I’m a third generation native San Franciscan. Watching the first video was so bittersweet and heartbreaking. I’m 60, and I have the most magical, beautiful memories of going downtown with my grandma! People have NO idea how classy San Francisco used to be!

Macy’s was I. Magnin decades ago, one of the most gorgeous department stores in the world! Christmas was absolutely spectacular!

And God forbid if you didn’t dress up to go Downtown! It just wasn’t done. My grandmother always wore gloves, and I always wore a dress, Sunday coat and Mary Janes.

Neiman Marcus was City of Paris, and before that it was The White House, which my great grandmother retired from. I still have her gold watch with engraving: “Garnie-From her friends in the Stationery Dept. White House 5-31-60”

Thanks for listening!

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There will be no smart cities or 15 minute cities. They will be internment camps for laborers. Initially, they may set up a few "model" cities that seem amazing, replete with happy useful idiots, to ease concerns of the masses, but the real implementation won't be that.

If you're over 25 have no fears! They won't even want you in the internment camps, you're too old and know too much of what freedom is supposed to be and will only cause trouble and eat too much bug gruel. You're already on the extermination list by virtue of your age.

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Not just the cities. Unity College, Maine - presumably done in by the COVID scam - recently proposed to house as many as 600 "asylum" seekers. [That's what the local propaganda rags call it, asylum; really? From where?] There might be a couple of dozen jobs on some local farms. None of them, BTW, in walking distance. Public transportation in rural maine? Hello?

It's easy to go from there to Mad Max scenario, where local militias have to form simply to protect local communities. People are asking, are we crazy to have to discuss this?

Maybe Unity could become a smart town. Too bad about the Amish community, I guess. Or maybe all these "asylum" seekers might join the Amish, get horses, farm.

I bring this up becuse it's not just the big cities.

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The same thing with Detroit

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“Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford.”

― Samuel Johnson, The Life of Samuel Johnson LL.D. Vol 3

You don't want to see what they've done to my London. Heartbreaking.

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And to think I believed it was just shit-headed incompetence... 🙄

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I lived in Denver for 9 months and saw this firsthand. I have been travelling to Denver for the better part of 30 years to see my parents who live in Colorado. There is an enormous homelessness problem in Denver now. I befriended a homeless vet who was living under a bridge across the street from my apartment building. I tried to find housing for him during the winter because the temperature was sometimes below zero F at night. I called and emailed about a dozen homeless outreach and veterans' programs. Out of all of them, two organizations made promises to get back to me. No one followed through. The sense I got was that these organizations were overwhelmed. They didn't have the energy or resources to provide support for this vet.

I don't want to generalize because there are people in Denver trying to help the homeless. But the Democrats I knew and spoke to in Denver appeared to be pretty oblivious of the homeless. There were encampments of tents and sleeping bags across the street or down the block from their homes. I would see people riding expensive bicycles out of their yards, past the homeless.

It was not only the left who ignored the homeless. There are plenty of mainstream right war supporters in Denver. I watched young employees of military corps tool around in 70K vehicles with "Lockheed Martin" stickers, etc. They'd cruise down Speer Blvd. past the bridge under which Ernie, the homeless vet, slept every night. That really says something about the state of our country, also.

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When they’ve destroyed the cities, the oligarchs will buy up the real estate at pennies on the dollar and reinstate law and order.

Result? Billions for them, bankruptcy for us.

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Aha, the old colonial approach: make the land unlivable for the inhabitants to drive them out, then take it over to rebuild it the way you want.

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I can confirm all that was said in this article about SF is sadly true.

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The intentional act of allowing the infrastructure within major cities to decay while concurrently permitting an unending influx of migrants, but turning a blindeye to hundreds of thousands of homeless, drug addicts, and the insane while at the same time sanctioning "smash and grab" lawlessness at major shopping centers are all part of a deliberate agenda by psychopathic elite ghouls to gather public consent for totalitarianism.

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Portland same. Spreading fast throughout Oregon.

My guess, within 5 years total collapse. Grid goes down, China takes over with helpnof Russian Nukes, 90 percent of Americans dead by 2035.

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Good stuff, Mark, as usual, but stop calling it the “democratic” party. It is the DEMOCRAT PARTY. "Democrat" can also be used as an adjective, though I understand that nomenclature thuds on the English-hearing ear. There’s nothing democratic about the democrat party, as the DNC treatment of Bernie Sanders proved in 2016 (just ask Seth Rich) and as their disenfranchising of RFK Jr. is proving now.

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Yup, controlled demolition, everywhere, all at once. Herding, herding herding...

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I am inclined to agree with Ed Dowd, these cities all over the world well be controled by warlords and you well pay takes to them for food and protection or else

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That is exactly right! Can one force be as ugly as the one we are facing now globally? I knew when the Notre Dame burned on and on that something was wrong. Nothing accidental about that either. It's trying to spell doom over and over but they can all go to hell.

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