It's difficult to be healthy

when vaccines are your religion.

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Some words just aren’t adequate

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Tori Spelling: "I will never take anything for granted again."

No... certainly not your freedom, anyway.

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She's an idiot. And she's a coward. And she does not live, according to the truth.


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And she can't take good health for granted anymore either.

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Indeed, heartbreaking and they haven’t a clue

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Very sweet valentine to herself and her friends who took the shot, yes live in the moment, feel gratitude, love the poetry….but somebody! exchange the fairy storybook for the book about this real life! OMG. Look at the moon tonight, taste the meat loaf, tomato, carrots and the salad dressing….but please, read something that will tell you the truth! And maybe save your life!

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It's too late. She was dead with the first injection.

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I spent a few days last week in San Diego, reveling in the roller skaters, folks out walking their dogs, and the cooler foggy days. Overcast, oh joy!! But I was brought up suddenly as I imagined all those peepul falling over, crashing through a red light, and collapsing in restaurants when the shots catch up with them. ~~~ I can’t tell you what grief I pictured, hundreds of the unaware, gone years before their time. What ignorance, no real questioning a lifestyle, no basic conscience, what is a lady, what is a gentleman? our schools have trained up, what entitlement lifestyles, and what endings they have ordered for themselves: two parents, got those shots in duet! Bandaids on the arms! So proud! Leaving three kids to figure out life for themselves, in the years ahead? ….yah yah yah….maybe $$$ lots in the bank, two cars, but no brains. Pretty sad for our world…

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Those who have read Mattias Desmet's book "the psychology of totalitarianism" will quickly recognize the symptoms of mass psychosis in Tori's discussion about her experience and emotions with the vaxx, her family, etc. She eloquently expresses the complete belief in the propaganda and the deep fear that she was experiencing, even to saying a silent prayer of thanksgiving during the injection. She presents herself as a devoted member of the covid cult, but now things have changed and I still did not see a change of attitude. This is the evidence of cult membership. There is never any critical thinking before, during, or after the walk through the cult experience.

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Tori’s face looks ‘ Camo-frogged ‘....

( Beyond A.I. Recognizance...Software).

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Aug 22, 2023
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looks pretty though ... i suppose she got it all upside down

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Aug 22, 2023
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yep could be anything.

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Tori spelling complicated the jab effects by living in a moldy house.

I am still sick from living in a moldy trailer in 2016-2020. Some people have a genetic marker that keeps them sick even after they get out of the mold environment.

Thanks for all your work here, appreciate it. Week after week.

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She still hasn't figured out that she's mostly sick because of the shots and boosters. She still needs to research what's coming up and avoid them. She should totally stop acting (or definitely slow it down) and spend some time listening to what's really going on in this country.

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I know. But brain fog is a big part of mold sickness so I don’t think she’s going to figure it out anytime soon. She made her children get them as well, sad.

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Yes, so sad.

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* 2016-2018 , typo

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Tori is a MORON

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You noticed! Move to the head of the class!

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"While I felt so anxious to get vaccinated I did it for my children."

...that's funny, because I tell people I would *never* get vaccinated because of my children. Who would take care of them if I were disabled or dead?

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Yeah it's a strange reasoning, children are not at risk, but these people believed the media which spread this lie that everyone is at risk.

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We are living in opposite George world 😀

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i've been trying to pinpoint the exact moment i fell asleep and woke up in bizarro world. possibly 2015. before then, it was all my liberal friends who distrusted vaccines, distrusted the media, distrusted GMOs, hated fauci for his treatment of the aids crisis, were against war, etc.

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Aug 23, 2023Edited
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one of fauci's jobs was to call on celebrities to endorse his products. comedian dh hughley talks about this experience. fauci specifically wanted hank aaron, to appeal to black communities, and of course aaron died shortly after

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Yes, I’ve lost a close friend that lives in OR due to her similar beliefs about the “vaxx”. It’s all so sweet, and let’s dive on the sword, but if someone else tries to whisper even a small wind of “dissent”, we are shut down for being cowards and low lives.

Well my friends, in the short years I had on this earth so far, I believe that dissent is healthy, it brings another side, another view… and unfortunately those that did not have the brains to entertain the thought are paying the price more and more…

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Spelling “I got my 2nd #pfizer vaccination. I didn’t expect to be overcome with so many emotions.”

So it was an emotional decision...

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As a Pureblood and after what I've been through for the past 3+ years, I'm expected to feel any kind of sympathy for these imbeciles?

"Anyone with a brain had enough time to examine the Scamdemic and see that it was false...If in a year you didn't practice that and you went and ran off to get the jab so that you could go travelling or not get offended or do something like that... You're an idiot. And you're a coward. And you don't live according to the truth."

- https://www.bitchute.com/video/S5BGAlZDD4Rj/

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No one is soliciting your sympathy. This is about showing how dangerous those "vaccinations" are, so that others will avoid them going forward, and still others help to spread the word.

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Sorry Prof. Miller.. from reading your post I kinda got the impression somehow from somewhere that I'm expected to feel sorry for these people -- maybe in the twitter posts you included?

And how are any of us (all <2% of British Columbians apparently; https://covid19tracker.ca/provincevac.html?p=BC) supposed to avoid these cretins, never mind the "fallout" from for their decisions? From what I've gathered, sooner or later the "spike proteins" are going to infect all of us... 😱🙄💣

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Yeah, I no longer feel sorry for these people. If you’re that stupid and brainwashed, I just consider it thinning the herd. And some of the people are out there still wearing masks. I was at the gym last night and two people were on the treadmill, double masked I guess they’re just waiting to pass out and bumped their head or something. I literally started laughing then I saw two more people wearing masks. At the gym. While they were working out. Which requires you to breathe heavily. This level of stupidity just has no name. But again these are the people that we don’t want in our genetic pool anymore

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About 10% of the people here in Victoria, British Columbia. My wife and I were having breakfast at the A&W about a week ago and -- I kid you not -- we watched some imbecile before he entered the restaurant put on a full chemial head cover complete with two respirators!!

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Dude, what???? Wow. Full on insanity. How does one allow oneself to become so stupid, weak, and controlled???

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I have faced potential violence, potential arrest, the most atrocious manners imaginable, denied service in business establishments, because I would not wear a useless, dehumanizing god-damned mask.. And then, for the love of Christ, I had to take a job enforcing mask compliance!! ..I've a family to support and as a man, I can't hook... 🙄💩The sheer, obdurate, mulish, shithead stupidity of 99% of humanity is simply incredible, it is stunning.. it is horrific.

And I will no longer comply.

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I have seen a bit of an uptick in mask wearing where I am. I have witnessed some of these fools wearing them while driving...alone. These people are goners. Autumn is right around the corner and these idiots rife with fear will be running out to get their flu vaccine no doubt. The psychosis runs deep.

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She is just another dummy I guess ... and her arm looks ... a little greenish at the injection site? Was that a bandaid? Just looked like a sickly little patch of skin to me ... her words and tone are very relatable and yet, the woman was “scared everyday” for her children because of a disease that DOESNT HARM CHILDREN. So that tells me she did no research at all and employed zero reasoning skills ... she is only another bleating member of the herd. By the grace of God Himself, I was very alert to all the lies from day one ... I’m not a trusting sort which seems like a good place from which to start

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boost your social status by becoming a vax dummy. That's the deal she signed up for.

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Perfectly said!

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It's not gonna stop.

It will only get more.

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If Tori would simply do a bit of research, she'd know why she's sick, its called Pfizer jabs.

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Wow. Tori was in it to win it with that post. Wonder who her writer is? Prob some HollyWeird script writer currently on strike. So the question is, was she really that stupid and naïve? Or is she bought and paid for so she had to put that out there like all the other celebrities?

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"I didn't expect to be overcome with so many emotions."

Logical thinking overcomes emotional nonsense. By everything I've seen of her, however, she's a particularly obtuse Hollywood attention whore who has also sacrificed her children.

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