For all their loud "progressive" posturing, both Lula da Silva and Bernie Sanders are two abject bio-fascist tools, and (therefore) ENEMIES of the people (of ALL colors)
Revoke HCQ and make plans to inject the populace within days of taking office. That fellow is wasting no time paying back the people he owes for his election, huh?
I got the impression Sanders had more of a voter base than Biden. But maybe less than Trump... Well, if it's the case that US elections are rigged, I suppose there is no way of knowing, at least in Europe.
It bears, with PFIZER's own documents that have been released for months, is this still a thing...never mind the disabilities and deaths.....their own data, for eff's sakes....
The timing, at 4 months, which is one of the "well"-baby visits, is highly suspicious. But the NYT's lazy grammar leads to a Freudian slip of truth:
"SIDS is the leading cause of death in children ages 1 to 12 months, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The agency said it [the CDC?!] killed roughly 1,500 infants in the United States in 2014. The C.D.C. defines the syndrome as the sudden and unexpected death of an infant that cannot be explained."
And they could have added to the end: "...that cannot be explained [except by That Which Must Not be Named]."
My best job ever was in an autistic classroom from 2000- 2003. The rate was one in 48 children. Ironically I got injured by booster shots I needed in upstate New York & was applying for disability shortly afterwards. Many of the moms saw the correlation with the childhood schedule.
If society is great when old men plant trees who's shade they shall never sit in, then I guess the analogy here is they have cut down all the trees, pretty much everywhere, so there will be no shade and no trees for the few kids who make it through. At least not in Bernies world. Money makes all men stupid.
My old apartment complex near Syracuse New York, something was killing the pine trees and burning spots on the bushes. I had a cable router (?) next to my apartment outside, they had a contract with time Warner there. ( I couldn’t afford it myself.) and they got a government grant that put led lights in the parking lot and forced it in all the apartments that had HUD housing. It hurt my eyes and the lights outside made it hard to sleep ( I put Mylar blankets on my window at night, it made hundreds of tiny holes in them over time) thankfully God unexpectedly moved me to central Florida just before lockdown.
Thats an important story, the 5g is certainly a killer much faster than the previous. Did you see the CHD segment on folks in Georgia? re these meters--worth a watch, one of the meter installers has gone whistleblower. I searched CHD (its a COMMUNITY CORNER episode) but maybe they are editing it, cannot find it just now. They are installing the meters when folks are not home, even when they are not wanted by the customers.
Bernie has no peripheral vision. Compromised by operating within the machine. Completely missing the big picture, or an embedded tool. Whichever it is, it doesn’t matter—he doesn’t or will not get it.
When you see how Medicare was an enabler for Remdesivir and other death protocols, the mantra of “Medicare For All” takes on a whole different ring.
The way nationalized healthcare was sold to the public by Sanders was only a fraction of the story. It operates quite differently under the guidance of a more ‘benevolent’ power, such as Sweden. We see now how such a singular system can be manipulated toward harm as a tool of totalitarianism.
MCM, I just want you to know how much I appreciate and admire your work. I admit I had not heard of you before the covid era and I realize you had a large body of work to recommend you in your area of speciality long before I ever happened across your name.
Due to life, I cannot visit that link to leftist trash you posted this evening, but I think you ought to send these links from time to time so that we may exit our sound vacuum for a moment to understand the heart of the enemy. When I say “enemy” I mean whatever monster it is that would strip away my right to determine medical treatments for my own children in favor of a state run objective. That monster.
Intuitively, I know I need to understand the flavor and strength of the garbage being published by that monster. Of course I fear it is as well reasoned and documented as the content people like you publish ... I really need to see it for myself. I apologize again that tonight I just cannot but you got me thinking and I decided to spend a moment to send you my thoughts.
Interesting piece about Bernie. I am feeling the burn since I voted for him twice. I have observed that he is always talking about drug prices and never about the drugs. Clearly, he’s deceptive, but I also think he is a true believer when it comes to the COVID vax.
Bernie allegedly got two nice free homes out of saying nothing though. So he's happy. A bit like the failed comedian in Ukraine who has somehow amassed a huge fortune and expensive homes in the US, Italy and elsewhere when his only talent was playing piano with his dick ..... Oh and selling Ukrainians down the river to create the "big israel" he keeps talking about and everyone ignores. They had to rid "little israel" of people too to create it and we are seeing the exact same script play out in Ukraine with insane attacks on the Russian guns killing the men in droves and a mass exodus of men and women to Western Europe paid for by European taxpayers. At least the Palestinians fought the real enemy.
Ah, yes, the Jews are behind it all, of course. And Bernie is a Jew and he probably has horns, right? I know they all have them, but cover them up with cosmetics manufactured in Beersheba or Brooklyn or somewhere.
In the 2020 Democratic primary, Sanders held a rally on the Boston Common with about 10 or 15,000 attendees, including my children and me, who had all waited for hours in the security line on a cold Saturday in February. The other main candidate in the Mask[achusetts] primary was Elizabeth Warren, the sitting senator from Mask. and also popular with Democrats. I could see either one of them winning the primary fairly. Yet by magic, Biden, who never visited the state, "won" the primary (and Sanders got third place)!
I fully disembarked from the Bernie train after his campaign group in the Cambridge area sent me texts pushing their Masks4All campaign, which I first thought, or hoped, was parody or a phishing scam.
Exactly. Few presidential candidates have drawn the massive and diverse sorts of crowds Bernie did, but we were asked to believe that all these people, some of who traveled a long way to go to rallies, were too lazy to vote, they didn't bother. And if you raise that point, you are just a conspiracy theorist.
I never was. His own ancestors were killed by the Nazi's in the holocaust and yet he supports the communist beliefs.. Talk about rolling over in graves.
They were all planned AND they get to keep the Millions of dollars in their campaign funds! It is all theatre. Most don't care if they win or loose, they still get paid big time. It is all part of the show.
How can any critical thinker be a true believer with EVERYTHING we now know about it. It doesn’t work, it was not tested for transmissibility because science got in the way, and simple common sense shows us it is killing people, plus all the research that has in fact been done on the toxin, itself both in live people and in cadavers. Are his eyes closed? Are your emotions getting in your way? Who cares if he is a “ true believer” or not. I suppose we’re really lucky he never made it to the presidency. True colors are truly brighter than ever!! NO AMNESTY FOR THESE PEOPLE!
I think it is pretty clear who is the emotional one here. I care nothing at all about Bernie, he is dead to me. It is also as plain as the nose on your (or my) face, that many people drank the Kool Aide and they dwell in that self-confirming loop of the "safe and effective" mantra and forbid any discussion that threatens their COVID religion. Most of my friends (and former friends) worship in that house of cards.
You are right. I am extremely emotional about what has happened to our world because of a few extremely greedy people like Bernie Sanders in this world. And, because several of my loved ones were/are effected and/or are now dead.
All I ever heard Bernie Sanders talk about was the evil rich. He made me sick to my stomach. So typical of the projection his type is sooo guilty of.
In my humble opinion he was right about the billionaires, and their enabling of or silent endorsement of the horrors we are witnessing is proof positive of their evil.
It is also proof positive that socialism and/ nor communism will ever work. There will always be that one leading the way. History has shown over and over again(even in little sociological studies) that the leader becomes drunk with a sort of psychopathic power.
Please help me understand what people saw in Bernie Sanders. He was dangerous then, if you knew anything about history, and he’s certainly proving it now. It’s very frightening to me how many youth loved him.
Obviously, the uniparty masters agree with you. I guess the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of Gates, Bezos et al, isn't "dangerous" at all? BTW, is wasn't just "youth" who supported him. In any case, you are not looking for an explanation, but making a statement, and that's fine with me. Unlike Bernie and his fellow Democrats (yes I know he claims to be "independent") I believe in free speech.
What exactly do you believe DOES work, given that we live in a for-profit system for private corporations...And given that most small businesses aspire to become big businesses in a winner take all market?
Noone should be surprised by Sanders being in lockstep with the Biosecurity State as he has been the kinder-gentler poster boy for US Imperialism for decades. Sanders supported Lockheed Martin, supported the US evisceration of former Yugoslavia and much else. Anyone familiar with Sanders ACTUAL record knows he is a duplicitous scumbag.
Excellent article below.
“Under constant medical tutelage, life would be regarded as an evil & the human body as an object for treatment by medical institutions.”
- Karl Marx
"Virology is a vehicle for ruling class ambitions, not unlike the pseudoscientific racial theories which justified colonialism, imperialism, slavery and fascism..."
Virology as Ideology. A Critique of Ruling Class Pseudoscience – Part 1: Science and Class Society
The organized Marxist parties have by and large accepted just such a naive, idealist picture of science. They have regurgitated and agitated for the lethal application of ruling class ideology, in the unambiguous service of ruling-class interests, simply because it has called itself ›science.‹ Under this banner they have permitted or even abetted an unprecedented assault on the global working class. By all indications, they have forgotten how many instances of pseudoscience concocted by the ruling class and its servants have had the imprimatur of science in the past, and the near universal approval of relevant ›experts‹ – such as Malthusianism, raciology, phrenology, lobotomies, or, indeed, ›political-economy,‹ that ›science‹ which Marx’s Capital so devastatingly exposed and refuted.
More profoundly, they have lost sight of what a very rare thing science is. Most ruling classes, in most historical human societies, have found its benefits far outweighed by its radical potential to undermine their rule, and have stifled it. What is necessary now is a real historical-materialist perspective that takes seriously the prospect that we can and have regressed, especially since the global counter revolution, into a less scientific society, despite trappings which suggest otherwise. As Molly Klein has remarked, there was something very precise in Marshall MacLuhan’s famous description of the modern world as a global village, rather than, say, a city: while late-capitalist modernity has been technically sophisticated on the one hand, socially it has become progressively more backwards, tribal, narrow-minded, and superstitious. Kary Mullis, who received the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for inventing the PCR technique upon which the entire Covid edifice rests, observed that »years from now, people looking back at us will find our acceptance of the HIV theory of AIDS as silly as we find the leaders who excommunicated Galileo, just because he insisted that the earth was not the center of the universe.«[2] Mullis was too optimistic.
This essay will implore you to consider the proposition that modern virology and indeed much of modern medical science more generally, as it has been practiced in the 20th and 21st centuries, is not only just as unmoored from objective reality, but also just as effective and monstrous a vehicle for the most sinister ruling class ambitions, as were the racial theories which justified colonialism and imperialism, slavery and fascism. It will highlight virology’s internal contradictions, the fraudulence of its established protocols, and the various and interlocking ways in which it has served as a central legitimating ideology for exploitative class society.
I agree with the gist of your essay-in-the-making, and look forward to subsequent parts; but I doubt that Marxianism, or 'a real historical-materialist perspective' (as opposed to old school Marxism, say), will be of much help.
Brazil has fallen thanks to a well practiced election steal involving the Biden Administration and their security detail, the good old CIA. What’s happening now is right out of the Castro / Chavez/ Maduro playbook so expect it to be a shit hole in short thrift☘️
The Left have always been the most aggressive pushers of the covid narrative and the vax. And I speak as a Leftist. But the revelation of the true nature of this official "opposition" has led me to reject the Left/Right duality. It has almost invariably been those "on the Right" who have been most perceptive - but even then, if they are prominent media people, they are part of the same show and their purpose is to divide everyone into that Left/Right theater. The best commentary to appear has come below the line. We must face the fact that our entire media / political spectrum is a propagandist "entertainment".
Bernie and Lula's equity plaftform consists of ways for Pfizer to equally poison the populace. And in Bernie's case, Medicare-for-All morphed into experimental mRNA toxic jabs for everyone. And let's not forget, icon Leftist Chomsky, an intellectual who knows the intricate historical horrors behind US imperialism, but loathes the unvaxxed and thought they all should be removed from civil society.
It seems the psyop "covid policy critics are muddle-headed white supremacists from the far right" (or some version of this) has been successful - with the overeducated underthinking self-congratulatory left at least, for whom the past (eugenics, Bush sr's NWO, etc.) are things of the past, not too be mentioned ever again. But then (to quote Vera Sharav), '"Never again" is now.'
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro was an outspoken opponent of the harmful, destructive Covid "vaccines" and vaccine passports. He stood in the way of the US/WEF/Gates/WHO global "vaccination" agenda, and so he had to be eliminated. "Biden campaign bragged about rigging Brazilian election against Bolsonaro" The blood of the 8-year-old Brazilian boy and of millions of other "vaccine" victims is on the hands of Biden, Harris, Gates, Fauci, Rochelle Walensky, Ashish Jha, Vivek Murthy, Sanders, and all the other Covid criminals.
As one of the last anti-war Democrats, Paul Wellstone, a decent, honorable man, puts to shame the warmongering, imperialist, clot-shot-promoting Bernie Sanders, a repulsive phony who never saw a military spending bill he didn't like.
Revoke HCQ and make plans to inject the populace within days of taking office. That fellow is wasting no time paying back the people he owes for his election, huh?
He wasn't elected. He was installed by the elites, just like Biden.
Thats what I meant! Brought to you by Pfizer and the CIA.
I got the impression Sanders had more of a voter base than Biden. But maybe less than Trump... Well, if it's the case that US elections are rigged, I suppose there is no way of knowing, at least in Europe.
I suspect it's rigged across the world...except Russia and China. They got rid of their "Deep State" decades ago.
Goodness me, you are dreaming and don't know anything about Russia and its history.
It bears, with PFIZER's own documents that have been released for months, is this still a thing...never mind the disabilities and deaths.....their own data, for eff's sakes....
Amazing isn't it.
The "Bernie Baby" died of SIDS (fatal vaccine injury). That's when I got off the Bernie train.
The timing, at 4 months, which is one of the "well"-baby visits, is highly suspicious. But the NYT's lazy grammar leads to a Freudian slip of truth:
"SIDS is the leading cause of death in children ages 1 to 12 months, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The agency said it [the CDC?!] killed roughly 1,500 infants in the United States in 2014. The C.D.C. defines the syndrome as the sudden and unexpected death of an infant that cannot be explained."
And they could have added to the end: "...that cannot be explained [except by That Which Must Not be Named]."
& autism on the rise , nothing to see here!
27 jabs between birth and 12 months.
It's amazing there isn't more there is now SADS. Uh...we donno what's causing them all to drop dead.😵💫
My best job ever was in an autistic classroom from 2000- 2003. The rate was one in 48 children. Ironically I got injured by booster shots I needed in upstate New York & was applying for disability shortly afterwards. Many of the moms saw the correlation with the childhood schedule.
Can’t access the article but thanks for the link. Glad you changed your mind. Keep thinking for yourself!
I just replaced it with a free link.
Thanks! I was at my free “ limit “ there. Appreciate it!
If society is great when old men plant trees who's shade they shall never sit in, then I guess the analogy here is they have cut down all the trees, pretty much everywhere, so there will be no shade and no trees for the few kids who make it through. At least not in Bernies world. Money makes all men stupid.
My old apartment complex near Syracuse New York, something was killing the pine trees and burning spots on the bushes. I had a cable router (?) next to my apartment outside, they had a contract with time Warner there. ( I couldn’t afford it myself.) and they got a government grant that put led lights in the parking lot and forced it in all the apartments that had HUD housing. It hurt my eyes and the lights outside made it hard to sleep ( I put Mylar blankets on my window at night, it made hundreds of tiny holes in them over time) thankfully God unexpectedly moved me to central Florida just before lockdown.
Thats an important story, the 5g is certainly a killer much faster than the previous. Did you see the CHD segment on folks in Georgia? re these meters--worth a watch, one of the meter installers has gone whistleblower. I searched CHD (its a COMMUNITY CORNER episode) but maybe they are editing it, cannot find it just now. They are installing the meters when folks are not home, even when they are not wanted by the customers.
That's why Pelosi is so smart!
How is the whole world going to fit in Florida
I can't even get to Florida... pretty sure they ain't gonna let a white blonde chick in through the southern border....
Yeah. And I'm a real woman who likes men. They certainly don't want my type. DeSantis needs to organize private jets for us Floridawannabes
Bulldogs love real women. If you don't mind me asking, where are you. Not all American men are soy boys. Way too many no doubt.
One tactical nuke should do it. 🤔 No wait...there's Disneyland.
Horrible place.
Bernie has no peripheral vision. Compromised by operating within the machine. Completely missing the big picture, or an embedded tool. Whichever it is, it doesn’t matter—he doesn’t or will not get it.
When you see how Medicare was an enabler for Remdesivir and other death protocols, the mantra of “Medicare For All” takes on a whole different ring.
The way nationalized healthcare was sold to the public by Sanders was only a fraction of the story. It operates quite differently under the guidance of a more ‘benevolent’ power, such as Sweden. We see now how such a singular system can be manipulated toward harm as a tool of totalitarianism.
MCM, I just want you to know how much I appreciate and admire your work. I admit I had not heard of you before the covid era and I realize you had a large body of work to recommend you in your area of speciality long before I ever happened across your name.
Due to life, I cannot visit that link to leftist trash you posted this evening, but I think you ought to send these links from time to time so that we may exit our sound vacuum for a moment to understand the heart of the enemy. When I say “enemy” I mean whatever monster it is that would strip away my right to determine medical treatments for my own children in favor of a state run objective. That monster.
Intuitively, I know I need to understand the flavor and strength of the garbage being published by that monster. Of course I fear it is as well reasoned and documented as the content people like you publish ... I really need to see it for myself. I apologize again that tonight I just cannot but you got me thinking and I decided to spend a moment to send you my thoughts.
Best wishes for this new year to you and yours.
Interesting piece about Bernie. I am feeling the burn since I voted for him twice. I have observed that he is always talking about drug prices and never about the drugs. Clearly, he’s deceptive, but I also think he is a true believer when it comes to the COVID vax.
I feel your pain. I voted for him, too; but I went off him after he TWICE failed to say a word about the thefts that robbed us of his victories.
Yes, he wimped out completely, selling us out so he could lick the DNC's toes.
Bernie allegedly got two nice free homes out of saying nothing though. So he's happy. A bit like the failed comedian in Ukraine who has somehow amassed a huge fortune and expensive homes in the US, Italy and elsewhere when his only talent was playing piano with his dick ..... Oh and selling Ukrainians down the river to create the "big israel" he keeps talking about and everyone ignores. They had to rid "little israel" of people too to create it and we are seeing the exact same script play out in Ukraine with insane attacks on the Russian guns killing the men in droves and a mass exodus of men and women to Western Europe paid for by European taxpayers. At least the Palestinians fought the real enemy.
Ah, yes, the Jews are behind it all, of course. And Bernie is a Jew and he probably has horns, right? I know they all have them, but cover them up with cosmetics manufactured in Beersheba or Brooklyn or somewhere.
And the thefts were so blatant.
In the 2020 Democratic primary, Sanders held a rally on the Boston Common with about 10 or 15,000 attendees, including my children and me, who had all waited for hours in the security line on a cold Saturday in February. The other main candidate in the Mask[achusetts] primary was Elizabeth Warren, the sitting senator from Mask. and also popular with Democrats. I could see either one of them winning the primary fairly. Yet by magic, Biden, who never visited the state, "won" the primary (and Sanders got third place)!
I fully disembarked from the Bernie train after his campaign group in the Cambridge area sent me texts pushing their Masks4All campaign, which I first thought, or hoped, was parody or a phishing scam.
Exactly. Few presidential candidates have drawn the massive and diverse sorts of crowds Bernie did, but we were asked to believe that all these people, some of who traveled a long way to go to rallies, were too lazy to vote, they didn't bother. And if you raise that point, you are just a conspiracy theorist.
I haven't been a Bernie admirer for a long time.
The always reliable Michael Parenti was his friend for years, apparently - until he wasn't.
I never was. His own ancestors were killed by the Nazi's in the holocaust and yet he supports the communist beliefs.. Talk about rolling over in graves.
Just like many did, he would sell out his own friends and relatives. His own grandmother.
They were all planned AND they get to keep the Millions of dollars in their campaign funds! It is all theatre. Most don't care if they win or loose, they still get paid big time. It is all part of the show.
Funny how Senators are legally permitted to profit from insider information.
"after he TWICE failed to say a word about the thefts that robbed us of his victories."
That might have something to do with the mansion he received from Hillary shortly after.
That and the perpetual Clinton body count.
How can any critical thinker be a true believer with EVERYTHING we now know about it. It doesn’t work, it was not tested for transmissibility because science got in the way, and simple common sense shows us it is killing people, plus all the research that has in fact been done on the toxin, itself both in live people and in cadavers. Are his eyes closed? Are your emotions getting in your way? Who cares if he is a “ true believer” or not. I suppose we’re really lucky he never made it to the presidency. True colors are truly brighter than ever!! NO AMNESTY FOR THESE PEOPLE!
I think it is pretty clear who is the emotional one here. I care nothing at all about Bernie, he is dead to me. It is also as plain as the nose on your (or my) face, that many people drank the Kool Aide and they dwell in that self-confirming loop of the "safe and effective" mantra and forbid any discussion that threatens their COVID religion. Most of my friends (and former friends) worship in that house of cards.
You are right. I am extremely emotional about what has happened to our world because of a few extremely greedy people like Bernie Sanders in this world. And, because several of my loved ones were/are effected and/or are now dead.
All I ever heard Bernie Sanders talk about was the evil rich. He made me sick to my stomach. So typical of the projection his type is sooo guilty of.
In my humble opinion he was right about the billionaires, and their enabling of or silent endorsement of the horrors we are witnessing is proof positive of their evil.
It is also proof positive that socialism and/ nor communism will ever work. There will always be that one leading the way. History has shown over and over again(even in little sociological studies) that the leader becomes drunk with a sort of psychopathic power.
Please help me understand what people saw in Bernie Sanders. He was dangerous then, if you knew anything about history, and he’s certainly proving it now. It’s very frightening to me how many youth loved him.
Obviously, the uniparty masters agree with you. I guess the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of Gates, Bezos et al, isn't "dangerous" at all? BTW, is wasn't just "youth" who supported him. In any case, you are not looking for an explanation, but making a statement, and that's fine with me. Unlike Bernie and his fellow Democrats (yes I know he claims to be "independent") I believe in free speech.
What exactly do you believe DOES work, given that we live in a for-profit system for private corporations...And given that most small businesses aspire to become big businesses in a winner take all market?
Noone should be surprised by Sanders being in lockstep with the Biosecurity State as he has been the kinder-gentler poster boy for US Imperialism for decades. Sanders supported Lockheed Martin, supported the US evisceration of former Yugoslavia and much else. Anyone familiar with Sanders ACTUAL record knows he is a duplicitous scumbag.
Excellent article below.
“Under constant medical tutelage, life would be regarded as an evil & the human body as an object for treatment by medical institutions.”
- Karl Marx
"Virology is a vehicle for ruling class ambitions, not unlike the pseudoscientific racial theories which justified colonialism, imperialism, slavery and fascism..."
Virology as Ideology. A Critique of Ruling Class Pseudoscience – Part 1: Science and Class Society
The organized Marxist parties have by and large accepted just such a naive, idealist picture of science. They have regurgitated and agitated for the lethal application of ruling class ideology, in the unambiguous service of ruling-class interests, simply because it has called itself ›science.‹ Under this banner they have permitted or even abetted an unprecedented assault on the global working class. By all indications, they have forgotten how many instances of pseudoscience concocted by the ruling class and its servants have had the imprimatur of science in the past, and the near universal approval of relevant ›experts‹ – such as Malthusianism, raciology, phrenology, lobotomies, or, indeed, ›political-economy,‹ that ›science‹ which Marx’s Capital so devastatingly exposed and refuted.
More profoundly, they have lost sight of what a very rare thing science is. Most ruling classes, in most historical human societies, have found its benefits far outweighed by its radical potential to undermine their rule, and have stifled it. What is necessary now is a real historical-materialist perspective that takes seriously the prospect that we can and have regressed, especially since the global counter revolution, into a less scientific society, despite trappings which suggest otherwise. As Molly Klein has remarked, there was something very precise in Marshall MacLuhan’s famous description of the modern world as a global village, rather than, say, a city: while late-capitalist modernity has been technically sophisticated on the one hand, socially it has become progressively more backwards, tribal, narrow-minded, and superstitious. Kary Mullis, who received the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for inventing the PCR technique upon which the entire Covid edifice rests, observed that »years from now, people looking back at us will find our acceptance of the HIV theory of AIDS as silly as we find the leaders who excommunicated Galileo, just because he insisted that the earth was not the center of the universe.«[2] Mullis was too optimistic.
This essay will implore you to consider the proposition that modern virology and indeed much of modern medical science more generally, as it has been practiced in the 20th and 21st centuries, is not only just as unmoored from objective reality, but also just as effective and monstrous a vehicle for the most sinister ruling class ambitions, as were the racial theories which justified colonialism and imperialism, slavery and fascism. It will highlight virology’s internal contradictions, the fraudulence of its established protocols, and the various and interlocking ways in which it has served as a central legitimating ideology for exploitative class society.
I agree with the gist of your essay-in-the-making, and look forward to subsequent parts; but I doubt that Marxianism, or 'a real historical-materialist perspective' (as opposed to old school Marxism, say), will be of much help.
"(Salvador Allende’s turning over in his grave across that continent.)"
While Mussolini smiles knowingly in his. 'Public-private partnership' is to fascism what 'minor-attracted person' is to paedophilia. Newspeak.
Brazil has fallen thanks to a well practiced election steal involving the Biden Administration and their security detail, the good old CIA. What’s happening now is right out of the Castro / Chavez/ Maduro playbook so expect it to be a shit hole in short thrift☘️
Lula's clearing out Brazil for China.
The Left have always been the most aggressive pushers of the covid narrative and the vax. And I speak as a Leftist. But the revelation of the true nature of this official "opposition" has led me to reject the Left/Right duality. It has almost invariably been those "on the Right" who have been most perceptive - but even then, if they are prominent media people, they are part of the same show and their purpose is to divide everyone into that Left/Right theater. The best commentary to appear has come below the line. We must face the fact that our entire media / political spectrum is a propagandist "entertainment".
Bernie and Lula's equity plaftform consists of ways for Pfizer to equally poison the populace. And in Bernie's case, Medicare-for-All morphed into experimental mRNA toxic jabs for everyone. And let's not forget, icon Leftist Chomsky, an intellectual who knows the intricate historical horrors behind US imperialism, but loathes the unvaxxed and thought they all should be removed from civil society.
It seems the psyop "covid policy critics are muddle-headed white supremacists from the far right" (or some version of this) has been successful - with the overeducated underthinking self-congratulatory left at least, for whom the past (eugenics, Bush sr's NWO, etc.) are things of the past, not too be mentioned ever again. But then (to quote Vera Sharav), '"Never again" is now.'
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro was an outspoken opponent of the harmful, destructive Covid "vaccines" and vaccine passports. He stood in the way of the US/WEF/Gates/WHO global "vaccination" agenda, and so he had to be eliminated. "Biden campaign bragged about rigging Brazilian election against Bolsonaro" The blood of the 8-year-old Brazilian boy and of millions of other "vaccine" victims is on the hands of Biden, Harris, Gates, Fauci, Rochelle Walensky, Ashish Jha, Vivek Murthy, Sanders, and all the other Covid criminals.
Senator Paul Wellstone (Democrat, Minnesota) was murdered by Bush and Cheney in 2002 in a rigged plane crash because he refused to support the US war in Iraq and Afghanistan and because he was investigating the 9/11 false-flag operation engineered by the US Government (
As one of the last anti-war Democrats, Paul Wellstone, a decent, honorable man, puts to shame the warmongering, imperialist, clot-shot-promoting Bernie Sanders, a repulsive phony who never saw a military spending bill he didn't like.
Anyone who fell for Bernie, at any point in time, was definitely not awake🥴 He’s so easy to see through