It's hard to feel much sympathy for "journalists" whose blind compliance with the "vaccination" drive is killing even them, along with all the others they have misled so disastrously—and unforgivably
After being in Toronto for five years, I feel that the people here are mostly the unthinking type. There's a few enclaves of critical thinkers but they're like the raccoons that come out at night - - sneaky, observant, and ready to fight.
I feel your pain. I live in Massachusetts & it's like living in a mental institution.
Sadly, those who comply with communist policies are communists themselves & a danger to society.
There is no instance where it's OK for government to infringe on our God given rights. None! & there are NO exceptions - Not during a "pandemic" or natural disaster. Government does not know what's best for each individual.
If you support government mandates, such as forcing vaccine & wearing mask in order to participate in society then you support tyranny. If you support government shutting down businesses, telling us where we can stand & how many people we can have in our homes then you support tyranny. Lastly, if you think it's fine for government to prevent you from seeing a loved one in a hospital or elderly parent in a nursing home for months on end then you not only support tyranny, you're a communist who's given up your ability to think for yourself.
The like button isn't working, but I resist its tyranny and like! (Not sure why I made this tiny joke, I am filled with rage of course against the willingly complicit, but it's also officially way too long for the unwillingly complicit sheep to be asleep at the wheel - Jesus H Christ, there's no way they don't know???)
Not sure if it's any different than most cities in CHINADA but yes being in Scarborough Ontario because I distribute paper hard copy daily I see lots of folks who simply do not understand the GUB'MENT IS NOT YOUR FRIEND.
Anecdotally I would say at least 25-30% are completely ASLEEP.
They don't want me to tell them the truth
They believe the fear porn.
Some in my direct family like my Son who won't talk to us.
It's all part of a trend. Our society is feelings-based, and therefore those under its spell allow themselves to be controlled via emotional manipulation. Any insistence on objectivity - on the application of cold, clear reasoning - is regarded as poison, unlike those "safe and effective", mice-tested "vaccines".
my husband and I, my two adult sons, two sisters all declined the vax, and are all still living normal, productive, disease free lives, why would my adult daughter take three shots? It was a decision based on feelings and not objectivity. 😢
Agreed, Suzanne. It's a real shame. Many people, including beloved family members whom you would have thought would behave otherwise prior to March 2020, fell for the propaganda hook, line, and sinker. All you can do is enjoy whatever time left you have with them.
Of course she would press the button, of course! But how would that make her FEEL? That's what the people want to know.
Fear campaign after fear campaign to disorient and distract. One of the Ukrainian generals just put it on the table too. Not enough are scared of covid anymore, so now the regime threatens us with nuclear war.
As someone with an advanced degree in mathematics, I place a higher value on logic than most. Sadly, many of my colleagues decided to forgo analysis and embrace fear instead, much like religious fundamentalists who seem perfectly rational until you say anything that threatens their cherished beliefs.
Doesn't that make you doubt the logic that you embrace? I mean aren't ALL math majors supposed to have a logical brain - always looking for proofs? I mean what kinds of questions does it raise for you that supposedly super smart people with advanced medical degrees are dummer than oxen when it comes to life? It must be shaking your foundations wildly?
It doesn't make me doubt my logic, but it does remind me that intellectual talent is not enough. To survive in our increasingly wacky and sinister world, you need to have a fair bit of horse sense AND not be afraid to display it when necessary. I've met plenty of people in my profession who could run circles around me mathematically speaking but couldn't be counted on to make the wise choices that the proverbial hayseeds whom they deride would do with little or no problem.
The curious ones jump in front of trains after they've been destroyed publicly by the uncurious journalists. Look into Mish Michaels in Boston. So sad.
"So, in the interests of survival, they trained themselves to be agreeing machines instead of thinking machines. All their minds had to do was to discover what other people were thinking, and then they thought that, too."
Am in my early 60s, and while I can't say I've seen it all, I have definitely never seen anything like this incredible denial going on. With the new round of jabs being administered now a fresh onslaught of reports will soon be forthcoming. The scope of this tragedy is almost immeasurable.
It brings joy and comfort to hear such reassuring words from the CDC (sporting a lovely tan); we have simplified our message. Just go get your shots [smile]. The smile means you can trust her. I have simplified my messaging too... bite me.
Ha! I started making Truth-Tees when this sh*t show started... I wore them everywhere and the counter messaging works well - fire with fire. Repeat messaging is a chant, a spell, and it works so very well.
No, in the US. My website is Ships internationally. Check it out. I know a lot of people are doing this and it's a good thing to see. I love how creative people are with this stuff!
Years now of blatant lies while being surrounded by people who are too unconscious to notice. Anyone who has done business at a Walgreens or CVS, opportunistically lurking at every corner, can't help but notice these folks are not selling health. For those of us acquainted with the Elizabeth Holmes Big Tech conspiracy the entire madness has yet another dimension.
Given how strongly the vaxxed oppose any inquiry into how these young and healthy people are dying, it seems like they know the truth at least at a subconscious level.
People like Kimberley Fowler are going to have mental breakdowns when that second or third colleague drops dead. Especially if they are vaxxed themselves.
One dead colleague is a freak occurrence. Two is a strange coincidence. Three is gonna push them over the edge.
nb4. I’m not vaccinated but I just hit the trifecta. Just found out that a third colleague at work died way back in January 2021. (I didn’t work with him directly so didn’t hear about it at the time.) Went through his social media posts from 2020/21 and yep, he was extolling the virtues of the jabs.
[Edit: And one of his family members posted that he "died suddenly" the previous day. Case closed.]
Will she, though? See, I can fully imagine that she'll just keep telling herself about the dangers of Long Covid. It's the Canadian Way after all. I'm in line with Vox Day - - you would need no less than FIVE, count 'em, 1, 2, 3, 4, FIVE deaths for the average Normie dipsh*t to notice. And even then, 100% awakening is not guaranteed.
These predictions are both from February. I see no evidence that it's happening - do you? I would love that this were true but I fear it's pure fantasy. At this point, they're taking their rage out on those who warned them and the abusers are directing them towards us as well. They're mind controlled to the max and will likely die before waking up.
"Blubber" is the perfect descriptor. While a colleague's death would no doubt be upsetting, the story here is her grief. Never before have I seen a professional journalist exhibit this kind of uncontrolled emotion; it was clearly intentional, and purposeful. Thank you for sharing! (I don't see this kind of stuff because I can no longer stomach mainstream news.)
Madness prevails it seems. It simply blows my mind that there is, after 2 years of fear and now grief porn, a sizable population who are still very willing to step on up and play Big Pharma's version of Russian Roulette. Without sounding macabre, if they wish to participate in a Eugenecist's wet dream, well good luck to them.
What gets me is that even with all the flip flopping Fauci & so many others have done with their lies & the proof that not only are you not protected from their bio-weapon, but that the adverse reactions are a fast track to an early death ppl are STILL getting jabbed! I realize not everyone is having adverse reactions (yet), but I am NOT willing to play Russian Roulette with my or my family’s lives! My son, age 24) has had “Covid” 3 times. Got the monoclonal shots in his arms the 1st time (when “Covid” first struck) as he was very very sick & was well 3 days after the M.A’s. The other 2 times his immune system healed him. Myself, oldest son (27), husband & daughter (17) just got over 3 weeks of “Covid “-all unvaccinated. We survived. Husband & daughter were treated with Zithromax etc. (daughter still not 100%)Son got better on his own & the 3rd week, I was fortunate enough to meet a licensed herbalist on Substack(thank you Jason) who really helped me! Started daughter on them. I suggest holistic healing & for Covid care & a preventative! I wish I had started herbal trtmnt prior to getting sick!
Honestly, this sounds more like poisoning... never before has the human body responded to a "viral" threat in this way... constant bouts? Lingering? Something is invading and compromising our immune systems from the outside but I don't think it is a virus.
Great question- I see mostly vax injury, I don’t know about the contagious aspect. About the same number of annual cases of flu death disappeared and the same number of “ covid deaths” coincidentally appeared. That, for me, is the telling point.
I’m just trying to figure out what”it” is (Covid) because I think they created a bio-weapon & societies around the world were the Guinea pigs. Have to have a way to spread it.
So if you get Covid & like us, are unvaxxed chances are you can beat it at home (even if you need meds or preferably herbal meds), but if you are so sick you go to the hospital, chances are you could die there with the “trtmnts” they were (are?) giving. If you are vaxxed & get Covid, well.....
My cousin’s husband was healthy. Had to get the jab to keep job. Still got Covid. Went to the hospital & was sent home saying he would be fine since he was “vaccinated”. He had a massive heart attack & died. So, what killed him. Covid, the vax or both? That’s the ?
No, I don’t think I would call it a “virus” either (felt like poisoning), but they had to use something in the mix to make it contagious & I truly believe it has a contagion in it. We were told by a waitress she was positive & sick (but of course had to be at the rest. working 🙄🤔) then a week later, my husband is sick, then son, then myself & daughter in that order. Son had only been around us so 🤷🏻♀️just my opinion. I say this because so many say otherwise. The body pain, loss of taste & smell (not from congestion either), headaches, fever, (daughter’s 104.2 x 2days), stomach problems, dizziness, forgetfulness, the exhaustion (walking to kitchen to get a drink was exhausting), the constant thirst, lack of appetite (weight loss too), the agitation & then the 3rd week the congestion sets in! It has been 4 weeks since the first of us got sick & I am the only one who actually feels completely back to normal. (Herbal meds?-I believe so.)
Read the book, Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons., by Kris Newby. You will gain a new understanding of what has been going on in the field of biology since the late 1940s.
Sounds really awful... I'm so sorry. You know what I find interesting is how this sickness presents differently. For some it is truly a cold. For others it's very flu-like. In your case, it begins to tip the scales on "just a flu". I have thought from the outset that what we are really dealing with is a form of radiation sickness (a frequency war). All the symptoms you describe fall in line. How this is achieved exactly still needs research. We should not ignore this possibility as this novel (5gee) technology rolled out at the very same time. All of us walking around with our phones are walking antennae/batteries with constant low dose radiation. How much of this can the body take? I believe that is why the presentation is different in each person. Get better and blessings to your family!
She's literally a woman. Your use of effeminate is not well received. There's absolutely nothing wrong with being effeminate and does not automatically = cowardice.
These reporters have a responsibility to the public to tell the truth. The public trust them. It’s about having ethics, integrity and morals. It’s also about saving lives. Yes, she is a coward for not telling the truth.
I also would say that about a man.
I am a woman and I understand emotions.and the difference between woman and men.
There is zero excuses for the media not telling the truth. I hope they all get charged with Crimes Against Humanity’.
I am not objecting to calling her a coward at all. I think mr. raymond is a little prejudiced against effeminacy - whatever that means to him. That was my objection. We're on the same page about all of it darlene. xo
Look up word effeminate.. It has some harsh meanings, some of which can be used at either men or women.
I use FEMININE when I want to praise... And vast number of women I stand speechless at bravery or goodness.
You don't like fact that effeminate has some bad meanings, (which I think you don't know many of them..)..then Blame people who used it before I was born.
Or become a communist and just white it out if dictionary
I would say that since you don't know how to spell or even write coherent sentences, it is you who needs to read the dictionary. Your extreme prejudice and point of view is not helpful to anyone, least of all yourself.
Don't know if you've seen this yet Mark, but it looks encouraging. Doctors around the globe actually going on record and standing up against the shots because of their obvious harms.
The journalist whom I feel easily walks away with the Grand Prize for the Willfully Blind is dear ol' former hero of mine (for fifteen adoring years...): Amy Goodman. "Democracy Now" is where I first found you, Mark -- for which I'll be eternally grateful. Keep up your stellar efforts!
Absolutely. Mystifying. Goodman is a seasoned war reported and should have recognized the signs of something fishy. I saw her speak in person about a decade ago.
After being in Toronto for five years, I feel that the people here are mostly the unthinking type. There's a few enclaves of critical thinkers but they're like the raccoons that come out at night - - sneaky, observant, and ready to fight.
I feel your pain. I live in Massachusetts & it's like living in a mental institution.
Sadly, those who comply with communist policies are communists themselves & a danger to society.
There is no instance where it's OK for government to infringe on our God given rights. None! & there are NO exceptions - Not during a "pandemic" or natural disaster. Government does not know what's best for each individual.
If you support government mandates, such as forcing vaccine & wearing mask in order to participate in society then you support tyranny. If you support government shutting down businesses, telling us where we can stand & how many people we can have in our homes then you support tyranny. Lastly, if you think it's fine for government to prevent you from seeing a loved one in a hospital or elderly parent in a nursing home for months on end then you not only support tyranny, you're a communist who's given up your ability to think for yourself.
The like button isn't working, but I resist its tyranny and like! (Not sure why I made this tiny joke, I am filled with rage of course against the willingly complicit, but it's also officially way too long for the unwillingly complicit sheep to be asleep at the wheel - Jesus H Christ, there's no way they don't know???)
I live in MA as well. It has been hell...
Want to do lunch?
Where in MA do you live?
Not sure if it's any different than most cities in CHINADA but yes being in Scarborough Ontario because I distribute paper hard copy daily I see lots of folks who simply do not understand the GUB'MENT IS NOT YOUR FRIEND.
Anecdotally I would say at least 25-30% are completely ASLEEP.
They don't want me to tell them the truth
They believe the fear porn.
Some in my direct family like my Son who won't talk to us.
I will fight to the death.
Good luck forcing anything on me.
my kind of people
But...but...we're bipedal! Gotta give us that. And viviparous. And we have social media. Anyone here know how to grow a potato?
It's all part of a trend. Our society is feelings-based, and therefore those under its spell allow themselves to be controlled via emotional manipulation. Any insistence on objectivity - on the application of cold, clear reasoning - is regarded as poison, unlike those "safe and effective", mice-tested "vaccines".
that was a theme in Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World". The "feelies"
I agree Jasper. When my 89 yr old mother,
my husband and I, my two adult sons, two sisters all declined the vax, and are all still living normal, productive, disease free lives, why would my adult daughter take three shots? It was a decision based on feelings and not objectivity. 😢
Agreed, Suzanne. It's a real shame. Many people, including beloved family members whom you would have thought would behave otherwise prior to March 2020, fell for the propaganda hook, line, and sinker. All you can do is enjoy whatever time left you have with them.
This extends to politicians considering nuclear war as well.
Of course she would press the button, of course! But how would that make her FEEL? That's what the people want to know.
Fear campaign after fear campaign to disorient and distract. One of the Ukrainian generals just put it on the table too. Not enough are scared of covid anymore, so now the regime threatens us with nuclear war.
This is such a smart concise statement.
I haven't seen anyone layout our current predicament better than you.
Thanks, NDR.
As someone with an advanced degree in mathematics, I place a higher value on logic than most. Sadly, many of my colleagues decided to forgo analysis and embrace fear instead, much like religious fundamentalists who seem perfectly rational until you say anything that threatens their cherished beliefs.
Doesn't that make you doubt the logic that you embrace? I mean aren't ALL math majors supposed to have a logical brain - always looking for proofs? I mean what kinds of questions does it raise for you that supposedly super smart people with advanced medical degrees are dummer than oxen when it comes to life? It must be shaking your foundations wildly?
It doesn't make me doubt my logic, but it does remind me that intellectual talent is not enough. To survive in our increasingly wacky and sinister world, you need to have a fair bit of horse sense AND not be afraid to display it when necessary. I've met plenty of people in my profession who could run circles around me mathematically speaking but couldn't be counted on to make the wise choices that the proverbial hayseeds whom they deride would do with little or no problem.
I've never seen so many incurious "journalists" in my life.
The curious ones jump in front of trains after they've been destroyed publicly by the uncurious journalists. Look into Mish Michaels in Boston. So sad.
Cut & paste
a Kurt Vonnegut quote is in order here:
"So, in the interests of survival, they trained themselves to be agreeing machines instead of thinking machines. All their minds had to do was to discover what other people were thinking, and then they thought that, too."
― Kurt Vonnegut, “Breakfast of Champions” (1973).
Am in my early 60s, and while I can't say I've seen it all, I have definitely never seen anything like this incredible denial going on. With the new round of jabs being administered now a fresh onslaught of reports will soon be forthcoming. The scope of this tragedy is almost immeasurable.
It brings joy and comfort to hear such reassuring words from the CDC (sporting a lovely tan); we have simplified our message. Just go get your shots [smile]. The smile means you can trust her. I have simplified my messaging too... bite me.
lol - I was tempted to buy a t-shirt the other day that said FYMM (which stands for f*ck you, make me!)
Ha! I started making Truth-Tees when this sh*t show started... I wore them everywhere and the counter messaging works well - fire with fire. Repeat messaging is a chant, a spell, and it works so very well.
Are you in Canada? Where can I find your tees? I have a bunch of them with Save Canada, etc.
No, in the US. My website is Ships internationally. Check it out. I know a lot of people are doing this and it's a good thing to see. I love how creative people are with this stuff!
Nice, thanks - I'm trying to stick to Canadian products and 100% cotton. Nice designs though and I've signed up to your blog - thanks!
Thanks for visiting and subscribing! I try to support local too as much as I can :). Praying for my Canadian brethren <3 Keep the faith!
regina anchor girl knows exactly what killed her colleague and that's why she's crying. she's terrified that she's going to be next
That was my thought as well.
Totally agree. Super vax aficionados that I know look VERY uneasy everyday.
Or her defensive
Years now of blatant lies while being surrounded by people who are too unconscious to notice. Anyone who has done business at a Walgreens or CVS, opportunistically lurking at every corner, can't help but notice these folks are not selling health. For those of us acquainted with the Elizabeth Holmes Big Tech conspiracy the entire madness has yet another dimension.
Brilliant analysis and call-out of the people pretending on TV to be “journalists.”
Funny how NO ONE wants to tell what he died of🤔
Given how strongly the vaxxed oppose any inquiry into how these young and healthy people are dying, it seems like they know the truth at least at a subconscious level.
People like Kimberley Fowler are going to have mental breakdowns when that second or third colleague drops dead. Especially if they are vaxxed themselves.
One dead colleague is a freak occurrence. Two is a strange coincidence. Three is gonna push them over the edge.
nb4. I’m not vaccinated but I just hit the trifecta. Just found out that a third colleague at work died way back in January 2021. (I didn’t work with him directly so didn’t hear about it at the time.) Went through his social media posts from 2020/21 and yep, he was extolling the virtues of the jabs.
[Edit: And one of his family members posted that he "died suddenly" the previous day. Case closed.]
Must've been a rare combination of climate change and Long Covid.
It's not that rare anymore.
Will she, though? See, I can fully imagine that she'll just keep telling herself about the dangers of Long Covid. It's the Canadian Way after all. I'm in line with Vox Day - - you would need no less than FIVE, count 'em, 1, 2, 3, 4, FIVE deaths for the average Normie dipsh*t to notice. And even then, 100% awakening is not guaranteed.
Don’t they say the average person needs something repeated seven times before it registers? 😆
I know nothing about Vox Day. Do you have any links talking about deaths and normies?
The vaxxxed are going to go ballistic
Count down to the Mass Hysteria of the Vaccinated
These predictions are both from February. I see no evidence that it's happening - do you? I would love that this were true but I fear it's pure fantasy. At this point, they're taking their rage out on those who warned them and the abusers are directing them towards us as well. They're mind controlled to the max and will likely die before waking up.
Let's hope so.
"Blubber" is the perfect descriptor. While a colleague's death would no doubt be upsetting, the story here is her grief. Never before have I seen a professional journalist exhibit this kind of uncontrolled emotion; it was clearly intentional, and purposeful. Thank you for sharing! (I don't see this kind of stuff because I can no longer stomach mainstream news.)
Thanks, also, for your work and dedication.
Did you guys happen to read this?
Great article, Tina. Thank you.
And written by Dr. Mercola.
Madness prevails it seems. It simply blows my mind that there is, after 2 years of fear and now grief porn, a sizable population who are still very willing to step on up and play Big Pharma's version of Russian Roulette. Without sounding macabre, if they wish to participate in a Eugenecist's wet dream, well good luck to them.
What gets me is that even with all the flip flopping Fauci & so many others have done with their lies & the proof that not only are you not protected from their bio-weapon, but that the adverse reactions are a fast track to an early death ppl are STILL getting jabbed! I realize not everyone is having adverse reactions (yet), but I am NOT willing to play Russian Roulette with my or my family’s lives! My son, age 24) has had “Covid” 3 times. Got the monoclonal shots in his arms the 1st time (when “Covid” first struck) as he was very very sick & was well 3 days after the M.A’s. The other 2 times his immune system healed him. Myself, oldest son (27), husband & daughter (17) just got over 3 weeks of “Covid “-all unvaccinated. We survived. Husband & daughter were treated with Zithromax etc. (daughter still not 100%)Son got better on his own & the 3rd week, I was fortunate enough to meet a licensed herbalist on Substack(thank you Jason) who really helped me! Started daughter on them. I suggest holistic healing & for Covid care & a preventative! I wish I had started herbal trtmnt prior to getting sick!
Honestly, this sounds more like poisoning... never before has the human body responded to a "viral" threat in this way... constant bouts? Lingering? Something is invading and compromising our immune systems from the outside but I don't think it is a virus.
Agreed; it’s the mRNA causing people to produce spike proteins inside their own bodies.
But how is it “contagious”?
Try this:
And peruse this:
And then just apply 'the dog that did not bark' approach. Best of luck!
Great question- I see mostly vax injury, I don’t know about the contagious aspect. About the same number of annual cases of flu death disappeared and the same number of “ covid deaths” coincidentally appeared. That, for me, is the telling point.
I’m just trying to figure out what”it” is (Covid) because I think they created a bio-weapon & societies around the world were the Guinea pigs. Have to have a way to spread it.
So if you get Covid & like us, are unvaxxed chances are you can beat it at home (even if you need meds or preferably herbal meds), but if you are so sick you go to the hospital, chances are you could die there with the “trtmnts” they were (are?) giving. If you are vaxxed & get Covid, well.....
My cousin’s husband was healthy. Had to get the jab to keep job. Still got Covid. Went to the hospital & was sent home saying he would be fine since he was “vaccinated”. He had a massive heart attack & died. So, what killed him. Covid, the vax or both? That’s the ?
No, I don’t think I would call it a “virus” either (felt like poisoning), but they had to use something in the mix to make it contagious & I truly believe it has a contagion in it. We were told by a waitress she was positive & sick (but of course had to be at the rest. working 🙄🤔) then a week later, my husband is sick, then son, then myself & daughter in that order. Son had only been around us so 🤷🏻♀️just my opinion. I say this because so many say otherwise. The body pain, loss of taste & smell (not from congestion either), headaches, fever, (daughter’s 104.2 x 2days), stomach problems, dizziness, forgetfulness, the exhaustion (walking to kitchen to get a drink was exhausting), the constant thirst, lack of appetite (weight loss too), the agitation & then the 3rd week the congestion sets in! It has been 4 weeks since the first of us got sick & I am the only one who actually feels completely back to normal. (Herbal meds?-I believe so.)
Read the book, Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons., by Kris Newby. You will gain a new understanding of what has been going on in the field of biology since the late 1940s.
Sounds really awful... I'm so sorry. You know what I find interesting is how this sickness presents differently. For some it is truly a cold. For others it's very flu-like. In your case, it begins to tip the scales on "just a flu". I have thought from the outset that what we are really dealing with is a form of radiation sickness (a frequency war). All the symptoms you describe fall in line. How this is achieved exactly still needs research. We should not ignore this possibility as this novel (5gee) technology rolled out at the very same time. All of us walking around with our phones are walking antennae/batteries with constant low dose radiation. How much of this can the body take? I believe that is why the presentation is different in each person. Get better and blessings to your family!
I really like the Tone of the introduction. Quite magnificent.
No retreat. No surrender to these utter contemptible , effeminate, cowardly bastards.
She's literally a woman. Your use of effeminate is not well received. There's absolutely nothing wrong with being effeminate and does not automatically = cowardice.
These reporters have a responsibility to the public to tell the truth. The public trust them. It’s about having ethics, integrity and morals. It’s also about saving lives. Yes, she is a coward for not telling the truth.
I also would say that about a man.
I am a woman and I understand emotions.and the difference between woman and men.
There is zero excuses for the media not telling the truth. I hope they all get charged with Crimes Against Humanity’.
I am not objecting to calling her a coward at all. I think mr. raymond is a little prejudiced against effeminacy - whatever that means to him. That was my objection. We're on the same page about all of it darlene. xo
I apologize for speaking harshly. It wasn’t meant at you. I’m just upset at the whole situation.
You take good care of yourself Zoe.
Thanks Darlene - you too xo <3
I used feminine when I want to praise.
I don't give a damn if it's not well received.
Blessed Virgin Mary Blessed Isabella, Saint Mary Magdalene, Saint Veronica... Women I am in awe of. I don't deserve to to be in same room.
I know many great women, and feminine is word I use.
Look up word effeminate.. It has some harsh meanings, some of which can be used at either men or women.
I use FEMININE when I want to praise... And vast number of women I stand speechless at bravery or goodness.
You don't like fact that effeminate has some bad meanings, (which I think you don't know many of them..)..then Blame people who used it before I was born.
Or become a communist and just white it out if dictionary
Maybe get back on your meds John. You sound like you're a little off your rocker.
Maybe read your freaken dictionary
I would say that since you don't know how to spell or even write coherent sentences, it is you who needs to read the dictionary. Your extreme prejudice and point of view is not helpful to anyone, least of all yourself.
Don't know if you've seen this yet Mark, but it looks encouraging. Doctors around the globe actually going on record and standing up against the shots because of their obvious harms.
There's hope!
The journalist whom I feel easily walks away with the Grand Prize for the Willfully Blind is dear ol' former hero of mine (for fifteen adoring years...): Amy Goodman. "Democracy Now" is where I first found you, Mark -- for which I'll be eternally grateful. Keep up your stellar efforts!
Absolutely. Mystifying. Goodman is a seasoned war reported and should have recognized the signs of something fishy. I saw her speak in person about a decade ago.
Her brother's an epidemiologist who's totally onboard with the BS.