All eyes on Missouri, where an all-important bill—HB 1169—would require that all food be duly LABELED as to whether it's a "gene therapy product" (for which God bless the "Show-Me State")
So, when do men physically overthrow the murderers running world?
When are there enough murders? When is there enough torture? When do the scandals and lies that have piled so high, CRUSH every one of the politicians KILLING US?
My son and his friends, no men there. When I was young we went to the Gym and were proud to be in the best shape we could be and being fat was a HUGE deal, now nothing. They don't even like sex as far as I can tell.
I think we can now "see" that the Globalists are killing us, but I think it started in the late 80s and the child hood vaccines are making young adults essentially worthless.
Another factor is the 50+ year stealth feminization of males through the use of endocrine disrupters. A high amount of estrogens and estrogen emulators are contained in herbicides, pesticides, plastics, and many more chemical substances. If testosterone is what makes men "men," then lowering it systemically makes passive males. (Are they chemically neutered?) Also, the use of fluoride in public water supplies has contributed to passivity and loss of intelligence. For more information on endocrine disrupters, see the 1996 book, "Our Stolen Future," by Dianne Dumanoski, Dr. Theo Colborn, and Dr. John Peterson Myers. The warnings in this book were totally dismissed by the captured three-letter agencies, and now, we see the globalist-engineered mess of today. No wonder there is gender dysphoria!
I have no doubts that endocrine disruption could certainly be contributing to gender dysphoria, but a recent substack by Robert Malone is quite revealing about further causation, and much of it is societal pressure.
I have my doubts this was planned...more likely unintended consequences of opening the wrong doors. But now we know, and its time to pull the plug before mankind dies.
I ran a wellness studio for a decade that catered to university aged people. And while I agree with your initial observation, it is truly up to older MEN to talk to these younger men to discuss the truth.
You and I had strong men that took us fishing and spent tIme with us. They have youtube.
So stop pointing fingers, as most of the men at fault are lazy, older bitches, too busy worrying about colouring their grey hair than teaching the next generation ANYTHING. The 50+ crowd failed this generation and now we wonder why there are no men?
I am turning 50 later this year and I will NOT go gently into that good night...
“Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.”
Is your son and friends into video games and such? Those games essentially suck the empathy, caring, or the desire for another person out of their souls. They only have ‘desire’ to conquer, kill, or maim ‘the opposition’ (which happens to be everyone ).
I do think like what has been found with Covid Jabs, and I have heard people like Dr. Naomi Wolf speak of, that these ‘vaccines’ change their brain chemistry, where the place in their brain where longing and desire originate (as well as in the endrochine system) or the necessity to ‘couple’ or ‘hook up’ with another person has been eliminated by these mRNA vaxxines. And we also know that likely ‘fertility’ in both men and women who have taken these mRNA ‘shots’ is been seriously affected.
as well, Alanna Ketler says, The pineal gland, which is also known by many cultures as the third eye or the seat of the soul, is located in your brain and many believe that this is the gateway to the afterlife. Dimethyl(tryptamine (DMT) is produced here naturally and is released in small amounts when we dream and when we die.
Many mystics and cultures around the world believe that this gland is our direct connection to our higher selves, or consciousness. Unfortunately, various endocrine-blocking chemicals in our environment have been shown to block access to this gland, which in turn can make it more difficult to connect to our spiritual nature and thus, our true selves....
The Pineal Gland: Should we be worried? Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt
And now trans… there will be no more MEN… procreating at this rate
My gorgeous smart 20 year old daughter is trying to date and she says there aren’t any normal boys to date… she’s finding a big percent are on the spectrum- she says they’re all a little ‘off’ …
That’s by design. They don’t want our kids reproducing.
The estimate is by 2033
1 in 10 boys will have autism
Unless the real MEN left… start showing these boys HOW to be MEN… And we keep the needle out of their bloody arms!!! The future does not look promising in terms of them dating, marrying, being able to create a family and provide for them.
That is so sad about your daughter. Anthony William the medical medium talks a lot about autism etc in his latest book Brain Saver, a must read, borrow from a library or buy the ebook or hardbook. It is an incredible book that explains what is truly going on and what you can do for your health body and brain.
We have a throw-back son, 21 years old, mostly thanks to my husband. He’s a collegiate wrestler (wrestles/cuts to 197 pounds; 6’4”), who disdains much of the current-age mindset. He’s waiting for the day.
Good to hear there are still some real college age men out there who know what is going on! Our 18 year old daughter (comes from a family full of wrestlers) is finding it almost impossible to date someone (ie. unvaxxed, etc.) Unfortunately the first boy who showed interest in her decided he was gay. Sigh.
He left a D1 program in part b/c of the continued C19 theatrics and mandated jab (though he was granted a religious exemption, he had to agree to masking and weekly nasal swab testing). Transferred to an NAIA program and is much happier (more scholarship $ to boot). NAIA decided they’d had enough of testing, etc the first year. So, there’s no masking, no testing, and no mandated jabs. Allowed him to like wrestling again. The un-jabbed guys are out there. Very few on his NAIA team are jabbed, including none of the coaches.
Reading this makes me hopeful, thank you for the info. I'll let my sister in law know for her boys who are starting high school and on track to becoming stellar collegiate wrestlers. Do you mind me asking what state your son attends school?
We are from Michigan. He’s going to school in Kentucky. He has known one of the coaches for years from going to Jeff Jordan camps in Ohio. A lot of the wrestlers are from Ohio, Georgia, and Indiana. Good luck to your nephews!
Might just be me, but why do all "men" today 30 something and younger all talk like girls? It's like none of them ever went thru that voice change thing. Atrazine? Known hormone disrupter? God help us as far as military goes. A military of to obese, and vax damaged and many don't even know what sex they are. Think China and Russia buys this crap? doubt it.
I see most people living life in a fog, wanting to stay disconnected because it's too overwhelmimg for them to face the ugly truth. They continue to follow trends and live materialisticlly. I ask daily what I can do. Is it my duty or responsiblity to help them become more aware? Would subtle statements by me make a difference? How do we band together to overtake that 1% and turn this Epoch around? We're most certainly at the threshold of something BIG.
The constitution and the declaration of independence COMMANDS us to overthrow a tyrannical government. But after almost 4 years of tyranny, it still has not happened, and I do not think Americans have the spine to do what it takes to make it happen.
in a related spirit, consider that the fluoride added to water supplies has it least historically been known to turn people passive--is this a possibility. This was one of the running themes in the movie Dr Strangelove.
What about all of our veterans? What are you doing? What are they sitting on? What are they waiting for? That’s what I wonder. And I’m thinking a lot of them are “ patriots“ which means they’re waiting for Trump to come and save everything and that’s not gonna happen. Another thing is you have to form a militia and you can’t do that online because we’re constantly surveyed. I think it’s going to turn into Civil War, because they are playing everybody against the other. Sadly. Remember the movie trailer GRAY STATE ? That movie never got to come out and if you watch the trailer, it’s UN helmets/freemasons after the ppl. It revealed too much truth, so they killed him, his wife and child . 👿
Wait, the same veterans that murdered innocents for their corrupt government in the name of 'democracy' are about to uncover their own government lies that would make them complicit murderers of the innocent; which they are?
The military-industrial complex murders the world for profit. Veterans are (albeit unwilling in some cases) part of this complex.
The pharma-industrial complex murders the world for profits. The doctors are all part of this complex.
The military good guys had their chance to move after the 2020 election was stolen and didnt. I dont believe the calvary is coming because the military has been castrated and feminized and turned into a force that fights all the wrong battles.
I know! I’m a Veteran. Sadly most employees got it too. I fired that VA dr. Free healthcare that is not healthcare when they’re trying to shove all kinds of vaccines/poisens into my arm. I don’t need their help I never get sick. I haven’t been sick in 20 years. I get migraines and I don’t care about their free medication anymore it’s probably filled with mRNA too! I’ll suffer. Free dental care is appreciated and I like the dentist and the tech very nice and they understand what’s going on but they were both vaccinated to keep their job. Very sad.
I am an NP at a tertiary care facility in the Midwest. Fortunately, granted a religious exemption. I’m in Surgery, so it doesn’t come up often as a course of my work, but will speak my beliefs if/when a veteran questions the jab. 😒
Exactly. Let's get organized, already! There are millions more of us than them. They are proven criminals and traitors. We have every right to protect ourselves, our frail compatriots young and old, and the animal kingdom.
How dare we meddle with our own species let alone others. I'm fkn livid. Frankly, I think it's going to be the Dems turned indy long ago or whenever they awoke to tare care of this shit. I like conservatives, and I am fully constitutional, so to speak, but conservatives have no stomach for what needs to be done. We are being ATTACKED, and from every angle.
Let's goddamned roll, already! Where are the generals?
The good guy Flag Officers were all removed by Obama regime and by the covxx totalitarianism. First off you will have to convince Congress and the DoD that WEF Globalists + Communists have infiltrated the ranks and need to be purged. What we would need is Seven Days in May and actually have it happen.
Not enough testosterone. Most men these days have strange soy asses and fatty deposits that straddle feminine gender markers and I believe would be considered freakish to previous generations. More contributing factors include the advent of man-buns and man mamaries that almost appear like functional lactators. I am now going to fill a trash can with my projectile vomit.
When? I would guess that it would be when it's too late. Most of us, we have to admit, are TV mesmerized drones who believe everything that comes from the mouths of the murderers because they saw it on TV.
A former neighbor of mine whom I ran into in a supermarket yesterday was talking about this, so hopefully, word is getting out. I can't imagine even the most "vaccinated" people would look favorably on this idea, but, then again, there are a lot of things I could never have imagined...
We are going to have to find local farmers who don't jab their meat and local fruit and vegetables farmers who don't use crap on their products. Bill Gates needs to be locked up for life along with the rest of the demons doing this to us.
I wrote about this 10 days ago, but I'm glad mark is also doing it, because he can reach a lot more people. The poisoning has been going on for several years, but the injections made it worse. Now, they won't be needed:
I would think our stomach acids would have a different effect! Someone must be studying this. Pure evil and the Luciferian company FDA just sits back. Our country has gone to hell. The Bible states satan rules this world! Are you seeing it yet? Signed Righteous anger in Az
True. However, as we have a whole regulatory agency specifically for medicine with informed consent a foundational principle, I would have hoped that most people would realize that this is a departure from what is allowed by law and not stand for it. But then, we have just had 3 years of this silliness and far too few stood against it.
Thats what i asked the covidiot jab booth at a local farmacy. The greenhaired genderless( i think) ...insert pronoun here...just looked up from its cellphone and glared the stare that asks” are you from Mars?”
Last January, Dr. Robert Malone published a substack article, "mRNA Vaccines in Livestock and Companion Animals are here now". -- A TRUTHPRESS article was published in response. - I collected several articles from a Google "scholar" search. See it all here. -
He has been genetically modifying his own horses for a decade plus. Trust anything this gov't/pharma shill says or does at your peril. He is an insider, we are not.
It was about six months ago. I just got a strange feeling that came over me about Malone I don’t care for him. I think he’s creepy and I don’t trust him !!! he’s the one that came out with this junk which is pure evil messing with genetics. Thanks for posting that.
I posted the Malone article as an "exhibit" - not because I support him but because we all have questions about the food supply and related issues. Malone's post likely fortified attorney, Tom Renz's action on Missouri HB 1169. So would you have us witch-hunt Tom Renz is part of the Malone conspiracy?
Imagine our society: we allow liars to tell lies to others and are forced to accept those lies as the truth. And you want me to be ok with this? Go on, liar. Tell some more lies for your liars. Maybe you can read something off MSNBC for me too.
The war in Vietnam was not ended by the protests in the U.S., it was ended when the U.S. soldiers in Vietnam refused to go out on patrol and started fragging their officers. Then the generals had to go back to their masters and say its over.
Similarly, to turn this around it will take the people at the front lines, the "soldiers", i.e. the nurses, teachers, police, farmers, doctors, lawyers, administrators...when *they* turn around and confront their bosses, and they can and should do this non-violently, then it will end.
It wasn't just the soldiers who had turned against the war, but—crucially—all those civilians who'd lost loved ones in the conflict. It was, in short, the casualty rate that turned the tide—just as is gradually happening here and now, because of all those "vaccine" deaths and injuries.
There is a company that can, essentially, produce a vaccine from plants. I don't think that the plant is actually eaten, however, I might be wrong on that.
If you inject Farm animals with the bio weapons, it isn't known, as far as I know, if the meat is edible.
However, we can likely assume for now that Milk Cows will pass on Spike Proteins to the milk in some cases as humans do. This one seems the only known killer for now.
In the case of destroying the traditional food supply in the Netherlands, it does seem Bill Gates and friends are ramping bug production as farms are destroyed.
Whether cooking makes the meat safe to eat would depend upon what protein is expressed from the injected mRNA. Most proteins would be denatured from the cooking process. However, a protein like a prion for example, is not inactivated by cooking and is universally fatal in its pathological conformation. Also, if the injection makes the animal less healthy in general, then your meat is compromised.
Spike protein is a 'thing'. But viruses don't exist...certainly Covid19 has not been isolated and 'viewed'. But if we can't view a are we viewing a protein that supposedly is smaller than the so-called virus...? The pictures we see are graphics only, or cell exosomes at best. In fact we identify spike in tissue, not directly but via a non-specific antigen...which is activated with trauma/inflammation etc. So, is there spike? I think it is a distraction. On and on about virus and now spike.
BUT if the meat is tainted with graphene oxide (and other metallic poisons) than these nano-particles will make it into the blood. And this is what we now see in Australia, following unvaccinated blood, for the last several months, showing the same large biosynthetic self assembling structures in the blood as seen in vaccinated blood. Shedding is also a 'thing'. Therefore probably another false distraction. And sure enough when tested, the meat in Australian Supermarkets, even the organic meat is now showing the biosynthetic self assembling sheets. So, it is coming through the food, and being ingested. The big problem is, these structures are assembling, particularly in the presence of EMF, and are cumulative, and we don't really know how to effectively dismantle/ detox them.
If it's possible to get this gene therapy into us via the food supply, why the injections? I wonder. Maybe the injections are necessary to get the graphene into us? Maybe the injections somehow 'jumpstart' the process? I'm guessing you not only have to be a scientist to understand this stuff; you have to be evil, too.
Same logic applies to why didn't they just nuke everybody which they could have done 50 years ago.
I think the reason is because they don't want to poison the planet they plan on enjoying when we are gone. They thought the injectables were more safely targeted to the little people, but now that strategy is failing so they need a new one.
How is this any different than the GMO food that has already entered our food supply? Beef cattle have been fed GMO corn and soy sprayed with toxic roundup for years. This is like Sasha's post about NIH manipulating our micro-biome. It has already been done. Or not and this all just more fear mongering. Aren't we all bullet-proof when we aren't in a sympathetic nervous state all the time?
I cannot find the specific federal law that prohibits the genetic alteration of a human without their consent. It seems this should fall under general "informed consent" for "medical experimentation" laws, but none that I can find are specific to genetic alterations.
Scary times we're living in. But then, mankind has always had to face terrifying circumstances throughout history. The worst of all terrors are generally created by government.
So, when do men physically overthrow the murderers running world?
When are there enough murders? When is there enough torture? When do the scandals and lies that have piled so high, CRUSH every one of the politicians KILLING US?
My son and his friends, no men there. When I was young we went to the Gym and were proud to be in the best shape we could be and being fat was a HUGE deal, now nothing. They don't even like sex as far as I can tell.
I think we can now "see" that the Globalists are killing us, but I think it started in the late 80s and the child hood vaccines are making young adults essentially worthless.
Another factor is the 50+ year stealth feminization of males through the use of endocrine disrupters. A high amount of estrogens and estrogen emulators are contained in herbicides, pesticides, plastics, and many more chemical substances. If testosterone is what makes men "men," then lowering it systemically makes passive males. (Are they chemically neutered?) Also, the use of fluoride in public water supplies has contributed to passivity and loss of intelligence. For more information on endocrine disrupters, see the 1996 book, "Our Stolen Future," by Dianne Dumanoski, Dr. Theo Colborn, and Dr. John Peterson Myers. The warnings in this book were totally dismissed by the captured three-letter agencies, and now, we see the globalist-engineered mess of today. No wonder there is gender dysphoria!
Read that wonderful book many decades ago! It should be required hi school reading. If they read anymore!😢
100% exposure to so many toxins, coming from everywhere. Eat real food and avoid as many poisons as possible.
I have no doubts that endocrine disruption could certainly be contributing to gender dysphoria, but a recent substack by Robert Malone is quite revealing about further causation, and much of it is societal pressure.
I have my doubts this was planned...more likely unintended consequences of opening the wrong doors. But now we know, and its time to pull the plug before mankind dies.
I ran a wellness studio for a decade that catered to university aged people. And while I agree with your initial observation, it is truly up to older MEN to talk to these younger men to discuss the truth.
You and I had strong men that took us fishing and spent tIme with us. They have youtube.
So stop pointing fingers, as most of the men at fault are lazy, older bitches, too busy worrying about colouring their grey hair than teaching the next generation ANYTHING. The 50+ crowd failed this generation and now we wonder why there are no men?
Hear, hear!
I am turning 50 later this year and I will NOT go gently into that good night...
“Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.”
Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 KJV
I’m right there with you.
Is your son and friends into video games and such? Those games essentially suck the empathy, caring, or the desire for another person out of their souls. They only have ‘desire’ to conquer, kill, or maim ‘the opposition’ (which happens to be everyone ).
I do think like what has been found with Covid Jabs, and I have heard people like Dr. Naomi Wolf speak of, that these ‘vaccines’ change their brain chemistry, where the place in their brain where longing and desire originate (as well as in the endrochine system) or the necessity to ‘couple’ or ‘hook up’ with another person has been eliminated by these mRNA vaxxines. And we also know that likely ‘fertility’ in both men and women who have taken these mRNA ‘shots’ is been seriously affected.
as well, Alanna Ketler says, The pineal gland, which is also known by many cultures as the third eye or the seat of the soul, is located in your brain and many believe that this is the gateway to the afterlife. Dimethyl(tryptamine (DMT) is produced here naturally and is released in small amounts when we dream and when we die.
Many mystics and cultures around the world believe that this gland is our direct connection to our higher selves, or consciousness. Unfortunately, various endocrine-blocking chemicals in our environment have been shown to block access to this gland, which in turn can make it more difficult to connect to our spiritual nature and thus, our true selves....
The Pineal Gland: Should we be worried? Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt
The boys have been feminized
That’s absolutely true
We have a generation of BOYS lost to autism
Severe neuro-diversity
And gay
And now trans… there will be no more MEN… procreating at this rate
My gorgeous smart 20 year old daughter is trying to date and she says there aren’t any normal boys to date… she’s finding a big percent are on the spectrum- she says they’re all a little ‘off’ …
That’s by design. They don’t want our kids reproducing.
The estimate is by 2033
1 in 10 boys will have autism
Unless the real MEN left… start showing these boys HOW to be MEN… And we keep the needle out of their bloody arms!!! The future does not look promising in terms of them dating, marrying, being able to create a family and provide for them.
The evil got that depopulation thing down pretty good, didn't they. To hello with them all.
"To hello with them all". Love it.
Stupid autocorrect. I got the point?
That is so sad about your daughter. Anthony William the medical medium talks a lot about autism etc in his latest book Brain Saver, a must read, borrow from a library or buy the ebook or hardbook. It is an incredible book that explains what is truly going on and what you can do for your health body and brain.
We have a throw-back son, 21 years old, mostly thanks to my husband. He’s a collegiate wrestler (wrestles/cuts to 197 pounds; 6’4”), who disdains much of the current-age mindset. He’s waiting for the day.
Good to hear there are still some real college age men out there who know what is going on! Our 18 year old daughter (comes from a family full of wrestlers) is finding it almost impossible to date someone (ie. unvaxxed, etc.) Unfortunately the first boy who showed interest in her decided he was gay. Sigh.
He left a D1 program in part b/c of the continued C19 theatrics and mandated jab (though he was granted a religious exemption, he had to agree to masking and weekly nasal swab testing). Transferred to an NAIA program and is much happier (more scholarship $ to boot). NAIA decided they’d had enough of testing, etc the first year. So, there’s no masking, no testing, and no mandated jabs. Allowed him to like wrestling again. The un-jabbed guys are out there. Very few on his NAIA team are jabbed, including none of the coaches.
Reading this makes me hopeful, thank you for the info. I'll let my sister in law know for her boys who are starting high school and on track to becoming stellar collegiate wrestlers. Do you mind me asking what state your son attends school?
We are from Michigan. He’s going to school in Kentucky. He has known one of the coaches for years from going to Jeff Jordan camps in Ohio. A lot of the wrestlers are from Ohio, Georgia, and Indiana. Good luck to your nephews!
OMG- doesn’t that just say it all. 🤦🏼♀️
Might just be me, but why do all "men" today 30 something and younger all talk like girls? It's like none of them ever went thru that voice change thing. Atrazine? Known hormone disrupter? God help us as far as military goes. A military of to obese, and vax damaged and many don't even know what sex they are. Think China and Russia buys this crap? doubt it.
This guy speaks volumes regarding today's lack of masculinity and action:
Meh. Thanks.
Check this out;
Viral immunologist. Made vaccines for Canada.
The truth is: a few bad humans (less than 1%) run the world. When do we send them to the sun?
I see most people living life in a fog, wanting to stay disconnected because it's too overwhelmimg for them to face the ugly truth. They continue to follow trends and live materialisticlly. I ask daily what I can do. Is it my duty or responsiblity to help them become more aware? Would subtle statements by me make a difference? How do we band together to overtake that 1% and turn this Epoch around? We're most certainly at the threshold of something BIG.
Being polite and allowing others to lie to our faces got us all in this mess.
I refuse now. 'Redpill or die' is the new 'better dead than red'.
Never underestimate the power of a planted seed.
Yesterday was a good day for overthrowing the government. Tomorrow will also be a good day. We must needs get it done!
DB, America needs to repent and turn to Jesus Christ.
I have been wondering this for years. More these past 3.
The constitution and the declaration of independence COMMANDS us to overthrow a tyrannical government. But after almost 4 years of tyranny, it still has not happened, and I do not think Americans have the spine to do what it takes to make it happen.
in a related spirit, consider that the fluoride added to water supplies has it least historically been known to turn people passive--is this a possibility. This was one of the running themes in the movie Dr Strangelove.
Now you're sharing secrets. Good work, sleuth.
One love.
Montoya is one of my favourite characters of all time...sometimes him and I share the same energy.... :)
What about all of our veterans? What are you doing? What are they sitting on? What are they waiting for? That’s what I wonder. And I’m thinking a lot of them are “ patriots“ which means they’re waiting for Trump to come and save everything and that’s not gonna happen. Another thing is you have to form a militia and you can’t do that online because we’re constantly surveyed. I think it’s going to turn into Civil War, because they are playing everybody against the other. Sadly. Remember the movie trailer GRAY STATE ? That movie never got to come out and if you watch the trailer, it’s UN helmets/freemasons after the ppl. It revealed too much truth, so they killed him, his wife and child . 👿
Wait, the same veterans that murdered innocents for their corrupt government in the name of 'democracy' are about to uncover their own government lies that would make them complicit murderers of the innocent; which they are?
The military-industrial complex murders the world for profit. Veterans are (albeit unwilling in some cases) part of this complex.
The pharma-industrial complex murders the world for profits. The doctors are all part of this complex.
Point well taken
The military good guys had their chance to move after the 2020 election was stolen and didnt. I dont believe the calvary is coming because the military has been castrated and feminized and turned into a force that fights all the wrong battles.
Free sex surgery if you join. What a hot mess
I work at a VA. Unfortunately, most accepted the government mantra.
I know! I’m a Veteran. Sadly most employees got it too. I fired that VA dr. Free healthcare that is not healthcare when they’re trying to shove all kinds of vaccines/poisens into my arm. I don’t need their help I never get sick. I haven’t been sick in 20 years. I get migraines and I don’t care about their free medication anymore it’s probably filled with mRNA too! I’ll suffer. Free dental care is appreciated and I like the dentist and the tech very nice and they understand what’s going on but they were both vaccinated to keep their job. Very sad.
I am an NP at a tertiary care facility in the Midwest. Fortunately, granted a religious exemption. I’m in Surgery, so it doesn’t come up often as a course of my work, but will speak my beliefs if/when a veteran questions the jab. 😒
Bless you!
Awesome to hear!!
Exactly. Let's get organized, already! There are millions more of us than them. They are proven criminals and traitors. We have every right to protect ourselves, our frail compatriots young and old, and the animal kingdom.
How dare we meddle with our own species let alone others. I'm fkn livid. Frankly, I think it's going to be the Dems turned indy long ago or whenever they awoke to tare care of this shit. I like conservatives, and I am fully constitutional, so to speak, but conservatives have no stomach for what needs to be done. We are being ATTACKED, and from every angle.
Let's goddamned roll, already! Where are the generals?
The good guy Flag Officers were all removed by Obama regime and by the covxx totalitarianism. First off you will have to convince Congress and the DoD that WEF Globalists + Communists have infiltrated the ranks and need to be purged. What we would need is Seven Days in May and actually have it happen.
Not enough testosterone. Most men these days have strange soy asses and fatty deposits that straddle feminine gender markers and I believe would be considered freakish to previous generations. More contributing factors include the advent of man-buns and man mamaries that almost appear like functional lactators. I am now going to fill a trash can with my projectile vomit.
When? I would guess that it would be when it's too late. Most of us, we have to admit, are TV mesmerized drones who believe everything that comes from the mouths of the murderers because they saw it on TV.
Now. Now is the time.
A very important question. BTW, Inugo Montoya (Mandy Patinkin) went to my high school...kind of fun.
Have you checked out the website
Now is the time. Tell everyone to watch this. The end is nigh.
Cut out the rot. All of it. We have banking records and something called the RICO act.
What the fuck are police doing? Sheriffs? Oh yeah... they are all run by the same elite group. Time for 1~5% of the population to go. Now.
A former neighbor of mine whom I ran into in a supermarket yesterday was talking about this, so hopefully, word is getting out. I can't imagine even the most "vaccinated" people would look favorably on this idea, but, then again, there are a lot of things I could never have imagined...
We are going to have to find local farmers who don't jab their meat and local fruit and vegetables farmers who don't use crap on their products. Bill Gates needs to be locked up for life along with the rest of the demons doing this to us.
Gates deserves Justice. The appropriate punishment for mass murder demands more than three squares and a cot.
I know, he deserves death, a slow one.
Conjuring up a flashback to a scene from the movie Saw II, death by syringe/needle pit. 💭
6 months tops and a vax a day. then? Wall? Rope? Compost?
You're right, we do. But...they'll regulate it and game it just like they did with "organic" and "non-gmo".
I know farmers right now who have clean food, I will use them. As for meat, I have that in place also.
Bring back waterboarding! Hey wait its not waterboarding if you use diesel
Plenty of them that will ship. My favorite is Check them out and support their views.
Meanwhile Bill Gates is buying up farming land. Scary.
I wrote about this 10 days ago, but I'm glad mark is also doing it, because he can reach a lot more people. The poisoning has been going on for several years, but the injections made it worse. Now, they won't be needed:
Apologies for the lower-case "m." I am leaving it there in order to show that I make mistakes. :)
I would think our stomach acids would have a different effect! Someone must be studying this. Pure evil and the Luciferian company FDA just sits back. Our country has gone to hell. The Bible states satan rules this world! Are you seeing it yet? Signed Righteous anger in Az
What ever happened with “Informed Consent”, or even the pretext of it?
Gone with the Wind, said the grandmother. (From F O'Connor "A Good Man Is Hard to Find")
Nazis do not need consent. Eugenics.
It's the same pattern as mercury in all fillings (no longer) and fluoride in the water.
True. However, as we have a whole regulatory agency specifically for medicine with informed consent a foundational principle, I would have hoped that most people would realize that this is a departure from what is allowed by law and not stand for it. But then, we have just had 3 years of this silliness and far too few stood against it.
Thats what i asked the covidiot jab booth at a local farmacy. The greenhaired genderless( i think) ...insert pronoun here...just looked up from its cellphone and glared the stare that asks” are you from Mars?”
Last January, Dr. Robert Malone published a substack article, "mRNA Vaccines in Livestock and Companion Animals are here now". -- A TRUTHPRESS article was published in response. - I collected several articles from a Google "scholar" search. See it all here. -
He has been genetically modifying his own horses for a decade plus. Trust anything this gov't/pharma shill says or does at your peril. He is an insider, we are not.
It was about six months ago. I just got a strange feeling that came over me about Malone I don’t care for him. I think he’s creepy and I don’t trust him !!! he’s the one that came out with this junk which is pure evil messing with genetics. Thanks for posting that.
He is an actual psychopath and anyone trusting him is brainwashed. See above.
Thanks....Yes, I'm aware.... however his post on this topic is worth a read since he lists receipts for inspection.
Difference between you and I: I do not trust liars. Trust is earned. Good day, as you seem to know it all.
I trust Byram Bridle. He earned this trust and is a true public servant, not an evil minion of the military-pharma-industrial complex like Malone.
such an unfriendly reply.
My apologies. Thanks for supporting the narrative by liars. You are a treasure.
I posted the Malone article as an "exhibit" - not because I support him but because we all have questions about the food supply and related issues. Malone's post likely fortified attorney, Tom Renz's action on Missouri HB 1169. So would you have us witch-hunt Tom Renz is part of the Malone conspiracy?
Imagine our society: we allow liars to tell lies to others and are forced to accept those lies as the truth. And you want me to be ok with this? Go on, liar. Tell some more lies for your liars. Maybe you can read something off MSNBC for me too.
Correct. Malone is a plant, controlled opposition.
Of course if bill passes these fuckers will just do whatever they want anyway...and lie about it
The war in Vietnam was not ended by the protests in the U.S., it was ended when the U.S. soldiers in Vietnam refused to go out on patrol and started fragging their officers. Then the generals had to go back to their masters and say its over.
Similarly, to turn this around it will take the people at the front lines, the "soldiers", i.e. the nurses, teachers, police, farmers, doctors, lawyers, administrators...when *they* turn around and confront their bosses, and they can and should do this non-violently, then it will end.
It wasn't just the soldiers who had turned against the war, but—crucially—all those civilians who'd lost loved ones in the conflict. It was, in short, the casualty rate that turned the tide—just as is gradually happening here and now, because of all those "vaccine" deaths and injuries.
similarities between Ukraine and Vietnam:
Ukraine Army Falling Apart; Shooting the Officers Who order them into no-win battle
I agree with you, with one addition: many of the soldiers in Vietnam had become completely useless because of drug use. Thus...a juxtaposition.
They are poisoning us from multiple directions but they are also trying to scare us into giving up. That's their real weapon, fear.
We have no choice but to exterminate them.
Self defense is our right. You can’t murder innocent people and expect to get away with it forever. We have a right to life.
I tend to agree with that, can't let them destroy what's left of humanity
I am not so sure it is that clear cut.
There is a company that can, essentially, produce a vaccine from plants. I don't think that the plant is actually eaten, however, I might be wrong on that.
If you inject Farm animals with the bio weapons, it isn't known, as far as I know, if the meat is edible.
However, we can likely assume for now that Milk Cows will pass on Spike Proteins to the milk in some cases as humans do. This one seems the only known killer for now.
I hope you're right. (Are you?)
On the first point, one article seemed to say the plants would produce injectible vaccines.
The second, if you cook the meat, logically it seems edible. But no I am not positive.
Last point, many doctors have found breast milk of humans to be full of spike. Some milk was green in color.
Could it be that the Globalists are simply using the Bio Weapon to kill the animals, that will force us to eat bugs?
In the case of destroying the traditional food supply in the Netherlands, it does seem Bill Gates and friends are ramping bug production as farms are destroyed.
Whether cooking makes the meat safe to eat would depend upon what protein is expressed from the injected mRNA. Most proteins would be denatured from the cooking process. However, a protein like a prion for example, is not inactivated by cooking and is universally fatal in its pathological conformation. Also, if the injection makes the animal less healthy in general, then your meat is compromised.
Ah, nice catch.
What do you think about the idea the Globalists are killing the Animals to replafe them with bugs?
Spike protein is a 'thing'. But viruses don't exist...certainly Covid19 has not been isolated and 'viewed'. But if we can't view a are we viewing a protein that supposedly is smaller than the so-called virus...? The pictures we see are graphics only, or cell exosomes at best. In fact we identify spike in tissue, not directly but via a non-specific antigen...which is activated with trauma/inflammation etc. So, is there spike? I think it is a distraction. On and on about virus and now spike.
BUT if the meat is tainted with graphene oxide (and other metallic poisons) than these nano-particles will make it into the blood. And this is what we now see in Australia, following unvaccinated blood, for the last several months, showing the same large biosynthetic self assembling structures in the blood as seen in vaccinated blood. Shedding is also a 'thing'. Therefore probably another false distraction. And sure enough when tested, the meat in Australian Supermarkets, even the organic meat is now showing the biosynthetic self assembling sheets. So, it is coming through the food, and being ingested. The big problem is, these structures are assembling, particularly in the presence of EMF, and are cumulative, and we don't really know how to effectively dismantle/ detox them.
If the cows survive 😢
I wonder if dairy pasteurization destroys the spike as well as mRNA passed from injected cows...
If it's possible to get this gene therapy into us via the food supply, why the injections? I wonder. Maybe the injections are necessary to get the graphene into us? Maybe the injections somehow 'jumpstart' the process? I'm guessing you not only have to be a scientist to understand this stuff; you have to be evil, too.
Same logic applies to why didn't they just nuke everybody which they could have done 50 years ago.
I think the reason is because they don't want to poison the planet they plan on enjoying when we are gone. They thought the injectables were more safely targeted to the little people, but now that strategy is failing so they need a new one.
Interesting. Perhaps you are right.
In 2008. Walmart stopped buying rBST milk, which caused all large producers to stop making it that way.
I think execs at Costco or Walmart could stop gene therapy in food, and it's worth trying to contact them.
The labeling issue now is similar to the labeling issue in 2010 in Ohio for rrBST-free milk
How is this any different than the GMO food that has already entered our food supply? Beef cattle have been fed GMO corn and soy sprayed with toxic roundup for years. This is like Sasha's post about NIH manipulating our micro-biome. It has already been done. Or not and this all just more fear mongering. Aren't we all bullet-proof when we aren't in a sympathetic nervous state all the time?
I cannot find the specific federal law that prohibits the genetic alteration of a human without their consent. It seems this should fall under general "informed consent" for "medical experimentation" laws, but none that I can find are specific to genetic alterations.
Scary times we're living in. But then, mankind has always had to face terrifying circumstances throughout history. The worst of all terrors are generally created by government.