Meanwhile, what happened to Damar Hamlin? Isn't it weird that news of him just so abruptly stopped after massive public discussion? It's almost as if, whatever happened there is something no one wants to call attention to...

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That long uncomfortable pause in his interview said way too much.

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He went from the most popular man in America to intentionally forgotten.

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He died.

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I'm pretty sure he died. Those fake "appearances" were obviously fake CGI videos. And it has been proven that the double at the games was NOT Damar Hamlin. His feet were the thing that gave the impostor away.

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I sure would like to know... if he died, I have trouble believing that the Doctors would go along with lying. But didn’t he do a real interview ? It sure looked like him. But the silence on the topic is weird. No one has said what caused his heart attack?...

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Doctors have become the ultimate liars during the last 3 years. Either they lie or they lose their jobs.

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Well, that is beyond depressing. I can’t trust my doctor or any doctor.

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The medical system can never be trusted again. They have proven what they are. Murderers for hire.

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They lie and lose their souls. Bad choice.

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One would hope at the very least!!

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He knows but was terrified to man up and say it because they got to him. I'm sure he'll regret it later in life if he survives but either way, I feel bad for him because he was lied to and he unknowingly sealed his own fate.

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So, he’s alive but is remaining quiet $$$?

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It´s called Hush Money.

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It is strange that it happened on a Monday Night Football broadcast featuring the AFC championship rematch from the previous year. It also happened in the first half. MNF always has better ratings for the first half because most of the east coast and midwest goes to sleep at halftime (if the game isn't interesting). The amount of money bet on the game was tremendous. Damar's accident happened at the very moment of maximum television exposure for an NFL game. Many times more people were watching live than in a typical NFL Sunday game.

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And the longer we hear nothing as the cause, the more suspect I become. I’m somewhat dreading the Final Four, all these young men exerting themselves , producing adrenaline ... jabbed because their schools made them...

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Really, Mrs. McFarland, you have trouble believing that doctors would go along with lying?

What percentage do you think is still asleep, people?

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I didn’t say I didn’t believe it, but believing it is a nauseating reality. If “ we” cannot trust our doctors, that’s pretty fucking sad.

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I agree with you.

It was the professional and legal responsibility of DOCTORS to know that these jabs were poison, yet most seem to have developed Paycheck Amnesia in light of all the bonuses$$

associated with the death jab. They traded cash for conscience. Yes, it's horribly sad.

Every doctor or nurse who went along with this

evil and jabbed anyone with this rat juice is guilty of murder.

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Yeah: He died on that football field and AI isn't sophisticated enough to fake him yet... So they "memory-holed" him. 🙄

PS:"Where is Tiffany Dover?"

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I think the people who were "all over" the "Hamlin scare", also are still burning through their stockpile of toilet tissue from 2020. What matters is the people you DO really know. Who cares what some PR machine tells me about a celebrity, celebrities have no value in my life.

Now, the people in MY life who have suddenly and unexpectedly died, is increasing in number. I'm in dread for those close to me that are fully 'boasted' (they seem so proud...). The look when their 'eyes go wide', terrifying pain, as that fist grips deep, grips hard... That is so morose...

The irony is that I'm old and tired, chronically sore. Still putting in a good days work everyday, but I would love to see where it goes from here. I mean, 'here' is so amazing, such an adventure. I'm ready to go, as long as it 'doesn't hurt for long'.

But the vaxd are likely to beat me out of here, hoping to avoid death (evidently) by jabbing up. It's awful. A Tragic Irony.

I keep thinking about that. What does that even mean?

Death: The ultimate wake-up call.

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One positive aspect from all this is more people are beginning to question the jab and its possible detrimental effects ( I would have said likely but I am trying to sound balanced)...however there is worse coming our way. Dr. Cottrell offered a jaw-dropping analysis of the next bioweapon to be deployed, confirming that the US DoD is working on this bioweapon right now, and they will release it soon. The CDC's head, Dr. Redfield, confirmed this just today, saying the next plague will be far worse than covid. Dr. Cottrell says it's going to be a chimeria: HIV + SARS + H5N1. This triple threat combo is essentially "aerosolized HIV," meaning it destroys the immune system and can spread through the air. It's a devastating depopulation weapon and it will also be used to destroy the remaining food supply by shutting down nearly all animal farms that produce meat.

See the full interviews plus the Brighteon broadcast at: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/hrreport

And have a sunshiny day everyone!!!

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Read the ‘Real Anthony Fauci’ by RFK Jr. The HIV causes AIDS theory was Fauci’s scare tactic, but there a lot of scientists that believe HIV is a fairly benign virus and does not necessarily lead to AIDS. Much evidence that poppers were the precursor to sarcosy (?) and caused AIDS. Anyone contradicting Mr Science got shut down and drowned out by the money Fauci dangled in front of his obedient ‘scientist’ sycophants.

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Reading an interesting article on the beginning of the HIV scam.

, “Very early on in the epidemic, before HIV was discovered, there were two theories [for AIDS], one was that there was a new agent out there, and the other was the multifactorial [lifestyle] theory...so there is a competition between two theories and different interests latch on to different theories for different reasons...The conservative family values lobby liked the single virus because it says if you have sex outside marriage you could die. If you're a gay man – die. The gay leadership liked it too so they were joining hands with their enemies in a sense, both favouring the single virus theory. It takes the view away from lifestyle and puts it on a single virus”.

Article details how no disease causing virus was ever really isolated or proven to exist.


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Plague of Corruption by Judy Mikovitz is about that.

That was Little REPTILE Anthony Fauci's practice run.

Anthony Fauci killed my brother who died from AZT like Mikki Willis's brother.

My brother Gary died in 1989 at 26.

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Your brother’s death is heartbreaking. So many families lost loved ones who perhaps needed nutrition and or vitamins. Criminal of our government.

I have known it was a horrible charade for a long time just never really thought of it in terms of blaming a ‘virus’ being a win win for both sides of the political aisle.

Sickening. Again much belated condolences.

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Government: It's the problem to the solution.

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Très drôle!

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Sorry for your loss.

I firmly believe that my father was also murdered by fauci & company, but, I need to get my hands on his medical records first to confirm my fears and personal theory.

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I appreciate it.

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You too eh? My brother Paul died at the age of 44 in 1996 courtesy of Dr. Fraudci. We were told "AIDS." It was "AZT poisoning."

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Exactly what it was.

I read Plague of Corruption nly a couple of years ago.

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Thanks for reminding me.. Another title for my "booket List".

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I was one of the first people to buy Bobby's book. I am a Kennedy child....

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Mar 22, 2023
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Redfield IS a fraud—all the more reason to be cautious at this moment. What better cover for the ongoing, and accelerating, "vaccination" death toll than another, even more ferocious pathogen? That that pathogen does not exist will make no difference whatsoever, except for those who've managed to wake up already.

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How do you know and are you absolutely certain it does not exist? Proof is needed to disprove that post. And proof is important.

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Dr. Sam Bailey has issued two papers:

1. "The Covid-19 Fraud & War on Humanity" (41 pages) and

2. "A Farewell to Virology" (67 pages)

You can find them both at https://drsambailey.com

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Hell yeah and amen. Watch this, and if you still believe in germ theory and virology afterwards just go back to mental prison. https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ch8v4TVL9yq0/

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I believe that if you picked out any one of the 380 Trillion viruses currently living inside of your body, you could blame it for any disease and no one would ever be able to doubt you because they’d have to find the same exact one in a healthy person to make a case...

Well, talk about a needle in a haystack!

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Well I know nada about virology and if that above link I posted is false, how does one prove that? It's disconcerting that little can be proven in public health so if someone is telling the truth or thinks it is the truth, how can we know for certain what it is? Maybe that is why people have retreated into denial. I could say that MCM is a bitter man who lost his academic position and believes all these deaths are from the VAX when he has no real proof they are. And how would you disprove that? No I am not here to put MCM down but I do wonder what he is trying to accomplish and I have asked him in the past and not received a reply. How can I know he is not a tool for someone or some entity to distract us from say the economic collapse going on? No disrespect but WTF is REAL????

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Right? 'Real' is what wisdom constructs. A man can know many things but it is wisdom that assembles them truthfully. Without wisdom, he is a knowledgeable idiot.

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I think it is the ability to critically think and evaluate which is something few actually study.

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That used to be called 'thinking-ahead'. It was Planning 101.

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The "Real An Faucci" book was a bit of a slow starter for me, but by the time I got in 40 pages I was hooked. It became an obsessed page turner. And talk about sources. Extensively referenced and annotated.

By the time I read about the the general consensus of level headed scientists, about HIV/AIDS, I was jumping up and down yelling "I knew it, I knew it!"

These poor sleazebag lifers in government are appalling in their brazen self aggrandizement and irreproachable 'persons'. To their core.

Parasites determined to kill the host.

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It's sort of a medical "Gulag Archipelago" isn't it? A documented horror story in every paragraph... 🤔😱

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Viruses are not pathogens, hence they cannot be weaponized. HIV has never been demonstrated to cause illness, or AIDS. Anyone pushing these stories is deliberately or unwittingly spreading misinformation and fear.

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It's fear-mongering if we believe that that new souped-up virus is for real. If, on the other hand, we recognize that it's just another fraud—and that the ongoing "vaccination" death toll will now be blamed on THAT, so that more millions will be spooked into getting still MORE shots—we have solid grounds for warning everyone against believing it.

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We should definitely try not to spook anybody. Fear makes people passive and reactive, steals away creativity, and of course causes all sorts of physical stress responses that are deleterious to health. My father, a brilliant man and MENSA member, was scared into getting the clot shots and has had balance issues ever since. His awareness that government runs scams and is never on our side had no chance against the fear of getting sick with the phantom "virus".

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How sick are these people that they need to terrorize people over and over again with no sense of empathy, compassion or RULE OF LAW?

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True, they are actually parasites...the word 'virus' was given to many unknown parasites discovered by a team of doctors in the body (we all carry millions) back in very early 1900's to sound scary by Rothchild/Rockefeller, who at that time bought up about 80% of big pharma (from the Biblical word 'pharmakhea' meaning poison, witchcraft, sorcery)

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The term comes from Latin, meaning “poison”, not parasite.

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Any chance you know of any good books that explains this hidden part of our medical history?

I’m looking for and collecting gems such as “The Crime & Punishment of I.G. Farben,” and “The Fluoride Deception.”

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Read "Murder by Injection" by Eustace Mullins. It's a history of the AMA; very enlightening.

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Not sure how hidden you are looking for, but my top picks include:

-The Poisoned Needle by Eleanor McBean

-Murder By Injection by Eustace Mullins

-AIDS, Opium, Diamonds and Empire by Nancy Turner Banks

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Add to that:

Dissolving Illusions by Dr. Suzanne Humphries

If you would like to read about her journey to writing that book, I highly recommend first reading her book "Rising from the Dead." In it she recounts her schooling and education (two different things) and work history that led her to researching the history of vaccines.

These two books were very eye opening for us.

Mrs. "the Knife"

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I have "Dissolving Illusions" already but I wasn't aware of the earlier book.

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The more hidden the better!

For example, I tried hunting down an original copy of Edward Bernays's "Propaganda" only to find them going for about $12K on ebay so I skipped that one for a newer version which costs about $13. This guy is one of our greatest enemies in the fight for informed consent so I figure it's wise to read his tricks of the trade, "know your enemy."


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The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America is pretty tremendous. It's all part of the same agenda to keep us on the plantation acting like cattle.

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Celeste Solum had a podcast back when all this started in 2019, she was with FEMA and left that position due to all the corruption with in the ranks. She said back then this was a biolab creation made for a death dealing injection/vaccine (we all know it is NOT a vaccine but a RNA/DNA modifier) that was made back in 2012. She also stated when the 'jab' rolled out that if those who did not die in the short term from it, give it 6mo to 3 years and watch as they start dropping!

And what are we seeing now??

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SADS, “bUt ItS nOrMaL... hAppENs AlL tHe TImE...”

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Buying into fear is not the anwser, nor is hope. Something in between is a better place to reside as both emotions are not from a heart centered part of yourself. Many online sites continue to divide and scare. There are many layers to each story and its our work to discern what is harmful and what nutures growth. This time in our present epoch is where we must pass our intiation to evolve to the next higher level. Focus on what is important and refrain from the manipulative minutia.

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Kim, don't know who you are directing this to, but live with the Power of the Holy Spirit, I do not live in fear!, never have

I just glean info daily and research the validity, info I share with others is usually 90% accurate

God Created all things, evolution is a false doctrine of any sort. We gain higher knowledge, peace and strength through Jesus Christ who is our Way to The Father God, and the ONLY way!

I am a sinner, we all are thus the reason for a Savior Jesus who was the one who bore the sins of the world so that we may have eternal life in Him


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Tony Waldrop...”after a long illness”. A true scholar-athlete.


Posted Dec 5, 2022

Tony Waldrop, Former UNC All-American Track Star, World Record Holder Dies At 70

Dr. Tony G. Waldrop, who helped raise academic standards, elevate research, and usher in a new era at USA Health as president of the University of South Alabama, died on Saturday in Chapel Hill after a long illness. In 1974, as a track star at the North Carolina, he set a longstanding world record of 3 minutes and 55 seconds in the indoor mile.

NYT (1974):

CHAPEL HILL. N.C., May 14 (AP) — Tony Waldrop ran his ninth consecutive sub‐4‐minute mile and Maryland won its 19th consecutive team title in the Atlantic. Coast Conference track meet today.

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Good grief. The jab is merciless towards healthy, fit athletes.

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It's horrible...that raises some interesting arguments. The MRNA seeks out something in a fit body relentlessly that it can feed on and raise to the level of dominance where it then takes over and destroys using a single weakness..a literate interpretation from one who believes literature still has our answers...

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Here’s my theory- Covid is a vascular disease… so imagine any elite athlete… they are pumping a maximum amount of blood which increases their risk for an adverse event. The faster the heart is pumping… the more risk…

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Because he is rich and in the US that is what power means...MONEY

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And the 'love of money' is the root of all evil!

Anyone hear anymore about Soros supposedly kicking the bucket yesterday?...

I would really like to dance a happy dance if he did

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Hate to be “that guy,” but, this IS the most misquoted bible verse:

“For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.”

‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭6‬:‭10‬ ‭NIV‬‬https://bible.com/bible/111/1ti.6.10.NIV

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so sorry about the mis quote my friend, was speed typing

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1599 Geneva Bible

1 Timotheus 6:10

For the defire of money is the roote of all eviil, which while fome lufted after they erred from the faith

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You misspelled lofted.

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In older versions of English, the letter "s" looked like an "f". The word there is actually "lusted". The same situation occurs in the word "desire" and "some" in the quote.

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Most current Israeli/Greek to English experts believe the version presented in the NIV is the most accurate interpretation from the oldest surviving texts, If I remember correctly.

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No way! No such luck!

Of course it did breed, it's son believes like him, and he's only 32.

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I watched some highlights of the Players golf championship. 1 player hit his ball 3 times in a row into the water with his driver. Another player, 3 times in water - 2 of those were an easy 30 yard chip shot over the water(not the island green hole). Their vaxxed brains/bodies were playing like complete amateurs.

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Still waiting for a NCAA lad to fall on live Tv. I hope not, but every time one of them goes down I can't help but wonder. It is a relief when it is a twisted ankle or something.

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What's sick is all these athletes watching their teammates go through this, knowing they can be next at any time, and not a single one has the courage to speak out. The silence is deafening

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Ya I can't believe that is happening.


That may be the most surprising thing to me in the last 3 years.

Close second is how our POLICE here in CHINADA are complete STASI and actually more EVIL than I thought.

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Hitler did not act alone. It does take an army worth of willing participants to create and sustain a holocaust.

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Indeed. But if I knew I might die any second, no amount of money could keep me silent. These teams are like families and how can one watch family die and say nothing. Its such a vile display that my true thoughts on it are not fit for print.

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The mind virus is more dangerous than any actual pathogen that's for sure. Knew sooner or later we would go through something like this mess, psychopaths being psychopaths and all. But what caught me off guard when this all began was the gleeful mass compliance that just suddenly began with the blink of an eye. Then next thing I know my employer gives us official papers for 'essential business' during lockdown in case police stop us and that's when the absolute seriousness of the situation really hit me. Total 'oh f**k' moment.

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Chris Martenson recently made a good point - despite all the sudden deaths the mainstream media narrative is such that somehow the deadliness of the vax is still not “common knowledge” - once it gets to that point there could be a sea change.

We can only hope.

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Imaginary (or not) conversation:

Gutter Press Editors to the Bosses "Hey, should we not start taking a look at why our enterainment and sporting idols are dropping lie flies?"

Gutter Press Editors Bosses to the Editors "Oh look up there - it's a dead bird!!!"

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Killed by climate change.

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Good one. We are in an Ice Age correct?

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Killed flying by a 5G installation.

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Doctors always seem to be baffled. They just don't know what is causing the increase in colon cancer in young people. 29 year old discovered he had stage 4 colon cancer.


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Safe and efficient

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My grandma has Lou Gehrig’s disease, she is about 75 years old it was diagnosed 2 years ago. Right now it’s getting more difficult to live for her, because of stiff muscles she can’t even move. Riluzole and Edaravone medicines are given, but won"t give much relief. She can"t eat food without choking. I thought this might be the last stage and the medications she was given did not help at all, so I started to do alot of research on natural treatments, I was introduced to Health Natural Centre and their ALS Herbal Protocol. She started on the ALS/MND Treatment last year, her symptoms gradually diminished including her vocal cord spasm, Body Weakness and Difficulty with swallowing. Reach them at healthnaturalcentre.org , She is getting active again since starting this treatment, she is able to walk again ( down the street and back )she have also resumed exercising to strengthen muscles!! God Bless all ALS Caregivers. Stay Strong, take small moments throughout the day to thank yourself, to love your self, and pray to whatever faith, star, spiritual force you believe in and ask for strength. I can personally vouch for these remedy but you would probably need to decide what works best for you.

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I've been following this report since it was started in 2021. Cumulative deaths and AEs of athletes worldwide. The percentage of those dying has continued to rise - now at 69%. https://goodsciencing.com/covid/athletes-suffer-cardiac-arrest-die-after-covid-shot/

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Thank you, as always, for your constant work, Mr. Miller. You're a phenomenon.

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"Medicine is great these days" .......... clearly the man missed his real calling which is obviously comedy.

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