Another sign that tide of covert war is turning will be pharmacies that refuse to take delivery of DoD biochemical weapons and pharmacists who refuse to use them on targets.
There are many fires in Canada being set (NOT naturally occurring/climate change as the cause)
My comment was in reference to the heavy handed continued political interference in healthcare that continues here in BC. (Bill 36; government incentivized expansion of pharmacist’s scope of practice). Pharmacy owners are laughing all the way to the bank. 🤑
Sadly the wife of someone I know discovered clots just weeks ago and last week had a triple bypass surgery. Both of them are boosted to the max Frustration that I can’t make any comment…. What a bizarre world
And I'm still taking HCQ and Ivermectin when I have to be around people, which in my rural setting is seldom. I'm sure they are still taking the booster. All you have to do is read the obits and see all the people dying "suddenly" usually at home to know many just don't GET IT!
So so sad. Not much uptake here in USA. I think though they got what they needed or wanted. Self seeding 'vaccine' infects pure bloods too. Only way to stay safe: on the IVM, the supplements and reduction EMF exposure. That may be the ONLY way.
Nonviolent resistance will not work. They are taking everything. The Annihilation of Self Preservation is the goal. Governments around the world have been captured willingly by bloodline family members connected to the WEF. They will not stop and soon it will not only be needles used to murder. It will be direct in your face and open tyranny. They have been planning this for years. Covertly over the years until they captured enough to go LIVE via covid. World Government has been in place for quite some time.
I take it that these forces are not regular police but some of the highest paid prostitutes (Blackwater Types) in the game. Schwab can give them whatever they want. Militarized combat personnel. Schwab knows he is turning himself into a target globally.
Yes but you note despite the hate they have generated, NO ONE HAS OFFED them YET? Why is that? Because THEY ARE ALL IN ON IT..? Yeah. Or else, no one has the nerve to do it. I'd say someone abused by them, with training would take em out, but no haven't seen that yet. Hoping for the day, praying for it, but not seen it yet...
They are using carbon capture here to steal farmland in Iowa, SD, ND under imminent domain. Under republican governors / legislatures and it is getting barely any press. Firearms won’t win this when they all fold and allow them to access your land to survey and steal it with consent of both parties. The kicker is if you complain they try to lawfare you out of access to your own land.
I live part time in Iowa. Im one of those weirdo Fairfield types. Im concerned to hear that the agenda has gone that far there in the cornfields. However I know the corruption runs deep, right into the small towns, as Rosa Koire explained in her talks and her book, BEHIND THE GREEN MASK.
When we were fighting CAFOs planned for the outskirts of our town, the Jefferson county commissioners didnt even bother to show up at the public hearing, to face the 150 people who DID show up. The police in FF and all over Iowa, as everywhere else, are inland pirates and a menace to freedom loving people. They are at EVERY town meeting, no matter how small, a subtle intimidation tactic, a remind to keep in your place. Same thing in my town here in New England, just as Rosa describes in her work.
Thank you, Dr. You're correct. I will point out, however, that where people have been insistent and vocally unrelenting, change has manifested in some cases. However, you're correct. They have their thugs at meetings to intimidate and silence people although I don't know how much more silenced people can get when an entire school board or board of commissioners sits on their podium appearing to politely listen knowing full well they'll vote for the lobby lining their pockets.
Twitter mines your data. Why do you think they're letting more people back on? The SM giants cannot control those who refuse to use their platforms. Think about it.
Literally everyone mines data these days. We have to pick our poison. I do no social media. I do Substacks (which, believe me, is being mined either through legit doors or through backdoors) and a spiritual forum. The latter is closed behind a pay wall for private users, but I assure you that, without one doubt in mind, that site is breached, too.
I just gave them a google email and a birthdate and they keep trying to induce me to participate, though I won't. I just wanted to be able to read others' tweets. You can get a quick google email, not use it except for twitter, and lie about your birthdate and still read Tucker and RFK jr.
None of the Twitter links in any news article for the last two days will play. I'm directed to "sign in" or set up an account. Really, Elon? Why? To force people who don't their data mined to participate? Just to get news? Where is your obligation to the "Public Square" if you stifle news to this extent? Shame on you. This action does not in any measure speak of freedom or freedom of choice.
Ive never been able to get on Twitter, ever. Actually I was on for a few days and after I opened mi boca grande they chucked me right off. I never bothered with it again.
On the topic of censorship, I get a lot of email notifications that people on the Substack forums I follow have "LIKED" my comments. But in the thread, visible to everyone reading and contributing, there is maybe 1 or 2 likes.
Hmmmm...maybe Im hitting some nerves in those dreaded AI Russian Bots
True or not, I read that the French police are calling the rioters "vermin," and people on this stack are using insect imagery. That is how it begins. Don't let them push you into dehumanizing people even if you loathe them and would rather see them guillotined. Think of cockroaches, and Rwanda and theThird Reich. The unclean creature references wake up the disgust part of the brain and that is how they want us to feel and think, with our inflamed limbic brain architecture. Cerebral cortex! Descriptions of loathsomeness that use metaphor and description! I actually just came on here tonight as MCM is featured in this article:
Evidently, in the few articles I've skimmed, Macron is doing what all American Democrat cities and DAs are doing: the police are protesting that they aren't given the authority to crack down.
Klaus Schwab is a pseudo Marxist who targeted the leaders of each country to enable his master plan... zee final zoolution .... vee take everything you own.. and leave you nothing so you can be we can have everything and be even happier... but communism never sustains those feeding off it... his rationale is simply based on personal greed.... when no one is left to clean up after him... he will have to get off his behind and empty his own trash... selfish pig.
My hubs tried to tsk tsk this horrific thing by saying the farmers lease their land from the government. So that makes it OK? The guy is so brainwashed. I try. 🙄
I've been reading Russian nationalist substacks for several weeks now. Russia is subsumed by the NWO. Why do you think they never entered Kiev? Why does the "Ukraine War" look oh so familiarly like every war the U.S. has initiated for the last 23 years in the Middle East? Long, stagnated, drawn-out affairs where no one wins and no one loses. The war just goes on and on. The only people who win off of war are the arms producers, the .govs who get their cuts, and the banks laundering money through the chaos called Ukraine. See Dutch banker Ronald Bernard's story. The same contingent of the NWO runs all wars. Forget Russia.
When the phrase human trafficking is used, most people think of scaled operations. Like the cartels moving people over the southern border, or Soros funded NGOs organizing boats from Africa into Europe.
What did Hunter do? Fly a Ukrainian prostitute to the US?
We all know that the US/NATO forces are the military arm of the NWO. My question is, if Russia/Putin are the White Hats, and if would b great if they were, if ANYONE was, why dont they stop the slaughter of young Ukrainians and Russians in this new endless war?
They have the military power to do it, why dont they?
Kathleen maybe I misunderstood your first comment in response to mine. Do you think Putin is outside of the military industrial complex and is a white hat? If so, why doesnt PUTIN take the territory he wants and stop the killing, stop the war??
I’m reading and waiting for blankets to dry in our laundry room …the “died suddenly,” lists, the disgusting Disney movies, the Targets, the Bud Lites~~~BTW, who drinks a beer wearing black elbow length gloves and sparkly chokers… So sick to my stomach, the loss of purity and innocence of childhood, peepul who don’t even know that “gentleman” should not mean “gender” !!! ~~~The tone deaf management, Doncha just wonder how they got there?! ~~~I do believe that in spite of the current rainbow colors being lifted out of Genesis, that the true Creator, not AI ! will have the last word! Be patient! Amen and amen
I have God's rainbow all over my small business. Pictured over Noah's Ark not a drag queen trans queer shoving it's gentiles in some childs face. Time for Greta to say "how dare you!" Like that will ever happen.
Never watch any of those Star Wars flix. Seems I made a smart decision. While I did enjoy some of the old Disney offerings like Bambi and Lady and the Tramp, I wouldn't waste one cent on what they have put out in the last 40 years. Never been to one of their theme parks either. It's amazing I am still alive!
The Economist takes a field trip to visit The Farmer. He sees the fields and takes a few notes. The Farmer stands by with pride as the Economist scribbles feverishly upon his pad.
The Economist closes his notebook and wipes his glasses as The Farmer looks out declaring, "Beautiful isn't it? These fields mean food through the winter for the entire valley."
The Economist sighs knowingly and says, "Possibly but scarce resources mean we must better manage resources to optimize production."
At first The farmer seemed confused and a little dejected that The Economist would not, could not, behold what lay before his eyes but then a gnawing doubt came over The Farmer, "the man of letters must know something", and he asked The Economist to explain how things could be better.
The Economist did just that.
The Farmer excited by the prospects of such amazing abundance practiced exactly what The Economist had preached. This went on for several years, despite decreasing results, as The Farmer thought that The Economist must have the wisdom that would bear fruit but only after years of implementation.
Finally one winter, by now The Economist hadn't been seen for years, The Farmer decided that he would go back to The Old Ways as the people in the valley had suffered since the advent of The Economists' wisdom.
The Farmer found that once again the abundance he produced was quite enough to feed the people of the valley and that this was enough.
After a few years of this The Farmer received an unexpected visit from The Economist. Upon arrival The Economist immediately took out his notebook and began scribbling. The Farmer looked over and said, "I took your advice and the people of the valley barely made it through the winter whereas before we lived in abundance. Now I've gone back to The Old Ways and once again the people are fed."
The Economist spoke, "Yes, I can see that. That explanation may be all well and good in reality, but it will never work in theory."
This isn’t about shutting down obsolete industries where there’s little to no demand for their products. No, this is compelled lifestyle upheaval, enforced by threat of violence. Governments have a monopoly over force. Welcome to the future, so says the creepy villain with the sinister accent, while petting his creepy nude cat. Klaus Schwab is right out of central casting. How can people be okay with this bizarre behavior? There’s the woke, who aren’t really awake. Then there’s normal people, too polite to make waves. The weirdness continues to mutate while spreading deeper into our culture. We need to push back against this mass formation syndrome even at risk of cancellation. Better cancellation now then the gulags later.
I am practicing self hypnosis and nuero feedback to overcome an illness and anxiety triggered by meds and stress. It is very subtle yet very effective. It makes me wary of movies, tv and music because I see in them the same influence patterns/strategies present in nuero feedback and hypnosis. Here’s something interesting: in nuero feedback you watch a tv show and the program dims the picture and the sound. Your subconscious attempts to correct it with brain wave changes. Think of how dark all the movies have become. Our brains are hungering to makes sense of the imagery and that makes us very susceptible to whatever messages are presented in dialog or imagery. Both methods also depend on repetition. I think this is how they are influencing so many.
I stick to old movies and TV shows, to avoid the debased modern content. But even back in the late 50s, early 60s, the agenda was tip toeing into mass culture. In the old Perry Mason shows, almost in every episode, the men are married to very young women, sometimes young enough to be their GRANDDAUGHTERS. Divorce is common in the shows, although from what I understand, it wasnt in the society of that time.
But the MAIN thing promoted in the Perry Mason series, is TRUST and respect for EXPERTS. Perry himself, is a traitor to the country, as he has taken an oath to a foreign entity, the BAR association. While he is doing his magic in the courtroom, to valiantly rescue the wrongly accused, he questions "expert witnesses", especially doctors.
Where we are now, was already in the works back then, promoting sexual attraction and/or money (from the girl's point of view), as a basis for marriage, elevating the opinions of "educated" human beings, over God's Natural Law, and holding up a completely captured and criminal court system as the best in the world.
Despite all that, I LOVE Perry Mason. I love the relationship between himself and Della, and how he takes her by the arm in such a manly way, as they leave a room, helps her with her coat, the clothing itself, worn at that time, all that "old fashioned" stuff.
Additionally Perry and Della are still hooking up, they never marry, 50 years later. Despite Perry never popping the question, the relationship is sweet.
For the final cut of 1000 cuts, the actor who played Perry, Raymond Burr, was homosexual, according to the WikiSpooks. :( No wonder he never popped the question. Della was his BEARD!!
Another sign that tide of covert war is turning will be pharmacies that refuse to take delivery of DoD biochemical weapons and pharmacists who refuse to use them on targets.
Things are much slower going here in Canada ( especially in BC). Our government is constantly sweetening the pot for pharmacies 😓
Is it? Last I checked a good part of it was ablaze.
There are many fires in Canada being set (NOT naturally occurring/climate change as the cause)
My comment was in reference to the heavy handed continued political interference in healthcare that continues here in BC. (Bill 36; government incentivized expansion of pharmacist’s scope of practice). Pharmacy owners are laughing all the way to the bank. 🤑
Is that happening, or is there any sign it will? Please say yes!
Not yet in my neck of the woods. Small town/rural Indiana. Still pushing shots everywhere. People still getting boosted.
Sadly the wife of someone I know discovered clots just weeks ago and last week had a triple bypass surgery. Both of them are boosted to the max Frustration that I can’t make any comment…. What a bizarre world
VA still pushing the shots on veterans.
And I'm still taking HCQ and Ivermectin when I have to be around people, which in my rural setting is seldom. I'm sure they are still taking the booster. All you have to do is read the obits and see all the people dying "suddenly" usually at home to know many just don't GET IT!
So so sad. Not much uptake here in USA. I think though they got what they needed or wanted. Self seeding 'vaccine' infects pure bloods too. Only way to stay safe: on the IVM, the supplements and reduction EMF exposure. That may be the ONLY way.
CVS, RiteAid, Walgreens can be given the Bud Light treatment.
Or people could just go along with this sh!t and see what happens.
The big ones will be forced to go along because their boards controlled by the three big hedge funds. It will come down to the PEOPLE themselves.
What a bunch of bull💩I’ll be praying for the Dutch farmers
Thank you for raising awareness of this issue
Nonviolent resistance will not work. They are taking everything. The Annihilation of Self Preservation is the goal. Governments around the world have been captured willingly by bloodline family members connected to the WEF. They will not stop and soon it will not only be needles used to murder. It will be direct in your face and open tyranny. They have been planning this for years. Covertly over the years until they captured enough to go LIVE via covid. World Government has been in place for quite some time.
I take it that these forces are not regular police but some of the highest paid prostitutes (Blackwater Types) in the game. Schwab can give them whatever they want. Militarized combat personnel. Schwab knows he is turning himself into a target globally.
Yes but you note despite the hate they have generated, NO ONE HAS OFFED them YET? Why is that? Because THEY ARE ALL IN ON IT..? Yeah. Or else, no one has the nerve to do it. I'd say someone abused by them, with training would take em out, but no haven't seen that yet. Hoping for the day, praying for it, but not seen it yet...
If they were “offed,” we would not know; it’s their marketed image as shown by media that informs us and controls us.
Tech is such now that robots can pass the Turing test and AI Chat can produce audio/video and text in real time, faster and better than humans.
What is reality?
You actually cannot tell what is real from what is fake in terms of news, anymore.
Well Bill n Melida arent version 1.0 thats for sure
Who pays for this type of post? Pfizer directly? Or Pfizer indirectly by getting the government to do it for them?
Your fucking comment makes no sense
No one will ever call you smart Eddie.
It is Big Brother doing both the monitoring and making threatening comments with sock puppets, bots, and provocateurs.
😓😓😓 God help us all
God helps those who help themselves. We ARE who we are waiting for.
Don't disagree with you that we need to get busy, but nowhere in the Bible does it say that God helps those who help themselves.
"Faith without works is dead."
The old saying should really be God helps those who help God. More of an observation of past experiences.
God helps those who help themselves AND GOD. Don't forget God in your daily existence and he won't forget you.
Matt 6:33
They are using carbon capture here to steal farmland in Iowa, SD, ND under imminent domain. Under republican governors / legislatures and it is getting barely any press. Firearms won’t win this when they all fold and allow them to access your land to survey and steal it with consent of both parties. The kicker is if you complain they try to lawfare you out of access to your own land.
Has no one written about it anywhere?
Brannon Howse has been reporting on this story of the farmers in SD, ND, and Iowa.
I live part time in Iowa. Im one of those weirdo Fairfield types. Im concerned to hear that the agenda has gone that far there in the cornfields. However I know the corruption runs deep, right into the small towns, as Rosa Koire explained in her talks and her book, BEHIND THE GREEN MASK.
When we were fighting CAFOs planned for the outskirts of our town, the Jefferson county commissioners didnt even bother to show up at the public hearing, to face the 150 people who DID show up. The police in FF and all over Iowa, as everywhere else, are inland pirates and a menace to freedom loving people. They are at EVERY town meeting, no matter how small, a subtle intimidation tactic, a remind to keep in your place. Same thing in my town here in New England, just as Rosa describes in her work.
Thank you, Dr. You're correct. I will point out, however, that where people have been insistent and vocally unrelenting, change has manifested in some cases. However, you're correct. They have their thugs at meetings to intimidate and silence people although I don't know how much more silenced people can get when an entire school board or board of commissioners sits on their podium appearing to politely listen knowing full well they'll vote for the lobby lining their pockets.
Pat Wood gives lessons on how to organize to fight this locally. Our best hope since local authorities are least corrupted.
If you have any doubts that is exactly the plan for the US under the guise of housing illegal aliens, you MUST follow Michael Yon:
Thanks for the link.
And internet censorship is chugging along in Canada. I can no longer access any links to twitter in Substack and other places.
In the US, we cannot access Twitter if we do not have an account.
So for all of us that were permanently banned for stupid reasons, we cannot access anything.
Silencing Tucker Carlson.
Silencing Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Twitter mines your data. Why do you think they're letting more people back on? The SM giants cannot control those who refuse to use their platforms. Think about it.
When I was on Twitter I loved to insult Zelensky on a daily basis.
I do miss it.
Literally everyone mines data these days. We have to pick our poison. I do no social media. I do Substacks (which, believe me, is being mined either through legit doors or through backdoors) and a spiritual forum. The latter is closed behind a pay wall for private users, but I assure you that, without one doubt in mind, that site is breached, too.
Twitter private company. Go elsewhere to hospitable free speech zones
You are missing the point.
Tucker was doing an outstanding job getting his message across.
Did Fox pressure Musk to have him silenced?
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was doing an outstanding job getting his message across. Warnings about the vaxxes were reaching more people.
Did Pedo Joe and Fauci and the DNC pressure Musk to have him silenced?
And how many people were able to watch "What Is A Woman" by Matt Walsh?
Did the alphabet Mafia pressure Musk to have him silenced?
Musk is part of the establishment now.. so yeah.
I just gave them a google email and a birthdate and they keep trying to induce me to participate, though I won't. I just wanted to be able to read others' tweets. You can get a quick google email, not use it except for twitter, and lie about your birthdate and still read Tucker and RFK jr.
Irony... you need to lie ... in order to read truth.
None of the Twitter links in any news article for the last two days will play. I'm directed to "sign in" or set up an account. Really, Elon? Why? To force people who don't their data mined to participate? Just to get news? Where is your obligation to the "Public Square" if you stifle news to this extent? Shame on you. This action does not in any measure speak of freedom or freedom of choice.
Ive never been able to get on Twitter, ever. Actually I was on for a few days and after I opened mi boca grande they chucked me right off. I never bothered with it again.
On the topic of censorship, I get a lot of email notifications that people on the Substack forums I follow have "LIKED" my comments. But in the thread, visible to everyone reading and contributing, there is maybe 1 or 2 likes.
Hmmmm...maybe Im hitting some nerves in those dreaded AI Russian Bots
Same here in the US.
No, you just have to go elsewhere. Google search engine has always been censoring if you are using it.
Not just Canada.
True or not, I read that the French police are calling the rioters "vermin," and people on this stack are using insect imagery. That is how it begins. Don't let them push you into dehumanizing people even if you loathe them and would rather see them guillotined. Think of cockroaches, and Rwanda and theThird Reich. The unclean creature references wake up the disgust part of the brain and that is how they want us to feel and think, with our inflamed limbic brain architecture. Cerebral cortex! Descriptions of loathsomeness that use metaphor and description! I actually just came on here tonight as MCM is featured in this article:
Evidently, in the few articles I've skimmed, Macron is doing what all American Democrat cities and DAs are doing: the police are protesting that they aren't given the authority to crack down.
OMG. And I read a Lot of Holocaust fiction….wicked wicked
This sludge has been bubbling under our cultural sidewalks for years….one’s head about to explode….what leaders!? Lord please deliver us
Well it is they who are the cockroaches of life... not us.
Klaus Schwab is a pseudo Marxist who targeted the leaders of each country to enable his master plan... zee final zoolution .... vee take everything you own.. and leave you nothing so you can be we can have everything and be even happier... but communism never sustains those feeding off it... his rationale is simply based on personal greed.... when no one is left to clean up after him... he will have to get off his behind and empty his own trash... selfish pig.
As a very young boy, Schwab was Hitler youth.
My hubs tried to tsk tsk this horrific thing by saying the farmers lease their land from the government. So that makes it OK? The guy is so brainwashed. I try. 🙄
I’m sorry.
Putin, how about taking out the WEF for us?
I've been reading Russian nationalist substacks for several weeks now. Russia is subsumed by the NWO. Why do you think they never entered Kiev? Why does the "Ukraine War" look oh so familiarly like every war the U.S. has initiated for the last 23 years in the Middle East? Long, stagnated, drawn-out affairs where no one wins and no one loses. The war just goes on and on. The only people who win off of war are the arms producers, the .govs who get their cuts, and the banks laundering money through the chaos called Ukraine. See Dutch banker Ronald Bernard's story. The same contingent of the NWO runs all wars. Forget Russia.
Why did the US - including Nuland, McCain, Graham - overthrow the democratically government of Ukraine in 2014?
Why did the US have bioweapons labs in Ukraine?
Why did the Bidens use Ukraine as a money laundering operation?
Why did the Bidens use Ukraine as a human trafficking base?
First three questions are very good.
What's going on with your fourth? Do you have any proof of that?
Hunter's laptop...trafficking of Ukrainian prostitutes.
When the phrase human trafficking is used, most people think of scaled operations. Like the cartels moving people over the southern border, or Soros funded NGOs organizing boats from Africa into Europe.
What did Hunter do? Fly a Ukrainian prostitute to the US?
Human trafficking can mean one person, or even one child.
You are most likely right Honeybee. :( Ive had similar thoughts on this. If they are the White Hats, why dont they put an end to the slaughter?
Because they are tired of the US being the bully in the schoolyard.
US who seems to operate on the belief, "we are going to cram democracy down your throat even if we have to bomb the shit out of your country."
And when they say democracy, they mean the type currently practiced by Zelensky
Cancelling the elections next year.
Arresting Gonzalo Lira.
Shutting down all opposition parties.
We all know that the US/NATO forces are the military arm of the NWO. My question is, if Russia/Putin are the White Hats, and if would b great if they were, if ANYONE was, why dont they stop the slaughter of young Ukrainians and Russians in this new endless war?
They have the military power to do it, why dont they?
War is good $$$ for the military industrial complex.
Kathleen maybe I misunderstood your first comment in response to mine. Do you think Putin is outside of the military industrial complex and is a white hat? If so, why doesnt PUTIN take the territory he wants and stop the killing, stop the war??
We already know why NATO wont do it.
Also the South American cartels could do it.
Amen. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend"
I’m reading and waiting for blankets to dry in our laundry room …the “died suddenly,” lists, the disgusting Disney movies, the Targets, the Bud Lites~~~BTW, who drinks a beer wearing black elbow length gloves and sparkly chokers… So sick to my stomach, the loss of purity and innocence of childhood, peepul who don’t even know that “gentleman” should not mean “gender” !!! ~~~The tone deaf management, Doncha just wonder how they got there?! ~~~I do believe that in spite of the current rainbow colors being lifted out of Genesis, that the true Creator, not AI ! will have the last word! Be patient! Amen and amen
I have God's rainbow all over my small business. Pictured over Noah's Ark not a drag queen trans queer shoving it's gentiles in some childs face. Time for Greta to say "how dare you!" Like that will ever happen.
Thank you for letting me know about God's rainbow. I was recently opining about how they have stolen the rainbows from the sky. I will look that up.
Never watch any of those Star Wars flix. Seems I made a smart decision. While I did enjoy some of the old Disney offerings like Bambi and Lady and the Tramp, I wouldn't waste one cent on what they have put out in the last 40 years. Never been to one of their theme parks either. It's amazing I am still alive!
quit the star wars after the first 3. They ruined them for me. Watching Dune remake now, and thinking, boy the books were MUCH better.
Who needs farmers when we have economists.
The Economist takes a field trip to visit The Farmer. He sees the fields and takes a few notes. The Farmer stands by with pride as the Economist scribbles feverishly upon his pad.
The Economist closes his notebook and wipes his glasses as The Farmer looks out declaring, "Beautiful isn't it? These fields mean food through the winter for the entire valley."
The Economist sighs knowingly and says, "Possibly but scarce resources mean we must better manage resources to optimize production."
At first The farmer seemed confused and a little dejected that The Economist would not, could not, behold what lay before his eyes but then a gnawing doubt came over The Farmer, "the man of letters must know something", and he asked The Economist to explain how things could be better.
The Economist did just that.
The Farmer excited by the prospects of such amazing abundance practiced exactly what The Economist had preached. This went on for several years, despite decreasing results, as The Farmer thought that The Economist must have the wisdom that would bear fruit but only after years of implementation.
Finally one winter, by now The Economist hadn't been seen for years, The Farmer decided that he would go back to The Old Ways as the people in the valley had suffered since the advent of The Economists' wisdom.
The Farmer found that once again the abundance he produced was quite enough to feed the people of the valley and that this was enough.
After a few years of this The Farmer received an unexpected visit from The Economist. Upon arrival The Economist immediately took out his notebook and began scribbling. The Farmer looked over and said, "I took your advice and the people of the valley barely made it through the winter whereas before we lived in abundance. Now I've gone back to The Old Ways and once again the people are fed."
The Economist spoke, "Yes, I can see that. That explanation may be all well and good in reality, but it will never work in theory."
Aesop’s fables, oh if it were just a nice illustration with the story
This isn’t about shutting down obsolete industries where there’s little to no demand for their products. No, this is compelled lifestyle upheaval, enforced by threat of violence. Governments have a monopoly over force. Welcome to the future, so says the creepy villain with the sinister accent, while petting his creepy nude cat. Klaus Schwab is right out of central casting. How can people be okay with this bizarre behavior? There’s the woke, who aren’t really awake. Then there’s normal people, too polite to make waves. The weirdness continues to mutate while spreading deeper into our culture. We need to push back against this mass formation syndrome even at risk of cancellation. Better cancellation now then the gulags later.
I am practicing self hypnosis and nuero feedback to overcome an illness and anxiety triggered by meds and stress. It is very subtle yet very effective. It makes me wary of movies, tv and music because I see in them the same influence patterns/strategies present in nuero feedback and hypnosis. Here’s something interesting: in nuero feedback you watch a tv show and the program dims the picture and the sound. Your subconscious attempts to correct it with brain wave changes. Think of how dark all the movies have become. Our brains are hungering to makes sense of the imagery and that makes us very susceptible to whatever messages are presented in dialog or imagery. Both methods also depend on repetition. I think this is how they are influencing so many.
I stick to old movies and TV shows, to avoid the debased modern content. But even back in the late 50s, early 60s, the agenda was tip toeing into mass culture. In the old Perry Mason shows, almost in every episode, the men are married to very young women, sometimes young enough to be their GRANDDAUGHTERS. Divorce is common in the shows, although from what I understand, it wasnt in the society of that time.
But the MAIN thing promoted in the Perry Mason series, is TRUST and respect for EXPERTS. Perry himself, is a traitor to the country, as he has taken an oath to a foreign entity, the BAR association. While he is doing his magic in the courtroom, to valiantly rescue the wrongly accused, he questions "expert witnesses", especially doctors.
Where we are now, was already in the works back then, promoting sexual attraction and/or money (from the girl's point of view), as a basis for marriage, elevating the opinions of "educated" human beings, over God's Natural Law, and holding up a completely captured and criminal court system as the best in the world.
Despite all that, I LOVE Perry Mason. I love the relationship between himself and Della, and how he takes her by the arm in such a manly way, as they leave a room, helps her with her coat, the clothing itself, worn at that time, all that "old fashioned" stuff.
Additionally Perry and Della are still hooking up, they never marry, 50 years later. Despite Perry never popping the question, the relationship is sweet.
For the final cut of 1000 cuts, the actor who played Perry, Raymond Burr, was homosexual, according to the WikiSpooks. :( No wonder he never popped the question. Della was his BEARD!!
Grap your pick ⛏️ and axe 🪓 folks. Be prepared.