As ridiculous as a Buddhist temple near me requiring boosters. Enlightenment requires experimental medical treatment now.

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The side effect of sterilization will make their abortion rights campaigns moot.

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Demons do not possess self-awareness.

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This kind of insanity is so gross it makes my brain want to explode!

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They wear hypocrisy like it's their favorite shirt.

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They don't care because they listen to asses like this guy...hypocrisy now.....

Canada’s Trudeau declares WAR against all pro-life pregnancy centers in Canada... https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-29-trudeau-declares-war-pro-life-pregnancy-centers-canada.html

...but..... he also thinks this...... Justin Trudeau Wants Freedoms for Ukrainians That He Won’t Allow Canadians to Enjoy...... https://www.infowars.com/posts/justin-trudeau-wants-freedoms-for-ukrainians-that-he-wont-allow-canadians-to-enjoy/

...AND, My favourite..... Trudeau calls the unvaccinated racist and misogynistic extremists....... https://www.westernstandard.news/news/trudeau-calls-the-unvaccinated-racist-and-misogynistic-extremists/article_a3bacece-2e14-5b8c-bf37-eddd672205f3.html

Oh...by the way...he's my prime minister and you can't have him..... I know...you are jealous....

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The irony is just stunning.

See 37 minute video: Spike in Miscarriages, Fetal Deaths, Uterus Shedding: Fertility Doctor on Vaccine Side Effects in Pregnant Women | Dr. James A Thorp: https://www.theepochtimes.com/spike-in-miscarriages-fetal-deaths-uterus-shedding-fertility-doctor-on-vaccine-side-effects-in-pregnant-women_4571315.html?utm_source=ref_share&utm_campaign=copy&rs=SHRDHLFT&

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Cults are typically insane and the BluANoN cult is no different.

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The question often becomes, are they that ignorant or that evil. It makes little difference, as the outcome is the same!

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They , guess they don’t know that they won’t have to get an abortion

Jab will take care of that !!!

Dumb ….. dumb….. dumber

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They've got to be completely clueless, right? And they refuse to believe anything outside of their woke bubble of corporate media and corporate medicine

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They'd don't know or care. These are just very stupid people emoting and expressing their vapid feelings independent of reality and rational thought.

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Perhaps they are embracing boosters as a workaround solution.

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Is this what's called cognitive dissonance?

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Here’s a sign from my sh*thole city street. It was taken last weekend, after the Roe v. Wade takedown.

Why hasn’t it been up since March 2020??!!

If anyone’s got a pithy message besides “Yeah, NO MORE JABS!” I’ll gladly Sharpie it in the right-hand corner.


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The mirror-image psychosis: the many opponents of jab mandates who love anti-abortion mandates.

The overturning of Roe v. Wade is for that reason a terrible development, even though legally right. Now both parties are on record as completely against bodily autonomy and medical freedom. They differ merely on the incursions to allow now.

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