If Novak Djokovic can give up playing tennis for a few years to keep himself healthy and not go along with the madness that has infected our world, then all stars could have done the same. I have said this before but it bears repeating: I have so much respect for him.

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I totally agree. I have enormous admiration for Novak. He is an absolute hero among a bunch of cowards. (I really hope he wins the US open 😉) He is also humble and gracious and all his haters can hate away but he is an example of a real sportsman, dedicated and strong.

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How much longer before people begin to connect the dots? Will they ever? Or, will they be allowed to do so publicly?

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Many have; many will never. so forget the last ones and further educate the former ones... SAD AS IT IS, because for me, it it includes most family members.

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Oddly enough, I maintained from the very beginning, after watching the manic behavior of true believers, that it would be a complete waste of time and energy trying to get through to them. Routinely I was castigated for being a pessimist and not believing in people's ability to learn the truth. I feel somewhat vindicated, now, as more and more people understand that, for the vast majority of believers, there is no going back. Lots of reasons, fear, faith in the experts, not wanting to look foolish, and not wanting to face up to what they did to themselves and to their loved ones (whom they forced or coerced into taking the jab), but the bottom line is that they are lost to us and will ever remain so

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Yep. It was Aldous Huxley who stated something the following:

1. "34. “Most ignorance is vincible ignorance. We don’t know because we don’t want to know.”"

2. "53. “The most valuable of all education is the ability to make yourself do the thing you have to do, when it has to be done, whether you like it or not.”



But the one I was looking for is::

"If there are 20% of the people who really can be suggested into believing almost anything, then we have to take extremely careful steps into prevent the rise of demagogues who will drive them on into extreme positions then organize them into very, very dangerous armies, private armies which may overthrow the government."

But somewhere I read it was more summed up as:

= 20% of people are totally gullible and will believe anything stated or implemented by the government

= 60% of people at the beginning have NO chosen side and are willingly swayed.

= 20% of people will reject anything the government states and applies.


Regards the 60%, that seemed to have a limited time frame and then for some reason, they chose one camp or the other; or literally IGNORE or CANNOT BELIEVE the things are happening (it is far more than just denial).

Anyway, many people have awakened, so many that it seems the globalist parasites have to become more open and more desperate to get their boosters taken now... "We !" have changed the percentage, maybe into our favour, maybe just missed; but the others as you infer are a lost cause.

Apologies for the length of the waffle.

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Are you a Brit? The only person I have heard use the term waffle was British, he also used the term chin waggle.

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Good guess; that obvious ???; yes.

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Hey Bob, no problem: It was worth reading the entire thing just for your item #2 at the top, and the link you supplied..

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Give them the info about vaccine damage remediation protocols and leave it at that. Up to them if they fix the problem they created or ignore it. You've done your part. (flccc.net site, Treatment Protocols tab, I-Recover: Post Vaccine Treatment).


I know the feeling. Most of my friends & family have taken the shots. Same with the wife's side. Sad but we've done all we can do.

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Good idea to quit w/trying to convince them, just start sending them a glimmer of hope and pray they connect the dots.

What infuriates me the most is they ask zero questions. I know someone that has lost many friends and relatives, I tried to warn/suggest/coax about not taking the vaxx and was ignored. You would think by now I might have received a phone call w/some curious questions. Nada, zip.

Not one person has asked me in the last three years "Why not? Why shouldn't I take it?". All they could do was ignore me or repeat a MSM mantra. A few said at the time of my warning they really didn't want to take it, but for whatever the reason in the end they caved.

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Unfortunately, I’m with you 100%!

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Seems like never. Some people just live in a fantasy. My buddy last night still thought that Ivermectin was for horses.

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I just visited with far left friends I hadn’t seen in about ten years. Neither had ever heard of ivermectin! I sent them some studies to educate them. Hopefully they read them. But I’m not holding my breath.

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yes do not hold breath. I have sent studies to many of my liberal or progrisve family members and they do not read with one exception he ridiculs. Humility is lacking in this world and mostly considered a dirty word.

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Actually, they close down when you START to explain....they don't want to hear it.

Like I said to someone on the phone, "There's data now." CLICK!

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Megyn Kelly Publicly Says She REGRETS Taking the COVID Vaccine, Suspects it Caused New Medical Issue


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That's what happens when they don't question authority. They become a victim of authority.

At least she's calling it out unlike all the others who've been maimed by it but still stay silent. Cowardice is what they have.

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bobby baloney questions authority and he took it.

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Then he didn't question authority to the point he'd say "NO" to it. Just going through the motions and then caving in for whatever reason is the same result.

What's the point of questioning authority if you are just going to go along to get along?

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I like to read the comments section in any media when they are reporting on celeb deaths to get an idea what the general public is thinking. Comments in NY Post regarding a fitness influencer’s sudden death were pretty split between “it was drugs” and “it was the jab”. So, my guess is that many people are aware, although who knows.

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It's so strange just looking at my family. My Dad and his girlfriend have been doing whatever the gov says. No matter how much I try to wake them up by showing them all sorts of studies, statistics, articles etc. Yet, they see other jabbed people around be sick all the time and sudden deaths, while at the same time, having unjabbed family members, who are not getting sick and who are not suddenly dying. It should be so obvious to them! But they could not be any more blind to it if they tried. It does not matter how much I try to wake them up, anything they hear from their doctor and MSM, instantly outweighs anything I say. They always tell me "If what you are saying would be true, it would be all over the news." Even though I kept showing them proof of lies and propaganda. It really seems like people who are that brainwashed, will never wake up. It's amazing that family will favor the opinions of MSM and politicians, over family members who actually care about them. Unfortunately, with the current fear mongering, I'm sure they'll be getting jabbed again and put their masks back on.

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Hi Natascha..

The frustration is stroke-inducing, no question. As a result of the insanity I've witnessed and experienced over the last 3+ years I've finally begun to investigate the works of Georges Gurdjieff; you may want to as well: https://institut-gurdjieff.com/ (and lots and lots of books on Amazon..🙄)

Like most of humanity the truth is, your Dad and his girlfriend, if they're not literally entranced -- then they're literally enchanted: You can't reach them. Don't even bother to try. They're walking around ostensibly awake -- yet they're really as deeply asleep as if it were the middle of the night. Waking reality for 98% of humanity is a "consensus trance"; All you can do is whatever you can to help yourself. The only thing that will wake them up is an experience Alcoholics Anonymous calls "Hitting Rock Bottom." And frequently not even that will wake them up.

Sorry to be the bearer of grim tidings...

Capt. Roy Harkness

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Thank you for your thoughtful reply! You're not the bearer of grim tidings, no worries. I'm not really expecting them to wake up anymore. So much has happened in Austria where we are, so much wrong has been done, and it didn't wake them up.

Enchanted is right btw. There is a spell on all the brainwashed people, literally.

Regarding helping myself. I have my eyes fixed on helping my husband, myself and the cats to a better life. That goal gives me a lot of strength and positivity. It will take a while to earn anything as a content creator on various platforms, but eventually I hope it will at least make it easier for us, since I'm my husbands full time caretaker and at home.

Thank you again for your reply!

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“If you have to be persuaded, reminded, pressured, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized ... If all of this is considered necessary to gain your compliance -- you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest.”

-- Ian Watson


Austria if anywhere was the worst story of the lot -- but Canada, where I am, wasn't too far behind... Imprisonment for not taking The Lethal Injection and being forced to pay for your incarceration? What the Hell was that? Though I gather that was never implemented how could your politicians even countenance such an abomination ? ... and, it seems, "The Powers That Shouldn't Be" are trying to bring "Covid" back again, with that senile incontinent pedophile Joe Biden wandering about the White House wearing a mask and talking about mandatory injections for all...

Best wishes to you and your husband and cats -- and your content creation.. I do a freebie on Substack: https://captroyharkness.substack.com/

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Sleeping Beauty. Enchanted.

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Show someone chemtrails....they never 'see' it!

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Only 112 likes. It should be 112,000 likes. Until this information reaches a much larger audience, most people will continue to be ignorant. Please everyone repost all these articles on Twitter, Truth Social, every social media you belong to. Knowledge is power.

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What irony it would have been if Dominic Thiem was playing against Novak when forced out due to these sudden and unexpected health problems.

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I'm beginning to think that Novak is going to beat everyone and extend his career by beating health damaged players who just can't keep up. I mean he was already the GOAT but this could extend his career and winning streaks.

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At this rate, in another couple of years I’ll be competitive, though I’m nearly 70 and don’t play tennis.

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Meanwhile, at the US Open, some players are having to use inhalers because of the stifling heat and humidity. As matches move into later sets, they look like they're about to collapse. I think this ongoing heat wave in the northeast is even worse than the numbers indicate.

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It's hard for me to think of times in the past when the most elite athletes in the world struggled so much with heat and humidity.

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And now Bruce Springsteen has canceled all of his September shows due to illness

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I've gone right off him .......and many many others too. It's surreal to get to my age (62), and discover that SO many of the people that you once admired are just vacuous idiots - really depressing. But on the bright side - have got new heroes like Novak/ Eric Clapton and Van Morrison ( to name but a few ).

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I was so blessed to see Eric Clapton at the Boston Garden last September, and Van Morrison at the Shubert Theatre in Boston last week. I will not support ($$) so many musicians that I used to, who have now become brown-nosing vax schills. Glad I saw Bruce at Fenway back in the day, but I wouldn't pay to one of his shows now.

Ditto Mick Jagger and Neil Young. I'm done. Saw Jimmy at the Boston Strong benefit show for those injured/killed in the Boston Marathon bombing. May he rip 🍔⛵

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They're pretty much right on track 🤷😖

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He's reporting he's got PUD. Several cases already reported to the CDC's VAERS, most for the covid shots (Over 70 reports), but some for other vaccines too. And the Harvard Pilgrim study reported that only 1% of all adverse events for any vaccines are even reported to VAERS. 🧐

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"It's just a flesh wound"

-- The Black Knight, "Monty Python and the Holy Grail"

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In her most famous song Florence touches on what is wrong:

And all of the ghouls come out to play (Gates, Soros, Schwab)

And every demon wants his pound of flesh (Fauci)

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As I've witnessed, many regretting getting it and will never take another and all those that didn't get it regret nothing. The new variant? EG-5? Are they kidding. It's the why fry baby and being v'd may make you far more susceptible but we're all in the soup.

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And the band keeps playing, God help them all, they probably don't know why they're ill.

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Celine Dion is putting her career on hold because she’s suffering from Stiff Body Syndrome 🤔

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I think more than on hold, her career is over. I may be wrong, but some of the stuff I've read about her is really tragic. But then why won't she speak up ? Do they receive threats ? The mind boggles.

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I was there when her show was produced in LV. Caesars invested a small fortune into her including closing other successful entertainment venues to make room for her show. Once her show opened she was playing to half full audiences from the get-go.

This is why I Caesars very soon limited her time on stage to just a few weeks and filled in the other weeks with more true and tried entertainers, like Elton John.

Although she’s one of the best song birds around, in my opinion she never was a star on stage. Her show failed from the start, but executives continued her show only because alleged rapist husband had a solid contract for her.

My personal review of her is she hasn’t the stage presence perform live. And when you spend a few hundred dollars for a ticket to see her you want more than just listening to her sing. You’re there to see a show.

And even with Cirque’s input she couldn’t pull it off. The best move her husband could’ve made was just to promote and encourage her as a recording artist only.

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I love Florence and the Machine. I recall recently wondering if and when Florence Welch would ever show up in one of these roundups. And here she is. Good God.

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Off Topic for this one but this is so baffling and upsetting that I wanted to share it. A close friend who moved to Florida just passed away, he was 72. He was very healthy and in great shape, a long distance runner most of his life. Here is what his wife posted:

Unfortunately Frank lost his fight with this horrible virus that ravished his lungs. Even though he continued to test negative for Covid the doctors said it presented exactly like the older version of Covid. From his original X-ray on August 15 to showing healthy lungs to September 1 when his lungs were no longer functioning. He had all of his vaccines and booster and even with strong heart and lungs, it was not enough to survive this devastating disease.

WHAT Disease? He tested negative! When will people at least start to question?

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People in Europe are lucky that they don’t have to worry about how to pay their medical bills unlike people here in the USA. Can you imagine how stressful it would be to think how much that helicopter ride would cost on top of their medical bills? Why should McConnell and other members of Congress have Cadillac insurance that we help pay for when over 500,000 of us go bankrupt because of our medical bills even when we have insurance?

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We in the EU pay more than 50% in income tax, 23% in sales tax and 160% on gasoline taxes. So, more than 2/3rds of our income is taken away from us through taxes. If you want to see a specialist doctor your have to pay yourself. It can take up to 6 months to get exams or see a doctor. We are far worse than in US, we are not lucky.

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All Night All Day: Swan Silvertones


(not endorsing youtube or any ads)

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And all the while, people will continue to deny reality and still roll up their sleeves. God gave each of us freewill, in this matter and all others we face during the course of our lives. The only thing this whole debacle proves is doctors have become like God and Darwin made one, and only one valid point.

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Sorry Rob, while I wish you a full recovery I want absolutely nothing to do with anyone who has those grotesque facial tattoos.

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I don’t like facial tattoos either, but that’s a Maori thing.

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