Oh, my word!!! There is hope in Canada..thank you!!! xoxo

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Hopefully but I'm sure the city council will just ignore it's citizens. Kinda like the US citizens calling for our Southern border to be closed. Hope I'm proven wrong.

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A similar presentation which started this entire initiative by Maggie Braun (SUBSTACK Gather 2030) was done in front of Peterborough Town Council (CORPORATION of Peterborough) and they have delayed things for a while...we are waiting to see what happens. It is a movement that is starting to move across Canada. https://gather2030.substack.com/p/un-takeover-of-peterborough-county?publication_id=1689806&post_id=135682732&isFreemail=false

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Yes, Mark, totally agree with StellaMaris - are there other municipalities and how can we find them? I understand Peterborough also has an active group fighting back.

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Please place these videos on other platforms other than YouTube

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You do it.

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How did you get the video? I was going to put it on Rumble but the YT version has video download disabled. I did send a msg to the OP asking if I could get the original.

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I use this site to rip youtube vids; https://en1.y2mate.is/q6rwc/youtube-to-mp4.html

This site to rip twitter vids:


And for other vids embedded in webpages etc, can use a chrome add on(but in brave browser):


if you still want to put on rumble, you can download it directly from my odysee upload.

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Yes, like Brighteon.com -- which was started when Mike Adams of NaturalNews.com was censored on YT.

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I think that comment needs to eb addressed to whomever put this on youtube, the Canadian group or Aurora city group that did it.

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I think I understand you object to YT, but it still has the broadest audience and viewership. Do you think it needs to be seen by as many as possible or tucked away and lost on a smaller platform because you don't seemingly like YT? Think further...These issues are larger than your likes and dislikes.

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Hey Pirate, maybe they meant post the video on more than one platform, and MCM answered perfectly: "You do it", and a commenter (Nicholas) replied that he put it on Odysee. That's great, and maybe you have an idea too, cuz I can see you have plenty of advice.

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I see what you're saying. Thanks. I just get annoyed at people wanting their small personal preferences accommodated when we are flat out of time. It's getting to me.

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You Tube has a reputation for removing videos.

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But not this one and not in the beginning years of YT. Just like here on "SS".

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Pirate, this was a gracious reply, you're a good man for replying it. Peace, Pirate.

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Best to post info like this to YT and also direct to odysee etc for more (and better) content.

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I understand there are problems with YouTube, but it is the only streaming platform that offers subtitles. Hearing impaired depend on these.

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These people - city council - don’t seem to grasp that their role is not to understand some new technology or the impact of various NGOs, etc. their role is to represent what their constituency wants. Period. All the nonsense across Western legislatures nowadays about saving this or that or for our own good is just eyewash. They aren’t hired to look after our own good, but to represent what WE think and want. No part of their job description includes what THEY think. No one CARES what THEY think. THEIR - ONLY - job is to care what WE think, and then act on that, alone.

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So true. The people forget they are only representatives to do the will of the people. Also, it annoys me the way these councillors, and other bureaucrats speak, like they will listen or condescend to our wishes as if they’re doing us a favour! They don’t have the humility to acknowledge that they are our servants. Its unbelievable.

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Yes they work for us not the other way around! Once they are elected they seem to forget that!!!

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Exactly! And not just a problem of city councils, as you know, but now society in general. The deep respect for "leadership qualities" in every group, all the time corrupts every aspect of governance and decision making.

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They attend conferences/retreats where they are told, repeatedly, that they have some sort of special, high-level understanding of things that the little people could not possibly grasp. This conditioning boosts their egos and drives them to go along with bad ideas for fear of being thought small-minded or stupid if they do not go along.

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Yes, but it is not realistic to expect them not to press for all kinds of things that suit their ideological bent. They all just carry on with what they think. They will exploit whatever power they have to the maximum. Acting on broad world issues increases their sense of self importance. Also, their constituents likely all don't think the same thing, so that gives them a lot of leeway.

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The citizen speaker was well informed and spoke clearly. Have a close listen to the council speakers. All of them state that they have literally no background information on what was being brought forward, and their speech was both robotic and sounded contrived, lots of incorrect word usage and frankly embarrassing to listen to. These members are not sincere and could give a rat‘s ass about what’s being said. They just want to appear as as if they care. So over the fake Canadian virtue signalling from our so called government representatives. Pathetic. Canada has been buried in serious shit for decades. They need a miracle. So glad I left 30 years ago. So sad most of my family still thinks it’s home.

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Also, has anyone else noticed that so many of the jabbed lack empathy, sincerity, and critical reasoning? It's been bizarre for me to witness....like their personalities have changed completely. Scary thought that these injections could possibly cause irreversible neurological damage....we have billions that were jabbed.

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their entire perception of longevity and well-being is completely dependent on the consensus of all those around them. Anyone not adhering to that consensus is now a very real existential threat.

Imagine living each day like this. Empathy would no longer come into it

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Perfectly stated!

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I don't think the jab changed them. It DID reveal their personalities, however!

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As George Carlin stated when he asked a coke head what it did for him. The coke head replied "it intensified his personality." So Carlin asked him "what if you're an asshole?"

Same thing with the jabs. 😅😅😅😅

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Eileen, I've been so obsessed with this change in personality that I've missed so much else, including knowledge of WEF agendas and 15 minute cities, etc. My core group

of friends were all (to varying degrees) anti-authoritarian types, in a career where questioning authority was the norm. This has totally disappeared over the last few years, and they seem to have no idea what I'm haranguing them about, nor an interest in even considering the possibility, as they sit around practically wringing their hands; these personality changes came on so suddenly, and there's gotta be a reason (that Im sure will sound crazy at first)

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Hello Fred and Eileen, Like many people such as yourselves, I have also observed personality changes. Based on research presented by many amazing people in a variety of fields, the possible causes might include neurological damage, mind control from various ordinary sources including propaganda), and strangely enough, mind control from very sophisticated technology (EMF broadcasts, nanotechnology in the Covid injections and now also apparently in other pharmaceuticals). Dr Peter Breggin, a compassionate wonderful American doctor known as the 'Psychiatrist of Conscience' has observed the widespread phenomenon of personality changes, and he describes it as a 'chemical lobotomy' . Dr. Breggin did an interview, together with Naomi Wolf, for the incredible lawyer, Reiner Fuellmich, about their observations of personality change. The video is titled 'Suddenly changed" Personality changes after mRNA injection', and was posted November 13, 2022. LINK: https://odysee.com/@ICIC:3/01-ICIC-ENG:7 If you are brave enough to learn about various types of mind control, consider watching Reiner Fuellmich's interview titled 'Jason Christoff - Exposing Mind Control', dated September 3, 2023 at LINK: https://odysee.com/@ICIC:3/ICIC---Jason-Christoff---Exposing-Mind-Control:9 Overall, the whole situation makes me deeply sad. Some of the dear people I have known and loved for many decades are still afraid, and refusing to see in person anyone who has not had the Covid jab.

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I too left but it has been 55 years! The US is bad but not nearly as bad as Canada or NZ or Australia! At least we have our guns! It is the only thing saving us currently. Canadians love to point out how “nice” they are. Ales me ill!!!

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I live south of the Canadian border. I don't know the political makeup of Aurora, CA.. But I'm assuming this Council was voted into place? This movement, this speaker is spot on, but the voters get a nominal chance (these days) to change the makeup of a city Council, a Mayor. Keep pushing on this front but push for change at the Council and Mayoral level as well.

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I like the blond saying that she wants to meet and hear yet she was shaking her head no.

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Great speech, but one thing was lacking: a specific action item. For instance: Dissolving the Corporation of Aurora mentioned, designed to replace representative government.

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I think he was trying to try the olive branch first and go to the mattresses later.

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Yeah but time is short

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Yup. Getting the people to wake up is tough. Too easy for too long. Poland & Hungary are awake cuz they know what being under the foot of an authoritarian state is like. I had hopes for Italy, but Giorgiona backtracked. What the elites across the West fail to grasp is that hundreds of millions of citizens are getting angry. There’s only two ways that plays out: the ruling class accepts responsibility and changes course. Or the people change the ruling class. And it’s getting close to guillotine time...

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yes Italians are EXTREMELY p***ed off at Giorgia right now. Especially the poor souls that have to live in Lampedusa - previously a jewel in the ocean and now a pit of hell ☹☹

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They all double speak.....we need to be more aware of this.

But RFK isn't double talking:


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Is the guillotine for the continuous run of usa war criminal prezes, truman to biden? That would solve a lot. It might mean no more innocents slaughtered by the usa around the globe. A wise man said,

"Yup. Getting the people to wake up is tough".

It's coming up on 80 years and folks still haven't woken up.

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The more the merrier...

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"And it’s getting close to guillotine time..."

But for whom? Don't you think the people's anger has been accounted for and a plan is in place to use it to the ruling class' purposes? Do you actually think the ruling class is unaware of the people's anger?

Do you actually think the ruling class will allow themselves to be in a position that allows being guillotined or is what you're saying a metaphor?

If literal - Do you have a plan as to how you will capture the ruling class and do you have a guillotine or know how to manufacture one or many?

Have you read about The Reign of Terror?

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So thought Marie Antoinette and Czar Nik.

You may think the doddering old billionaires have power, so might they, but it pales in comparison to the power enjoyed by the aforementioned rulers. They were, literally, Gods on Earth. It did not help them.

We are far more numerous and have many more resources than the peasants of old.

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Though individuals were executed, it didn't help the people who executed them. In Russia it led to the Holodomor. Millions died.

The current ruling class isn't exclusively made up of doddering old billionaires. Nor are their Praetorian Guards armed with swords and spears.

As for resources, the "kings and queens" of today have far more resources than their predecessors.

We, the people, are out-weaponized and I'm not sure fantasies of guillotines and blood shed are anything other than destructive.

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There's a 3rd way and that is most likely what will happen and what the cabal wants.

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Excellent presentation. This should be emailed to all city councils!

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Damn that guy nailed it so hard...good fast talker.

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The solutions will have to be local.

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No. Dissolving or leaving the UN will have to be National. Disallowing Central Banks from participating in International agreements of any kind must be done Nationally.

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I don't know about Canada, but the Federal government in the U.S. has become so corrupt that they will do nothing unless they are forced to by concerted and coordinated local action. Things like nullification, tax escrow laws, local ordinances asserting 10th amendment rights, as well as bringing criminal indictments for harm from so called vaccines are necessary at the local level. The federal government will do nothing on all this unless local jurisdictions push back.

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That's why Democrats (progressives, etc.) have begun agitating at the local level to become involved in every local, low level council or board. It's not too hard, since most people are so apathetic and uninterested in the world around them.

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It's both. It's best to be able to walk & chew gum at the same time, if you know what I mean ....

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Didn't Trump try to get us out of the UN?

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He did remove the country from WHO. But Biden opted in again.

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I don't think so; he has spoken there multiple times.

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Yes, but the UN hated what he told them. This video has his speach at the UN where he stood up to them. This is the reason the globalists want him gone. It's midway through this video https://youtu.be/BDOFFV0LpLI?feature=shared

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I spoke at my 10th grade chess club before retiring as the tournament winner and taking up basketball. Yes Trump tried and as always the pushback was knee jerk and unanimous from all fronts, as was pushback to his insistence that NATO countries pay their 2% dues.

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So glad you posted this. I'm Canadian and didn't know about this group. Connected now!

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Thank you for sharing this amazing example of activists being leaders! Here is the invitation link to Patric Woods's group if you are interested in learning more? https://www.localactivist.org/share/61BWNA5NjXYDx03W?utm_source=manual

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Fantastic! Love that you include Canada in your synopsis of the various issues. It sometimes feels here in Canada that we are too far gone to dig our way back out. Thank you!

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Yes, extended family member won’t accept any news from me, otherwise doesn’t want to know the scary

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Meant to say, they live in BC. They insist on chit chat only on roses and sunsets and babbling brooks…

Also lost my comment just now…..anyway…heard today…Ed Dowd in terrifying interview with Naomi Wolf, access on Gateway Pundit Thank God for Ed.

Do you know when he was at a recent crossroads, back then, he says he asked God, “what do you want me to do?” Amen and amen

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Stay strong, Sharon!

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You can’t dig from a recliner.

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I hear ya'. I hear more people talking sense these days. That's a good thing. Step one is to wake them up.

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I am a little more so now.

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The WEF has their trainees and deputies even on the city councils and board of superivisors. They are very good at infiltrating local government, its not hard to run for city council and get elected. We have that problem in San Diego. Even **one** of ouf former mayors was a communist. Most people would never know (unless they read Trevor Loudon's books.)

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Yes, I’ve heard Trevor speak in our Phx area Rep club, some years ago. Have his book from then too. Shocking and disturbing about peepul in leadership…and they are patient!! .truly, some are not just stubbornly ignorant, they really live by their Sunday school teachings and cannot conceive anyone not living the same.

It’s really hard to have to eat the broccoli of mistaken gratitude for what we have believed our leaders are, conscientious and honest….guess not! and altogether… after these last years, a shock to the system and to our general life outlook, newspapers, media etc. choke choke gag gag….yuk

Yes at some point we must fight back….many already, in Canada, all over the world, and EU govt, and medical professionals are giving their all in sacrifice for the right

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I recently heard Trevor speak too and bought his latest book full of information and proof of who the Communists are in our government at all levels. (I already had a couple and his books and video Enemies Within the Church.) Imagine my surprise, while I was waiting in my chair for the lecture to start, thumbing through the book and finding our former mayor Bob Filner! (Probably replaced with another one.) Trevor said they are taking over the red states too, where they are firmly entrenched.

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Yep like Texas

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This is true , it’s up to the town to dissolve its own legislature if it’s not working. Pick people that work for the people.

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Same globalist crap happening in Maui, Canada, Greece and throughout the planet. Rise up fellow human. Could be your last opportunity to stop this crap.

This is my followup to my last essay that was read well over 8,000 times: The Maui Fires and the Globalist Agenda against humanity. If you want a comprehensive analysis of what happened in Maui both essays are worth a read. In this essay I provide a timeline of what led to the Maui Wildfires and consider whether DEWs were used to maximize the destruction. I also explain how Maui is part of the larger globalist agenda to push Smart Cities, the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) etc. The essay also demands that the people of Maui are made whole and that there will be no Smart City. I've also included the rest of the YouTube videos from Hustle Bitch (YouTube Channel) of all important related videos on Maui.

Did the Globalists Murder the People of Maui in order to take their land (09/16/2023)

The Plan to turn Maui into a Globalist AI Smart City goes back many years


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I find it hard to believe that city council was so in the dark and knew little about what he was talking about!

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Yes. Perhaps they knew, but did not want to acknowledge. At least they now also know that their constituents are aware of the SMART city totalitarian agenda.

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Maybe, just maybe, they might've gotten away with their 2030 Agenda.

IF the psychotic lunatics had not tried to kill/seriously harm/sterilise untold numbers of previously healthy, and often younger, people. And, even worse for the perpetrators, the smoking needle points directly back at them: 1000+ *peer-reviewed* studies showing, in most cases, death/immense harm; Pfizer's own documents, including the bio-distribution study and the unending side effect list; and not least peoples' own experiences as they watch family and friends drop in their tracks else come down with some weird turbo-charged disease formerly unheard of in the young.

If they don't kill ALL of us very quickly, they are doomed.

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Real vaccine: you produce antibodies

Covid jab: you produce viral spike protein

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