"According to the testimonies of funeral directors who wish to remain anonymous, many children are dying within months after being injected with the mRNA jabs" :

Dramatic Rise in Children's Funerals: Small Coffins Ordered in Bulk. Funeral Directors Told to Keep Quiet


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Doctors within the CDC, FDA aren’t allowed to speak up about inconclusive toddler COVID vaccine data: Dr. Marty Makary


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Dr. Marty Makary is not giving the whole truth either. It's premeditated biowepon attack on Humanity and ALL involved need to go to jail, and mRNA poison needs to be halted, but not in this evil world.

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I agree. He’s not one of my fave’s but he’s giving important insider info here. He works for Johns-Hopkins so he can’t be fully on Team Reality if he still has a job there.

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Probably trying to play both sides of it... smdh

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Aren't allowed to speak? They're going to fucking hang for following evil orders.


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And now this

“The Trump family is celebrating Ivana Trump after the ex-wife of President Donald Trump and mother to three of his children died suddenly in New York City”.

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Just in, Ivana died of an accident resulting in blunt trauma per medical examiner.

First they said cardiac arrest, then change to she fell down the stairs. Either way it fits the ‘died suddenly’ of a heart attack, stroke, or even violent fainting triggered as she went up stairs.

Another one covered up.


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she fell because she went into cardiac arrest. Perhaps if she hadn't fallen, she could have been revived. But this still fits the clot shot narrative.

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Bob Saget all over again.

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they need to order an autopsy - and a pathology report - from someone like Dr. Ryan Cole

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It is so not going to happen.

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Yes, it would be wonderful to find he has 1 humble gene in him, could admit a mistake/lapse in judgment and truly back off the clot shots.

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I really hope they do. Maybe God is trying to send a message to President Trump. I hope he listens.

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Don't need a full autopsy, but she should get examined for clots and amyloidosis. The latter can take many months to develop to a heart attack.

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Sudden and unexpected.

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Safe and effective 👍 👌

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Reading about it is terrible. Seeing it as it happens... 😱 OMG "what hath man wrought?"

See: https://www.usnews.com/news/special-reports/the-manhattan-project/articles/2015/09/28/editorial-from-1945-what-hath-man-wrought (from 1945!)

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"Cyber-Samizdat" - - damn, the Soviet people would be proud of you creating a new term Mark! I was in Moscow in '91 when the whole thing went down, so this isn't exactly my first rodeo. Feels like Collapse Remixed or something.

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I couldn't find the second video, but the Telegram channel it was from was extremely disturbing, It included many, many people collapsing, falling down dead, many in China. The behavior of the people around them was often as disturbing as the images of the victims themselves. In 2020 I felt I was living in a dystopian nightmare, but what's happening now is far worse, otherworldly (or perhaps, underwordly).

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In fairness I was expecting the lardball to keel over. He very clearly never exercised, then after a big, carb-laden meals gets up for energetic dancing? This is why so many people die on their birthday

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😰The spiral of murder won’t end until there’s a mass return to morality.

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Morals. Wow! Haven't heard that suggested in years. 🙄 I'm so sick of the immorality of humans!

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You are one if very few to talk like this. You're right

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Or until God wipes them from face of earth.

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Jul 16, 2022·edited Jul 16, 2022

We can see here why it is called the kill shot. If this is true, these videos are just the beginning of so much horror. How do you even allow the reality into your mind....

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Nature hates weakness. Gullibility is weakness. I agree with Nature!

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If it wasn't the clot shots, it would've been something else. Remember the milk crate challenge from a couple years back? Sometimes you just can't fix stupid.

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Thank you, Mark, for your tireless efforts on reporting these incidents. I can only imagine the emotional toll it must be taking on you.

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It's my understanding that mRNA so called "vaccines" were never used in China.

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Sinovac is just as "safe" as the elixirs sold by J&J and AstraZeneca, which are also killing people everywhere.

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They weren’t, but the Chinese vaccine has spike protein.

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There's dying suddenly and dropping dead. Altho I will say I know of a 75y/o man who was dancing away on NY eve and dropped dead on the dance floor but this was 30 years ago.

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Yes, that happened NOW AND THEN. Now it's happening EVERY MINUTE OF EVERY DAY.

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I do not deny that it is happening and if I'd taken that shot, I'd be a bit nervous but I still think we must use caution unless we know for sure what happened. We can't presume every instance is the vaxx but a young boy falling off his bike is surely odd. That old guy I mentioned had 4 girlfriends. That's the way to go.

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Right, it’s way easier to hear about these things now, and people are seeking and sharing them. I would go by the high excess non-Covid mortality data and the Israeli study showing EMS calls for heart issues after vax rollouts and figure these videos may be the real vax thing.

There were also videos of people in China collapsing in late 2020 from the virus, videos that were likely fake, but the motive is unclear.

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Some of these are non vax related.... but evidence is getting overwhelming

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my sister had a referree drop dead while she was playing baketball 40 years ago. But it was the only incident I ever heard of during our school career. I wonder what the statistics are right now? The increase in overall mortality, per disease and age group. Is any government agency keepin g track of that???

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I don't know whether the government agencies are keeping these stats -- they don't want to know -- but the life insurance and funeral industries are.

Steve Kirsch Newsletter Search Results: https://stevekirsch.substack.com/archive?sort=search&search=all%20cause%20mortality

One America Life Insurance: https://crossroadsreport.substack.com/p/breaking-fifth-largest-life-insurance

When a Child Dies: https://nfda.org/news/in-the-news/nfda-news/id/6480/have-you-ordered-your-free-copies-of-when-a-child-dies

Lincoln National Life Insurance: https://docbrown77.substack.com/p/life-insurance-payouts-with-lincoln

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Read Edward Dowd’s reports on this, from insurers’ data. He may be banned from Twitter but he’s on Gettr.

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I know of one person dropping dead in front of me, 20 years ago... I thought he looked bad. I was right

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Boy, do you have a way with words! 😂🤣😂🤣

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Ty bandit.

And, it was at "Catholic " "mass" in union with "Pope " Benedict 16...

So, probably a nice guy, but objectively committing grave evil.

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"Cyber-samizdat" is good.

(In both meanings. Clever word, and exactly what we need in this nightmare time. )

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Here is a map of the unvaxxed purebloods in the world.


Imagine if we were the only ones to survive. The world would be a very different place. The most populous country would be India, but at only 388 million people. Nigeria would be 2nd at 177 million and China 3rd at only 130 million. The USA would be way down on the list at 71 million, behind even countries like Pakistan, Congo, and Ethiopia.

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I'm hoping that won't be the case but only time will tell. Deaths seem to be increasing and governments are hiding the data. So we have no idea exactly what is going to happen. Do these mRNA shots keep making spike proteins forever? Or is there a natural off switch? No one seems to know and no one seems to be trying to find out.

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Some of my jabbed colleagues have IQs in the ionosphere. One of the brightest, lives in California, and took 2 Moderna, then a booster of unknown origins. He shared with me he feels, "less capable, cerebrally." He also indicated he is not taking any more boosters. He has a 6 year old, and a 9 year old. Each exceptional and gifted, and I posited he should not jab them. "Yes, but my wife wants to." Let these people go. Wave goodbye. Family. Friends. Co-workers. Let them go. Such inanity, deserves a harsh end.

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Sobering. However, nations with 71 million brilliant Caucasians, would easily dominate the lower IQ, melanin rich portions of the world. Whites have been Kalergi Planned down from 31% of the world population in 1901, to approximately 10% today. And, it should be plainly evident the world is worse off, less happy, and craving the return of ethno-states (actually, ONLY whites are not allowed ethno-states or cultural pride, by the ancient enemy that runs banking and media).

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The key takeaway is, our melanin rich primates have little to fear from Chinese basketball hegemony. :-)

This Pureblood has nothing but disdain for anyone who acquiesced to the jab, let them drop. Let half the world's populace drop, this formerly staunch anti-eugenicist, now understands why they (you know who) are so keen to cause a few perturbations in the Gaussian Curve.

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"That They are working hard to kill us off is now the most forbidden of forbidden truths."

Yes and we need to see that; say that; and spread that.

Thank you.

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