There are transvestites and transsexuals and that's it. I refuse to buy into these morons' delusions. They need to be put in some sort of an asylum for deep psychological counseling. They obviously have deep-seated mental problems. Some of it, though, is just virtue signaling bullshit and a scream for attention. They want to feel special and they want to bully people and push people around and make people call them by certain pronouns and make people believe that men can be women and women can be men. It is all utter bullshit and I absolutely refuse to comply with this insane crap. Fuck them.

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indeed!!!!!!! every word, truth. especially the last two. my sentiments exactly.

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or use it to get into women's bathrooms and locker rooms for nefarious motives.

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Am I crazy or do these men pretending they are women deficient on masculinity, confidence, normal bodies and strength? I'll just be a woman, then I don't have to be troubled to be a man! And the women who want to be a man have more often than not, poor body image, unattractive facial features and a total lack of desire or skill to apply makeup, comb their hair or pick out an outfit! How much of this could be solved with counseling, exercise and friends?

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The schools, i mean, indoctrination camps, get those kids early as they can. So no normal friends can help. Nor any potential friend dare speak to anyone in support of personal integrity, strength, or gender normality. The road to insanity is paved with predation on the young/weak unable yet to assert personal sovereignty in the face of what is obviously stupid. Stupid wins, and there’s no rule against that. As Bonhoeffer wrote from a Nazi cell, evil you can call out and bring down. Stupidity is harder to beat.

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In order for their delusion to 'work' you MUST buy into it and believe it too. You CANNOT burst their bubble. They are mentally ill, witness 50 percent commit suicide inside the 5 years after a sex change operation. There is no denying reality, but they desperately want to. Mostly because they think it will 'cure' their pre-existing problems - low self esteem, feelings of inadequacy, depression, loneliness, social akwardness... womb envy. You name it. It is a mental illness.

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I'm with you.

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Drama queens.

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"Drama Kings" surely? 🤔

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Drama Queen Story Hour. Coming soon!

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Not some. All.

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GENDERsteria: Best Gender Memes for International Women's Day (Just ONE Day!)

- Dear Transgenders, maybe men just want a p*ssy? Her-she, woke Gingerbread + Barbie, StopFemaleErasure.com, drag is the new blackface and more gender memes to celebrate International Women's Day!


GENDERsteria: Best Groomer Memes (Keep Them AWAY From Kids!)

- When your son goes to school in a Blue state, 5-year olds are SMARTER than we think, nothing to see here folks, recruitment drives and more groomer memes - keep them away from your kids!


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For Kris Graham⬆️⬆️⬆️

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Trans women don't exist.

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This has ended any cancer research funding from me. I have recognized the scam years ago but now i will actively ensure that i will not be doing biz with any company associated with it. Fraud and lies do not attract money. The cancer societies can go pound rocks. Or pull on clots.

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most cancer funding is not even that! I found out years ago, that a cancer foundation I used to give to, was in fact a family business collecting money for their own pockets. Later on, I heard an Arizona woman was the main leader. Now I only give to people I know in person.

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yes, we learned about the red cross 25 years ago. you think you're donating to the current tragedy and they pocket the money. we too only give to known groups or people.

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In recent news the RED C has been giving out maps to help illegal entry from Mexico.

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and lutheran social services and catholic community services have contracts to transport and place them around the country. these violations have to stop.

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A friend of mine's husband was with the red cross, long time ago. After selling stickers, they showed the books. It turned out the princess who was head of the Red Cross had gone to Africa with a full crew and a chamber orchestra, and that was the last day he was a member!

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I keep my giving local. Mostly to our local homeless shelter.

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Including those that slap on the pink and run for the cure. How many years now have they been running for a cure to something that will never be cured? Way to much money involved.

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yes, there's no money in a cure for anything. and there are cures.

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there are cures for cancer. But there is not so much money involved as with the cut, burn and poison method.

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Millionaires, billionaires and trillionaires should be the only ones funding cancer et al research. None of the rest of us should feel less of a compassionate being for not funding frauds.

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This U.K. column article is interesting about how regulating agencies help to protect BigPharma interests:

Oh, can’t post the link for some reason!

Look up - ‘GcMAF and the persecution of David Noakes, Lyn Thyer and Immuno Biotech’.

BigPharma do not want cancer cures harming their lucrative business machinations…

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I am fighting cancer and I wouldn’t donate one red cent to any “research” for cancer. Just padding the pockets of the Pharma companies a little more.

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As soon as the term "asymptomatic covid" was coined I knew we were fucked.

I just didn't know how far and how deep...

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yep, that is where everyone should have woken up. If you need a test to know whether you are sick or not, you are definitely not !

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What can I say? In British Columbia now you only need one referral from a medical doctor, and three months of cross dressing and the government (us tax payers) will foot the bill for your sex change operation. I suppose now we will have to pay for pretend cervical cancer screenings so the delusion of womanhood can be maintained. It will also be an opportunity to offer more vaccinations as a preventative against cervical cancer. It will probably also help fund womb building technology whereby said newly womanized humans will have the opportunity to further their pretense while being busily exploited by the most unhuman of human industries ever invented.

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Those artificial wombs sure would make it easy for TPTB to build up an army of soldiers and child sex workers.

Who’d even know about their horrid lives other than the monsters involved?

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A few years ago it would have sounded like fiction. It doesn't anymore. Put these individual strands together - transexualism, transhumanism, medical industrial complex, general godlessness, rejection of the supremacy of nature - and it all comes into focus.

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Yes, it's a topic on which atheists and Christians can agree. For the latter, transhumanism is Satanic. For the former it is hubris, an attempt to do better than evolution/nature.

All one has to do is look at other human interventions to predict the likely consequences of meddling with human DNA, etc. We don't even have the ability to control invasive species, let alone craft new ones.

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I've read that some are concerned about the depopulation agenda. So maybe they shouldnt worry after all. Looks like TPTB have got it all covered. Onward delusional trans soldiers. Be FRUITful and multiply.

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Not sure I can find this video. It was a transie "prof" giving a serious talk about how it wont be long before the medical technology enables a man's pretend uterus to get "pregnant" Even if it's cray, the video of this serious talk at some medical college seminar was disgusting.

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Do these trannies also get yearly mammograms?

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And I hope it hurts them as much as it does me!

Tell the tech to turn the squeezer up to 11 !!!

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I'm sure that will be part of it, which brings up a sidebar topic. The long term implications of "hormone therapy" could be quite catastrophic for some people. Undoubtedly, if this continues, there will be a whole new oncology specialty.

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Virtual Reality Oncology - the trans specialty

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This just gets more and more delusional by the day. I’ve been a nurse since 1995... I couldn’t be more embarrassed by the medical community these last couple of years. What an embarrassment.

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Mutilated penis skin graphed into a tunnel bored into a man’s groin to create a “vagina” when every cell in it’s body is male, ... is it appropriate to say that this person is having sex with itself?

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Oh, that is way to kind for this bunch of insanity.

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It's a comedy of the absurd. Just say no to the nonsense until it stops.

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Let's stop calling these people "trans men" and "trans women". We are only going along with the

madness when we use their terms. Instead, let's use "dysphorians" when referring to those who want to pretend they are the opposite sex.

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Wouldn't "Whackjobs" be more precise?

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Ya. Hackjobs. Hacked by the scalpel. Or knife, or hatchet...

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Think how mentally ill the surgeon has to be to do this .

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And greedy.

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Just shaking my head ….

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"Whackjob" applies to all types of looneys. Dysphorian applies to a particular type of looney. ;-)

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Not worth the trouble...🙄💩

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Basically the same thing.

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I prefer nut bars.

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I guess trans men need prostate screenings too. Haha. Ridiculous.....

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Why can't these stupid clowns move to a deserted island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean?

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There's quite a difference between the menz who become women and the opposite. The men are clearly mocking women in a very pronounced way, and taking over their forms of resistance, while the women are mostly lesbians who wish for more acceptance & safety by becoming males, but do so by disappearing into the woodwork (that is hardly a single soul notices them). The men have tremendous impact on women, and the women have no impact on men.

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Hi Jer, Yes there is a big diff. Men in dresses and bad wigs does have an air of mocking, contempt for women. When it was just a fetish, a personal dream, affectation, we said right whatever. But now its obviously trannie psyop. Who's sicker - men who get the surgeries or the ones that don't?

Lesbians (note: there's not a ton of hetero women who want to switch, as opposed to the numbers of straight men who want to have the trans attention/excuse for bad behaviour.) mess with "gender" by saying no to the horrors of restrictive, silly unders and clothes that male designers have whipped up as the standard for women. Thus becoming butch, NOT male, just butch. Not denying there are women who get surgery, hormones, do "SEX change" but butch lesbians I've known were definitely not in it for "more acceptance and safety" Anyway, just trying to sort out some differences here.

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why ruin a perfectly good tropical isle? somewhere more arctic is in order.

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I think these people need to be checked between their ears, not between their legs.

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GEEZUZ MURPHY!!!!! I cannot help thinking about my mother who passed away almost 30 years ago. I cannot decide if she would laugh hysterically about all this - or just straight up call the Canadian Cancer Society and let them know that with such FOOLS running their organisation, they can look elsewhere for any donations - until the FOOLS have been stopped. She would probably do both. I too will do likewise. How about you????

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What happens in October, Women's Cancer Month with the pink ribbons etc? It was already questionable re helping women.

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It is a miracle of transubstantiation and cannot be understood by ordinary mortals.

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omg don't bring them to the idea. It is a cult! soon they will all be tax exempt like churches

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Just wait. They'll be giving a whole new meaning to The Virgin Birth.

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I am over here laughing out loud. 🤡🌎

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laughing times are over. This is serious psyop

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Perhaps an adjacent body part is identifying as a cervix? Just wondering since I still have all my Netter’s and medical school anatomy books with body parts accurately labeled from the mid 80’s.

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Raising a glass to the great anatomical artist Frank Netter who, i am sure, would draw with uncontrolled hands upon hearing the absurdity of “postmodern anatomy”.

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