to a few years...and he is grateful he got the jab. The weight of all this seems too much to bear at times...
I agree there is so much bad news, but we tried to tell people and they didn’t want to hear it. I tried to tell our pastor at church to quit pushing them because of their dangers and I never heard back from him. I told him one day he would regret pushing it. Now people are dropping like flies at this church. We left after over 35 years there! Everyone we knew who had cancer in remission, has had it return ten fold and worse! They too are still convinced taking the jab has nothing to do with it.
I left my synagogue. Same reason
An Ottawa (Canada) Instagram friend was physically assaulted by a shul member (who he knew well) when he tried to go to services without a mask. I'm horrified that the Jewish community didn't rise up for freedom/sovereignty, but just capitulated. Plandemic confirmed my prejudice against ALL organized religion EVERYWHERE.
I wrote numerous letters stating my disgust.
Also sent documentation of the risks.
I told them of all the groups of people in the world, I would think forcing medical experiments to attend would be the last thing Jews would push…
I was bewildered at Israel in the beginning, but then analysis from various angles explained it. But, as you say, diaspora Jews (on a community-organizational level) should've seen through it. Wow: so, 75 years of Shoah blablabla for naught. 'Never Again' turned into 'Whoops We Didn't See THAT Coming!'
And I thought I had good reason to switch from my synagogue to Chabad when they threw me out for waiting to pick up my kids at the entryway without a mask.
And I was disgusted at how the hypochondriac torah school teacher would cringe away from children playing outside without a mask on, saying she didn't want to get sick.
Chabad is amazing. I went to one service. The Rabbi ran it without a mask. After the service, when people were talking, he put a mask on. I asked him:
"Why did you wear no mask when you were a few feet away running the service, but now that you come near to chat, you put on a mask?"
He said: "I just want people to be comfortable."
I said: "I'm more comfortable without the mask."
And he took it off. Like it was nothing. Great moment.
Chabad is amazing.
Follows Torah.
Not the Golden Calf of Humanism and emotionalism
Zelda, the Catholic Church is in eclipse. Francis, Vatican aren't Catholic. We are a tiny, time remnant. Catholic Church is fully against this communist attempt to takeover the world.
Bishop Daniel Dolan spoke out against this, poisonous shots from beginning. Sgg.org
Just one sermon from a priest
Link not working to take you to exact spot... But he talked constantly against it, as did his 3 priests . from march 2020.
Sermons and bulletins .
Father Stephen McKenna became an expert on DeATHVAX, many interviews of him on various sites Inc
Have you read
Malachi Martin , Vatican?
Very telling
Francis and his fake Bishops, in general, push Killshot.
True Catholic teaching on experimental medicine, from last true pope:
This is excellent. Thank you. Our current pope (not mine) is not a good man. Clearly walking with another entity other than God. Sorry to say it, but its so obvious! He sure doesn’t preach what this pope did! Many people I know feel the same way!
Beyond obvious. Pachama idol worship in Oct 2019.... What happened just afterwards? Hmmm....
We have people drive 6-8 hours to go to Mass Not in union with Francis... A lady gets on airplane 4x A year to do same. Catholics pray for a true Pope
Thank you for all this! We left the Catholic Church years ago because of too much contradiction and when we were going to parochial school the nuns and lay teachers were abusive and nasty, and we were actually good kids growing up in the 60’s!! Our biggest travesty was talking in line or throwing a paper wad!!! Seriously! But even then we saw such contradiction and down right nasty treatment of students, from beating with a paddle and I am not talking about a well deserved wack on the butt, but brutally by a 6 foot plus bully of a lay teacher who beat one of our classmates 20 times as hard as he could in front of the whole class! He was real skinny and too this day he had to have injured his back. On another day he threw him up a concrete flight of stairs because he was talking in line! Other teachers saw it and nothing was done. It was after that day and other abuses by nuns (one was my twin brother) that I rebelled and started standing up to this abuse. The same went for the priests....not godly at all. When we had our children, we were told it changed, but all we had to do was walk into that school and we shuttered. We turned around and left. The church finally has gotten some great priests and the school has been reformed, but it took years. We went to the Episcopal Church and now they have gone full woke and was pushing the jabs. We left in the beginning of 2021, but not after I told our pastor that he would be sorry one day for following this agenda and many people will die because of the jab! People I keep in touch with tell me parishioners are dropping like flies, young employees having massive strokes, etc. all because they took the jabs! So I am glad God gave many of us discernment with all of this, but it is sure painful and frustrating to witness and they refuse to listen no matter what you show them.
You're right... Except he is not pope. He got thevotes, but a papal claimant must be Catholic. Divine law . perennial teaching of Catholic Church. and common sense.
A Catholic must submit to teaching of pope on faith and morals.
Catch 22 when Francis says one of weekly, daily heresies for those who want to be Catholic yet call him pope.
Sedevacantism is only solution. Peace
You want to fight New World Order, in a tiny way, ? Call their man: Mr. Bergolio.
But alas very few will
I am so sorry. My neighbor- also had resolved prostate cancer about 5 years ago- FFW to 2021 and has 1/3 of his lung removed for a tumor and also a secondary lymphoma cancer. This whole thing is a nightmare
This is all so hideous.
I’m so sorry
Very sad.
That "certain race of people" would include Dr. Zelenko, who somehow died of cancer— like countless other members of that "certain race" (including many in my own family).
You're not "God's witness," David. You're working for the enemy, whether you know it or not, because this line of yours deflects attention from the actual elite.
The "incest" prohibitions you object to.
First of all, the couples you refer to are cousins, not brother-sister.
Example: Jacob, married Leah and Rachel. They were the daughters of his UNCLE Laban. (The brother of his mother, Rebecca). That's a cousin, not a brother-sister.
If that sounds odd, the royal families of Europe did it for centuries.
The prohibitions also popped up later in Exodus.
Abraham was given a test of faith which was to be the most difficult thing possible for him to do -- sacrifice his son. If G-d said: "Sacrifice yourself to save your son's life," Abraham would have done so without hesitation. Instead, he was told not only to sacrifice his son, but by doing so would apparently invalidate the entire covenant because where would his descendants come from? Further, contraire to artist renditions, Isaac was in his 30s at the time of the sacrifice, not a 9 year old boy. And finally, at the moment of truth, Abraham was stopped in the sacrifice, because the point was faith, not carrying it out.
Abraham and having Sarah claim to be his sister rather than his wife: The text makes clear that the people they were deceiving were of a mental bent that if they knew Sarah was his wife, they would murder him and take her as a sex concubine. Is that a better fate for Sarah?
Your rant then goes on to accuse the G-d of the Bible being evil, mostly through your twisted interpretations above.
"Jews control all money to enslave all people". Where'd you get this from?
"Jews wanting to use Gentiles as slaves." Where'd you get this from?
"Jews wanting to molest children." Where'd you get this from?
"Jews wanting to turn people into transvestites." Where'd you get this from?
"Jews want to poison people world wide with the media." Where'd you get this from?
"Jews want to control world governments through money and the global money supply." Where'd you get this from?
If you got it from the scriptures, lets see your citations. Are they any better than your interpretations of Genesis?
If you got it because: "Hey, that Jew Goldberg is a greedy banker." That's Goldberg's sin. If you want to tie it to all Jews, then let's learn your ethnic background so we can find a member of your tribe that sins, and condemn you for it.
If you say that Judaism doesn't condemn sex within their own family, then you demonstrate your ignorance of the many mitzvahs prohibiting just that within the Torah itself.
Here, I'll copy paste for you the commandments of forbidden sexual relations. Each includes its citation to the Torah, so you can check it yourself. Once you do so, you can rescind your insult about Jews and marriage or you can press on with your ignorant, hate-filled rants. Which I will demonstrate are ignorant due to your failure to intelligently respond to my list. I expect you won't engage, but who knows, every once in a while I may be surprised.
Laws of Forbidden Relations
139 Not to have relations with your mother Lev. 18:7
140 Not to have relations with your father's wife Lev. 18:8
141 Not to have relations with your sister Lev. 18:9
142 Not to have relations with your father's wife's daughter Lev. 18:11
143 Not to have relations with your son's daughter Lev. 18:10
144 Not to have relations with your daughter Lev. 18:10
145 Not to have relations with your daughter's daughter Lev. 18:10
146 Not to have relations with a woman and her daughter Lev. 18:17
147 Not to have relations with a woman and her son's daughter Lev. 18:17
148 Not to have relations with a woman and her daughter's daughter Lev. 18:17
149 Not to have relations with your father's sister Lev. 18:12
150 Not to have relations with your mother's sister Lev. 18:13
151 Not to have relations with your father's brother's wife Lev. 18:14
152 Not to have relations with your son's wife Lev. 18:15
153 Not to have relations with your brother's wife Lev. 18:16
154 Not to have relations with your wife's sister Lev. 18:18
155 A man must not have relations with a beast Lev. 18:23
156 A woman must not have relations with a beast Lev. 18:23
157 Not to have homosexual relations Lev. 18:22
158 Not to have homosexual relations with your father Lev. 18:7
159 Not to have homosexual relations with your father's brother Lev. 18:14
160 Not to have relations with a married woman Lev. 18:20
161 Not to have relations with a menstrually impure woman Lev. 18:19
162 Not to marry non-Jews Deut. 7:3
163 Not to let Moabite and Ammonite males marry into the Jewish people Deut. 23:4
164 Don't keep a third generation Egyptian convert from marrying
into the Jewish people Deut. 23:8-9
165 Not to refrain from marrying a third generation
Edomite convert Deut. 23:8-9
166 Not to let a mamzer marry into the Jewish people Deut. 23:3
167 Not to let a eunuch marry into the Jewish people Deut. 23:2
168 Not to castrate any male (including animals) Lev. 22:24
169 The High Priest must not marry a widow Lev. 21:14
170 The High Priest must not have relations with a widow even outside of marriage Lev. 21:15
171 The High Priest must marry a virgin maiden Lev. 21:13
172 A Kohen must not marry a divorcee Lev. 21:7
173 A Kohen must not marry a zonah (a woman who had forbidden relations) Lev. 21:7
174 A priest must not marry a chalalah (party to or product of 169-172) Lev. 21:7
175 Not to make pleasurable contact with any forbidden woman Lev. 18:6
And now they're killing THEMSELVES all over Israel. There's no end to their cunning!
Damn, these people pushing the DeATHVAX have not said anything that makes any sense in over 2 years.
Thank you for your efforts, Dr. Miller. History will remember you fondly.
Excellent post, Mark!! Truly. Thank you. This is a go-to for everybody.
When you catch someone in that MANY outright LIES, you are a MORON if you still trust them.
But many are coming out of the fog. I am hopeful.
Anyone else notice the irony in the cutaway to the full screen of “Piers Morgan UNCENSORED”, as a means to censor the event?
Good point! I didn’t the “uncensored” in the title!
Thanks Mark as always.
It's a shame that you chose that YT channel to link to for the Kate McCann episode. People in his comments are pointing out the vaxx link and he is just copy-pasting "Another antivaxxer clown..." under them all.
Thanks, I'll replace it.
Great point... I saw that video on a different channel, earlier, I think. I tried to reply to his "Anti-vaxxer Clown" comment, intelligently, and at length... Of course it was censored by the CIA's media platform, ScrewUToob...thusly:
"@UCUdwu5ITRW6TYstAXUmv_DQ Except that the point is well-taken...
What you just witnessed there was just but one, of more that 1200 potentially lethal or debilitating mRNA injection adverse effects - that Pfizer ADMITTED TO, in their (now, made public) submissions to the US FDA ... One can easily imagine why Pfizer and the FDA wanted 75 years to release horrific and damning data, of just that sort.
It normally takes about 10 years to push a vaccine to market, through the extensive trials and longterm testing requirements. The PLAN (as evidenced in October 2019's "Event 201" "exercise") was ALWAYS to avoid all of that essential safety and effectiveness testing, by using an "Emergency" to get an unprecedented "Use Authorization". That was made legal, by Dick Cheney's legislation, enacted after the Pentagon's 2001 "Dark Winter Exercise", and the subsequent release of some 'False Flag' Anthrax terror letters, using US Army Anthrax.
As a result, in that early test run - countless members of the US Military were sickened or killed, by an Anthrax vaccine, mandated to prophylactically protect against a non-existent threat - specifically an Iraqi WMDs program that had already been shutdown, and which UNSCOM was busily monitoring and inspecting against.
In this instance - you're mislabeling a Biological Product - mRNA Gene Therapy injections, as a "Vaccine"... Oh yes, I understand - they deliberately changed the definition of "Vaccine" so that these could be included amongst a group of traditional technology products, which have an entirely different delivery mechanism, and methods of action. So now, War has been redefined as Peace, and Freedom to be Slavery... Very good of you to avoid any WrongThink, by questioning any of that...
Not only has the definition of "Vaccine" been changed - but so has "Anti-vaxx". Now it includes opposition to Forced Human Medical Experimentation - officially declared a Crime Against Humanity, at Nuremberg. SLAVA INGSOC."
Luckily I (fingers crossed) got a heavily redacted version of that reply to stick... But for sure that channel is run by a huge 🤡 - who's projecting onto others.
Well done you. I didn't have the patience and just gave him both barrels. I'm pretty certain I'm shadowbanned on YT (as always) so it's probably moot, but if he does reply to me he will definitely regret it.
"Another antivaxxer clown..." is not an argument and I am done playing nice with people like that.
For reals... All of this, and a bag of chips.
the Great Reset (including the vaccine; a major component of it) was most definitely a Covert Military Operation ; psyop with MSM propaganda & an actual physical attack on millions using a bioweapon.
Agreed. Though I'd say a SERIES of BioWeapons - up to and including the mRNA Gene Therapy injections.
I have a dream that there will be Newsreels before movies in theatres like in the "old days" EXCEPT the news will be these videos of the vaxx carnage and throw in some of those creepy embalmers' pix of clots and entrails they got from dead vaxxed peep!
If WE gain control It'll happen. Except we'd make DeATHVAX more illegal than heroin
I'd say we have control NOW, we just don't necessarily realize it...
In that vein....
Zackly. ;)
Because we refuse to execute criminals that are enemies of humanity.
This would never have happened a couple of hundred years ago. People used to have balls.
I think it's more complicated than that... People are starting to wake up, but there are still a lot of Covidians; and lots of people still can't understand the extent of what is happening. Once they do, I don't think the execution of these criminals will be slow in coming.
I agree. Having watched the excruciatingly long "redpilling" of Tim Pool, I can understand how people can be so slow to wake up to reality.
I personally thought it would have happened by now.
The ten stages of grief springs to mind though.
If you are having some kind of massive heart situation don’t you grab your chest in pain and cry out a little? All these videos just show people literally dropping dead. It’s the most bizarre and unnatural thing I’ve ever seen.
As a firefighter and emt for 28 years I concur. I never witnessed such devastating cardiac events. Usually, a lot of patients had signs and symptoms before the "big one" hit them. Most had time to dial 911 or a family member did thus preventing further damage as time is muscle. In worse cases people are in denial and wait to call for help, making good outcomes harder to come by. The videos I've seen are nuts. The person's collapse is so sudden and devastating they literally are dead before they hit the ground.
So do you think they are passing out/fainting, and could this be a brain and not a heart thing? Or is it sudden, catastrophic heart attack with no time to clutch the chest? Very curious about your observation.
Keep drilling holes in their BS narrative, after awhile even the blue Covidians may see what is happening in front of their own eyes. Life is a paradox. They use tech to censor, and for surveillance.
We use tech for sharing ......Everyone becomes a reporter of the Truth.
Hey MzLizzi Hope your well !!!
If you want a reality check, look at NZ. We have just seen the departure of Ashley Bloomfield, a spin doctor that would make Goebells blush. In his departure speech he said that unvaccinated were 6-13 tjmes more likely to die from Covid, yet:
In the past 6 days, no undervaccinated (0,1 and early 2) person under the age of 70 has died with Covid, but in that time 16 double and triple jabbed have died. That means the vaccine effectivenss against dying is zero in the under 70 cohort.
So what about the older cohorts. Take the 90+. 10 undervaccinated, compared to 109 boosted, have died in the last 13 days, with 8 in last 6. Does anybody really believe these undervaxxed old folks really died of Covid and were rabid antivaxxers, because thats how the government will spin it. The government will withhold the information that matters: proof that they aere undervaccinated and why, at the time of death.
Amazingly, the following article made it to the front page of Google News tonight. That site had been, from the beginning, countering every single fact that appeared in public consciousness that might have clashed with the prevailing narrative.
Was including this in the "Beyond the Headlines" section the covert work of an editor who had reached the point where he'd had enough? Or has the narrative fallen apart?
2nd Smartest Guy or El Gate had article on this phenomena, very recently
As you know the Federal Government is now doubling down on vaccines. They are chasing the variants with vaccines which are allegedly “reformulated”. Do you know if they still have liability protection? This is just a disaster!⚔️🤯⚔️
All EUA until they get rid of ' The Emergency' that was just recently extended by Biden.
Thank u. It’s worse with the EUA!
Sure thing.
It's incredible that even people like Ron Unz are labeling this entire subject a Sunstein-inspired conspiracy theory (he's been jabbed with Pfizer, twice). It's interesting to read the comments on his article.
Yes. Incredible. What's up with him? He also thinks that "the coronavirus" was a bioweapon hatched exclusively by the US, to be used against poor China.
Well he made me laugh at least...I can’t imagine he’s right, but I desperately hope so. Considering all the vaxxed loved ones I’m surrounded with!
“According to the newspapers this morning, Goldman Sachs has now required all its employees to get vaxxed before they’re allowing to work in the office, a requirement that presumably will include all their upper-ranking executives. I’d expect this sort of policy will soon be followed by almost every other major Wall Street firm.
So apparently the diabolical plot by our ruling elites to exterminate themselves is now moving forward at a good pace. People won’t be able to keep complaining about Wall Street once almost all the Wall Streeters have vaxxed themselves to death.
If only our top financial executives had been shrewd enough to take their personal health tips from random eccentrics ranting on home-made videos rather than paying top-dollar for the private services of their ultra-elite personal physicians, they would have managed to avoid this grim fate.”
Puh-leeze! The upper people will either get saline or a fake card. The wealthy wouldn't risk their lives like that! They're too important in their tiny little minds.
I appreciate that while the news and effects of all the evil that’s coming to light is dreadful, you are keeping hope alive.
It’s important work, so thank you for the balance you have struck.
Wow, I hadn't heard about those Gorillas in Canada. You'd think THAT one might get the crazies' attention.... (I mean, the animal stories always seem to get more traction with them than the human ones, sadly.)
Gorillas and kids don't consent. Igor had one on gorillas. Sad
It would be good if the survivors of all this would learn that being obedient to evil is a choice that will cause injustice.
People fear wars, invasions, migration, draught, famine, but they don't fear injustice, which is found at the root of all evil.