It's that bad under Fidelito. This is ALL on the Liberals, NDP and Bloc Quebecois who prop up his insane and stupid mandates because 'huh vaccines'. The stories I'm hearing, reading and seeing about this idiotic App is sickening. Since when is a fricken app mandatory? What's their game here? Go to hell Justin. Literally.
COMMUNIST bullshit. If America had supported Germany in WW II, the world would be a beautiful, non degenerate, non indebted place. Once Japan and Germany fell (the two most anti communist nations in the world, in the 1930's, with Stalin on their doorsteps), Communism swept the world.
Excuse me? America DID support Germany in WWII. You're saying killing ALL the Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, and the rest of the "useless eaters" would have been a GOOD thing? You think Hitler and his boys would have made this "beautiful" world?
Either I'm not understanding you, or you're one sick fock.
200M dead from Trotsky, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, et al. 10M Ukrainian Kulaks starved to death, in the Holodomor, by a jewish, Bolshevik monster. There were 16 million jewish in 1939, worldwide. There were 16 million jewish people, in 1945. The "Holocaust" was never confirmed, and all the rporting was by the Soviets, lies almost as good as Convid and 9/11. 9/11 had "dancing Israelis/Mossad" and every CEO of each major jab manufacturer, including evil Bourla, of that same religion. The most expelled in human history. Why so many expulsions?
It was Henry Kissinger, oy vey, who coined the phrase "useless eaters." And if you like trannies reading to your 5 year old kids, Tel Aviv is the gayest city on Earth.
Your divisive terminology and nastiness is a real drag. Hatred of great big groups of people for being what they cannot change is not logical, not fair, not helpful, wanted, or useful, besides being anathema to me. I judge people by their DEEDS, and people who have such hatred for others, others they don't even KNOW, are repugnant to me. I have ENOUGH hatred around me already, I don't need any more.
Many of your posts remind me of Trudeau's undercover cop running through the trucker crowd wildly waving his Nazi flag for the perfectly positioned AP photographers. Stop running through covid threads with this flag.
Don't know your status in this world. Obviously you're okay with a complete non-white genocide. So once the psychopaths were finished killing all those who didn't fit the fascist agenda, how long would it take for them to come for you and yours? The west hates communism, not because of Stalin, but because of the potential for a dreaded by them egalitarian society.. Unless you are one of the 1/10 of 1%, you also would have been/are a target. But apparently so brainwashed you don't even know it.
The West hates communism because it banned religion and private property. The West hates communism becomes 100's of millions were killed, in merciless ways. The West hates communism because it is anathema to the principles of the Magna Carta. I hate communism because it is a corrupt and cruel method to enslave and demoralize (in the 20th century) 1/3rd of the world.
I do not wish to have a "non-white genocide," as you allude to. NatSoc Germany allied with Japan, Spain, Italy, and did not try to genocide, they merely wanted to recreate the ethno-state that made them great, and was shattered after the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler did everything in his power NOT to attack Poland, but Bolshevik Poles had killed 6000 ethnic Germans, cut off by the Rothschild brokered Treaty of Versailles, same in the Sudatenlands. The Comintern, on the other hand, was toppling nations, and trying to spread Communism worldwide. Communism was created, funded and pushed by jewish bankers, and philosophers. Hitler correctly realized his nation was being undermined. As for his treatment of degenerates, I hope it is nice trannies who teach your children how to read, as they bounce up and down on their laps.
So, who is brainwashed? Who believes every "genocide" rumor of the 1940's, fed to them by the triumphant USSR, while ignoring real genocides like the Holodomor, in the 1930's? Why, is RESEARCHING the Holocaust ILLEGAL in many nations? Who runs those nations? What truth do they fear?
The west is built on genocide so it can hardly hate it. I think they'd just rather do it themselves as they are successfully doing with the Jim Jones Jab. Russia was not the desired goal of Karl Marx to create an economic system that was based on the needs of the community (communism) rather than the greed of psychopathic white men who could never own enough and apparently still can't as they plan an agenda once again of mass genocide. Karl Marx sought a communist economic system in a developed country like Germany. As far as what I know, I was alive during WW2, I saw the pictures, I watched the survivors return from that war and from what I hear, it was actually Russia and the incredible sacrifice of their people that won WW2 for the west. Hitler was bankrolled and got his genocidal program from the United States, or what I like to call it, the Belly of the Beast.
I am not convinced there is an "oil crisis." More likely there is a PLANNED oil bullshit story. We have people who are willing to kill off vast numbers of the population, hundreds of millions, maybe BILLIONS of people, to get the control they want. These people are a few thousand, at the top. Nobody out of their minions will remain loyal if we can remove these psychopaths from their mountain top... What is the ONE THING that keeps them lording over us? Money. We have the means to stop the flow of money, and that's one thing we can do. We can also TAKE DOWN the 5G TOWERS.
Oil can be dealt with later, with basic huma ingenuity. But right now, the world as we know it is headed to democide, and a WEF/CHINESE run Social Credit system. Which will KILL human ingenuity ....and therefore there won't be a replacement for oil, and we will all go bck to living in caves.
Personally, I'd rather live a free life, with private property, without oil, going back to the 1800's, than our life now with oil and no freedom.
I think we may have to. See above my response to Sage.. Naomi Wolf put the pieces together today, and Bailiwick shows how our laws have been changed so that we cannot go to court.
So what do you suggest? Shall we just sit and wait for this ^ ??
You know what? I think these parasites behind all this, I think they most likely have a lot food stored up somewhere... I think we should FIND IT. We might have to find THEM first. But me, I'm not interested in sitting around watching people starve, or starving, myself. At least, if we're gonna go down, let's go down swingin'.
Hey... Why are you telling me all this, as if I don't know, because I question everything coming out of our govt. and all this bullshit about "climate change" and so forth? Russia has a shitload of oil, because they didn't stop drilling for it. I never said I was an expert in oil issues, but that I question what we are told. K.
I'm not a kid. I've actually read history. I have a brain, it's pretty big, but I don't know everything. I know a little bit about a lot of things, and a lot about a few things.
I understand your rage, your frustration and your feeling of being disempowered. Yeah, I feel those things, too.
Ya think you're the only one? You're not. So instead of hammering on me, like has been going on all day, maybe go back to the top and read my comments, all the way down. Because I'm getting tired of explaining to alllllllll you guys who think you got me all figured out and I'm an idiot.
You clearly don't, and I'm not.
I agree with a lot of what you're saying. The only thing on this page that seems to matter is that I am NOT in agreement with anyone who wants to go and torture people, and I don't care what they've done, and that doesn't mean I want to just "let them off the hook." FUUUUUUUUCKKKKK.
In the past, the workaround was the expulsion of the ancient, evil, subversive Tribe that has been expelled more than any group in human history. Hail victory.
People fighting back though as we see with the farmers in Holland and Europe. The populist Meloni is poised to take over Italy after Draghi fell and this is great news. Macron's passport tyranny was taken down after the communists and populists joined to defeat it (which Canada CAN do but we have three USELESS COWARDLY parties) which means moving forward he's on a tight leash. We know about BoJo. There's some pushing back now. But we really need America to lead here. Alas, we'll have to wait for that.
"If only that were so; because the prospect facing us is really worse than that—a novel blend of fascism (at the top) and communism (at the bottom); nor is the entity that’s pulled this off the CCP alone, but the exalted caste of globalist predators intent on either killing or enslaving us, and who therefore see China as their model."
Exactly my take. Global technocratic fascism using the collectivist "we are all in it together" model to weaponize people's sense of civic duty against them.
The CCP is an important part of the globalist vision of the new world order - almost certainly China is the envisioned new host of the predator class - getting rid of Pax Americana and replacing it with Pax Zhōngguó. What's hilarious is these "elites" think the CCP won't destroy them once the goals are achieved.
Yes we're doing their work for them, subjugating people until they forget they were ever free. And it's the self-proclaimed "anticolonizers" colonizing us, taking over grammar, taking away any vestiges of culture and replacing it with Socialist Realism a la Disney.
You are 100% correct. I refuse to modulate my speech, if I offend someone then it's their job to grow a backbone.
You know, it's really funny. When I was about eleven we used to have these lessons once a week with our form teacher (the person who takes the register). The classes were called personal and social education (PSE). Even as an eleven year old I could see it was BS. I wrote an essay saying how a black disabled female was the most "disadvantaged" person in society. I got a really crap mark for it for some reason but I was only taking what I was being taught and drawing the logical conclusion. Today, we might cynically call it "the Oppression Olympics".
But yes, never going to stop writing Kiev. Kiev. Kiev. Kiev. Kiev. Kiev. Why should we now change the way we transliterate from a different alphabet? What is the psyop here? Kiev. Kiev. Kiev. Kiev.
Why bother transliterating at all and just write it in Cyrillic?
I had already bought a flip-phone that could be easily adapted to a simple 'first wave' phone similar to the very first one I owned, where only talk was available and texting. Stop. Nothing else.
I was still using my stupid 'smart phone' only out of laziness because I did not know how my new one worked, I needed to study..and in the meanwhile, I was considering throwing the Samsung in the river, when I lost it somewhere but it came back to me cos of somebody handing it in to police. Well, I soon left it on a taxi and it never came back I studied my minimal use needs for my Nokia. There are ways of de-googling smart phones you've grown to hate, but it sounds complicated; throw into the river is sort of final and get a cheap Nokia is my tip. As an easy switch-over you could try leaving the phone at home and enjoy your might like it ;-)
I have never owned a cell phone - didn't want to pay so much money for such shitty voice quality. Cell phones are maddening! *********** ALL OPPRESSION WOULD STOP IF YOU'D ALL PLEASE DUMP YOUR PHONES. At least for awhile.
I think we all agree. Focusing on vx or covd is all smoke. Let’s unite and make this stop. How do we? How do we unite as one and end this thing? It isn’t through politicians, 535 of them are in control of our lives and have been through all this, so who do we rally behind?
it would be nice to have at least an idea where when and with whom!?! To mobilize as a unit takes collaboration and leadership, I think that’s what I am asking
I agree! I just keep hoping there will be SOME kind of action besides typing shit on SS. :) If you've got an idea, I'm ready to hear it. And if not, maybe we should try to find enough space to all go there and figure out something... in person.
many of us are isolated and trying to be rational and not panic but still use the system that got us here. If I knew how i would be doing it. Instead of prepping (where’s the end in that??) we need direction, but again I don’t, as an individual, know how to pull that off. Few people seem worried.
I often wonder how the evil powers that be, would control a scenario, in which millions of freedom loving men, pick a day. Perhaps, the 5th of November? And, each acts, in decentralized fashion, as their conscious and gonads allow? All I know is, voting, typing, and reason have been ineffective.
I am isolated, not panicking, but wondering when we're finally going to DO something, and hopefully not in a sudden, urgent, have-to kind of thing... The only "prepping" I'm thinking of is stockpiling food... I don't know we're gonna get "direction." Leadership seems to be thin on the ground. I am worried, and I'm worried for my very elderly parents, who are being overpowered by my psychotic brother... Should I stay, or should I go?
Stockpiling is great since we're just starting out growing stuff. But without the ability to procure food it won't last long. Maybe a year or year and a half tops.
People actually need a country to thrive. Survival works for a few years.
As such, I feel like counter narrative is the most important thing. Hearts and minds. the elites know this, and attack with constant propaganda, and alternative view throttling
Now there is an idea. We cannot save the planet but maybe we can save one country for 500 years until the oil gives out. Not kidding. Serious. 535 plus add in all the bureaucrats. We need to get rid of the head of the military too, once we get the codes.
When I protested the outdoor mask mandate that my Republican governor instituted in Massachusetts in November of 2020, my Democratic senator wrote me back in an email and said "if you lived in China, they'd lock you in your house."
Was that Warren? She was also involved in promoting the censorship of RFK Jr's book. How do we pay "representatives" who are clearly not doing what we are supposedly paying them to do. - defend our Constitution!
No, my State Senator, Will Brownsberger. Second in charge. Harvard Undergrad and Harvard Law. He's a big Warren fan too. I actually sent him RFK Jr's book, after asking him if he would read it. He not only read it, he wrote a blog disparaging it. So his constituents could understand what he really thought of. RFK Jr. I started sending him articles from Children's Health Defense right as they were getting ready to roll out the warp speed vaccine, and one of the first things he replied to me via email is that he considered RFK Jr a "bad seed.". The one thing I'll give my senator props on is interacting with me. In July of 2020, he let me organize a zoom meeting, and I invited 200 people, including the Joint Committee for Public Health. I had Dr. Richard Moskowitz attend, an MD who retired a few years ago, and wrote the book, "Vaccines, an Appraisal." (You can see it on Amazon). The purpose of the zoom meeting was to promote a bodily autonomy bill in Massachusetts. At the end of the meeting, my senator looked into the camera and stated that he would never support a bodily autonomy bill in Massachusetts. If you Google "Will Brownsburger" you can read his blogs. He loves to blog. You'll see the one on RFK Jr.
Those china vids were frightening. No way are they sticking a PCR test swab into my brain. 😠 This is why it's important for Americans to keep access to your weapons and defend the second amendment.
Being here in Chinada, it does feel like we are steps away from some version of hell, yet almost everybody acts like things are fine. It is truly astounding. Many still walking around masked! I am only able to have conversations with those who already feel as I do, though I stick my foot out sometimes to test the independent only news, sign petitions, stay alert for signs of life when I am out. I am the resistance I want to see.
I agree with your last paragraph: "it ultimately matters less exactly how this came about, than that the rest of us unite to STOP it." Yes, we must unite against what's happening without getting too much into the weeds (as long as we don't create our own mass formation).
However, we still must be aware of and stop tyrannical changes in their earliest stages. For decades, we've been boiled like frogs, slowly, until we hardly notice that we're dead.
Just a few recent examples of how tyranny came up and bit us in the butt:
* Two weeks to flatten the curve (or stop the spread) became permanent Covidian religion.
* Mask indoors became mask everywhere 24/7.
* Avoid indoor crowds became mandatory 6-foot distancing.
* Stay home if you are sick became long-term lockdowns.
* Non-essential workers became useless eaters.
* Optional shots became mandatory jabs.
* Censoring doctors became throwing them in jail (e.g., Dr. Simone Gold).
* Electronic medical records became show-me-your-papers.
* Green technology became electric cars that can't be charged on the California grid!
* Expanding cities became no-more-farmers.
* Bitcoin became mandatory digital currency and ESG scores.
* Traffic cams, Alexa dots, and Ring cameras became the surveillance state.
You get the idea!
By ignoring history and the signs of tyranny at its earliest stages, we've allowed tyranny to become such a massive force that millions will suffer and die before we can -- if we can -- claw our way back. It's so easy to stick our proverbial heads into our video game consoles, TVs, and social media while ignoring events in the real world. But doing that is what brought us here, and it must stop.
You don't want to be paranoid, but -- by golly -- the likes of Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and even the smallest tyrant at school board and city council meetings -- really may be out to get you.
Sometimes conspiracy theory is actually conspiracy fact. Do not abandon critical thinking or the ability to be your own lie detector. Do not fear being "cancelled" on Facebook or Twitter; find other platforms and vote with your feet and your wallets. We must respectfully, factually, and presciently call out tyrannical measures -- and offer positive solutions! -- if humanity is to survive.
As smarter people than I have said: "Wake up Sheeple!" 💤🐏
I had written a couple of months ago about a button campaign I and a fellow protester started in BC, Canada. It began as a simply tulip logo on a small button and an accompanying living mission statement. We now have larger tulip buttons as well, with a growing and changing selection of messages that befits the more obvious (to some of us) agenda. We hand them out at rallies (not too many at the moment - a big problem - because the media tell people that our lives are normal now), meetings, protests by courageous doctors, etc. We've now given out/received spontaneous donations for 10,000+ of them, which, I've learned from watching people in the street, is a drop in the bucket. But during a hit piece on truckers and dissent on The National, the CBC evening TV program, several days ago, the trucker interviewed was wearing the button!
The button was initially for mutual recognition, to avoid sinking into a deadly malaise. The hope now is for it to become a way, first, of increasing our numbers because we recognize that there are more of us than we are told and, second, ultimately to put pressure on the government and media.
The problem is advancing the campaign, especially during a summer when the slightly relaxed restrictions have lulled the majority. If we do not grow, we become irrelevant, a couple of people with a hobby living in a totalitarian society. I still see it as potentially powerful, even as I see my future as more precarious than I ever dreamt it could be.
Any suggestions are welcome. If I'm sounding a bit desperate, I am. I've been a classical musician all my life (and a "progressive," another story altogether) and this activity is not part of my repertoire.
Email us at if you have room for 20 buttons! You'd need a suit-coat-ful like Harpo Marx or a guy on the street selling hot watches.
Driving around with $10 Canadian tire flags is how I express my opinion. Everyone knows what they mean now We have co-opted the flag, a return to freedom. Thank you truckers. Gonna shop for a Dutch flag tomorrow.
Where can I get one of these buttons? I’m in BC too.
I walk around with subtle dissenting paraphernalia on my baby’s stroller 🤣and every so often put stickers of dissent up on things. Usually they get taken down but I keep trying!
We're in Victoria and we mail within BC (and outside). Thanks! We're just now fully realizing that this is a huge project, if we do it right. If every one of the cars that passes by the Parliament Building honking in approval during our weekly protest (as opposed to the solemn ones who wish me dead) wore a button, even it they did nothing else, it would help. I need roller skates.
If you look on the Canadian government's web-site you will see what this app is really about. It is an experiment that Canada and Holland signed on to. All part of the digital framework they have fantasies about. And if you actually unpack the trucker's convoy story it is also about that. When truckers arrived at the border customs agents were waving them through because they had already read their phone and knew whether they were vaxxed or not. Thus, many of the truckers were not protesting anything to do with the V. They were protesting the invasion of privacy and the surveillance state.
It’s not clear we can change society now, any more than we could in the past. Many of us have always seen through the information control narratives to a certain degree. But generally the horrible rain of death was falling on other countries. Now it’s falling on the western nations directly. Most can’t or don’t want to see it. It’s terrifying to consider. But fuck, look at 9-11, the Kennedy assassination, Oklahoma City. It’s clear the ends always justified the means; maintain wealth and control. The groups who seem to have seen through the covid situation best are the religious, and the financial sector. America is completely fracturing, there’s no cohesive society here to return to either way. I think the fracturing is to the peoples benefit, it makes narrative control more difficult. As much as it hurts my heart, it appears to be every one for themselves at this point. America’s probably not a terrible place to be right now. You have options here. The mandates will not be able to return across all states. There’s nothing we ants can do about the shifting tides of hegemonic power.
I'm hearing more and more people talking about how utterly hopeless it all is. I guess we should all just give up. Give up now, starve this winter, and just wait for the end.
Secure a local food supply is what a Czechoslovakian friend (who remembers Communism) told me. "Focus on feeding your family and community. You can save them more easily than the whole country."
And network so others can do the same and support each other.
I will not take another vaccine. Lucky I survived 60s & 70s childhood without being severely damaged. I vaguely remember rooms with screaming kids being injected with whatever it was at the time.
It's that bad under Fidelito. This is ALL on the Liberals, NDP and Bloc Quebecois who prop up his insane and stupid mandates because 'huh vaccines'. The stories I'm hearing, reading and seeing about this idiotic App is sickening. Since when is a fricken app mandatory? What's their game here? Go to hell Justin. Literally.
I'd rather self-immolate in the middle of the street than follow this fascist bullshit.
COMMUNIST bullshit. If America had supported Germany in WW II, the world would be a beautiful, non degenerate, non indebted place. Once Japan and Germany fell (the two most anti communist nations in the world, in the 1930's, with Stalin on their doorsteps), Communism swept the world.
Excuse me? America DID support Germany in WWII. You're saying killing ALL the Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, and the rest of the "useless eaters" would have been a GOOD thing? You think Hitler and his boys would have made this "beautiful" world?
Either I'm not understanding you, or you're one sick fock.
200M dead from Trotsky, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, et al. 10M Ukrainian Kulaks starved to death, in the Holodomor, by a jewish, Bolshevik monster. There were 16 million jewish in 1939, worldwide. There were 16 million jewish people, in 1945. The "Holocaust" was never confirmed, and all the rporting was by the Soviets, lies almost as good as Convid and 9/11. 9/11 had "dancing Israelis/Mossad" and every CEO of each major jab manufacturer, including evil Bourla, of that same religion. The most expelled in human history. Why so many expulsions?
It was Henry Kissinger, oy vey, who coined the phrase "useless eaters." And if you like trannies reading to your 5 year old kids, Tel Aviv is the gayest city on Earth.
It was the THIRD REICH who coined that term.
Your divisive terminology and nastiness is a real drag. Hatred of great big groups of people for being what they cannot change is not logical, not fair, not helpful, wanted, or useful, besides being anathema to me. I judge people by their DEEDS, and people who have such hatred for others, others they don't even KNOW, are repugnant to me. I have ENOUGH hatred around me already, I don't need any more.
Many of your posts remind me of Trudeau's undercover cop running through the trucker crowd wildly waving his Nazi flag for the perfectly positioned AP photographers. Stop running through covid threads with this flag.
Don't know your status in this world. Obviously you're okay with a complete non-white genocide. So once the psychopaths were finished killing all those who didn't fit the fascist agenda, how long would it take for them to come for you and yours? The west hates communism, not because of Stalin, but because of the potential for a dreaded by them egalitarian society.. Unless you are one of the 1/10 of 1%, you also would have been/are a target. But apparently so brainwashed you don't even know it.
The West hates communism because it banned religion and private property. The West hates communism becomes 100's of millions were killed, in merciless ways. The West hates communism because it is anathema to the principles of the Magna Carta. I hate communism because it is a corrupt and cruel method to enslave and demoralize (in the 20th century) 1/3rd of the world.
I do not wish to have a "non-white genocide," as you allude to. NatSoc Germany allied with Japan, Spain, Italy, and did not try to genocide, they merely wanted to recreate the ethno-state that made them great, and was shattered after the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler did everything in his power NOT to attack Poland, but Bolshevik Poles had killed 6000 ethnic Germans, cut off by the Rothschild brokered Treaty of Versailles, same in the Sudatenlands. The Comintern, on the other hand, was toppling nations, and trying to spread Communism worldwide. Communism was created, funded and pushed by jewish bankers, and philosophers. Hitler correctly realized his nation was being undermined. As for his treatment of degenerates, I hope it is nice trannies who teach your children how to read, as they bounce up and down on their laps.
So, who is brainwashed? Who believes every "genocide" rumor of the 1940's, fed to them by the triumphant USSR, while ignoring real genocides like the Holodomor, in the 1930's? Why, is RESEARCHING the Holocaust ILLEGAL in many nations? Who runs those nations? What truth do they fear?
The west is built on genocide so it can hardly hate it. I think they'd just rather do it themselves as they are successfully doing with the Jim Jones Jab. Russia was not the desired goal of Karl Marx to create an economic system that was based on the needs of the community (communism) rather than the greed of psychopathic white men who could never own enough and apparently still can't as they plan an agenda once again of mass genocide. Karl Marx sought a communist economic system in a developed country like Germany. As far as what I know, I was alive during WW2, I saw the pictures, I watched the survivors return from that war and from what I hear, it was actually Russia and the incredible sacrifice of their people that won WW2 for the west. Hitler was bankrolled and got his genocidal program from the United States, or what I like to call it, the Belly of the Beast.
I am not convinced there is an "oil crisis." More likely there is a PLANNED oil bullshit story. We have people who are willing to kill off vast numbers of the population, hundreds of millions, maybe BILLIONS of people, to get the control they want. These people are a few thousand, at the top. Nobody out of their minions will remain loyal if we can remove these psychopaths from their mountain top... What is the ONE THING that keeps them lording over us? Money. We have the means to stop the flow of money, and that's one thing we can do. We can also TAKE DOWN the 5G TOWERS.
Oh crap more peak oil.
Oil may have peaked or not, but that is not the pressing issue now. We have more oil to figure out what to do. The problem right now is:
along with
Oil can be dealt with later, with basic huma ingenuity. But right now, the world as we know it is headed to democide, and a WEF/CHINESE run Social Credit system. Which will KILL human ingenuity ....and therefore there won't be a replacement for oil, and we will all go bck to living in caves.
Personally, I'd rather live a free life, with private property, without oil, going back to the 1800's, than our life now with oil and no freedom.
I think we may have to. See above my response to Sage.. Naomi Wolf put the pieces together today, and Bailiwick shows how our laws have been changed so that we cannot go to court.
I am sick to my stomach.
So what do you suggest? Shall we just sit and wait for this ^ ??
You know what? I think these parasites behind all this, I think they most likely have a lot food stored up somewhere... I think we should FIND IT. We might have to find THEM first. But me, I'm not interested in sitting around watching people starve, or starving, myself. At least, if we're gonna go down, let's go down swingin'.
Hey... Why are you telling me all this, as if I don't know, because I question everything coming out of our govt. and all this bullshit about "climate change" and so forth? Russia has a shitload of oil, because they didn't stop drilling for it. I never said I was an expert in oil issues, but that I question what we are told. K.
I'm not a kid. I've actually read history. I have a brain, it's pretty big, but I don't know everything. I know a little bit about a lot of things, and a lot about a few things.
I understand your rage, your frustration and your feeling of being disempowered. Yeah, I feel those things, too.
Ya think you're the only one? You're not. So instead of hammering on me, like has been going on all day, maybe go back to the top and read my comments, all the way down. Because I'm getting tired of explaining to alllllllll you guys who think you got me all figured out and I'm an idiot.
You clearly don't, and I'm not.
I agree with a lot of what you're saying. The only thing on this page that seems to matter is that I am NOT in agreement with anyone who wants to go and torture people, and I don't care what they've done, and that doesn't mean I want to just "let them off the hook." FUUUUUUUUCKKKKK.
In the past, the workaround was the expulsion of the ancient, evil, subversive Tribe that has been expelled more than any group in human history. Hail victory.
Oh for Christs sake, you cannot see what is going on under you nose right now? WE are in an effing holodomor.
People fighting back though as we see with the farmers in Holland and Europe. The populist Meloni is poised to take over Italy after Draghi fell and this is great news. Macron's passport tyranny was taken down after the communists and populists joined to defeat it (which Canada CAN do but we have three USELESS COWARDLY parties) which means moving forward he's on a tight leash. We know about BoJo. There's some pushing back now. But we really need America to lead here. Alas, we'll have to wait for that.
Murkans have been absorbed by the Borg, it seems. Sad. Resistance is not futile.
I don't see anyone stepping up. Don't wait too long, you'll miss your chance. Maybe, someone can "come to our rescue" this time.
Like... Putin? ;)
Sounds like Xi is already on the way. Not much of a rescue, huh?
I don't have access to what you're referring to... link?
That’s why we must speak up, protest, never comply. I’ll say it again: This is the hill we must fight and even die on.
Sage, you are so right.
The Gates are closing/have closed.
We don't have much of a way forward except to resist.
All of us.
Starting now:
"If only that were so; because the prospect facing us is really worse than that—a novel blend of fascism (at the top) and communism (at the bottom); nor is the entity that’s pulled this off the CCP alone, but the exalted caste of globalist predators intent on either killing or enslaving us, and who therefore see China as their model."
Exactly my take. Global technocratic fascism using the collectivist "we are all in it together" model to weaponize people's sense of civic duty against them.
The CCP is an important part of the globalist vision of the new world order - almost certainly China is the envisioned new host of the predator class - getting rid of Pax Americana and replacing it with Pax Zhōngguó. What's hilarious is these "elites" think the CCP won't destroy them once the goals are achieved.
Yes we're doing their work for them, subjugating people until they forget they were ever free. And it's the self-proclaimed "anticolonizers" colonizing us, taking over grammar, taking away any vestiges of culture and replacing it with Socialist Realism a la Disney.
You are 100% correct. I refuse to modulate my speech, if I offend someone then it's their job to grow a backbone.
You know, it's really funny. When I was about eleven we used to have these lessons once a week with our form teacher (the person who takes the register). The classes were called personal and social education (PSE). Even as an eleven year old I could see it was BS. I wrote an essay saying how a black disabled female was the most "disadvantaged" person in society. I got a really crap mark for it for some reason but I was only taking what I was being taught and drawing the logical conclusion. Today, we might cynically call it "the Oppression Olympics".
But yes, never going to stop writing Kiev. Kiev. Kiev. Kiev. Kiev. Kiev. Why should we now change the way we transliterate from a different alphabet? What is the psyop here? Kiev. Kiev. Kiev. Kiev.
Why bother transliterating at all and just write it in Cyrillic?
Kiev. Kiev. Kiev. Kiev!
I agree with it all!
Wait! I can't type Cyrillic! It's not on my phone! 😉😊😋
It is very easy to download...if you're inclined, LOL
Durrr. It's just one I haven't saved.
I had already bought a flip-phone that could be easily adapted to a simple 'first wave' phone similar to the very first one I owned, where only talk was available and texting. Stop. Nothing else.
I was still using my stupid 'smart phone' only out of laziness because I did not know how my new one worked, I needed to study..and in the meanwhile, I was considering throwing the Samsung in the river, when I lost it somewhere but it came back to me cos of somebody handing it in to police. Well, I soon left it on a taxi and it never came back I studied my minimal use needs for my Nokia. There are ways of de-googling smart phones you've grown to hate, but it sounds complicated; throw into the river is sort of final and get a cheap Nokia is my tip. As an easy switch-over you could try leaving the phone at home and enjoy your might like it ;-)
I have a flip phone too and remove the battery after I am done talking on it.
Thank you J Galbory.
I have never owned a cell phone - didn't want to pay so much money for such shitty voice quality. Cell phones are maddening! *********** ALL OPPRESSION WOULD STOP IF YOU'D ALL PLEASE DUMP YOUR PHONES. At least for awhile.
Thank you.
I am learning to wear hearing aids. I asked the audiologist if I was the only one who had trouble hearing cell phone convos.
She laughed. Apparently most people, esp those with impaired hearing/hearing aids have trouble
I think we all agree. Focusing on vx or covd is all smoke. Let’s unite and make this stop. How do we? How do we unite as one and end this thing? It isn’t through politicians, 535 of them are in control of our lives and have been through all this, so who do we rally behind?
We rally behind no one and rally up together, as The People. If the woke want to sit around and stare at their phones, leave 'em.
it would be nice to have at least an idea where when and with whom!?! To mobilize as a unit takes collaboration and leadership, I think that’s what I am asking
I agree! I just keep hoping there will be SOME kind of action besides typing shit on SS. :) If you've got an idea, I'm ready to hear it. And if not, maybe we should try to find enough space to all go there and figure out something... in person.
many of us are isolated and trying to be rational and not panic but still use the system that got us here. If I knew how i would be doing it. Instead of prepping (where’s the end in that??) we need direction, but again I don’t, as an individual, know how to pull that off. Few people seem worried.
I often wonder how the evil powers that be, would control a scenario, in which millions of freedom loving men, pick a day. Perhaps, the 5th of November? And, each acts, in decentralized fashion, as their conscious and gonads allow? All I know is, voting, typing, and reason have been ineffective.
that sounds collaborative on a large scale and easy to pull off
Men? Just MEN? Well, fine, I guess I'll stay home and KNIT SOMETHING.
We need our own infrastructures which they cannot cut off on a whim. Namely communication and transportation.
I wondering about maybe having our own communities of Free Humans.
I am isolated, not panicking, but wondering when we're finally going to DO something, and hopefully not in a sudden, urgent, have-to kind of thing... The only "prepping" I'm thinking of is stockpiling food... I don't know we're gonna get "direction." Leadership seems to be thin on the ground. I am worried, and I'm worried for my very elderly parents, who are being overpowered by my psychotic brother... Should I stay, or should I go?
I don't know yet.
Stockpiling is great since we're just starting out growing stuff. But without the ability to procure food it won't last long. Maybe a year or year and a half tops.
People actually need a country to thrive. Survival works for a few years.
As such, I feel like counter narrative is the most important thing. Hearts and minds. the elites know this, and attack with constant propaganda, and alternative view throttling
or I should say “as worried as I (we) are”. How do we build that network?
I think IN PERSON is the way, but it's really really hard to get offline because most of us don't live in the same towns!
I would MOVE to where there are more of us...
Now there is an idea. We cannot save the planet but maybe we can save one country for 500 years until the oil gives out. Not kidding. Serious. 535 plus add in all the bureaucrats. We need to get rid of the head of the military too, once we get the codes.
Massive global corruption
When I protested the outdoor mask mandate that my Republican governor instituted in Massachusetts in November of 2020, my Democratic senator wrote me back in an email and said "if you lived in China, they'd lock you in your house."
Bollocks. I'm so sick of this garbage.
Was that Warren? She was also involved in promoting the censorship of RFK Jr's book. How do we pay "representatives" who are clearly not doing what we are supposedly paying them to do. - defend our Constitution!
No, my State Senator, Will Brownsberger. Second in charge. Harvard Undergrad and Harvard Law. He's a big Warren fan too. I actually sent him RFK Jr's book, after asking him if he would read it. He not only read it, he wrote a blog disparaging it. So his constituents could understand what he really thought of. RFK Jr. I started sending him articles from Children's Health Defense right as they were getting ready to roll out the warp speed vaccine, and one of the first things he replied to me via email is that he considered RFK Jr a "bad seed.". The one thing I'll give my senator props on is interacting with me. In July of 2020, he let me organize a zoom meeting, and I invited 200 people, including the Joint Committee for Public Health. I had Dr. Richard Moskowitz attend, an MD who retired a few years ago, and wrote the book, "Vaccines, an Appraisal." (You can see it on Amazon). The purpose of the zoom meeting was to promote a bodily autonomy bill in Massachusetts. At the end of the meeting, my senator looked into the camera and stated that he would never support a bodily autonomy bill in Massachusetts. If you Google "Will Brownsburger" you can read his blogs. He loves to blog. You'll see the one on RFK Jr.
Those china vids were frightening. No way are they sticking a PCR test swab into my brain. 😠 This is why it's important for Americans to keep access to your weapons and defend the second amendment.
This ends when we say it does.
Because we're all sitting around ON OUR COMPUTERS. Just as we're supposed to, as we're TAUGHT to do.
I say let's get together, IRL.
How bout this:
Or Montana?
Or... Back to Nature, baby, that's the ticket. Fuck tech, they just spy on us anyway.
The Chinese people endured the most punishing and ridiculous lockdowns, but even the CCP backed off on forcing the covid shots like Trudeau.
Being here in Chinada, it does feel like we are steps away from some version of hell, yet almost everybody acts like things are fine. It is truly astounding. Many still walking around masked! I am only able to have conversations with those who already feel as I do, though I stick my foot out sometimes to test the independent only news, sign petitions, stay alert for signs of life when I am out. I am the resistance I want to see.
Thank you for this article!
I agree with your last paragraph: "it ultimately matters less exactly how this came about, than that the rest of us unite to STOP it." Yes, we must unite against what's happening without getting too much into the weeds (as long as we don't create our own mass formation).
However, we still must be aware of and stop tyrannical changes in their earliest stages. For decades, we've been boiled like frogs, slowly, until we hardly notice that we're dead.
Just a few recent examples of how tyranny came up and bit us in the butt:
* Two weeks to flatten the curve (or stop the spread) became permanent Covidian religion.
* Mask indoors became mask everywhere 24/7.
* Avoid indoor crowds became mandatory 6-foot distancing.
* Stay home if you are sick became long-term lockdowns.
* Non-essential workers became useless eaters.
* Optional shots became mandatory jabs.
* Censoring doctors became throwing them in jail (e.g., Dr. Simone Gold).
* Electronic medical records became show-me-your-papers.
* Green technology became electric cars that can't be charged on the California grid!
* Expanding cities became no-more-farmers.
* Bitcoin became mandatory digital currency and ESG scores.
* Traffic cams, Alexa dots, and Ring cameras became the surveillance state.
You get the idea!
By ignoring history and the signs of tyranny at its earliest stages, we've allowed tyranny to become such a massive force that millions will suffer and die before we can -- if we can -- claw our way back. It's so easy to stick our proverbial heads into our video game consoles, TVs, and social media while ignoring events in the real world. But doing that is what brought us here, and it must stop.
You don't want to be paranoid, but -- by golly -- the likes of Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and even the smallest tyrant at school board and city council meetings -- really may be out to get you.
Sometimes conspiracy theory is actually conspiracy fact. Do not abandon critical thinking or the ability to be your own lie detector. Do not fear being "cancelled" on Facebook or Twitter; find other platforms and vote with your feet and your wallets. We must respectfully, factually, and presciently call out tyrannical measures -- and offer positive solutions! -- if humanity is to survive.
As smarter people than I have said: "Wake up Sheeple!" 💤🐏
I had written a couple of months ago about a button campaign I and a fellow protester started in BC, Canada. It began as a simply tulip logo on a small button and an accompanying living mission statement. We now have larger tulip buttons as well, with a growing and changing selection of messages that befits the more obvious (to some of us) agenda. We hand them out at rallies (not too many at the moment - a big problem - because the media tell people that our lives are normal now), meetings, protests by courageous doctors, etc. We've now given out/received spontaneous donations for 10,000+ of them, which, I've learned from watching people in the street, is a drop in the bucket. But during a hit piece on truckers and dissent on The National, the CBC evening TV program, several days ago, the trucker interviewed was wearing the button!
The button was initially for mutual recognition, to avoid sinking into a deadly malaise. The hope now is for it to become a way, first, of increasing our numbers because we recognize that there are more of us than we are told and, second, ultimately to put pressure on the government and media.
The problem is advancing the campaign, especially during a summer when the slightly relaxed restrictions have lulled the majority. If we do not grow, we become irrelevant, a couple of people with a hobby living in a totalitarian society. I still see it as potentially powerful, even as I see my future as more precarious than I ever dreamt it could be.
Any suggestions are welcome. If I'm sounding a bit desperate, I am. I've been a classical musician all my life (and a "progressive," another story altogether) and this activity is not part of my repertoire.
I’d also wear a button or 20!!!
Email us at if you have room for 20 buttons! You'd need a suit-coat-ful like Harpo Marx or a guy on the street selling hot watches.
Tried this address, got a bunch of Russian things and google. I don't use google.
I don't understand that. That has never happened before. Everyone who has wanted to reach us has reached us.
Driving around with $10 Canadian tire flags is how I express my opinion. Everyone knows what they mean now We have co-opted the flag, a return to freedom. Thank you truckers. Gonna shop for a Dutch flag tomorrow.
I wish we could post photos on these comments. I'd post a Canadian flag.
Whenever I see cars with flags I wave and cheer :)
Kindred spirits.
I have some on my balcony — don’t own a car! Not cause Klaus doesn’t want me too, though 🤣
Where can I get one of these buttons? I’m in BC too.
I walk around with subtle dissenting paraphernalia on my baby’s stroller 🤣and every so often put stickers of dissent up on things. Usually they get taken down but I keep trying!
We're in Victoria and we mail within BC (and outside). Thanks! We're just now fully realizing that this is a huge project, if we do it right. If every one of the cars that passes by the Parliament Building honking in approval during our weekly protest (as opposed to the solemn ones who wish me dead) wore a button, even it they did nothing else, it would help. I need roller skates.
If you look on the Canadian government's web-site you will see what this app is really about. It is an experiment that Canada and Holland signed on to. All part of the digital framework they have fantasies about. And if you actually unpack the trucker's convoy story it is also about that. When truckers arrived at the border customs agents were waving them through because they had already read their phone and knew whether they were vaxxed or not. Thus, many of the truckers were not protesting anything to do with the V. They were protesting the invasion of privacy and the surveillance state.
We must resist going cashless. Digital money will be our end. Pay cash as often as possible!
It’s not clear we can change society now, any more than we could in the past. Many of us have always seen through the information control narratives to a certain degree. But generally the horrible rain of death was falling on other countries. Now it’s falling on the western nations directly. Most can’t or don’t want to see it. It’s terrifying to consider. But fuck, look at 9-11, the Kennedy assassination, Oklahoma City. It’s clear the ends always justified the means; maintain wealth and control. The groups who seem to have seen through the covid situation best are the religious, and the financial sector. America is completely fracturing, there’s no cohesive society here to return to either way. I think the fracturing is to the peoples benefit, it makes narrative control more difficult. As much as it hurts my heart, it appears to be every one for themselves at this point. America’s probably not a terrible place to be right now. You have options here. The mandates will not be able to return across all states. There’s nothing we ants can do about the shifting tides of hegemonic power.
I'm hearing more and more people talking about how utterly hopeless it all is. I guess we should all just give up. Give up now, starve this winter, and just wait for the end.
Goodness no!
Secure a local food supply is what a Czechoslovakian friend (who remembers Communism) told me. "Focus on feeding your family and community. You can save them more easily than the whole country."
And network so others can do the same and support each other.
Right on.
I will not take another vaccine. Lucky I survived 60s & 70s childhood without being severely damaged. I vaguely remember rooms with screaming kids being injected with whatever it was at the time.