Twitter has always been censored. Nothing has changed. Elon Musk is just another globalist that pretends to care about free speech. He doesn't.

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IMHO they are using his huge following of people to make them think that he is one of the good guys, when he is really a globalist.

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Exactly. He's not our hero. He's got a part to play and he's doing a great job.

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see my post as to why he is who and what he is

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He might slightly care about the idea of free speech, when that puts him in a good light, but that's it. Free speech doesn't magically appear after a 40 billion dollar acquisition and a few tweaks on a locked platform ..

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It all started when he jumped party affiliation. In the summer of 22 he started making comments about the current administration democrats. I knew then that he was going to start playing a bigger part in the psyop. He is not just a globalist, he is a bloodline globalist and they get all the spoils. He is just another Gates. His halloween costume pretty much shows who he is.

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Which mean he doesn't actually care about free speech. It's an act.

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He's most likely the COO of Twitter and all his other companies (Controlled Opposition Operative).

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It's looking more and more like it, but let's wait and see.

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Thanks for sharing! All my favorite journalists in one place to talk about the real Elon Musk and his overwhelming connections to the intelligence agencies, big government, and big corporate in general.

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I had my account suspended twice just for asking for the name of a anonymous Twitter user. I said to send the information to me privately. Twitter considers this to be doxxing. It’s tragic how they don’t understand their own rules.

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Oh Steve, you unctuous hypocrite. You banned me permanently from your Substack without a word of warning, ignored my email asking for an explanation at least, and now you're complaining because you got a similar treatment from Twitter? Oh, and by the way? This isn't the first time I've caught you whining about "censorship"... Better pull that beam out of your own eye before you draw attention to the splinter in someone else's.. 😘

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Your response tells Steve as it is. I liked your comment and I do hope more do. So Steve gets ratiod and uses that to quietly spend some time about what role he thinks he giving here and who is helping?

Maybe Steve, will humbly accept he is not the man for the job, is unable to see the strings behind it all, and he is not helping but leading many astray? That is assuming of course, he is not simply playing a role

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If our Mr. Kirsch is the hard-done-by man of integrity / grifted victim of the system he maintains he is you'd think he'd have the decency to warn me what I'd posted was offensive to him and to desist... or explained why he'd banned me... or even responded to the email I sent him... "By their fruits ye shall know them" I guess... but then, that isn't in The Tanakh

I truly, haven't a clue, why I was banned.

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Jun 15, 2023
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Everybody has their role to play in the masonic game of tyranny.

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Yeah.. But don't you wish they wouldn't? Don't you wish they'd all shut up, f*** off, and go away? 🤔💩

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I'm beginning to suspect this.

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I don’t see my comment any more. Huh?

Did I violate some policy, or what?

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Remember that line from Monty Python? "You gave me the idea, before I gave you the pound!"

And then Mr. Cleese pulled the trapdoor lever...

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All these social media platforms are Kafkaesque. And if you’re less than nerdy to begin with, the frustration can all but drive you insane. It’s not just all the deceptive rulings on bans etc but also the very “dialogue” form. Who’s going to believe you when you say my comment was in response to another--no, not when anyone wants to see it as not only stand-alone but a fragment from which any desired meaning can be drawn.

I’ve gone to bed after making some social media comment and awakened to find 250 downvotes after what I thought was my most perceptive comment. Bonkers. And this has happened more than a few times, which constitutes a kind of horizontal banning in its own right and is equally right out of Kafka--or Dostoevsky.

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Not so much tragic as it is strategic. It will be pushed off as the algorithm AI but at the core, pretty much all of these platforms are intelligence agency control of information to find out who knows what is going on. They are ALL collaborating in a global genocide, and if Musk doesn't point this out, he is one of THEM. The platform that we are on right now, sharing information and replying to comments, will show us all who THEY really are very soon. Why? Because this type of communication will not be tolerated for much longer. To protect themselves, THEY will go to any length to keep the lie going. This is 1984. Orwell (Eric Blair) and Huxley were part of the Royal Bloodline Families and they were privy to the current and future plans for humanity.

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Were the suspensions just a ruse for your carefully groomed image?

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Not so much tragic as it is strategic. It will be pushed off as the algorithm AI but at the core, pretty much all of these platforms are intelligence agency control of information to find out who knows what is going on. They are ALL collaborating in a global genocide, and if Musk doesn't point this out, he is one of THEM. The platform that we are on right now, sharing information and replying to comments, will show us all who THEY really are very soon. Why? Because this type of communication will not be tolerated for much longer. To protect themselves, THEY will go to any length to keep the lie going. This is 1984. Orwell (Eric Blair) and Huxley were part of the Royal Bloodline Families and they were privy to the current and future plans for humanity.

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Forget about "The Law" as we know it. Forget about legal justice. "They" are not following the rules. We now live in a lawless society. We need to think outside the box and get smarter in order to out-strategise this. (I'm from Australia. Same applies here).

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I've noticed also that the shadow banning on the new Twitter is much worse even than on the old Twitter. A sly form of censorship: dial up the microphones of some, while dialing down the mike volume of others.

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I left both Twitter AND Facebook for that reason

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Censoring genocide makes both platforms complicit in the crime, unless the rules have changed and genocide is now not a crime like pedophilia. The USA has changed. It now means Under Satan's Authority. Or was it always this way and we were programmed to believe in Babylon so fervently that we are blind to the deception?

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I believe ‘genocide’ technically involves crimes against humanity that are committed against a specific racial, religious, or ethic etc., group, with the aim of eliminating them. So we need to clarify the allegation that Fauci committed genocide. Who is the victim group? Do we need to redefine ‘genocide’ to include an attack on an entire country--or all of humankind?

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Professor Miller stated that Democide is the actual description of it.

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Jun 15, 2023
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THEY have the power to do whatever they want to us all. Why? Because we have already been divided and conquered by THEIR system of debt slavery and religion and sporting events. We know more about sports then we do of the organizations that are killing us.

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What other option do they have. If we collectively, jab or no jab, realize fully what they have done, we would tear them limb from limb. The BIG lie will continue and THEY will do whatever it takes to stop that realization from happening. This is a masonic brotherhood sworn to secrecy.

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Not anti-vaxxers, just pro-critical thinkers!

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Jun 15, 2023
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Substack shadowbans too. Scientists and Philosophers allowed. Organizers? Not so much.

Its on the spectrum of Big brothers censored news, just at the permissive end of it.

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It most likely comes down to how many subscribers one has.

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Jun 15, 2023
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Advocating non-violent overlooked legal strategies like citizen initiated grand juries, jury nullification, etc.....calling for peaceful protests, by date, in front of coroners offices...also calling attention to W3C strategies for social credit systems....calling attention to the British Empire revivalist monarchist roots of it all...all from a traditional, pre-woke, non Stalinist, left perspective.

In short, advocating what the majority of people want, but don't know how to articulate or act on, and doing it in a way to set forth immediate alternatives (non-violent, with an emphasis on legal).

See where that gets you. Beset by three letter agency trolls and shadowbanned.

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I have no problem calling for violence against Fraudci. I wouldn’t mind beating him to death with Birx’s arm after I rip it off. I’ll be nice and make a tourniquet with her scarf.

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I bet you could find a lot of friends and family of the people who were murdered by hospital protocol or by the jab to join you in that pursuit.

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I’m dumbfounded that someone with stage 4 turbo cancer hasn’t gone on a rampage

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Maybe if they went on a crystal meth binge they would have the energy.

THEY ( the bad guys, not those stricken with turbo C ) have been researching for years how to inject toxins and give cancer to the commoners. Its all been documented.

In addition, don't forget to vote to legitimize THEIR masonic system while THEY poison the food supply and inject you with death. When children get leukemia or some other childhood cancers, its not from the 70 toxic vaccines, its just bad luck or bad genes or what THEY make up and broadcast on THEIR news platforms. But WE are FREE don't you know.

When dumb shits say "Why would God give a child cancer"?

The above answer to the question is. GOD didn't give a child cancer, the parent who believes in THEIR system of death did it. The parent is the cause, NOT GOD.

This is how fucking stupid and dumbed down this society has become. Its not the vaccines but GOD is the problem. The 501.C3 church priest will say " God works in mysterious ways. The priest doesn't server GOD. He serves Satan because THE STATE owns the church and the priest. We are fucked due to our collective lack of knowledge as the Bible conveyed.

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Just compare chronic illness rates with the Amish and shut all of us lunatics up once and for all. I won’t hold my breath.

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These maggot creatures will never allow a comparison.

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That would smell of science. NOT allowed!!!!!

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Jun 15, 2023
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When doing a crime no one wants it filmed.

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Your much too kind. Woodchip the evil satanic garden gnome! Feet first! If that’s not doable, I got a zillion other painful ways to execute this bastard,lol 🤣.

Never in my life have felt such pure hatred like I feel towards him,gates and the WEF/who lizard people.

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The thing about Pfhuckci is that he damn well knows better. He’s very intelligent and knows the actual science. People like Birx and Wollensky don’t have functioning brains. You can almost forgive them, they are just so incredibly dim. But this demon, he smiles while he twists the knife around your spine. He’s not human.

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Love our freedom of speech here. Bravo!

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I wouldn’t hurt a fly but it feels so good to talk tough. Not that they both don’t deserve it….,

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Luckily for the world, I play the drums. Really hard 😎

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Our kind was not welcomed on fakebook or twitville so we all come here. Who made up this echo chamber? So we are monitored here and don't "infect" other "normies" with out thoughts. Not sure if this is a good thing.

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If non-violent resistance is the plan. Plan on being slaughtered because there are NO rules in War. The commoners are the enemy, not a war on an invisible enemy like Trump said in collaboration with his masonic masters.

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I’m with u, An eye for an eye. That goes for the rest of the pukes that we’re complicit in it.

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Jun 15, 2023
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Yep! I got "some one" following me all over the internet now. I guess I am special like that.

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Yeah I crossed that line a long time ago. Fair point though.

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I was permanently banned from Twitter because I referred to the $17 million dollar female lawyer who cried when Musk took over as a bimbo. (I think I need a "comma gun" with that sentence.)

She was later fired.

So...there's that...

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I'm on Twitter. But I don't trust Elon Musk either.

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Jun 15, 2023
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But they’ve been groomed for their roles. The Kabuki must go on.

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For that matter, Tucker Carlson, also.

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Whatever...If not on the Fake Townhall 'Faux Free Speech' Channel; then EVERYWHERE ELSE.

Substackers KNOW the reason Substack is BANNED FROM BEING LINKED ON TWITTER and those discerning to Current Events most certainly know the hypocrisy of 'The Bird'.

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I always suspected the Twitter bird symbol was a play on 'Mockingbird'.

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Jun 15, 2023
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Gosh...So there are 'The Alert' out in the ether. SHOCKED. 😲

Strange to find folks alive and willing to critically think...SO ENERGY DRAINING. 😅

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Twitter's Musk is a fake free-speech advocate.

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Yeah, a "free speech advocate" that wants to chip the brains of all of us.

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The institutions of the world are too corrupt. There will never be accountability with any institution cuz they’re all corrupt.

When they lose economic control an avalanche of implosions will begin. It’s a reset, but in a good way. The Fed Now needs to fail. I’m not gonna comply,

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I think the Fed will fail, as the dollar must be dethroned for perpetual war to end.

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Musk is just another super wealthy corporatist and is marketing himself as they all do for profit and power. It seems he has regained the massive audience that was being lost and is now censoring as per his corporatist cabal. Why trust such a person ever!

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I am still banned after I said Matt Midazolam Hancock should be hung. I am refusing to back down although I will admit a slower and more painful death would be more appropriate!

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Avoid extreme violent words like kill, execute, etc. Twitter is run by moron computers not humans. The software scans our text for words and phrases. They probably have hundreds of sanction triggering phrases.

I have been suspended for 24 hours twice. Each time I fling abusive comments at Twitter but the moron computer do not scan my replies. After 24 hours, my full access is restored.

Elon Musk is human but his computers at Twitter are just idiots, morons. They need our active participation to generate advertising revenue. So, a short suspension is like slapping our fingers...do not write some abusive words.

Next time I am going try clever ways like "dissolve Fauci into a special fluid" etc. and see the limits of the intelligence of Twitter morons. Have fun with Twitter.

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I like "moron computers."

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Get Roget's Thesaurus. There are words and phrases in there the A.I. Bots have never heard of. Kind of like writing in cursive that no one can read anymore. You can say what you like because nobody understands you.

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Twitter is a mass mind-cleanser. Like John Taylor Gatto observed, likening his role of schoolteacher to that of the flea trainer, the first step to breaking the will of the flea is to put a clear lid on the jar and let them knock themselves out by following their own intuition and genetic predisposition. After they've been punished for expressing themselves enough, they stop expressing themselves. Then you can take the lid off, because these fleas won't jump.

Censorshp is like that because it trains the mind to suss out, and avoid, certain topics. The mind, whose abilities in pattern recognition are perhaps unparalleled, trained to avoid finding those patterns, is a mind trained against itself. An enfeebled mind. And one that's lost its mooring.

And THAT mind will come to the most absurd conclusions. Even worse than anything we've ever seen yet. And where the idiocy grows in the forefront, the neglected truth only forms area of senescence and atrophy in the darkness.

Not a big fan.

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I've never done social media. I've recently begun watching various videos on YouTube...much like "light summer reading" used to be. The lady who decorates cakes; the gardener who puts up his bean trellises; hot, emotional trans debates to see who triggers who; girl v boy dating attitudes; you get the point. Frivolous. Nothing serious.

Yet, YouTube has suddenly appended my moniker with various numbers and letters. I am no longer "My Avatar Name" but "My Avatar Nametyuudi7tp." Am I being watched? Are my comments being censored? Really? With these innocuous areas?

The only serious comment was to Candence Owens whom I stumbled upon. Don't subscribe. I said my feelings concurred with hers; a male with intact male organ was a sexual predator in a women's locker room or bathroom no matter his protestations that he "felt" feminine. IOW, a genuine "feminine feeling" individual would "feel" how very uncomfortable women feel changing and undressing with a naked male.

My gut reaction is that a deep darkness lurks in YouTube and Twitter (from people's descriptions). "They" are attempting to appear more democratized and inconclusive, but they're not. They're also doing gigantic aggregation of personal data via AI which is, also, deconstructing people's writing, beliefs, and attitudes. They'll put their tabulations and correlations into algorithms which will more effectively program and silence people. I have no proof...just a gut feeling from having read Prof. Shoshanna Zuboff on surveillance capitalism. Because, otherwise, the false democratization makes little sense to me.

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Yes, you're being HEAVILY censored and monitored on Youtbue. youtube's always been at the fore of that. Their role in covid censorship should result in something of a... leadership vacuum, at the workplace, after the trials are conducted.

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Jun 15, 2023
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You're right, Fred.

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Being a coast guard veteran I feel it’s my sworn duty to keel haul Tony, harpoon him up the wazoo, and then feed his ass to a whale 🐳

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Yup if u see him in the woods I’ll ear mark one of those big ears of his with the 1st arrow then his knee, then his fat head.

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The only large, or "great whale" with teeth is the Sperm Whale, whose main meal is the Giant Squid. Maybe that would work (see Jonah). The baleen whales are not equal to the task.

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