These times are so hard. It’s like a bad movie that won’t end. Watching our friends and family unethically coerced into these injections while smug ignorant bullies rage at all the wrong people. All I can think is “how long O Lord?”

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Smug and ignorant is right. Once on a fb page, this woman was making fun of folks that would not take the shot. She was very arrogant. She said the shots were just like other vaccines (her words). I told her how they were different. She responded with the laugh emoji, so I did too. Anyway, the next day on same page she was looking for a Physical therapist who is good with MS patients. I wondered if it was a new diagnosis after her shot.

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May 22, 2022
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Read that this morning.

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May 22, 2022
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I read your stack all the time. You have good stuff.

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She really thought the MRNA shots were made like vaccines. This was around the time the American truckers were traveling through the South. After over a year of them being given, she had no idea ! She was taking something that she had no idea about.

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After everything I question everything even those supposedly safe vaccines of our youth.

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Dr. Andrew Moulden: Every dose of every vaccine does damage.

I'm the parent of a vaccine-injured child who is now a disabled young adult. Like many other parents of vaccine-injured children, I've spent hundreds of hours studying vaccines and their effects, their history, etc. Even with the up close and personal experience of my child's injury, it took me a long time to completely get over believing "Vaccines are safe and effective."

Eventually I came to the conclusion that vaccines are 99% risk and 1% benefit. I give the anti-toxoid vaccines (diphtheria and tetanus; and I put whole cell pertussis, and acellular pertussis in this category due to FDA research published in 2012) the credit for the 1% benefit; these vaccines don't prevent infection or transmission, but they do prevent the awful symptoms for most vaccinated people via antibodies that attack the bacterial toxins that cause the worst symptoms.

Here's a good book I think you'd find interesting: "Miller's Review of Critical Vaccine Studies" by Neil Miller. Summaries of about 400 studies, in an easy-to-read format.

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We just found out a few years ago that you cannot get just a tetanus shot. You get the TDaP. My husband was told he was getting a tetanus after breaking his ankle. Then he finds out it was actually a TDaP and the doc did not even inform him first!! The medical mafia has been lying to us for many years now.

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Symptoms being the body's natural mechanism for detoxifying the toxic load. I agree vacccines are 1% beneficial...to the 1% of the wealthiest globalists on the planet.

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I was totally shocked when I learned around 2001 or 2002 how dangerous the smallpox was after they gave it to all of us. That was probably 40 years after I had it.

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Yeah, face it a lot of us are lucky to have lived through it then. Now, there's so many more, it's a wonder any kids live.

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Me too. At 67, I wonder if they caused my CREST Syndrome, diagnosed in 2001 ?

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You know, people research thoroughly before they spend a few hundred dollars on an appliance or new phone but, they don't have time to research a new medical procedure that could affect their wellbeing.

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What is horrifying is this ignorance lines their children up for the jabs. More research done on finding safe and effective car seats I’m sure.

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And she had given her “informed consent”. Horrifying, really.

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I know a retired doctor who was also telling his family the jab was just like previous ones. It’s amazing how many will just listen to MSM and not do even one second of research. He was so sure of himself.

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I admit there are occasional bright spots for me when a smug, ignorant bully succumbs.

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May 22, 2022
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If mass formation is real (abd it certainly seems to be one plausible explanation) how is it that so many of us here have escaped it?

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I bet not owning a TV plays some role.

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I turned everything MSM off April 2020 (I never used social media) except entertainment stuff. I started to get alternate information from my alternative health sources. That saved me. I never feared the disease in the first place.

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May 23, 2022
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Today I found out that some people don't experience internal monologue, of course I know we're all individuals and think differently but, was not aware that the "mechanism" of thinking can be that different.

Re: your question: why are some power hungry psychopaths?

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I’ve heard that before. It must be peaceful inside their brains. Empty, but peaceful.

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You mean that little voice in their heads actually shuts up???Wow, their life must be bliss.

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I know. Mine never shuts up. Yak, yak, yak all the time.

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I heard this a couple of years ago. I applied it only to people who didn’t worry about things because it seemed to me those people were not having all the “ifs” conversations their brains and therefore no need to worry. But you just caused me to realize the really dangerous side of no internal voice, too. There is no little voice saying, “This wrong! Don’t do it!” Thanks.

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May 23, 2022
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They're also doing experiments within the larger experiment, I think that is part of the large variance.

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May 24, 2022
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I think it's the biggest component that holds this psy op together. If it was consistently as toxic, it'd be too much for even the most normie of normies to handle. They hide it with the Russian roulette model, and it works.

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I think Red Pillers are born that way. Smart, skeptical and unrelenting critical thinkers. In other words, we see thru the bullshit. As far as the vax and why only some are affected, I think, has to do with odds and location. I’ve read more deaths have taken place up the I 75 corridor due to easy delivery off the freeway by the vax pushers. Also, the lot someone receives is kind of a Russian Roulette game. Will you get one with a toxic adjunct or will you get saline? I think vax recipients are part of an unknown and unwitting experiment to see what adjuncts will kill or maim. The pushers know what’s in the lots according to whistleblowers.

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May 23, 2022
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Plus peer group influence. I think that has a stronger pull on a young, undeveloped mind. Teenage group think will sway their needs and wants every time. Parents have to parent to stop it. Hopefully, the good ones will.

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May 23, 2022Edited
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Thank you for sharing CG and, yes we mustn't give up hope.

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I deleted my pink pill comment. A little too whiny. Carry on!

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May 23, 2022
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What vitamin story?

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That is a sad and all too common story. And to the latter, typical response from someone who disagrees but has no data or information to support their claim. A perfect example of successful indoctrination.

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I don't know what's more disturbing about what's happening - the suffering caused by these injections or the abuse and even violence heaped upon those who are trying to PREVENT the suffering. Those of us who see the former happening and live our lives in anguish that it's all so preventable EVEN AS we're demonized, losing our jobs, attacked as being liars, selfish, evil. It's crazy-making knowing the truth and not being able to mitigate the harms that the oligarchs are inflicting on all of us. They've been brilliantly successful at dividing us with the covid narrative. The question is, WHEN WILL THE INDOCTRINATED WAKE UP?!?!?! Our world would look very different indeed if people realized the game that has been played. Being kicked off almost all social media has made it almost impossible to provide information that counters the narrative. It's diabolical and it must end now.

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My 71-year-old brother-in-law was a lifetime runner, never drank or smoked, was in good health and dropped dead of a heart attack on a walk after his third shot... I have no doubt that the vaccine kill him.

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My husband is a GP - past retirement age but working part time in an out-of-hours service. He's totally brainwashed, or seems to be. I got two shots before my epiphany last summer - I took the shots because of a couple of risk factors and because I was pushing 70. Needless to say I've never regretted any decision as much. I also took the shots because my husband was still working and I thought he was inevitably going to bring the bug home (there were emergency docs living in hotels so as not to infect their families - allegedly anyway). In December 20 my husband said that he wasn't going to take the shots and thought most other doctors wouldn't either. By January he'd changed his mind, for no reason that I understand. As a doctor he got his early, in January 21. I asked him if the doctors on his blogs thought the shots were safe and he said yes, they pretty much did. So, I also kind of took the shots myself because I was stupid enough to think that, as doctors, they knew more than I did. In fact I know about 100 times more than my doctor husband about these jabs now, and he calls me a conspiracy theorist etc., even though I sneakily bought a copy of Kennedy's book and left it beside the bed and he actually read it. A week after his booster, in December, he collapsed unconscious in our house and we had an ambulance crew here for 45 minutes monitoring his heart, on the basis of which he was sent to hospital, and thereafter followed up for a couple of months by a cardiologist.

Even after all that, when he hears me listening to stuff about the vaxxes, he says things like 'not that shite again'. It's unbelievable. Tonight though, I listened to Mark's interview with the Grand Jury. I'd already heard it all when he came into the room with his iPad, reading his docs' blog, presumably, so I put it back to the beginning and listened to the entire 90 minutes for a second time just so that he'd hear it! So, thanks for that, Mark, as it was excellent. He never said a peep through the whole thing, although he was presumably pretending not to listen.

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I am so sorry

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Both sad. Typical to yell Liar with nothing to back it up, was her name Karen?

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It is my opinion that nurses and doctors are the most brainwashed of all. Apparently, they get training in how "NOT" to think critically. Since Big Pharma owns the medical system in the United States, medical professionals are trained to be bitches for Big Pharma and they are leaving massive death in their wake. It sounds like your reader has figured it out!

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Not all nurses and doctors. There are a great many of us out of work because of our critical thinking.

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You will inherit the medical system when the brain dead medical professionals succumb to the Covid Kill Shot. Unfortunately, you will be overwhelmed because there are not enough of you. I am happy to see that some have escaped the clutches of Big Pharma, thanks for being YOU!

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I think when a critical mass of doctors and nurses here find out what they have been part of (both as perpetrators and victims, since most in the UK are jabbed, although about 80,000 NHS workers held out and went on demonstrations - and won, i.e. the theat to sack them was withdrawn) there will be suicides, and a massive need for PTSD counselling. If my husband had been involved in the vaxx campaign I don't know how I'd have lived with it. Thank God for small mercies. I think the psychological need to deny what's happening is huge among doctors who were taken in for such a long time.

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Yes, you are right an all counts. I think it was Mark Twain who said: "It is much easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled." When they see a loved one die and suspect it is the vaccine, they may become aware.

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It has been interesting for me to see, from the UK, how two very different medical systems achieve the same result. When the NHS was created in 1948, I believe it was done with the best of intentions. But it has had two dangerous effects during covid: (1) It is a top-down organisation where directives pretty much have to be followed by everyone. In doctors' annual appraisal, they have to justify themselves if they have prescribed much more or much less of any particular medication than their colleagues, for example. (2) The NHS has for decades given the population the warm fuzzies, so they have been more likely than Americans, as the obvious example, to trust generally that the authorities have their welfare at heart.

In the US, compliance by the medical profession was achieved (a) by implicit or explicit threats and (b) by money. Two systems, same result. Although threats were indeed made in the NHS to doctors who spoke out too, notably Dr Sam White (interviewed by Reiner F.) who was suspended, and Anne McCloskey, a Belfast out-of-hours doctor who was also suspended for putting out a video on social media. They seem to be generally regarded as fruitloops by the rest of the profession.

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Yes that appears to be the situation. I have been listening to the Richie Allen podcast Richie is an extremely good broadcaster out of Manchester and he stays on top of the issue in England, do you know about him?

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I should also have said that my husband reads and comments on two doctors' blogs: Pulse (magazine) and, I think, doctors.net. Guess who subsidises these blogs? Yep, the pharma industry. And they are moderated. So if you go off-script, you're not going to last long. Hence doctors are basically censoring each other, even unconsciously. Mike Yeadon said last year that doctors he knew personally reported that doctors were censoring each other in person. One would suggest that something or other might have been caused by the vaxx and the others would shut them down.

There's an excellent interview on the UK Column website (which is an excellent antidote to the BBC, whether on covid, Ukraine or anything else), with Dr David Cartland, a GP who resigned from his NHS practice when the jabbing of children started. He was double-jabbed himself but didn't want the booster. He gives an excellent insight into what it is actually like working in a GP practice where your colleagues literally back away from you if you suggest anything might be remiss about the vaxxes.

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Thanks I will check out David, also if you don't know about Steve Kirsch, thehighwire.com and children's health defense, check them out. And the Trend's Journal keeps up on it. Of course there is" off'guardian and trendsjournal.com too. Keep up the fight. Do you know about hte Expose and Vernon Coleman. Search for Vernon and the Expose which are both English.

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I don't know him, so thanks for the heads up.

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The “liar” comment reminds me of “political” arguments in elementary school. We parrotted our parents because we didn’t understand the issues involved.

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In the midst of all the grim, your comment brought a wry smile to my face.

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The one who called you a liar is scared of what it will mean if you are not lying.

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How can you be a liar when you are posting links to studies? Does s/he think you made them up?

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And not just a dozen of studies but hundreds upon hundreds of studies published by credible, world-renowned scientific journals...

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I made a comment about how i loved my OBGYN on some substack because he believed the vaccine should not be recommended for pregnant women because there is not enough data. Someone said my obgyn should be fired and I wrote back with more information and then they called me a “Liar!” Just like above. Wtf is wrong with people.

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Having their mental narrative challenged makes them hysterical, because everything would come crashing down if they realized their entire reality was a fantasy.

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Easier to fool people than to convince them they've been fooled! Twain

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It is dark and twisted humor for a dark and twisted time. Sometimes you can’t help but laugh at it. Like when that comedian was bragging about her vaccines and declared Jesus loves her the mostest and and then passed out giving herself a concussion, and was hospitalized.

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German newscaster was singing this before she went on air.

"Now everybody

Have you heard?

If you took the jab

Then the stroke's the word

Don't take no rhythm

Don't take no style

Got a thirst for clotting

Grab your vial"


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Thank you for your lists of those who died suddenly. I sent a letter to our editor over the weekend. Not sure if he will print it but more people need to try to write as well. Yes, there will be blowback from those still in hypnosis but so what? I am 79. Go ahead. Won’t bother me a bit! Thank you for the truth. Sure wish I could take your courses!!

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Michael Yeadon is getting the facts out to counter the covid lies in the expose'

Meanwhile, what can the koolAided folks do, but call those of us who speak truthfully the monikers that describe themselves

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It certainly seems to defy logic. There is a metaphysical and also primordial aspect to our response to all this. Some of us may be more attuned to power plays and manipulation tactics and bristle against them at a gut level. When data were lacking, and we nonetheless received pressure to comply, those who did so, perhaps out of fear, trusted the narrative; the rest of us increasingly questioned it and confirmed our instinctive suspicions. It was not about the ideological "the science" but the manipulation of falsehoods that stood out for us. Now the question for me is why most fell for the kool aide, while a minority of us did not.

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I think, for some of us the more they were pushing the more we were getting suspicious.

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May 23, 2022
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I agree that our differences Re embedded in changing historical circumstances from which we canty really escape. But the unique ways in which we mediate them shape how they impact us and the choices we make. Our unique spiritual, experiential, psychological and cultural backgrounds no doubt impact that. This probably makes it difficult to change dispositions.

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Our friend and his wife, who are 78, have been double vaxxed and boosted. He did this because he has COPD. His wife got hers so she could continue working as a volunteer at hospice. He now has a rare bile duct cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy. He’s been scheduled for a Whipple procedure — also known as a pancreaticoduodenectomy in July. It’s an extremely risky surgery and I fear for the worst. She is already a cancer survivor and carries the BRCA gene for ovarian cancer. I fear the worst for her as well. In my heart I know this is happening because they were vaxxed.

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Whipple surgery is just prolonged death. Sorry to say....

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I am sorry Mark for your excellent posts deserve better.. look forward to your future publications..

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That first story is so much like my situation. A family member who works in public health is insane about the shots. Here is something else about her:

--says something nice.

--says something nice.

--says something nice

--says something - oh wait, what she just said was f-ing cruel!

This whole thing seems to be a way to bring out existing family dysfunction, except that it's way more damaging than mean words.

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Thank you for all your amazing information. Yesterday we held a memorial for my father whose heart ruptured, and which I too blame on the real murder hornets - the murder vaccines. I watched the 4+ hour trial video in which you participated. You are so clear on all the evil propaganda. We all need to know about the insidious propaganda. As you know, but most of us never have known, it has been going on for decades. Thank you for all your hard work. Wow. You are amazing.

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