Some detailed pieces on this sudden war (which may well help bring on a vastly bigger conflagration) conjointly raise some questions that we all had better face, whatever side we're on (if any)
Since I don't watch MSM, I had no idea of this. Israel has at least the intelligence capability of the US and in many ways better. There's almost zero chance they could be taken by surprise by something of this scale.
Yes... what does it portend? What flags waive on both sides - false flags?
It really does have shades of Lahaina...and the Globalist/UN/WHO/WEF agenda. I hate to say it, but I do think Zev Zelenko was right. Someone threatened Netanyahu or the few they needed in positions to stop the agenda/infliltrated many in positions of power in Israel...either you do what we say/support the WEF agenda /cut a deal to inject your population, and you get a 500,000,000 in a Swiss Bank account and no one will ever know, or...we kill your family.
Soon to be seen is using AI to show Jesus's second coming...except it won't be Jesus but Lucifer in the flesh. If your not asleep now you might be by then. Don't be fooled.
Didn't Netanyahu tamper with their constitution recently? I seem to remember blowback from the population and protesting in the streets.
This current incredible attack by Hamas is mind blowing. When I read the invasion was by air, land and sea it amazes me. Israel? It makes no sense they were that ill prepared.
Is it possible this was facilitated by a disgruntled military, and an unhappy population? And outside help?
Netanyahu is going to get a lot of blame for this, perhaps leading to him being ousted from his position. If this is the end goal I shudder to think of possible human casualties that will result before this is achieved if it even happens.
I believe that Netanyahu will exact a terrible revenge on the people of Palestine. And all our warmongering nations will be righteously on the side lines cheering.
Is this a diversion from the Russian/ Ukraine fiasco? Who knows.
I think there's more to this than meets the eye.
My current understanding of the relationship between Israel and Palestine is it has been worse since the re-election of Netanyahu, who has chosen to implement hard line policies with them.
"Is this a diversion from the Russian/ Ukraine fiasco?" Yes. Such things always are. It might cover up vaccine harms and deaths in Israel. They can blame the Palestinians instead.
I used to think that, but then I started hearing about a different level of things in which you have to betray what you love as part of your initiation into the “reward” system. You have to be willing to abandon the dimension of yourself that participated in what humans recognize as “love.” See, for example, the practice of giving the aspirant who wants to be a professional killer a puppy to raise that they then must kill at the end of the course to graduate, etc. This occurs even at low levels of these pyramids. The Chinese surgeons who harvest Falun Gong prisoners’ eyes/organs without anaesthesia for maximum freshness etc. Along those lines, I thought it was interesting that Tony Blair supposedly converted to Catholicism. I posit that he did this as a device to try to manage his psychological guilt, because within that belief system they have something called “confession” which allows for getting rid of any guilt from any crime.
LOL! I don’t think that will solve it. You could easily just wake up in another hell realm with more demons pushing you around and jerking your chain and even less clues as to what is happening. God Realization solves it. This place is valued in the Traditions for being a good one to help you wake up because it presses on you so ferociously.
LOL! Sounds like the kind of thing one says when their “medicine” delivery is late. Southern Comfort and heroin is not a successful cope when touring one of the hell realms. ‘Nuff said.
“Hundreds of terrorists”. Hmmm. No bias expected in this report.
Israel has invaded Gaza and has initiated hostilities countless times and were they EVER called terrorists?
Israel drops thousand pound bombs on civilian buildings and does anyone EVER call them terrorists?
Israel has almost the entire world brainwashed so they cannot or dare not see the real terrorists, the real supremacist monsters and the real psychopaths in this situation.
Israel owns that land. Those living there (no historical "Palestinian" people) left when Israel was supposed to be wiped off the map. The destruction of Israel, and Jews is the aim of their religion.
Ask yourself why none of their Arab brethren took them in and gave them a home when Israel absorbed thousands of Jews exiled (they didn't leave voluntarily) from their actual historical lands in Muslim countries. It's anti-Jew that no one cares or speaks about that and instead invokes "Palestinians."
The "Palestinians" are a useful fiction wielded as a club Leftists and Muslims use to attack Israel and the Jews
Do you know how the country or Israel was declared? Do you know about the Balfour agreement? That the British controlled Palestine was promised to zionists for assistance in World War 1?
There were Christians and Muslims and Arab Jews living in Palestine.
Why were they pushed aside?
I have many Jewish friends and family. Jewish is a culture and religion.
Israel is country with a corrupt government. Like most, in my opinion, governments. I think it is an apartheid state. From the looks of things Gaza and West Bank are settlements. Who wants to live in a settlement?
It's like living on a reservation.
This is not "anti-Jews". THAT, to me, is the club that is wielded all the time if one dares speak up against Israeli atrocity.
The land of Israel was "declared" thousands of years before the Balfour agreement. Read history. Just because there were all religions living there doesn't mean the Jewish land of Israel didn't exist. America has people of all religions living here and until Biden opened our borders, and is giving power over us to the WHO, we maintained our sovereignty. Before 1948, Arabs in Palestine were never a state. They were as subjects of places such as as Damascus, Cairo, Baghdad, and Istanbul. In the history of the Arabs, Jerusalem was never the seat of any dynasty and was not sovereign. The Brits helped invent the "Palestinians."
There is a video clip that I saw with arafat smiling and saying that he invented the name Palestinian. This isn't it, but it explains some unknown facts:
Zionists; criminal cartel of Satanic thieving murderous racist scum. They openly despise other races- they call us cattle and in their "holy books" they codify murder slavery thievery and torture of all gentiles as perfectly acceptable in the eyes of their "god". Monsters.
Sorta like 911. Military airforce guard no where to be scene guarding the sky’s. Lol. One after another. I call most if not all of these planned false flag scam sham. Problem is real nice honest trustworthy truthful people are getting wiped out which is evil pure evil for those that are doing the planning to fool the masses.
Pearl Harbors soul purpose was to get the US into WWII. I personally,y knew a veteran that was on a ship in the harbor that day. My dad, with the Army Air force was still in the US in pilot training but started service at the 8th army air force in Jan. of 1945. My grandfather, US Navy, was in the south pacific and serving on the Ard 8. They knew, just weren't allowed to talk about it, but some did anyway. I have always loved my country but sadly the more I find out, the more ashamed of it I become. They don't even try to hide the evil anymore.
My grandfather arrived in Honolulu on December 2nd 1941, the new manager for the officers club. A week later he was sent back to the mainland with one million dollars to procure booze to stock the club. Family history is a hoot.
"Military airforce guard no where to be scene guarding the sky’s."
Yep! The most restricted air space in the country was suddenly left undefended on the very day that some terrorists decided to fly planes into buildings? And they were allowed to fly off course for over an hour and none of those jets that were supposedly doing drills couldn’t get back in time?
Did you know that there were also drills when the subway bombings in London took place? Just like there were drills running during the Boston Marathon bombings. Shirley people have caught on by now?
It wouldn't surprise me if they were doing this to cause more instability and kill people for depopulation purposes. None of it makes any damn sense. Let's face it, the higher-ups don't care about life. They proved that when they mandated these shots on pregnant women.
To comfort myself I’ve decided we are all playing a role in this video game. And sometimes we are the victims. And that’s entertaining too I guess? It’s a coping mechanism....
I agree, this is a deep state operation imo. The Israeli people were sold out where the jabs were concerned, BB had actually bragged his country was the first to accept the jabs and now I wonder if he knew they were dangerous. It sure looks like the Israeli leaders knew this breach was coming and if so, how evil and sad for all the citizens concerned.
I can't believe Israel's leaders are screwing their citizens for the second time.
Somehow it is even worse then the US gov screwing their citizens. At least we should expect it by now because it has been happening for so long and now so obvious and vicious ie Lahaina, Las Vegas, schools, 911.
Govs are disgusting and out of control. So easy to manipulate, apparently.
An Islamic terrorist organization manages to penetrate a highly defended space because the defense assets were mystifyingly pulled away, in advance. The whole thing gets called a brief lapse in intelligence. Hmmm...where have I heard this coincidence theory before?
I’m betting that the psychopaths who orchestrated the “vax” drive are also pulling the strings here. No damn way the IDF would have been caught unawares. So many factors at play here but the dwindling support for the Ukraine war, the desire to distract away from the globalist coup, and wanting to fill the military/industrial complex coffers... In the midst of all this, are people suffering & dying. It’s revolting. We need a world without globalists.
I think AI will be used to fool the masses. Time has come to be even more careful of who you trust. Second coming? Alien invasion from space? Whole lot of senerios that would send people into a frenzy.
This is my thought too. I actually hadn’t heard the news until I saw the new episode of Honestly. Just the way Bari Weiss and her guest talk got me suspicious and now here I am reading this post and the comments. I feel like she is the wide-eyed, so-close-to-getting-it poster child. She goes there but not all the way and then the next psy-op gets her again. It’s almost funny.
Her failure to ask Eric Adams any serious questions about the mandates as it relates to NY’s exodus of people to Florida gave me pause. Her last podcast felt like 100% BS propaganda to me. And her Twitter feed the last couple days is the same. I’m thinking perhaps she was a sleeper cell. Complete fabrication to move the critical thinkers into a new corral where they can be managed. She’s quickly become NPR in my opinion. NBR - National Bari Radio!
Okay, so what do we think about the latest episode with the crying mom? I'm not belittling the situation at all, it's horrific and unconscionable, but I find the selective foregrounding of missing and dead kids to be a particularly egregious form of propoganda. Where is the concern for vaccine injured/killed children? What about fucking Lahaina? I know Bari is Jewish and so this is important to her and I respect that, but it just feels like it's being exploited. I hope I'm wrong. I hope that gross feeling I have is totally misdirected and my cynicism is my own doing and my own problem.
Right?? Yours is the more plausible supposition at this point. Many dropped balls. So disappointed, and yet we shouldn’t be I guess. I was stoked she interviewed RFK jr and even gave him hard but fair questions about some stuff but when it came to the vaccines you could just feel her closing down completely. 🤷🏼♀️
Here are my first thoughts when I heard this news this am-
Narcissists are chaos makers … there can never be peace. Not ever.
Of course my heart goes out to any people at the mercy of their country’s politics… but the timing is very interesting
Just in time for the Ukraine flag to come off people’s social media accounts …and be replaced with an Israel flag.
I always had a sense that Israel was going to be a key factor in whatever was going to ultimately happen in this whole covid debacle … when Pfizer picked Israel to be the ‘Real world’ test site of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.
The darkest thought I had- when I read this was- Could this attack be a way to cover for vaccine deaths? So that data is completely obfuscated.
Yes Truthseeker, this is the Israeli leader's cover and distraction for their $$$ attack on their own people. The numbers and occurrences of SADS were getting out of control and did you see this? The little 8 year old Poster Boy for Injections died of a heart attack while taking a bath. This was a big deal because his dad, a pediatrician and grandfather also a pediatrician were in the Bioweapon pushing Commercial pushing the shot and lying to the people, oh so sincerely.
If you read "the book" you would KNOW Israel was a key. What is going on, especially in the last few years, was told many years ago. First thing you need to understand is this isn't a war between countries or nation, just like the Ukraine/Russia thing. It is a spiritual war that has been going on and now escalating quickly between Jehovah and Satan. Started in Genesis and will finish (on Jehovah's time line) in Revelations. To be a truth seeker, seek the truth.
And this provided the perfect opportunity for Biden to say "We have Israel's back" when we know he didn't "have it" because he targeted it. If he thinks this will help him get the Jewish vote in 2024, something should remind him his "thinking" is demented. So yes, there are suspicions all around, and for good reason.
Kind of like "build the wall" after 4 years of demonizing against it. This joke not only has dementia 2.0 he is totally insane. Stolen elections have consequences. And the American citizens and World Citizens are paying the price. FJB!
Agreed. That a few hundred demonic families should bring America to its knees is astounding. That 8 billion people can be ruled (ruled, not represented) by so few is remarkable. America, just a couple hundred years old, will not survive its independence as long as Europe did. Yes, Tag, FJB!
Weaponizing nature intentionally … against people. - through fires -manipulation of viruses -GeoEngineering the weather -releasing chemicals into the atmosphere
Destroying infrastructure- -destroying animal processing plants that feed the population -destroying food plants -destroying natural gas plants -Train derailments -disruptions in plane travel -blowing up bridges… intentional supply chain disruption
Making people hate each other through rhetoric and divisive race, gender, class and political agendas
Making the global population sick through chemicals in the food supply, encouraging drug and alcohol abuse, mental illness, and injuries through vaccines and pharmaceutical drugs
Encourage and promote lawlessness- Stop enforcing laws- stop incarcerating criminals and defund the police, and corrupt the legal system and all government agencies responsible for law enforcement
And destroy wealth - bankrupt countries and citizens through endless global conflicts and wars… and create inflation and hyper inflation of energy costs and food for people to survive
We’re all at war
And likely have been… since early 2020
I think we are going to see an acceleration in all of the above.
The chaos makers won’t allow peace. The entire agenda is set in full motion.
We have been at war WAY before 2020. You need to dig a little deeper, much deeper. 9-11? Find the plane that hit the Pentagon that day. Can't...don't worry nobody else can either. Or building 7 that came down in a controlled demolition (just like both towers did) and the excuse was some office furniture burning? (No mention that that building held top secret documents that could never be seen by human eyes.) JFK murder by CIA? Bobby Kennedy murder? I pray for RFK's safety daily as he is also hated by the democrat cabal. Pearl Harbor? The take over of natural medicine by pharma in the early 1900's? How about the slaughter and body part sales of the little ones? Talking $$$$ here. And don't forget the flu 1918/19. The used the same false numbers to scare the people to death. My Gr. Uncle died during that...of the why does his death certificate say he died of Pneumonia? I guess the same way a gunshot victim got counted as covid death in 2020. Fear Porn Works! Seek the TRUTH!
i think the thinking on the Spanish flu is along the lines of a secondary bacterial infection was what mostly killed people. there were stories about things like organizing pneumonia early on with covid too. so the pneumonia claim may have been legit. not saying they didn't cook the books with covid. for sure they did for deaths and cases.
They cooked it for sure. Murder/suicide was counted as covid. So were traffic accidents. So were cancer deaths and deaths of 90+ yrs of age with tons of other health issues, another uncle of mine. Covid. The pcr test was 97% ineffective but still being used to "brand" a person. Never had one and never will! Even the man that invented this test said it couldn't be used for what they were using it for. Hell! Even Avocado's were testing positive. Elon Musk took 4 IN ONE DAY 2 positive, 2 negative and yet people waited for hours to see if they had a disease all the while having no symptoms of being sick. What the hello happened to peoples ability to THINK? Task about a Zombie Apocalypse!
Yeah. Once you are in an environment where you can see that “data” is being “cooked” via number games, vocabulary games, narrative games, “evidence games , you damn well better step WAY BACK when it comes to trying to use any of it to find your way. Time to get very rigorous about vetting EVIDENCE and THINKING about what is REALLY happening. Watch out for your backs out there and your friend’s backs! We have not been in Kansas for a long time, if ever, Toto!
werd. most people here prolly already know that a PCR test run with enough cycles can find all kinds of things. they were imo deliberately running these things with too many cycles to inflate the case counts. as he (nobel prize for pcr test) says here but this is really an HIV discussion. wish he was around for the last few years.
Since I don't watch MSM, I had no idea of this. Israel has at least the intelligence capability of the US and in many ways better. There's almost zero chance they could be taken by surprise by something of this scale.
Yes... what does it portend? What flags waive on both sides - false flags?
others are wondering too: 'Scripted prophecy happening in Middle East news...' -
Another war to distract us and make people fearful.
and on friday they arrested Reiner Fuelmilch -
Thanks Mary-Lou.
you're welcome.
And taking permission to cull the population they want to clear out of that region.
Why would hamas knowing Israels weaponry poke that bear…
“War Breaks Out in the Middle East – Beware of the U.S. Media One-Sided Coverage”
in depth info here:
it's on rt.
Russia Today
They thrive of fear and chaos
It really does have shades of Lahaina...and the Globalist/UN/WHO/WEF agenda. I hate to say it, but I do think Zev Zelenko was right. Someone threatened Netanyahu or the few they needed in positions to stop the agenda/infliltrated many in positions of power in Israel...either you do what we say/support the WEF agenda /cut a deal to inject your population, and you get a 500,000,000 in a Swiss Bank account and no one will ever know, or...we kill your family.
There’s looks to be an “ in crowd “ of globalists moving pieces across the map, as if it were a chessboard.
Like 911, they let it happen to further their goals of war.
Or were the entire cause of it, in the case of 9/11.
Soon to be seen is using AI to show Jesus's second coming...except it won't be Jesus but Lucifer in the flesh. If your not asleep now you might be by then. Don't be fooled.
See: Project Bluebeam.
Yeshua warned us not to fall for false messiahs.
Banking families run the world, and everyone in positions of power we are “allowed to see” works for them.
Yep, I've been saying this for years. Mafioso tactics are being implemented...they work. What would you do?
Outsmart them.
He's a piece of work. 1/27/2021 Special address at Davos, WEF Sacrificing God's people for the evils of this world.
"Israel can serve as a global test case for vaccine efficacy."
Yup, they are efficient at harming and killing people. Thus it ever was.
'Any inhumane ten jab' is one anagram of his name.
Didn't Netanyahu tamper with their constitution recently? I seem to remember blowback from the population and protesting in the streets.
This current incredible attack by Hamas is mind blowing. When I read the invasion was by air, land and sea it amazes me. Israel? It makes no sense they were that ill prepared.
Is it possible this was facilitated by a disgruntled military, and an unhappy population? And outside help?
Netanyahu is going to get a lot of blame for this, perhaps leading to him being ousted from his position. If this is the end goal I shudder to think of possible human casualties that will result before this is achieved if it even happens.
I believe that Netanyahu will exact a terrible revenge on the people of Palestine. And all our warmongering nations will be righteously on the side lines cheering.
Is this a diversion from the Russian/ Ukraine fiasco? Who knows.
I think there's more to this than meets the eye.
My current understanding of the relationship between Israel and Palestine is it has been worse since the re-election of Netanyahu, who has chosen to implement hard line policies with them.
"Is this a diversion from the Russian/ Ukraine fiasco?" Yes. Such things always are. It might cover up vaccine harms and deaths in Israel. They can blame the Palestinians instead.
You have a good memory....and I m sure you are right. there is a lot more to this than
meets the eye....some more wickedness is coming
I used to think that, but then I started hearing about a different level of things in which you have to betray what you love as part of your initiation into the “reward” system. You have to be willing to abandon the dimension of yourself that participated in what humans recognize as “love.” See, for example, the practice of giving the aspirant who wants to be a professional killer a puppy to raise that they then must kill at the end of the course to graduate, etc. This occurs even at low levels of these pyramids. The Chinese surgeons who harvest Falun Gong prisoners’ eyes/organs without anaesthesia for maximum freshness etc. Along those lines, I thought it was interesting that Tony Blair supposedly converted to Catholicism. I posit that he did this as a device to try to manage his psychological guilt, because within that belief system they have something called “confession” which allows for getting rid of any guilt from any crime.
Christ on a crutch. How incredibly evil
Now I am going to really concentrate on getting an overdose of fentanyl.
You never know....
LOL! I don’t think that will solve it. You could easily just wake up in another hell realm with more demons pushing you around and jerking your chain and even less clues as to what is happening. God Realization solves it. This place is valued in the Traditions for being a good one to help you wake up because it presses on you so ferociously.
I am reminded of Janis Joplins response to "well, it will just give your more soul" about suffering. She replied Eff you I don't want any more.
LOL! Sounds like the kind of thing one says when their “medicine” delivery is late. Southern Comfort and heroin is not a successful cope when touring one of the hell realms. ‘Nuff said.
Don’t forget Netanyahu was on the convicted pedophile, Epsteins “Lolita Express” plane ,
AND island, as well as visited his home in NYC MULTIPLE times…
Take one with you.
“Hundreds of terrorists”. Hmmm. No bias expected in this report.
Israel has invaded Gaza and has initiated hostilities countless times and were they EVER called terrorists?
Israel drops thousand pound bombs on civilian buildings and does anyone EVER call them terrorists?
Israel has almost the entire world brainwashed so they cannot or dare not see the real terrorists, the real supremacist monsters and the real psychopaths in this situation.
Israel owns that land. Those living there (no historical "Palestinian" people) left when Israel was supposed to be wiped off the map. The destruction of Israel, and Jews is the aim of their religion.
Ask yourself why none of their Arab brethren took them in and gave them a home when Israel absorbed thousands of Jews exiled (they didn't leave voluntarily) from their actual historical lands in Muslim countries. It's anti-Jew that no one cares or speaks about that and instead invokes "Palestinians."
The "Palestinians" are a useful fiction wielded as a club Leftists and Muslims use to attack Israel and the Jews
Do you know how the country or Israel was declared? Do you know about the Balfour agreement? That the British controlled Palestine was promised to zionists for assistance in World War 1?
There were Christians and Muslims and Arab Jews living in Palestine.
Why were they pushed aside?
I have many Jewish friends and family. Jewish is a culture and religion.
Israel is country with a corrupt government. Like most, in my opinion, governments. I think it is an apartheid state. From the looks of things Gaza and West Bank are settlements. Who wants to live in a settlement?
It's like living on a reservation.
This is not "anti-Jews". THAT, to me, is the club that is wielded all the time if one dares speak up against Israeli atrocity.
The land of Israel was "declared" thousands of years before the Balfour agreement. Read history. Just because there were all religions living there doesn't mean the Jewish land of Israel didn't exist. America has people of all religions living here and until Biden opened our borders, and is giving power over us to the WHO, we maintained our sovereignty. Before 1948, Arabs in Palestine were never a state. They were as subjects of places such as as Damascus, Cairo, Baghdad, and Istanbul. In the history of the Arabs, Jerusalem was never the seat of any dynasty and was not sovereign. The Brits helped invent the "Palestinians."
There is a video clip that I saw with arafat smiling and saying that he invented the name Palestinian. This isn't it, but it explains some unknown facts:
An Israeli wrote the article
How surprising.
cuz if you say ANYTHING about the murdering nazi israelis you are called ANTISEMITE BULLSHIT! Time for it to END
Zionists; criminal cartel of Satanic thieving murderous racist scum. They openly despise other races- they call us cattle and in their "holy books" they codify murder slavery thievery and torture of all gentiles as perfectly acceptable in the eyes of their "god". Monsters.
Sorta like 911. Military airforce guard no where to be scene guarding the sky’s. Lol. One after another. I call most if not all of these planned false flag scam sham. Problem is real nice honest trustworthy truthful people are getting wiped out which is evil pure evil for those that are doing the planning to fool the masses.
Loud voices in Israel, reportedly, are likening this attack to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor.
So it was either a LIHOP (Let It Happen On Purpose) or a MIHOP (Make It Happen On Purpose).
Indeed, both prior false flags. How prescient.
Pearl Harbors soul purpose was to get the US into WWII. I personally,y knew a veteran that was on a ship in the harbor that day. My dad, with the Army Air force was still in the US in pilot training but started service at the 8th army air force in Jan. of 1945. My grandfather, US Navy, was in the south pacific and serving on the Ard 8. They knew, just weren't allowed to talk about it, but some did anyway. I have always loved my country but sadly the more I find out, the more ashamed of it I become. They don't even try to hide the evil anymore.
My grandfather arrived in Honolulu on December 2nd 1941, the new manager for the officers club. A week later he was sent back to the mainland with one million dollars to procure booze to stock the club. Family history is a hoot.
"Military airforce guard no where to be scene guarding the sky’s."
Yep! The most restricted air space in the country was suddenly left undefended on the very day that some terrorists decided to fly planes into buildings? And they were allowed to fly off course for over an hour and none of those jets that were supposedly doing drills couldn’t get back in time?
Did you know that there were also drills when the subway bombings in London took place? Just like there were drills running during the Boston Marathon bombings. Shirley people have caught on by now?
Don't forget event 201. A play by play of exactly what happened with the scamdemic.
And Manchester Arena , so I read.
And drills during Sept. 11, I believe.
i had same vibes and posted before reading yours.
It wouldn't surprise me if they were doing this to cause more instability and kill people for depopulation purposes. None of it makes any damn sense. Let's face it, the higher-ups don't care about life. They proved that when they mandated these shots on pregnant women.
Time to take away their game console and ground them for 6 ft. under?
Don’t forget the wooden nano stakes through the “hearts.”
To comfort myself I’ve decided we are all playing a role in this video game. And sometimes we are the victims. And that’s entertaining too I guess? It’s a coping mechanism....
We are all actors in this pantomime, with parts large and small.
And these are the adults!!
So is this just coming about because Ukraine is winding down soon?
Criminal governments are hard to keep up with.
Oh yes, need to launder more money and weapons. Feed the US politicos, families and friends.
Families and fiends I think you meant. :)
Can we expect Hunter to take a job in Israel soon for 5 billion a year with half going to the "big Guy?"
I agree, this is a deep state operation imo. The Israeli people were sold out where the jabs were concerned, BB had actually bragged his country was the first to accept the jabs and now I wonder if he knew they were dangerous. It sure looks like the Israeli leaders knew this breach was coming and if so, how evil and sad for all the citizens concerned.
I can't believe Israel's leaders are screwing their citizens for the second time.
Somehow it is even worse then the US gov screwing their citizens. At least we should expect it by now because it has been happening for so long and now so obvious and vicious ie Lahaina, Las Vegas, schools, 911.
Govs are disgusting and out of control. So easy to manipulate, apparently.
Deep state 🎯
An Islamic terrorist organization manages to penetrate a highly defended space because the defense assets were mystifyingly pulled away, in advance. The whole thing gets called a brief lapse in intelligence. Hmmm...where have I heard this coincidence theory before?
I’m betting that the psychopaths who orchestrated the “vax” drive are also pulling the strings here. No damn way the IDF would have been caught unawares. So many factors at play here but the dwindling support for the Ukraine war, the desire to distract away from the globalist coup, and wanting to fill the military/industrial complex coffers... In the midst of all this, are people suffering & dying. It’s revolting. We need a world without globalists.
There must be something else Big going on now to distract with this...
I think AI will be used to fool the masses. Time has come to be even more careful of who you trust. Second coming? Alien invasion from space? Whole lot of senerios that would send people into a frenzy.
This is my thought too. I actually hadn’t heard the news until I saw the new episode of Honestly. Just the way Bari Weiss and her guest talk got me suspicious and now here I am reading this post and the comments. I feel like she is the wide-eyed, so-close-to-getting-it poster child. She goes there but not all the way and then the next psy-op gets her again. It’s almost funny.
Her failure to ask Eric Adams any serious questions about the mandates as it relates to NY’s exodus of people to Florida gave me pause. Her last podcast felt like 100% BS propaganda to me. And her Twitter feed the last couple days is the same. I’m thinking perhaps she was a sleeper cell. Complete fabrication to move the critical thinkers into a new corral where they can be managed. She’s quickly become NPR in my opinion. NBR - National Bari Radio!
Okay, so what do we think about the latest episode with the crying mom? I'm not belittling the situation at all, it's horrific and unconscionable, but I find the selective foregrounding of missing and dead kids to be a particularly egregious form of propoganda. Where is the concern for vaccine injured/killed children? What about fucking Lahaina? I know Bari is Jewish and so this is important to her and I respect that, but it just feels like it's being exploited. I hope I'm wrong. I hope that gross feeling I have is totally misdirected and my cynicism is my own doing and my own problem.
Right?? Yours is the more plausible supposition at this point. Many dropped balls. So disappointed, and yet we shouldn’t be I guess. I was stoked she interviewed RFK jr and even gave him hard but fair questions about some stuff but when it came to the vaccines you could just feel her closing down completely. 🤷🏼♀️
I think they’re looking for an excuse, ANY excuse, to drop a nuclear bomb...
Here are my first thoughts when I heard this news this am-
Narcissists are chaos makers … there can never be peace. Not ever.
Of course my heart goes out to any people at the mercy of their country’s politics… but the timing is very interesting
Just in time for the Ukraine flag to come off people’s social media accounts …and be replaced with an Israel flag.
I always had a sense that Israel was going to be a key factor in whatever was going to ultimately happen in this whole covid debacle … when Pfizer picked Israel to be the ‘Real world’ test site of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.
The darkest thought I had- when I read this was- Could this attack be a way to cover for vaccine deaths? So that data is completely obfuscated.
Yes Truthseeker, this is the Israeli leader's cover and distraction for their $$$ attack on their own people. The numbers and occurrences of SADS were getting out of control and did you see this? The little 8 year old Poster Boy for Injections died of a heart attack while taking a bath. This was a big deal because his dad, a pediatrician and grandfather also a pediatrician were in the Bioweapon pushing Commercial pushing the shot and lying to the people, oh so sincerely.
Here with Jeff Childers - 2 nd story down
You hit the nail on the head Truth Seeker!
If you read "the book" you would KNOW Israel was a key. What is going on, especially in the last few years, was told many years ago. First thing you need to understand is this isn't a war between countries or nation, just like the Ukraine/Russia thing. It is a spiritual war that has been going on and now escalating quickly between Jehovah and Satan. Started in Genesis and will finish (on Jehovah's time line) in Revelations. To be a truth seeker, seek the truth.
Israel is a key, but there is one one country that is a key. :)
Don’t be left behind!
"Could this attack be a way to cover for vaccine deaths? So that data is completely obfuscated."
Yes, you beat me to it!
Agreed. They want people dead any way they can get them there.
False flag written all over it.
Same story over and over again.
And this provided the perfect opportunity for Biden to say "We have Israel's back" when we know he didn't "have it" because he targeted it. If he thinks this will help him get the Jewish vote in 2024, something should remind him his "thinking" is demented. So yes, there are suspicions all around, and for good reason.
Kind of like "build the wall" after 4 years of demonizing against it. This joke not only has dementia 2.0 he is totally insane. Stolen elections have consequences. And the American citizens and World Citizens are paying the price. FJB!
Agreed. That a few hundred demonic families should bring America to its knees is astounding. That 8 billion people can be ruled (ruled, not represented) by so few is remarkable. America, just a couple hundred years old, will not survive its independence as long as Europe did. Yes, Tag, FJB!
What does the new world order warfare look like??
Weaponizing nature intentionally … against people. - through fires -manipulation of viruses -GeoEngineering the weather -releasing chemicals into the atmosphere
Destroying infrastructure- -destroying animal processing plants that feed the population -destroying food plants -destroying natural gas plants -Train derailments -disruptions in plane travel -blowing up bridges… intentional supply chain disruption
Making people hate each other through rhetoric and divisive race, gender, class and political agendas
Making the global population sick through chemicals in the food supply, encouraging drug and alcohol abuse, mental illness, and injuries through vaccines and pharmaceutical drugs
Encourage and promote lawlessness- Stop enforcing laws- stop incarcerating criminals and defund the police, and corrupt the legal system and all government agencies responsible for law enforcement
And destroy wealth - bankrupt countries and citizens through endless global conflicts and wars… and create inflation and hyper inflation of energy costs and food for people to survive
We’re all at war
And likely have been… since early 2020
I think we are going to see an acceleration in all of the above.
The chaos makers won’t allow peace. The entire agenda is set in full motion.
We have been at war WAY before 2020. You need to dig a little deeper, much deeper. 9-11? Find the plane that hit the Pentagon that day. Can't...don't worry nobody else can either. Or building 7 that came down in a controlled demolition (just like both towers did) and the excuse was some office furniture burning? (No mention that that building held top secret documents that could never be seen by human eyes.) JFK murder by CIA? Bobby Kennedy murder? I pray for RFK's safety daily as he is also hated by the democrat cabal. Pearl Harbor? The take over of natural medicine by pharma in the early 1900's? How about the slaughter and body part sales of the little ones? Talking $$$$ here. And don't forget the flu 1918/19. The used the same false numbers to scare the people to death. My Gr. Uncle died during that...of the why does his death certificate say he died of Pneumonia? I guess the same way a gunshot victim got counted as covid death in 2020. Fear Porn Works! Seek the TRUTH!
i think the thinking on the Spanish flu is along the lines of a secondary bacterial infection was what mostly killed people. there were stories about things like organizing pneumonia early on with covid too. so the pneumonia claim may have been legit. not saying they didn't cook the books with covid. for sure they did for deaths and cases.
They cooked it for sure. Murder/suicide was counted as covid. So were traffic accidents. So were cancer deaths and deaths of 90+ yrs of age with tons of other health issues, another uncle of mine. Covid. The pcr test was 97% ineffective but still being used to "brand" a person. Never had one and never will! Even the man that invented this test said it couldn't be used for what they were using it for. Hell! Even Avocado's were testing positive. Elon Musk took 4 IN ONE DAY 2 positive, 2 negative and yet people waited for hours to see if they had a disease all the while having no symptoms of being sick. What the hello happened to peoples ability to THINK? Task about a Zombie Apocalypse!
Yeah. Once you are in an environment where you can see that “data” is being “cooked” via number games, vocabulary games, narrative games, “evidence games , you damn well better step WAY BACK when it comes to trying to use any of it to find your way. Time to get very rigorous about vetting EVIDENCE and THINKING about what is REALLY happening. Watch out for your backs out there and your friend’s backs! We have not been in Kansas for a long time, if ever, Toto!
werd. most people here prolly already know that a PCR test run with enough cycles can find all kinds of things. they were imo deliberately running these things with too many cycles to inflate the case counts. as he (nobel prize for pcr test) says here but this is really an HIV discussion. wish he was around for the last few years.
Covid is the 'flu re-branded like many diseases. Helps make more money for big pharma etc.
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5th generation warfare.