I went to college in NYC (free tuition; even provided money for books) and lived there for 10 years in the 60s. Subway was $.15. Museums were free for students. Lotsof half price tickets for broadways shows/movies. Didn't eat out much; too expensive even back then. Now I'm not even tempted to visit. Too insane. Too many obscenely rich people there actually. Eat the rich.

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Time to take the next step, Mark. I hear that there are still a few thousand Azov SS men alive in Mariupol. Have His Honor negotiate a bit with the Russian embassy in DC to accept these fine fellows into the NYPD and have them patrol the streets of the Big Apple under the same rules that served them so well in Ukraine these last few years. Result? Nothing but government sponsored (and thus controllable) crime! All the currently operating punks and thugs will be gone in a week or so. (Ah.... but you might tell the mayor that he may need to board up synagogues. These Azov fellows seem to have a strange penchant for gaudy tattoos and burning synagogues. Not sure exactly why.)

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like the US did after WWII - people like nuremberg convicted nazi criminals were invited to come make chemical, biological, atomic weapons and make the rockets that went to the moon. Same old same old. The US needs to start completely over, before they destroy the world? Sadly I'm not optimistic. Read Operation Paperclip by Annie Jacobsen for more horrific details about those Nazis 'invited' to US and nurtured by, and nicely rewarded. This is not a nice country. Most Americans haven't a clue that Ukraine (especially Nazis) was set up, nurtured by the US for many many years.

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also according to Scott Ritter, one of Russia's goals is to obliterate Naxis in Ukraine because their primary goals is to kill Russians. The Naxis in Ukraine are ruthless. Russia is apparently succeeding. Here's a link to a great 3 hour interview with Ritter with brilliant independent journalists Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate https://youtu.be/OSkpIq3T-Zc

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That interview is stellar, and I think I heard about it via Mark's "News from Underground." I'm recommending it everywhere as a wake-up call on the corruption and duplicity of the U.S.

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Mar 26, 2022
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Frankly, I'll deal with NYC muggers any day over being wrapped in Saran wrap, tied to a post and publicly tortured, or worse. I'm sure I'd quickly fall afoul of these thugs by my general non-compliance and inability to keep my mouth shut.

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They would have to agree to be vaccinated though. Every single worker in NYC must be vaccinated as per mandate. That is, unless you are a professional athlete or performer. They have recently become exempt from that mandate because well, Science I guess.

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Not sure about that. In order to even audition for a union show you must be vaccinated. The protocol for performing is beyond the beyond. Perhaps celebrities are getting exempted one way or another (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) but the rank and file have to abide by the god given guidelines. Even to sign autographs! (not kidding)

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Not for long. From Intel Slav Z: The deputy chief of staff of the Ukrainian 503 separate battalion of marines tried to leave Mariupol. After an unsuccessful attempt, he reported that the remnants of the battalion were divided into groups and were trying to get out of the encirclement.

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Obviously not white collar crime. The biggest offenders will remain at large, free to enrich themselves.

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SUCH a good point.

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Just so. Americans who haven't paid close attention to another aspect of American participation in Germany's recent history may have a jaundiced view of our "contribution" to what happened even earlier than the end of the war. Had it not been for machinery provided the Nazis by the American IBM company, their "final solution" might well have been a lot less final.

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the US also provided trucks to the Naxis. US soldiers were surprised to see US trucks in Germany when they entered Germany as the war ended. Unfettered capitalism in action.

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I prefer to think of NYC as still being like it is in a Woody Allen or, even, a Scorsese film. Sounds to me like it’s far gone lost it’s charm. Like so many now soul-less big cities.

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Lol we've seen it coming for a long time. Mandates here, drones there, minors' parents' consent abolished here, digital financial system there. All happening in small doses (excuse the pun) in different testing areas. I hope the people in NY figure out a way to shoot those drones down as often as they see one.

What a duplicitous actor Adams was. He was a globalist in disguise. When will the people learn? Don't answer that!

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I know those drones have cameras, but every time I imagine those flying around I get an image of shooting them down. It's really the same reaction as shaking a cane or walker at someone, yelling "get off my lawn!" Reactions need to progress with the times too!

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To fight NY crime just shut down Wall Street! Easy! ;)

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thank you for sharing this. I want to share with you a video about the true cause of the 911 twin towers collapse. #dustification911 #WhereDidTheTowersGo #DrJudywood #irrefutable911 at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2IMiQzFu6I&list=PLjyehyKUteYvm3O3x90o7ZSJtGcELtL_C&index=915

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Does Yuval Harari have a financial interest in this? I am sure he does on theoretical and WEF principles.

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This all sounds like the last few seasons of the series ‘Fringe’ – when they showed the NYC from the “the other side” (alternate universe where 9/11 didn’t take down the twin towers, but they were a technocratic dystopia). It was very similar to this, with everyone having to constantly show their papers and drones/surveillance everywhere.

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We need a drones-eye - viewed, super compressed video of each of our major blue cities from, say, the moment they embraced democrat rule to the present.

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Instead of phantom, airborne, killer viruses, it's very real, airborne, killer drones. Duck and Cover, guys. It's PROJECT FEAR, PHASE II ...

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Are they buying the drones from an Israeli moving company? They make the best ones.

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And this was the *best* mayoral candidate in NYC.

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Hmm. A bit like asking the prisoner, "So, what will it be, sir, gallows, guillotine, or garrote? We're humane here you see, so we always give a man the choice!"

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It worked in Afghanistan.

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