Of course, on American TV she wouldn’t have been able to say what she said. At least the interviewer invited her to say things weren’t black and white as they had been painted in the media coverage .

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Mar 25, 2022
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Lara is fearless. She didn’t give them a chance to interrupt. They were speechless.

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Mark great video!! Txs!!

I would go even harder with those press prostitutes, sorry!

Video at 4:00 min, this guest of the program says: " It's true that the (Ukraine) government isn't perfect, probably some journalist have been indeed assassinated, but this happen in other countries, like... Bulgaria (an EU country!...), But... YOU CANT SAY BECAUSE OF THIS THEY ARE NOT DEMOCRATIC!..." WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I mean are we joking?? Or What? All that shit on Putin for murdering journalists (and they probably did) and they do the same in EU??? Ah, ah, ah... And those media criminals say that is NORMAL in a Democratic State?? In Russia no, but in EU yes...

Hope Putin or somebody comes to EU to DeNazificate our countries too!

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Our murdering of journalists is a good act. When they do it, it's evil. No self-reflection by the self-righteous.

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Let's ask Gary Webb!

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It’s the kind of democracy that the west is wishing to impose on the plebs.

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Note how Luc Montagnier could not work with SARS-CoV-2 in a lab, but instead had to work with it "on a computer". Hmmm....

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Media is not journalism. I fear too many of our teenagers and young adults don't even know what real journalism is.

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"Ukrainians Counter Attack": Reading the NYT is like watching a professional wrestling match on the RADIO--- it's all bull shit.

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Seems real journalism nowadays can only be found way out on the non - corporate independent fringes. Even Pacifica news parrots the disgusting globalist narratives!

Try here: https://www.censored.news

And here: https://thedukereport.com

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exactly as these other “journalists,” the other dayl typo

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Since what we're dealing with is a global movement, it makes sense that the various parts of that movement would be working in concert. Seems quite likely that after the narrative du jour is composed from "on high" it's passed along to all the players who inform their "journalists" and commentators to dutifully repeat it.

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What an amazing video. These arrogant French journalists talking over an actual UKRAINIAN WOMAN whose family LIVES THERE. She is telling them what's going on and they just refuse to believe it, and the video is also clearly edited and clipped short. She is so calm and cool in the face of such paternalistic arrogance. Thanks for sharing this.

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Yes, the European media is owned by the same cabal that owns the US media.

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"Mother Nature is the Greatest Bioterrorist" wrote Fauci, but he is not alone. The slogan the bioweapons manufacturers is perhaps as fateful and revelatory of Bacon's claim that Nature reveals her secrets only when "vexed" by the torture of interrogation. In both cases what is presented as an objective fact and ethical mantra is also a projection and a confession.

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