I recently reconnected to my mom who is a die-hard Democrat and lives in a very Dem County in South Florida. But during the few conversations we've had, I'm seeing we agree more than we disagree. My parents always respected my opinion from when I was quite small. My brother seems to be awake as well so she is getting similar POV from bot…
I recently reconnected to my mom who is a die-hard Democrat and lives in a very Dem County in South Florida. But during the few conversations we've had, I'm seeing we agree more than we disagree. My parents always respected my opinion from when I was quite small. My brother seems to be awake as well so she is getting similar POV from both of us, which I think is making her rethink some of her opinions and beliefs. I never thought this would happen. She is 89 her mind is still sharp she doesn't have dementia or anything. My dad passed away 3 yrs ago. She got all the covid vaccines.
So many people are brainwashed. They lose people and don't seem to be able to make the connections with the "vaccines" and their subsequent illnesses.
My husband and I have always been against vaccines of any kind. He passed away in August, but he had vascular dementia, which is one of the worst kinds, and there is no rhyme or reason why he got it, he didn't smoke, we ate mostly organic, and I prepared all of our meals from scratch, we live in a very rural area near the ocean and in the woods, we have our own water system which comes from an aquifer and watershed, etc. He never got covid and was never jabbed. He was 80. His parents who did everything wrong from our POV lived into their 90s.
Sorry, you lost your husband. Hopefully, your mom will see the truth one day. Only one member of my family did not get the “protection”.
My husband refuses to hear anything concerning about it and plans to get all new and old shots that are due for his age. As if to spite me for trying to help him with the information... I am just taking one day at a time.
I'm sorry to hear about your troubles as well...it seems those of us who are awake and aware suffer more because of it. I gave up trying to help family and friends a while back. All we can do is sit back and watch. It totally sucks.
I know a lot of married couples where one spouse took the vaccine and the other did not… in a myriad of combinations… some by coercion to keep their jobs, some not… one couple… the husband took the vaccine in secret and also took their son with autism… the wife only found out when she found hidden vaccine cards.
I can not imagine that betrayal. She threatened to divorce him.
So you are not alone in your grief. I know many in the same situation as you.
I am sorry. There is a deep grief in that…
The vaccine was meant to fracture families and divide people. And in that way, it was very successful.
I feel that the hardest part for me is the refusal to listen. Even if I am not the best speaker to convince someone, I was sharing good sources to at least make you question some things. He says he knows enough what the videos or interviews will say and there is no need to invest time to learn from it.
I was in advocacy for children with chronic illnesses for over a decade… and in all of that time, the single most important lesson I learned was this… you can not change a person’s opinion on vaccines (pediatric or otherwise) if they’re not looking for new information …
If in their mind… they’ve decided. You’re wasting your time and energy.
But if a person is questioning something… safety, reasons why a child/person is sick… then you have an opening to give them new information to read
So unless a parent/person is actively looking for new information …
its been my experience, over many years of this, you’re just wasting your time.
I have members of my own family who won’t listen… and took the vaccine
even after knowing my two boys were harmed by the pediatric vaccine schedule and they even acknowledge that fact… so. Some people you will never reach.
Some people have a sort of narcissism, I think… or maybe it is EGO…. that something bad could never happen to them. They’ll never be ‘the one in a million harmed’
Some people are overwhelmed in their own heads and life and choose continually to just believe whatever their MD tells them to do- so they feel cared for and that feels easier to them
I think there is a psychology to it all
Don’t make waves
Do as you’re told …kind of mentality
They get a sense that ‘they’re good’ in doing it
But mainly what I see
In the people who blindly take vaccines is … they are just not that deep a thinker (in anything in their lives)!!
I’ve come to understand that they lack curiosity. About many anomalies. And we are surrounded by anomalies: 911, UFOs, voter fraud, cold winter days during global warming, undertaker reports of rubbery deposits in 25% of the veins and arteries of their clients, ghosts, stigmata, JFK’s blown-apart head …
Sometimes I wonder if it's the Freudian Death Drive that's motivating them. To me there is a spiritual dimension to the covid shot because I believe Covid and the shot were created with utterly evil intentions. Some people perceive this and run, some people embrace it. Those people who embrace it are not necessarily evil (at least not any more than average Germans were in the 1920s and 30s) but they are possessed by a very strong death drive that overpowers any enlightened spiritual perception.
I'm of the opinion in my old age that we each carry both different genetic make-ups (with potentialities for various conditions both beneficial and not) as well as different missions into each life. Understanding those life missions isn't easy and often eludes people. Just know that your husband did everything right given the genetic predisposition with which he entered this life. Because I believe in karma and reincarnation, I think he lived what he came to live and carries those lessons into other lives.
Thank you so much for your kind words. I did everything I could to keep him as healthy as possible for as long as possible. Sadly the various things I tried did not work for him and his particular illness. I tried Ayurvedic med, Naturopathic and Homeopathic, healthy and nutritious organic food. Perhaps he would have become ill earlier or would have gotten worse quicker. All I know is I never gave up until I had to because his behavior was such that I couldn't manage it any longer. I knew as soon as I turned him over to them it would be the end and he lasted exactly 3 weeks in the hospital.
Wow! I believe you. I cut off so many friends and relationships because I knew my unvaxxed status would be questioned, but at the age of 72-74, I couldn't risk being forced to take a PCR test (which I think contaminated with nanotech) and "entered into the health system" via that call. E.g., I had a dear friend in a long-term care facility, and I knew they would require me to state my vaxx status. You had to sign into the facility. I had already seen her in the hospital which involved sitting outside in the cold while she unwrapped a basket of goodies I gave her; she sat inside the facility, and we looked at each other through a window glass. We had to "talk" through a intercom system. You did your best. I think, in the future, (waaay in the future), such medicines like Ayurvedic and natural remedies we know will be far better understood and catalogued in a scientific system; I think light and sound will be added to aid the body in healing; I think we will come to understand how our consciousness helps heal the body. This period will be looked upon as another "Dark Age" or "pre-evolved stage."
one of the treatments we tried was Reiki, we found someone who had not been jabbed, it took over an hour and it was quite intense. Unfortunately, as with some of the things I tried, it ultimately had no effect or he was worse a couple of days later. It was the same with interacting with other people, he would seem ok at the time but within 2 days he was worse. Perhaps it was too much for him, too stressful, I don't know. I avoided the regular health care system and it was made easier when our family doctor, who was in his 50s, suddenly quit in the summer of 2020. So no one bothered us to get vaxxed etc.
I suspect the chemtrails may have had something to do with my husband getting vascular dementia because when you look it up adn lists the probable causes, he didn't have any.
Of course, we know major immunosuppression occurs with the Covid vaccination. I wonder what the rates will be for 2025?
Dr. Mihalcea and Carnicom have pointed toward the nanotech found in unvaccinated blood. We would, of course, expect nanotech in vaccinated blood but unvaccinated? The most likely source is chemtrails which we breathe each day. I watch Substacks and other articles carefully for detoxing protocols. Many of the normal ones appear to work but not for everyone and sometimes only initially. Very puzzling. Frankly, I believe simple methods may work exceedingly well. I'm drinking mullein tea every day and find not a jot of congestion in my lungs. I think part of chemtrails is to generate as much fear in the population as possible...which is why you'll see them spray many times in deliberate X cross patterns and bullseyes.
Your husband may have been so sick by the time he tried some of the natural treatments later that his body tried to generate a healing response but couldn't, dear. However, once again, you did your very best.
I recently reconnected to my mom who is a die-hard Democrat and lives in a very Dem County in South Florida. But during the few conversations we've had, I'm seeing we agree more than we disagree. My parents always respected my opinion from when I was quite small. My brother seems to be awake as well so she is getting similar POV from both of us, which I think is making her rethink some of her opinions and beliefs. I never thought this would happen. She is 89 her mind is still sharp she doesn't have dementia or anything. My dad passed away 3 yrs ago. She got all the covid vaccines.
So many people are brainwashed. They lose people and don't seem to be able to make the connections with the "vaccines" and their subsequent illnesses.
My husband and I have always been against vaccines of any kind. He passed away in August, but he had vascular dementia, which is one of the worst kinds, and there is no rhyme or reason why he got it, he didn't smoke, we ate mostly organic, and I prepared all of our meals from scratch, we live in a very rural area near the ocean and in the woods, we have our own water system which comes from an aquifer and watershed, etc. He never got covid and was never jabbed. He was 80. His parents who did everything wrong from our POV lived into their 90s.
Nothing makes sense to me anymore.
Sorry, you lost your husband. Hopefully, your mom will see the truth one day. Only one member of my family did not get the “protection”.
My husband refuses to hear anything concerning about it and plans to get all new and old shots that are due for his age. As if to spite me for trying to help him with the information... I am just taking one day at a time.
I'm sorry to hear about your troubles as well...it seems those of us who are awake and aware suffer more because of it. I gave up trying to help family and friends a while back. All we can do is sit back and watch. It totally sucks.
Those who refuse to learn from history are a drag for those of us who did.
It's a mental traumatisation for us.
Everyone is a victim.
Totally hear you.
I know a lot of married couples where one spouse took the vaccine and the other did not… in a myriad of combinations… some by coercion to keep their jobs, some not… one couple… the husband took the vaccine in secret and also took their son with autism… the wife only found out when she found hidden vaccine cards.
I can not imagine that betrayal. She threatened to divorce him.
So you are not alone in your grief. I know many in the same situation as you.
I am sorry. There is a deep grief in that…
The vaccine was meant to fracture families and divide people. And in that way, it was very successful.
I feel that the hardest part for me is the refusal to listen. Even if I am not the best speaker to convince someone, I was sharing good sources to at least make you question some things. He says he knows enough what the videos or interviews will say and there is no need to invest time to learn from it.
I was in advocacy for children with chronic illnesses for over a decade… and in all of that time, the single most important lesson I learned was this… you can not change a person’s opinion on vaccines (pediatric or otherwise) if they’re not looking for new information …
If in their mind… they’ve decided. You’re wasting your time and energy.
But if a person is questioning something… safety, reasons why a child/person is sick… then you have an opening to give them new information to read
So unless a parent/person is actively looking for new information …
its been my experience, over many years of this, you’re just wasting your time.
You are correct about your observation. It’s just I wish I could make a difference for my family. 😞
I am glad, there were several individuals I have encountered, who said they will not get any other “protections”.
I have members of my own family who won’t listen… and took the vaccine
even after knowing my two boys were harmed by the pediatric vaccine schedule and they even acknowledge that fact… so. Some people you will never reach.
Some people have a sort of narcissism, I think… or maybe it is EGO…. that something bad could never happen to them. They’ll never be ‘the one in a million harmed’
Some people are overwhelmed in their own heads and life and choose continually to just believe whatever their MD tells them to do- so they feel cared for and that feels easier to them
I think there is a psychology to it all
Don’t make waves
Do as you’re told …kind of mentality
They get a sense that ‘they’re good’ in doing it
But mainly what I see
In the people who blindly take vaccines is … they are just not that deep a thinker (in anything in their lives)!!
Exactly. I am no longer trying to convince anyone in my family. They can’t even imagine that doctors could be wrong in recommending it.
It’s still good to see others waking up to hear the truth.
there's also pride and ago, not wanting to admit they are wrong
I wrote EGO not ago but the spell correct changed it
I’ve come to understand that they lack curiosity. About many anomalies. And we are surrounded by anomalies: 911, UFOs, voter fraud, cold winter days during global warming, undertaker reports of rubbery deposits in 25% of the veins and arteries of their clients, ghosts, stigmata, JFK’s blown-apart head …
Sometimes I wonder if it's the Freudian Death Drive that's motivating them. To me there is a spiritual dimension to the covid shot because I believe Covid and the shot were created with utterly evil intentions. Some people perceive this and run, some people embrace it. Those people who embrace it are not necessarily evil (at least not any more than average Germans were in the 1920s and 30s) but they are possessed by a very strong death drive that overpowers any enlightened spiritual perception.
I agree this is a spiritual battle
I believe all of it… was meant to turn people back towards God and away from the sinful nature of man.
PRIDE and ego have made some men believe they are above God.
But God will prevail. I have faith.
Many people have lessons to learn.
I'm of the opinion in my old age that we each carry both different genetic make-ups (with potentialities for various conditions both beneficial and not) as well as different missions into each life. Understanding those life missions isn't easy and often eludes people. Just know that your husband did everything right given the genetic predisposition with which he entered this life. Because I believe in karma and reincarnation, I think he lived what he came to live and carries those lessons into other lives.
Thank you so much for your kind words. I did everything I could to keep him as healthy as possible for as long as possible. Sadly the various things I tried did not work for him and his particular illness. I tried Ayurvedic med, Naturopathic and Homeopathic, healthy and nutritious organic food. Perhaps he would have become ill earlier or would have gotten worse quicker. All I know is I never gave up until I had to because his behavior was such that I couldn't manage it any longer. I knew as soon as I turned him over to them it would be the end and he lasted exactly 3 weeks in the hospital.
Wow! I believe you. I cut off so many friends and relationships because I knew my unvaxxed status would be questioned, but at the age of 72-74, I couldn't risk being forced to take a PCR test (which I think contaminated with nanotech) and "entered into the health system" via that call. E.g., I had a dear friend in a long-term care facility, and I knew they would require me to state my vaxx status. You had to sign into the facility. I had already seen her in the hospital which involved sitting outside in the cold while she unwrapped a basket of goodies I gave her; she sat inside the facility, and we looked at each other through a window glass. We had to "talk" through a intercom system. You did your best. I think, in the future, (waaay in the future), such medicines like Ayurvedic and natural remedies we know will be far better understood and catalogued in a scientific system; I think light and sound will be added to aid the body in healing; I think we will come to understand how our consciousness helps heal the body. This period will be looked upon as another "Dark Age" or "pre-evolved stage."
one of the treatments we tried was Reiki, we found someone who had not been jabbed, it took over an hour and it was quite intense. Unfortunately, as with some of the things I tried, it ultimately had no effect or he was worse a couple of days later. It was the same with interacting with other people, he would seem ok at the time but within 2 days he was worse. Perhaps it was too much for him, too stressful, I don't know. I avoided the regular health care system and it was made easier when our family doctor, who was in his 50s, suddenly quit in the summer of 2020. So no one bothered us to get vaxxed etc.
I suspect the chemtrails may have had something to do with my husband getting vascular dementia because when you look it up adn lists the probable causes, he didn't have any.
I agree, helene. I think chemtrails are contributing mightily to our decline in vigorous health. I just read an article yesterday: "Between 2013 and 2021, rates of immunosuppression in adults doubled, according to estimates from a Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) research letter." https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/immunosuppression-prevalence-doubled-linked-to-medication-use-and-covid-experts-5591430?src_src=partner&src_cmp=ZeroHedge
Of course, we know major immunosuppression occurs with the Covid vaccination. I wonder what the rates will be for 2025?
Dr. Mihalcea and Carnicom have pointed toward the nanotech found in unvaccinated blood. We would, of course, expect nanotech in vaccinated blood but unvaccinated? The most likely source is chemtrails which we breathe each day. I watch Substacks and other articles carefully for detoxing protocols. Many of the normal ones appear to work but not for everyone and sometimes only initially. Very puzzling. Frankly, I believe simple methods may work exceedingly well. I'm drinking mullein tea every day and find not a jot of congestion in my lungs. I think part of chemtrails is to generate as much fear in the population as possible...which is why you'll see them spray many times in deliberate X cross patterns and bullseyes.
Your husband may have been so sick by the time he tried some of the natural treatments later that his body tried to generate a healing response but couldn't, dear. However, once again, you did your very best.