Seriously, how stupid can people possibly get? Segregated student lounges ? Are they right next to the integrated boy/girl bathrooms? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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How do you know there are boy and girls on the campus?? Are you a biologist?


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LOL! Nope, not a biologist, but my two year granddaughter told me that her Daddy has a penis and she has a “ Bahgina.”

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😆 my apologies. I didnt know you had an expert in the family.

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😆 nobody's smarter than a two year old now.

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The Left is now pushing for only trans people to have access to guns. There will suddenly be way more trans people!

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More absence of common sense....

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LOL!! Thanks! Humor is much needed at this point, !

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The president of New Zealand literally couldn't provide an answer when he was asked what a woman is. He responded by saying the question came out of left field and he wasn't prepared to answer. Why would any functioning adult need to be prepared to explain what a woman is?

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Only politicians have those answers.

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Ha ha

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They must self segregate because by law we can’t.

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After the last three years you could think of such a question?

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Good one !!! LOL!!

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My exact thoughts!

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No worries, doubt they will last long.

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I guess that in effect black people will be uncomfortable going into non-black lounges.

How's that going to work for biracial marriages.

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Honestly, I think the majority of Black people would concur that this is non constructive virtue signaling....

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Apr 5, 2023
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Of course, but we white people need to live with eternal guilt for unjust societal structure back to pre historic times.

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Like the Slavs who are only called Slavs because the Arabs made slaves of them. Even with their history they can't play the slave card like these grifters.

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Exactly. No one on the left seems to know history (conveniently); there have been as many white/light skin colored slaves through out history as their have been black/brown/dark skin colored slaves.

I'm pretty sure that if we all go back far enough in our family tree, we will find ancestors who were slaves.

Are there enough reparations for all of us as well? I didn't think so.

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Aboriginal Canadians, friends to me, realize that going back into history reveals not only the brutality of colonialism but the intertribal brutality that occurred over the centuries. It is a sober reminder that being human on this earth has been a battle. One that we have been coddled from experiencing because of the warriors before us, and because tech has made annihilation possible; the risk is so very high. And real.

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I did not know that!! That’s my learn something we every day!! Thanks!

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IMO many who highlight what really did happen do so in order to put the record straight. Personally I do so but not to guilt trip anybody. Thing is, when the topic is ever raised of course the uninformed just think they're on about nothing when in fact the truth was skillfully omitted from the official history books... and some of it really is pretty horrific. Witness what happened to the Australian Aboriginal people. And the Congolese. Their oral histories are not acknowledged on record so of course we don't hear them & consequently there's a huge gap in understanding. Acknowledging them could bring a lot of healing to both sides. Inter generational trauma is affecting subsequent generations. However with the higher ups pumping the divide & rule it's looking less & less feasible now.

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Thank you. Lovely insight.

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Thank you. It's a subject close to my heart. Have watched the fallout up close with four generations now. So widely misunderstood sadly.

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In our own country as well. I know several people( white) who will not set foot in Charleston because of the city’s history of slavery……have you read The Invention of Wings? It’s depicts a realistic view of how slavery and slaves were treated across the spectrum.

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Apr 5, 2023
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Absolutely! But, we cannot let fear of that stop us; instead, we must speak out. And, often!

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Not when tribunal officers are unintelligent woksters.

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Canada has lost its collective mind.

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not all of us.

but it is like watching a preventable and predictable slow motion toxic train derailment.

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Sorta like that one in East Palestine?

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Apr 5, 2023
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Exactly. If I was black I would demand they give me a degree just because I want one and because if racism is so bad there that they need special black areas that I would feel unsafe going there and already I feel so stressed writing this blah blah blah ...... You get my drift or should I say grift.

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Apr 5, 2023
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If I were black, I’d be so offended at how politicians use as pawns, never do what they promise and most of insult all Blacks with endless insulting rhetoric.

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I have a passport and I won’t set foot in Canada

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I´d go back to Canada but I am still shocked how of all countries Canada is one of the few which had the strictest lockdowns. I grew up a mere 2 hours away(upstate NY) and loved going with my family in the 80´s and 90´s. After 9-11, everything changed. Back when we went, the border agent would just ask us where we were heading and we were through. No passport or any ID needed to enter. I am nostalgic for those days and so glad I went back then.

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A reflection of a psychotic leader. The real virus that spreads outward to those that are part of his government and the enforcers that take the orders from them.

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Yeah, because we are our government. Keep playing their game and blaming the citizens.

Pretty sure Canada and Canadians have always been known as a great place in every way.

But keep dividing the people.

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I am Canadian and thoroughly disgusted with our government and its lackies. Don't take it personally dude. Canada is not a great place in EVERY way - but it will be when we get rid of politicians and their lackies.

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Yes. Politicians.

Dude. The end.

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Not that simple. We some reckoning with the fact that so many of our elected and non-elected officials, included judges, violated many fundamental laws to bring about this debacle which is still unfolding in our midst.

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Apr 5, 2023
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Creating the next 'Mexican Joker'.

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So the authorities in Canada are now willingly adopting some form of collective shame over the treatment of black people in another country? There was no Jim Crow in Canada. Most of Canada's black population was imported after the 1970s. They were lavished with welfare and other forms of social spending. There are a few exceptions, of course, such as a community of former slaves out in Nova Scotia. However, they are by and large statistically insignificant compared to black immigrants.

Canada's focus should be on First Nations people, who oddly enough never merit much attention these days. Black immigrants are colonists, period. They are participating in the ongoing colonization of indigenous land. Same with the Chinese, the Indians, and all of the other groups that are rapidly taking over the west and relegating the First Nations to a dwindling and insignificant minority.

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.... because George Floyd. Why don't you understand?

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This interview relates to what you are saying. It's great. Enjoy:


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We are watching a drive for genocide in action, I fear. This time it is the turn of 'white' people. Not that it is the first time that 'white' people have been genocided, but I guess it's the first global push I've witnessed.

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White Christians are being snuffed out globally. And in places like Nigeria, black Christians.

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It's truly shocking. Horrific. What is also dreadful, is that no one seems to care. Over the past decade, I've thought a lot about the future, and it looks very bleak if you're white given the pushing of anti-white hate being festered against us.

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I agree. It's coming. Like in South Africa when the white farmers were attacked. Can't happen here though. Right???

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What percentage of our globalist elites are non-white, I wonder? I know there are some, but overwhelmingly rich white people are pushing for poorer white people to die/become infertile/commit suicide/subject themselves to permanent injury via shots and drugs...what kind of Blade Runner world are their electric sheep dreaming of?

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That was a very good interview.

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Glad you listened. It is completely worth the attention. Two beautiful minds.

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Three cheers for the black lounges. Toronto Metropolitan's wise and compassionate leadership has finally granted blacks what they have sought for so long: segregation. The new separate lounge allows blacks to have what the Supreme Court only dreamed of years ago inPlessy vs. Ferguson: separate but equal. This is indeed the culmination of the work achieved by civil rights worker such as Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, and others. Blacks all over Canada and the U.S. are celebrating the thoughtful leadership of Toronto Metropolitan, whose historical perspective is unparalleled in the creation of the segregated status black have long been denied.

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I'm all for it. Please, please keep going with the segregated stuff. Let's have blacks-only swimming pools and restaurants and schools and country clubs and everything all the time. Along with it, let's have whites-only too. And quadroons-only and all the other conglomerations. Let's have blacks-only neighborhoods, pleeeeze.

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That won't protect you unless your neighborhood has walls topped with barbed wire

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And guard houses every few feet with armed guards.

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Malcolm X was happy to have a black ethnostate alongside George Lincoln Rockwell's white ethnostate. They had rather the same enemy. Am I allowed to say this? It's historically accurate.

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Wonderfully stated.

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Segregation is very progressive

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Towards what are we progressing?

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Identity politics and civil wars. Then the globalists sweep in to take power

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So the university’s position is the solution to racism is MORE racism? Am I missing something here?

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Remember, in the view of the left, it is impossible to be racist against whites since they are the group that holds all the power. Racism is power and privilege.

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If whites hold all the power then why were up to a million white girls groomed by muslim rape gangs for decades in England? It's BS.

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Yes and it's not just the grooming and raping, but the power structure (government, media, police, courts) covering up their crimes.

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Exactly! They should be held account for turning a blind eye to it. One good thing - one of the girls has recently won damages against one of her rapists. I hope it leads to many more claims against these men being awarded to the girls/women.

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Winner, winner, chicken dinner! (Oh - am I allowed to say "chicken dinner" in this context?)

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This is beyond bizarre!

I would think that people of "marginalized backgrounds" would be pissed about this. No?

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Medger Evers, Rose Parks and MLK sure would be.

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It's funny to me that they go so far to try and not involve race in their own self-created racial issue. Terminology such as "people of marginalized backgrounds" is just corny.

Does this mean that they would allow people of "marginalized backgrounds," who also happen to be white, enter the space? 🤔

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If they "self-identify as Black" then apparently they'd be permitted.

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They'll need name tags that show their "self identification" because otherwise nobody will know how they identify. 🤣😂🤣😂

You know what, they'd better have two, in the off chance that one might fall off, or become damaged. One can never be too safe.

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No, no, no! White man bad.

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Almost as bad as Orange Man! 😂🤣😂🤣

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Lol! And Trump Derangement Syndrome is alive and kicking if they're still trying to take him down.

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I wish it were common knowledge that Rosa Parks was a Commie tool who was trained in a school how to carry out her task. Instead people keep dredging her up as an example of one of our heroes.

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This is almost always the case with historical figures. We find out later that they weren't as good (or as bad) as "history"/historians have painted them. Another example would be Senator Joe McCarthy, who was lambasted for going after Communists. He was doing critical work, but "the powers that be" were getting embarrassed by what he was revealing about Hollywood, politicians, etc.

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I find it a truly frightening development. Where does this intense 'othering' and villification of 'white' people lead?

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That article is interesting "Excess Deaths AU", but have to laugh about the assumption that the UN is a saviour.

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Yep. We have to be aware that the UN takes advantage of hellish conditions. When everything is totally lawless, everything has broken down, here come the blue helments. I heard an interesting take about the US recently - trans people are calling their situation (whatever that is) 'genocide' which is being amplified. Sympathy for trans shooters (not the Christian victims) are at an all time high. 'Genocide' is a UN trigger word.

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As likely would be my former in-laws. Black and very well off. Very proud of their mixed race 'freeman' past. I hate to say it, but they disdained blacks of freed slave heritage. People act as if African-Americans are a monolith, but they are as varied -and flawed- as whites.

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I am a jew married to a black woman. 3 grown children.

White privilege, in their experience, is when white people can condemn black people who don't have the same politics as them. The overturning of Roe vs Wade, A prime example being the black judge was given special hatred by the SJW. That was them using their white privilege.

Growing up a non Zionist jew - great grandad despised them, taught the kids anyone who speaks for the race, is probably a grifter.

Israel openly admits it is doing a live experiment with the vax - and gives the data to Pfizer. The victimhood grift loses any meaning when the crime of the past oppressor is matched by one's own group.

The US deep state murdered the civil rights movement of the 60's. Now the woke side with the those who destroyed and continue to further destroy civil rights. They like Israel have no cause for complaint, they can no longer point fingers as they are now instrumental in institutionalizing racism.

When there are no underlying principles - their victimhood mantle is a transparent grift.

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I don't think the people in charge of Israel are Jews. Very sad situation.

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Not Semetic for sure

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Wait, what? 🤔

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Another sterling example of Woke ideology that solves a problem that hasn’t existed for over half a century and blithely ignores the actual timeless problem of class oppression that the smug imbeciles who peddle this nonsense are unable to comprehend much to the delight of their masters who thrive on distraction and division.

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3000 UK person were slave owners - the rest of the public were serfs, indentured servants.

Historically we are all victims of the elite.

The elite has found its current useful idiots.

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In the US it the Irish were often slaves.

Epochtimes has a story on it.

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In Australia the Irish were sent to the worst penal colonies during convict times. I cannot believe the conditions they endured. They were political prisonsers and the English didn't want the English convicts on the mainland hearing their ideas and getting too uppity.

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Thank you

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What saddens me as a person of the REAL left - who always realized it was class war is how the NEW left are neo-conservative war mongers, pushing forward the oligarchs' messages.

They are blind as to their role in undermining everything the REAL left believed in. Humans are not very bright.

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There's no such thing as left and right. Just pro-human and anti-human.

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Correct - I have also discovered that people of the right believe in fair wages. Go figure.

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Canada: A New Bill to CRIMINALIZE Anyone Who Speaks Out Against the Transgender Agenda With a Penalty of $25,000

Ontario Private Member’s Bill 94: Creating “Community Safety Zones” By Eliminating Dissent


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I guess a lot of us will be going to jail for refusing to pay the fine.

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What a fkd up country. Our taxes doing the socialists’ dirty work.

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The balkanization of the West is gathering momentum.

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As a descendant of both white & indigenous in another British colony (NZ), and as an observer of events particularly since the '70s, IMHO these people never cared about indigenous/black/non whites… period. They were outright racist toward them & openly espoused (had a policy of) a White NZ, all brushed under the mat & not mentioned in the official histories. So right now, as per British MO in India, they are simply playing their best card big time. The Race one. Divide & rule. It works. Unfortunately the for-centuries downtrodden indigenous have fallen for it. Our corrupt government having stolen indigenous lands since they set foot is now dishing out perks & making the appearances of repentance from their wrongs whilst still taking lands as they have been all along. These separate rooms etc etc on campus are IMO designed to up the ante.

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The left appears to be, seemingly unwittingly, driving us towards an unavoidable collision.

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It is not "the left." "The left" are just so many useful idiots, serving as the spear-tip of a weapon wielded from on high.

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If this is real, the "on high" folks acting as puppet masters with a diabolical scheme, then we are in trouble indeed and we need to verify this and expose the verification at all costs. I, personally, just can't tease out the difference between natural human nature (at all levels) and a carefully architected plan which is executed without whistleblowers.

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Lies have characteristics which help the sniffer when you think of it... repetition(“safe and effective”, “build back bettah”) and the personality types like bullies seeking someone else’s fight just for power. Or the satanic deniers of a spiritual reality vs bowing to a god of government.

Or, “ you gotta follow the Collective groupthink or else” BS, denying your own agency. Just my 5 cents.. The power and money trail of corruption is b4 is, bright as day!

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Apr 5, 2023
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Well, there are old school liberals, like Alan Dershowitz, and there are radical progressives, like AOC, etc. They're not the same.

With Dr. Dershowitz, you can have an intelligent debate. With AOC, you will have a screaming, pissing contest.

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And she'll flounce off in that stupid dress.

I know it said " Tax the rich", but there were a few angles it was shot at that made me wanna read "Vax the rich".

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Globalists using the useful idiots to destroy society so they can recreate neofeudalism from the ashes

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Dr Malone talks about a fascinating book called the Fourth Turning”. It’s an older book but shows the regular turnings nations take in a cycle. The 40’s was the beginning of the last Turning here. It all goes to an explosive point at some time and then starts again. I requested it from my library system. It was interesting to see that all copies in my system of 159 libraries are checked out or on hold. People are wondering what the hell is going on. I think it’s in Malones substack today.

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i thought he was a scientist not a politician ... yeah well, whatever

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I never inferred the author was a politician. Unless you mean the scientists now are acting like politicians. 🤔

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I lived through the "late 60's/early 70's" peak and it was really sickening then too. By the 80's America felt normal again. Praying that will happen again

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The left knows EXACTLY what they're doing.

"Unwittingly" my foot!

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@RevMikeyMac, since you are on the side of believing that this is intentional, what do you think their motivation is? And, who all does it include?

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You give people far too much credit. Oh course there are core conspirators and informed facilitators but the vast majority for whatever reasons are incapable of resisting propaganda.

Ironically the left, a largely atheistic group, suffer

1) false idols - be it priests in white lab coats or media talking heads …. (CV19 really put the 2nd commandment into context)

2) Sloth - only follow the false talking heads and won’t spend necessary time to understand the media itself

3) Pride - virtue signaling during cv was exponential - accept msm messaging and the pridefulness of doing the right thing along with the rest of the ‘community’.

On a very superficial level woke ideology sounds grand to the left but once the details are examined the devil jumps out at you.

They lazily and pridefully follow the false idols - it’s easier and safer that way.

I am an atheist BUT I understand what it means - not a believer.

People believe in ‘their’ experts and have faith in ‘their’ institutions. It’s biblical - you know what they say comes before the fall.

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So Blacks have finally gained -- wait for it -- segregation. Isn't that great! Next we need gays only spaces also, trannies only businesses, man-boy-love pedophile-only churches, Christians-only stores. It looks like we're on our way to a really great world where we can separate everybody into demographic groups. As Mr. Burns would say, "Eggzellent. Eggzellent."

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𝘌𝘹𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘳𝘺 𝘗𝘰𝘱𝘶𝘭𝘢𝘳 𝘋𝘦𝘭𝘶𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘔𝘢𝘥𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘊𝘳𝘰𝘸𝘥𝘴. Charles MacKay, first published 1841 and still in print.


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I read that book a long time ago and don't remember what is in it but the title certainly says it all nowadays.

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Any similarity to "The Madness of Crowds" published recently by British author Douglas Murray?

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Douglas based his title on Charles' classic, I can tell you that much.. a glance at the ever-scrupulous Wikipedia's article on Douglas's book (haven't read it yet) revealed "The book examines issues of sexual orientation, feminism, race and transidentity" -- IOW the culminant results on the Academy and society at large, of how after 90 years' worth of Cultural Marxist and Post-Modernist ...philosophy... our civilization, is circling the drain...

‘𝘗𝘳𝘦𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘴’ 𝘵𝘰 𝘚𝘶𝘨𝘨𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘊𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘢𝘭 𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘹𝘪𝘴𝘮 𝘪𝘴 𝘢 𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘺 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘰𝘳𝘺: 𝘑𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘢𝘯 𝘗𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘰𝘯 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UO3MLpJhcxw

𝘗𝘰𝘴𝘵𝘮𝘰𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘴𝘮 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘊𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘢𝘭 𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘹𝘪𝘴𝘮 𝘑𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘢𝘯 𝘉 𝘗𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘰𝘯 -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJojvouv9tU

Charles' book starts with histories of the first stock market frenzies, The Tulipmania, The South Sea Bubble and the Mississippi Scandal, later chapters include The Crusades,

The Witch Mania, The Slow Poisoners, and Haunted Houses...

So I'd hazard they're on quite different topics. Hope that helps.

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