I remember 30 years ago watching Wall Street Week on PBS many Friday evenings, and a phrase that was tossed around from time to time was "Cash is King". Well folks, while it isn't for the same reasons, today cash is king.

Tough as it is my family, and some friends, are trimming our use of plastic. WEF will fight it but if millions of people start doing it, they will find themselves hamstrung. It's up to the little people now; the question now is are they big enough to pull it off?

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We need to get that idea out there.

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I look at the recent coin shortage as a way to "herd" people towards plastic, as MANY signs cited the coin shortage as a way to have exact change or to use plastic.

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No coin shortage...the coinage was not distributed from the banks

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I never bought the coin shortage crap. Why would therr be a shortage when everyone was staying home and ordering touchless delivery? More NWO manipulation.

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Schools in this area encouraged the kids to gather up all the coins from their parents and grandparents.

I also noted the pushback in one transaction to use exact change or use plastic, while at a drive-up window I was given too much change back. When I asked why I was given back an extra $.14, I was told they had no dimes or pennies. They simply gave me a quarter.

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Some stores are not accepting cash.

What when banks won't accept it?

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What's Behind the Fed's Manufactured Coin Shortage?

The media's explanations for the coin shortage are so ludicrous that even TV watchers are starting to ask questions, late in the game though they are, and muzzled to boot. The truth is that the kink in the distribution chain is being caused by the Federal Reserve, as is clear from congressional testimony--though notably the Fed Chair himself brought nothing but nonsense, archaic jargon and obfuscation to that hearing.

In any case, the Fed's wholesale takeover of the U.S. continues apace, evidently intent on leaving no penny unturned.


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Catherine Austin Fitts has been saying this for months now. See her website and interviews here: https://home.solari.com/category/interviews/

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Catherine Austin Fitts has been touting #Cash Friday to delay CBDC. I didn't use cash at all until I saw one of her interviews. Now, I use cash as much as possible and I've been stockpiling it in the event we have a "bank holiday".

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CAF is an interesting person; she seems to be an honest source of opinion/information.

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Thank God for idiot Freeland, the woman Steve Bannon calls “the hammer.” Did you see the look on her face as she announced the measures would be permanent? I guess they were only permanent for a matter of hours. It’s plain to see she’s as power mad as any dictator.

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She is one scary bitch.

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Matt Tiabbi perfectly described her as nurse Ratchet of the new world order!

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She is!

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I don’t know if that is correct, but something spooked Castro, Jr. and his attack-c**t. It could have been Canadian banks that caused the about face, but it is just as likely there has been a flood of deposits leaving their borders. People like me would not have had a penny left in that country as of today.

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Trudeau’s clumsy, impetuous, stupid use of “the nuclear option” then, his almost instantaneous reversal reveals to the world Everything: the WEF’s plans for total digital authoritarianism. Fortunately, it also reveals Trudeau as one of the WEF’s many political puppets. It also reveals that the WEF has enlisted a true dumbass as their Canadian ambassador. I’m thinking the WEF looks more like the “Keystone Cops”

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I'm surprised he wasn't counseled by Schwab et al. BEFORE he made that bonehead move. Divine intervention perhaps, hopefully alerting a few more to the digital ID agenda. I can only laugh that the world's first experience with totalitarian control over its citizens' finances had to do not with convenient digital access or progress, but with the SEIZING of bank assets of minimum wage workers. Brilliant!

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I don't buy that Justin and Krystia acted *without* consulting their WEF overlords. C'mon, the truckers were in town for 2 weeks before Justin pulled the EA. You think he wasn't checking every single move with Papa Schwab in that time? Not a chance. They actually thought the plebs would cheer them on. They're deluded. They believe their own bullshit. They think they're Gods.

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Maybe Putin's Put_IN troops has played a part? Bad timing for CBDC now.

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It's a great idea, but it would have to be more than just the 5 of us.

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Trivia: Freeland used to be on Dylan Ratigan msnbc show all the time. She was wonky and annoying, an Arrianna Huffington clone. Fast forward over her. Never imagined she'd become a global Frankenstein. I bet that gig was training her in front of camera. Her book titled "Plutocrats: The Rise of My Dear Masters" is eyeopening.

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Park your trucks in front of their houses


these Cowards and their cowards in blue can't win against truth

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Trudeau flip-flopped. It is the classic mistake of a politician tettering on the brink. The convoy truckers are not strategists. It is now they must make an even larger peaceful protest. If Trudeau responds with invoking Emergency Powers again, he will begin losing support, possibly even in his own party. Best case, new elections could be demanded.

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Does Canada use black box voting machines and tabulaors? Or paper ballots hand counted at precinct level? Mail in ballots has become filthy in u.s.

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Who fucking cares when those you choose between are all fucking bought cause of shitty lobbying and campaign finances.

Emma Goldman - "if voting changed anything, they would make it illegal"

Wake the fuck up

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I hear you. It's one Big Club...roles assigned, scripted and staged. They laugh together backstage.

Someone brought up new Elections, up north. But I will bank on cynics like me and anarchists to unite and topple the cabal moving forward.

No need to curse, friend.

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Robert, The Emma Goldman quote inspired me to research her a tad. She dabbled in eugenics and certainly yoked up with the progressive eugenicists. Not sure she's someone to use as a guiding light if you're still awake.

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Good question, I don’t know but since Dominion is based in Toronto, it could very well be Dominion voting machines

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To Mark and everybody, I noticed the YouTube video was taken down. No problem. Here it is on the good old WayBack machine at


I just watched it and had a bit of laugh at Trudeau and Freeland's expense.

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Domination by defunding


Feb 18


One of the steps the government is taking to control protests is funding control. Anyone that has contributed more than 25 dollars to the convoy will/is having their bank account/credit card/ personal finances frozen/insurance cancellation/license suspension.

The true goal of restricting funding platforms is to take power from the average citizen.

Generally the real power in a country lies with the wealthy. They control and affect legislation using legal means at great(tax deductable) expense(lawyering fees) this has worked well in the past because the average person can’t contest, due to lack of funds.

The funding platforms make the average citizen powerful. This is proven by the recent donations gathered in support of the convoy. Using funding platforms citizens can present a united front.

The new system is one where a donation is legal but capped to 25.00 Canadian. This cap is critical to the end result. The end result being the appearance of freedom but the control of the opposition.

How does a cap work,its very simple its human nature. People will send a donations to a cause they support, which gives them a sense of satisfaction(taking action) and completness(I have done my part)

Its the act of taking action that is important, having been limited to 25.00 still satisfys the need to act but drastically cuts the overall purse of donations.

This is very important now because the powers that control Canada know if the people are powerful they(the powerful)will be held accountable.

Please cut and paste and forward if you think I am making sense.

This is my first substack posting I don’t really know how it works. I was driven here by CBC. I am saddened by that as I have been a defender of CBC my entire life. In fact I nearly came to blows defending CBC in Yellowknife at the Monkey Tree, thankfully my nephew pulled me out. Defending CBC is a mistake I won’t make again


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digital id oh boy


Are you officially a criminal now


Feb 19

Understanding the new rules of supporting a cause. The Canadian Government has said I am a criminal for supporting a cause. Will I be labelled a terrorist? I am sure if not already, probably soon.

Its important to discourage future dissent now. This is done by threat of immediate and future penalty.

I have donated to the freedom convoy

To my understanding I am now flagged as a criminal/terrorist for supporting a cause that was not illegal at the time of support being sent. Is it Illegal now?

The bank now has my account under observation at the least? possibly already sent for investigation at the RCMP/CSIS.

Where is this information, what will be done with it, who will it be shared with. Which Government departments will be alerted and told to look carefully at my interactions?

Will my emails be flagged so they can be shut down. In the event there is another cause I may want to support, based on my profile of course

Should I expect to pay higher interest rates now as the bank knows I am a terrible person, associated with white supremiscists, nazis, mysoginists, anti government, anti vaccer’s and of course what ever else the government and media are calling me.

What about insurance, considering all those things mentioned above. Am I now a high risk, how does that translate to my premiums.

Border crossing, can I cross the border now. Will airport security search me more thoroughly now I have been labeled a criminal/terrorist, where is my information?

Can I fly through American airspace on my way to South America or Europe? Will I be put on a no fly list?

If only I had known All these things would result for my support of this cause, would I have sent in my support knowing I would be punitively punished for disagreeing?

Will I have to present myself to the authourities for processing as a dissenter.

I wonder what they are hoping will happen. Possibly a database of Canadian political dissenters.


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Wuhan wet market and critical thinking


4 hr ago

The NY Times is reporting two conclusive studies indicate the virus originated at the wet market in Wuhan not the lab. The attempt is to deflate the lab leak therory. I assume those that have something to hide are now trying to spin the new less damaging narrative, that includes the Times.

I am not qualified to discuss the science of lab leak / wet market.

I am absolutely quailified to discuss common sense.

1 Shanghai#~ — 28,242,992

2 Beijing⍟# — 21,167,303

3 Chongqing# — 16,687,641

4 Tianjin#~ — 13,929,152

5 Guangzhou13,839,587

6 Shenzhen12,740,171

7 Chengdu 9,412,873

8 Nanjing 9,320,689

9 Wuhan 8,546,775

10 Xi'an 8,438,050

According to sources available online the only lab capable of handling ‘The Virus” in China was at Wuhan. I dont know if thats true of course. Based on Chinas human rights record I suspect the military has hidden labs but I can’t confirm that of course.

Now the common sense:

Within China there are 50 cities or more that have a population of 1,000,000 +

Live food is traditional form of shopping/consumption in China but does vary with region I’m sure.

Any city with a population of 1,000,000 + would have several if not ten’s / possibly 100’s of live food markets to serve the population.

The virus surfaces in a city that has a live food market and a level 4 lab.

It didnt surface in any of the thousands of live food markets throughtout China in cities that don’t have level 4 labs.

As we say in Canada “im from Missoura, show me”


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Once again I see that the critique comes from a conservative source and it strikes me that the Left are doing precisely nothing about any of this. Are they sitting silently and assuming that the viral/vaccine/digital shenanigans are going to usher in their hallowed socialist utopia? If so, does it never occur to any of them that the ones ushering in ... whatever are the ones who are ALREADY in charge! If this is a "Left" revolution then it's the first one that happened without any input from the masses whatsoever!

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Feb 24, 2022
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Voting is moronic when all the candidates serve the same system that rewards boot licking cause these idiots can't actually run a productive job.

It's better that we offer them weekly boosters until they're no longer competent.

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