I thought Anthony Bourdain's sentiments about Henry Kissinger was perfect:

"Once you’ve been to Cambodia, you’ll never stop wanting to beat Henry Kissinger to death with your bare hands. You will never again be able to open a newspaper and read about that treacherous, prevaricating, murderous scumbag sitting down for a nice chat with Charlie Rose or attending some black-tie affair for a new glossy magazine without choking. Witness what Henry did in Cambodia – the fruits of his genius for statesmanship – and you will never understand why he’s not sitting in the dock at The Hague next to Milošević."

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It's a sad thing when you see a man's death and all you can think is "What took you so long, you miserable bloody bastard?"

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Without considering what is in all the links, it is very important to note that Le Duc Tho refused the Nobel Peaceofshit Prize. He is the only person to ever refuse this award.

Equally important to note is the reason he refused it — peace was not achieved!

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Well said:

"considering Obama’s bloody legacy of “peace,” which makes Bush/Cheney look like two hard-edged peaceniks."

Obama got his Nobel peace prize after giving the most pro war speech and telling us that MLK's idea of peace didn’t really mean what he said. Then Obama went on to get us into 7 more wars and he either created ISIS or he looked the other way while they grew bigger. And of course during his tenure the CIA and the Pentagon armed and funded 2 separate terrorist groups which constantly fought each other.

Also Kissinger made fun of the dumb humans that were sent as cannon fodder for the corporations to steal country’s resources. Smedley Butler told us 100 years ago that he was just muscle for corporations in his book, War is a Racket that can be found online. Really worth a read.

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He is where eternally damned souls go now. Where he belongs.

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Of course, they never mentioned that HK was one of the first to say the world population was getting too large and it had to be cut down to 500 million.

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Good riddance. Honor the dead Americans sent into the Vietnam War.

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I've been working on an extremely long essay on the Three Pronged Approach to Depopulation. It was about six months ago that I found out about both the Jaffee Memo and The Kissinger Report -- both shockingly written in a manner that displays no concern for humankind at all -- as if getting rid of the undesirables of the world is no worse than planning a picnic. I.e. this is the way it is and this is what we must do to correct the situation. But Kissinger's death won't stop the plan. We still have the globalists hard at work on the great reset that will microchip people like we do our dogs and cats so the population can be tracked.

The Club of Rome, whose members are working ambitiously exploring the "complex problems faced by humanity" (namely humanity itself is problem #1). Their report published 50 years ago, The Limits to Growth, shows that we have nearly reached the limits of the planet to sustain the population of 8 billion. It's time to a plan into action. Dennis Meadows, a member of The Club of Rome, said in a recent statement online that he wants "peaceful depopulation -- a civil way" to reduce the population to 1 billion people. "The planet can support something like a billion people, maybe 2 billion depending on how much liberty and how much material consumption you want to have."

Rest assured, depopulation plans include the "climate crisis" (you will not eat meat or farm using any type of fertilizer -- nitrogen you know, is bad for the climate so farming techniques that have been feeding an increasing population for the past 100+ years is forbidden). We are the problem that elitist globalists are attempting to solve. The 123-page Kissinger Report released Dec. 10, 1974 shows how cold and callous these people are who are planning our demise. But in the end, they will suffer the same fate as Henry Kissinger and all of us do eventually: Death is no respecter of persons. It gets us all sooner or later.

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I was fortunate to have a bright, talented piano player for a father. I have fabulous memories of him banging the box and singing all those songs. Especially when he was a few martinis in!!!

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Where’s Kissinger’s gravesite? I feel like dancin’!

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Writhe in Hell, Henry.

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Was he the author/singer of "Poisoning Pigeons in the Park" song?

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I liked yesterday better when I thought Kissinger was long dead.

But I will bask in this news...

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Henry who? Never met him, never cared to meet him and never shall meet him or any of his fellow travellers including that Nobel prize committee.

Nobel felt guilty about the killings in war that his work had enabled so he set up his prize system and in doing so he unfortunately handed control of Science and peace prizes to people who would reward only their clique members such as Kissinger, Obama, Mandela, terrorists all, and not the real innovators such as Malcolm X and Nikola Tesla

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