Jan 19, 2023Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

Biden was a placeholder white, heterosexual male. He was supposed to have croaked already. Jean-Pierre was reading the speech they gave her for the correct day but Biden was unfortunately still holding on and they forgot to amend the notes. They were busy changing all the Times New Roman fonts to Au Diu Diversity on her teleprompter. This is quite complicated for her, first lesbian and all. Thank goodness she has an intellectual exceptionality to fall back on.

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"Joe Biden was never President," they will tell us next. "That's a right-wing conspiracy theory."

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While I am not taking bets, Sleepy Joe, may be out in the Spring. Harris may become POTUS but Gov Gruesome will be picked for VP and he will be run in 2024, not Harris.

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He’s been Arderned.

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It's a classic "nudge."

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When you taught your propaganda classes did you ever envision how crazy things really were?

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Jan 19, 2023·edited Jan 19, 2023


I don't think she will be easier to control than a man with dementia. I think she is higher than a kite.

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Occult mass mind manipulation or a simple mistake? Who knows? My guess would be the deliberate mind manipulation.

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Similar to co-parenting, maybe Joe and Kammi are co-presidenting? This in not the first human in the administration to call the VP the P, especially I believe Joe has done it on a couple of occasions.

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You're scaring me, Mark.

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Took her two years to suck all the c*cks necessary to get this particular promotion . . .

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Did she just forget to say the word vice?

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Was all part of the plan.

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Just a prediction……thanks Mark for allowing us our freedom of speech!!

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Sorry, power of suggestion isn’t working for me.....

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I wonder if people notice what is happening here. They are conflating positive law with natural law. It's a titanic bait-and-switch.

Your natural and inalienable rights exist only because a the god-like force of the Federal Government says so. Which means it can remove your rights any time it wants.

I think it's all part of the planned chaos.

The worst is that when these things come crashing down, they always say the fault is of the people because they have crazy and unrealistic believes, such as "inalienable rights." Always blame the victims and then deny they are victims. If they are not your victims, then you are definitely not a criminal. It works every time!

For example, you have an inalienable right to reproductive healthcare because you are a woman, but if you do not submit to the thousands of coerced vaccinations we have in store for you, then you lose your inalienable right, because you are not a woman, you are a denier of the supreme authority of the God-State, and you are not even human.

Divine right of kings. We are going for a reformulation of that crap.

There were some Jesuits who argued that when kings act against God's law they lose their divine right and must be deposed and killed as heretics. One of the intellectuals who argue that went to prison. This happened a long time ago, it's a four hundred years old story, from the time before the sect of the Jesuits became absorbed by the Enemy.

By the way, the original Jesuits, who argued against the unlimited expansion of secular power of kings and plutocrats, were accused by the intellectuals who proposed tyranny of being crypto-jews (outwardly christians, but they remained practicing the the old jewish religion, that was the accusation.)

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