Notre Dame's Will Schweitzer "...has made a full recovery and his future prognosis looks very promising..."

Yeah. Except he'll never play football again. Some full recovery!

Talk about spinning a story. So sad.

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I think it's very possible, esp according to the reports, that this decision is his. I think he figures that he's not pro material so why not focus on his studies and career (something Notre Dame certainly offers every student.)

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Uh huh 😏

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okay ... maga!!

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Where is Tiffany Dover? For that matter, where is Damar Hamlin?

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Wonder if there are any SubStack’s just devoted to finding Tiffany.

Now everyones puzzled where Fetterman is? The new picture that’s emerged is off

Somethings not right 😵‍💫

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What blows me away is how patently obvious the whole bullshit fraud truly is. Don't even think to alert any of the morons: They'll instantly morph in an "Agent".

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They won't admit it but they know.

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They'll do all they can to cover up their malfeasance, to bury the evidence... And, they'll very likely get away with it.

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Not the private employers...no they're gonna get fed to a frenzy of landsharks in $5k suits. You see Uncle Joe / Darth Brandon kinda left them holding the bag...the liability bag that is. OSHA didn't have the authority uncle Joe claimed it did so...yeah...about those mandates foe permanent health altering injections. You see, construction companies can't tell their workers to surgically attach their safety helmets.

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We'll see what we will see...

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Exactly right!!!

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Mar 27, 2023
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You think I dont know that? The Monster doesn't give a shit if Tyson Foods gets sued because they mandated employees the vaxx and or denied religious exemption.

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bankruptcy, by any other name, would smell as suite...!

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Mar 27, 2023
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'Not a single MSM outlet is interviewing any of the expert dissenters – "

Q: Why would they need to- as they're all 'here'...?


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You bet they’ll get away with it! They already have. In face of all the irrefutable evidence and people dropping dead everywhere… even on live TV! The masses don’t care. They are totally unreachable.

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Get set for the next pandemic scam; learned of this from Mike Adams of Natural News: An "Avian Flu", HPAI H5N1 that alters neurology and behavior of mammals creating purportedly, a "zombie" condition. The lying whore media is pushing strong warnings of zombie bird flu crossing over to humans and spreading as a pandemic, leading to more lockdowns to prevent public protests against financial collapse. Mike interviews a Dr. Paul Cottrell who warns the "Avian Flu" is in fact a combination SARS + HIV + Avian (H5N1), a chimeric bioweapon; the DoD made it and likely already released it, it's now spreading across North America. Meanwhile a drug called Peramivir is being stockpiled for the latest plandemic; it causes "side effects" such as confusion, cracked skin, red eyes, hallucinations, skin lesions in addition to psychosis and ataxia (loss of motor control). The plan is to treat the masses with peramivir, consequent side effects will be blamed on avian flu. (Sort of like AZT poisoning was blamed on HIV.) Fourteen vaccine manufacturers are gearing up for massive vaccine production for the "avian flu plandemic", and the WHO is directing vaxx supplies to poor black nations as part of their depopulation and genocide programs.

Is all this a load of ballocks? Mike is known for his hyperbole. We'll have to see. One thing we can be certain of: If it's true, the morons will swallow it whole. 🤔😳💩


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As long as the bulk of the people are stuck in this idiotic sleepwalking mass formation… you can bet your bottom dollar they’re gonna throw every psychotic thing they can think of in order to get us to where they want us. And that is to the point of total and inescapable enslavement.

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I’ve never understood how taking a shot that doesn’t keep you from getting it or giving it to others in any way helps end the pandemic 🤣 But some people are so stupid they don’t question that advice.

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It doesn't and 'they' knew and know it - the virus was created in order to create a need for a 'vaccine'. Here's the proof 🧾 and smoking gun!🔥🔫


Pass it on... Tell your representatives!

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they're all a part of it. had their pictures taken receiving the clot shot. pure evil.

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In my State, the Representatives and Senators are mostly lit lockstep with the Administration.

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pyramidal structures - are truly, 'economical'... !


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yes, i suspect all will continue to tow the line and support the clot shots. i remember seeing a photo of the back of Noem when she got it. i thought plenty of them and famous would have gotten the placebo, but with Mark's reports, far more appear to have received the bio weapon.

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martin seeks to obfuscate- language is at the root of pandemia, naught else...

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Please elaborate on what you mean by "Martin seeks to obfuscate".

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I would say- take a look at the progression of his discourse.

(lancelot links...forthcoming)

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"you know, it's the thing"

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Death Sentence in effect..

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Apparently the administration of the universitys where these poor kids had their health ruined, never looked into other ways of preventing Covid.

One of the methods that could actually work costs literally pennies a day, and has virtually no health risk.

For the cost of a nebulizer and some sodium ascorbate, som food grade hydrogen peroxide and some Lugol’s iodine, society could probably crush this virus ( and many other air borne seasonal hassles ).

Shooting god knows what into a person’s vein to attempt to thwart something that would be merely an irritant to a young person, is like taking a baseball bat to a fly buzzing around in the living room ( full of lamps and artwork, etc . )

That these university administrators persist in this stupidity is ironic, since their job should be the advancement of knowledge and reason in the world.

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I think they all received money, and signed contracts so they are bound to keep the narrative/lies going. I would be interested to know if anyone has looked into this. I know State governments and public schools received "COVID" money. I'm quite sure stipulations came with that cash.... follow the money!

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you're over the target. cities too. some have returned the funds. i recall a video a while back of a women speaking out at a school board meeting confronting them about the huge funds they received. we know hospitals, clinics and providers are getting huge sums. follow the money is always the trail.

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Not stupidity -follow the money

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1 Timothy 6 10For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.

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I ordered a nebulizer, food grade HP and had my Lugols Iodine by spring 2021

Never needed it for a long while

Then late summer 2022 felt like something was making me feel run down.

Decided to pull out my nebulizer.

Plus taking the well known supplements helped.

And simple ancestral eating habits

Better on day 3

I still need to download Thomas Levy’s free e-book on nebulizing

Love the baseball bat and buzzing fly analogy..... will be using that 😎

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i was not aware of levy's book. glad you mentioned it. here's the link to levy's book https://rvr.medfoxpub.com/ .

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Oh thanks Reba

Meant to link that link

Mercola endlessly talks about nebulizing too

I’m a 10 year follower of ole Mercola

Get his newsletter every morning.

The comments on each of his articles are PURE Gold! So many wonderful ideas in those comments ~

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Mercola was the source of the info on nebulizing that was the easiest to understand, with the video on Rumble about Nebulizing food grade hydrogen peroxide. He shows all the steps.

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Huge overkill. A bunch of eggheads trying to get fame and fortune by making things as complicated as possible.

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I still get angry reading these reports for all the lives lost and ruined.

do you nebulize all 3 together?

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No. I nebulize most of them separately.

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Thank you Steve. I'd heard about nebulizing peroxide, but not iodine.

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Mar 27, 2023
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Yup - you get numb to this insanity. I don’t care anymore. I tried to tell people. They thought I was a crazy old bastard. Now I don’t give a shit. I will just sit here and watch them all assume room temperature.

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People tend to be fooled by “ authorities.” Usually very regular people with some type of credential.

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some people eat dollops of Ivermectin-until they stroke out...

(get 'em, coming and going...)

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Mar 27, 2023
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yes to all. it's been going on for centuries, but kicked in with more veracity at nine 1 one. that's when i realized our government was out to kill us. yes, God is our only trust and hope. 2 Chronicles 7:14 and if My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.

God wins in the end. Many think we are in the last days, if so it will take its course until our Savior returns.

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I am absolutely dumbfounded to read that Universities, CBS, ESPN., and sports outfits are still mandating injections after it has been so clearly shown that they maim and kill. Is there anybody in the world who has not yet heard that the plandemic is over, it was a false flag, and the shots are no longer legally mandated? Or is there a conspiracy, indeed, to decimate the human population, per Bill Gates'

TED speech of a few years ago? Don't people realize that if we all just say no, their whole scheme will collapse overnight?

But then I stop pondering as I go to Trader Joe's and see half the shopper population and their little children wearing masks and some of them in duplicate. Even a semblance of thinking seems absent.

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What is it with Trader Joe’s?

We travel in an RV and stop at many shops all over the west

I have to say TJ’s is THE WORST!

We went in to TJ’s in June 2020 and they were absolutely awful to everyone trying to just enter the store.

Then saw a few videos on TJ stores and the screaming lunatic workers/managers in these stores and said hell no, no more TJ’s for me

All that said I missed that darn TJ Corn Salsa and ventured back in January 2023 to get a few jars.

Vegas area so that almost says it all

Well guess what..... most of the TJ shoppers AND workers still had face diapers dangling on their face.

It’s the same at any health food store. Yes all the anti GMO, no gluten in their bloodstream and kale consuming folks were first in line for the juice jab

Things I do for corn salsa 🤦‍♀️

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Trader Joe's happens to have a store close to my house so I buy only certain items from them and don't consider them a health food store. All the TJ's stores in my area are very well managed, though the face diapers are still on many faces, so I speculate that their quality standards vary by area. But the face rag syndrome seems to be equally dispersed throughout the area.cThe store going downhill rapidly is a local coop named PCC Community Markets. They are trying to sound increasingly woke, with cashiers wearing BLM buttons and DEI type of language so I have started to avoid them.

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I hope you are enjoying your salsa. I will say this is not true in my health food store here in a small city in the Texas Hill Country. Everyone breathing freely in there:) In this environment, they would lose a lot of business otherwise.

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I feel the least I can do is contribute this :)! https://carlsbadcravings.com/corn-salsa/

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Glenda, wow thanks for the link

I am going to read over this.

Love the idea of SStack recipe exchange. 🥘

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Mar 27, 2023
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Sounds like I found a new user name..... 🌽 💃 sellout


Thought I was the only one doing the sidling while shopping unmasked.....

I took it a step farther and also walked the opposite direction of the arrows placed on the isles at grocery stores

Gasp 😱

Feeling very rebellious I only spaced 2’ instead of the made up magical 6’ number in checkout lines

The plexiglass the checkers hid behind made it hard to hear them

I usually had to come around to their side of the register to say “what? I can’t hear you behind that plastic shield and your mask?!”

It is nice to see most of this has calmed down

However I see many commentators go on and on about Washington state still stuck in the 2020-2021 time warp.

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So many victims. This tragedy is endless. An endless genocide.

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all planned in advance. satanists

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What on earth is wrong with these people, STOP making them get the bioweapon shot, it's maiming and killing too many once healthy people.

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They're brainwashed and love their lifestyle, otherwise they'd walk out in a heartbeat.

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Hanna, sweetheart, they are lying, cheating, stealing corrupt scumbags dressed in suits. You must know some.

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Sorry... but as a nurse since 1995... this is not normal!

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I'm 67 and very AWAKE for 30 years.

I've never seen anything close to this.

I come from the Thalidomide Era and this completely DWARFS that.

RAPE OF THE MIND which is book I'm trying to find.

It appears many will never wake up

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Why are all those people around Josh Davis smiling?

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Mike I saw that picture a few days ago

All I could think was.... boy their overly cheery

I have to wonder what kind of future Josh will live. 🤔

Hope these stories have follow ups on where these victims end up

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The link to the Utah State athlete allowed a few comments before the site shut down further comments. I imagine too many were too close to the mark without actually saying mRNA->Spike protein injury. I certainly would have been more direct if given a chance to opine.

Do these decision makers at these schools ever lift their heads to see what is going on around them? They are employing a toxic agent to attempt to protect a not-at-risk population from a virus that is for the most part extinct, and certainly attenuated from causing serious morbidity in most all demographics in even fair health. They apparently are not aware other nations, perhaps with less captured agencies, are pulling these products from use on young healthy people.

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Assuming there's any virus at all. Now Mike Yeadon thinks there isn't....

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Have 2 family members employed there and they are truly all in on the jabs.They are in a field where I would have expected better.

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Thanks for adding the “vaccination Policy” on these

I always wonder

And I think for any doubters who cruise through your articles, this shows that yes these schools, universities and newsrooms are requiring these evil jabs.

Look at all these young people injured or with turbo cancers before our eyes.

Their family and friends just keep saying their loved one is recovering and they’ll be fine soon 🤦‍♀️

Group photos with everyone smiling away....

Yes real soon 😭

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Anybody who takes these Poison Death Shots is a Fool.

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Young people should get a pass. It's too much to expect them not to trust their schools, and it's unlikely that they've even heard of Substack, much less ever read it.

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Mar 27, 2023
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I really appreciate this comment Eddy. Thinking is getting to be so rare. Well done with your sponsors.

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Hello... ""non-traumatic" sudden cardiac arrest " - how's that not traumatic?? LMAO!!!

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Have they figured it out yet? Or are they up for booster #5, 6, whatever...?

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Will "Covid writers" be able to transition to a world where interest in this topic perhaps wane?

I think so and here's why ...


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Josh Davis's vistors (fam?) are posing with smiles. Are they releived that it was only "non-traumatic" ?And that the vaxx was worth it all because Josh would have suffered terribly with COVID and would have possible died otherwise?

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