2 elephants; 2 giraffes; a chimpanzee; a black rhino; a koala cub; a sloth; a squirrel monkey; 5 meerkats; a fox; a deer; a python; a lemur; a Golden Eagle; a sea lion, a cheetah; and 4 lion cubs
It seems the more university education one received, the deeper into the cult. People working in education and medicine were some of the most covid and covid shot deranged. Veterinarians would also be in this group.
It is the politically and socially correct tribe, the intellectuals. When we were still young students we were normally influenced by new politics, especially liberal and radical politics, but when we leave we are part of normal life with its normal problems and have to work to survive, no time for nonsense politics. But the poor academics, they stayed behind and were still being indoctrinized to radicalism... their own intellectual bubble world, so different from the world outisde their bubble.
This. In the real world, we all realize that NO ONE CARES about your race, etc. because we are too busy caring about actual reality: how are you treating me? Are you a good fit for this job? Are you making my life better or worse by being around you? No one gives a fuck about abstract ideas or labels when they are living actual life.
Yes, it is as if one wants to scream at them, to wake up and get a life! They are or their "program" is destabilizing the normal lifestyle and we are really getting fed up with it. Still don't get it why they are treated as kings and queens through gov programs with major laws to protect discrimination against them??? It is a hormonal and/psychotic illness in them that CAN also be treated with hormones the other (right way) round... but all of a sudden they all decide to follow the wrong way round. Maybe because they are the forerunners to transhumans following... desensetizing us to what is waiting for us in the future...o, and money to be made by stockholders...
Wow this thread is intriguing. There was a dual dose flyover horse sterilizer that had some structural similarities to the patented mRNA tek we suffered. The vampires have been using mRNA tek on animals for a while?
The mode of operation, the type of chemicals and the dosage schedule are very similar to the mRNA experiment carried out globally. Since this supposed new disease is from other species it makes sense that they would turn to government contractors to cook up the "Final Solution" no?
Yes, I agree with "aj" below. No profits without the jab. And the waters are so muddied with propaganda, even the vets are buying the noise. It seems that to inject the animals is counter-productive in every aspect logically. More likely, it is a false reflection of their due care for the creatures so as to bolster the confidence of the human public. The vets don't want the animals to suffer or die. I think that's a definite stretch.
Last thing they need is 'money'. They can print what they need - but these days, no need to print anything - all they do is add more zero's to their account - and voila! Psychopaths DO NOT think like us for sure especially when they are so 'inbred' - they thrive on the psychotic thought that they are superior and in control over all lives on Earth - and that the Earth belongs just to them and we are merely annoying pests that are using up 'THEIR resources' and most lives must to be eliminated. One good thing about what has transpired over the past 3 years is that, THEY have become overly confident and are showing themselves, thinking that they will surely win. They are so wrong. Now we can see who they are, most of them anyway, and that makes them perfect targets.
This interesting analysis may shed light on the underlying motives (at the international policy level) of both zoos and zoo management in addition to the impulse of WWF to get into the business of wildlife management in the first place. After all, if one can normalize the hubris that some select humans are enlightened enough to steward whole ecosystems and assume responsibility for whole species, it's not a far cry from expanding the role - for those to whom the privilege was already assigned - to include the human species.
So well put, the hubris of some people thinking they can decide the fate of whole ecosystems, etc. I guess it’s just the same story as old as time, people trying to grab power over others. This time it genuinely seems like these people believe in their bullshit though. Tyranny wrapped up with a smug, virtuous bow.
They’ve been doing it no one was paying attention to these monsters of evil they were to busy talking about themselves. Plus trying to find out if you got the JAB
It’s a case of MeMeMe
I bought a German Shepard puppy my vet ask me if I wanted it for her I said hell no if I’m not taking it why should my puppy He agreed with me said he just had to ask cause people are turning him in it’s a requirement. Screw them
Like so many other humans, they thought they knew what was best. And, given the literally military grade propaganda used on us, it's really not a wonder that they vaxxed the animals... And, I'd read reports that numerous folks had their pets vaxxed. What I'm wondering is who has records of which animals were vaxxed & in which zoos, and how many of those animals have now died/are dying/will die, and when their dying began... We need to track this. THIS will awaken some folks.
I needed to update my dog's vaccines recently and I almost didn't do it. But he's a therapy dog and it is necessary. I should get a fake vax card for him. I don't trust any pharmaceuticals any more. Very sad.
We never vaccinate our dogs past a single DHP vaccine at 16 weeks of age. That's all they get for a lifetime. Titre tests prove lifetime protection. The veterinary pharmaceutical industry, aided and abetted by their pimps in the veterinary industry, would vaccinate every year, given the opportunity, even though they are unnecessary and dangerous.
There is a vet in New Jersey (I think) that will do titers by mail. You would just need to have the blood drawn at your vet. I heard this in the Vital Animal Podcast. If you’re not a podcast listener, the website is vitalanimal.com. Dr Will Falconer is a homeopathic vet and has lots of good info.
Now that I’m thinking of it, I may have heard it on Karen Becker’s podcast, Take Control of your Animal’s Health (Healthypets.Mercola.com). If you find a vet to do it they will charge a lot more than if you can send the sample for titering direct the the lab. If you have any holistic or homeopathic vets near you they might be able to point you in the right direction. I know of one in Minnesota you could contact. Let me know if you want her info.
Homeopathic works incredibly on animals (and humans if used correctly). I once had a dog less than a year old, got tick fever and lost the use of her back legs. Someone told me to give her homeopathic ledum and next morning was running around again. I was converted to homeopathic ever since, over 30 years ago.
Do not vaccinate your animals! They are all bad. Do research! I will never give any of my animals ever again! The animal industry is just as bad a the human industry.💰💵
The stuff they give to animals is not nearly as deadly as what they give to humans. But I see your point. It's ALL bad, and does NOT protect us from anything.
I am fully AWARE that the animal vaccines (mostly consumed by average "pet" owners) are making our pets VERY sick, which leads to more vet bills. Now we have pets with HUMAN diseases like cancer, diabetes, etc.
My point was simply that livestock farmers CAN sue when their "for profit" animals are injured. The PEOPLE are unable to sue when the vaccines injure HUMANS. The NCVIA does not prevent a lawsuit for the destruction of ANIMALS from the vaccines. It prevents HUMANS from suing for the deaths and injuries when a HUMAN is the victim.
Yeah, but injuring animals with Pharma is not as easy. Farmers can actually SUE for the destruction of their herd. Because they see the financial losses happening, farmers will put up with far less health destruction than humans. And unlike the owner of an animal, if you're a HUMAN injured by injections, you basically have no legal recourse due to the NCVIA which immunized pharma and basically gave them a free pass to maim and murder as many people as they want to.
VAERS runs the cover-up by making sure less than 1% of the injuries and deaths after vaccination ever see the light of day. So while VAERS hides the dead bodies, the CDC & FDA promote the "safe" propaganda - cuz the injuries are "rare".
I would just love to tell the IRS "My accounting system captures less than 1% of my income. But as you can see from these numbers, it's 'rare' for me to have any income. Therefore, I owe no taxes."
Corona virus in dogs is a specific virus to canines.
Canine coronavirus (CCoV) is not the same virus as SARS-CoV-2 that causes the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).
I believe it's referred to as kennel cough but don't quote me...been a long time since I was a vet assistant.
That being said, none of my cats or dogs are vaccinated and have never had any health issues. Cats are indoor only.
I used to jab my pets and all of THEM got sick from eye infections right up to cancer. None of them lived as long as my current, unjabbed pets, either.
Kennel cough is mostly harmless unless the animal is older or already ill. One time I took my digs in to get a kennel cough vax so I could board them. My vet grumbled but gave the shots Her comment was “if those places would just clean better kennel cough wouldn’t be an issue”.
The canine Corona shot is meant for puppies(and is probably unnecessary) - I had moved to a new area and needed a new vet for coco, my 12 year old Shih Tsu. He was given that Corona shot unbeknownst to me along with his other DHP and Rabies shots. He was never the same afterwards, sick and died a few months later.
I think the others were carved out of the Demons and brainwashed into the Underworld. Just look at what Demonic people we have in our Government and Country. They have NO souls.
They don't care, if they kill a baby or any other human being. If it breathes, they want to kill it.
I'll be happy when some of them start dying already.
Your analogy is accurate, IMO. "Demons" are fallen angels along with their commander in chief, Satan. "Brainwashing" can only be achieved by them, if the victim has succumbed to their machinations, and if the protective Hand of our Creator God is withdrawn. A sad state of affairs exists which parallels that of the Hebrews of old, wherein Israel rejected God, and the result was the destruction of that once great nation. Now, as anyone can see, the USA is reaping the very same prophetically pronounced visitations for having turned their backs on God. The total destruction of the U.S. is yet to occur but rapidly approaching. The destruction describes a definite injustice and treachery of every inherent system contained within her moral-vacant institutions and govt. The country will lead out militarily, but through her indoctrinating influence, become the foremost leader among nations in the onslaught aimed at the complete obliteration of anything having to do with glorifying the Creator. Have we not witnessed the dramatic rise of that sentiment already? I know first hand this to be a reality.
The majority of the commenters of Sir Steve's stack, are VERY sharp, smart, and well informed. I'm humbled. However, there is still a small step to be taken toward the realization that there is a deadly "contest" being waged between the powers that be. We are simply pawns, yet given assistance and free will to follow whom once we choose. It's my constant concern and prayer that by reiterating the Truth of this matter, that more of us will take a solemn step back and have a look at the big picture, from time past until now. Better yet, to investigate prophetic verbiage found ONLY in the pages of the Bible, where God Himself pleads with every soul to trust HIM, and not the lying demons which were extricated from His presence in heaven.
Lies are intentionally candy-coated to our liking, that's what makes them treacherous, whereas the Truth, quite often so very painful to face, is the medicine our inquisitive souls NEED. While spiritual realities can only be obtained confidently by the investigation of the Word of God and the prophecies therein, scientific realities (true science) divulge the impossibilities of false theories regarding origins.
It's quite the "slam dunk!"
May our Lord and Savior guide your investigation. (See how Satan has infiltrated the Protestant churches of USA, teaching false doctrines he promotes for the death of God's creatures.) Look at some prominent SDA leaders for guidance. Randy Skeet, Doug Bachelor, Walter Veith, Secrets Unsealed, Amazing Facts, Amazing Discoveries, etc. These are all true to the Word of God, as "the needle to the pole."
Kennel cough is usually bordatella bronchiseptica, a close relative to pertussis. And coronavirus vaccines don't work, even theoretically, esp. if reliant on spike protein only.
I have 4 dogs and of course they are family. I have been wondering and worried about the jabs that they get yearly. I think I will just skip it from now on. They are all very healthy and I am sure they will be fine and much better of without the toxins.
It's neck-and-neck for greatest absurdity of the COVID-theatre days -- band kids playing instruments with little mini filters on them, or giving COVID jabs to zoo animals.
If dying humans can’t wake up the masses perhaps dying animals will. Years ago I read where an off planet alien race sent a message to our human leaders, “If you cause the dolphins to go extinct we will wipe you out.” I hope they are only referring to our stupid human leaders and I hope they won’t wait until they are extinct. Bring it now.
I used to be a believer, but the evidence we see tends to have a certain pattern.....
"Daimonic Reality by Patrick Harpur examines UFOs and a wide variety of “paranormal” phenomena from a rather unique angle. Although Harpur never fully defines the daimonic—“the daimonic that can be defined is not the true daimonic,” as Lao-Tse would say—it seems to exist both inside us and outside us. Like the Greek daemon and unlike the Christian demon, it takes both good/healing and bad/terrifying forms, depending on our commitment to rationalistic ego states.
In a sense, the daimonic is like the collective unconscious of Carl Jung, inside us as a part of our total self that the ego wishes to deny, outside us in all the other humans who ever existed and in the dreams, myths, and arts of all the world. But Harpur follows Irish poet (and Golden Dawn alumnus) W. B. Yeats as often as he follows Jung, and traces some of his ideas back to Giordano Bruno and the alchemical/hermetic mystics of the Renaissance. The daimonic is just a bit more personalized and individualized than Jung’s species unconscious.
Harpur’s major thesis is that unless we recognize the daimonic (make friends with it, Jung would say) it takes increasingly malignant and terrifying forms. For instance, the Greys of UFO abduction lore, he says, are deliberately mirroring our ego-centered and “scientistic” age—showing no emotions of the humans they experiment upon, just as the ideal science student feels no emotion and has no concern with the emotions of the animal being tortured in his laboratory."
Despite dealing with many subjects common to conspiracy theories, this book does not quite fit into that category. We are the conspirators, so to speak. We have repressed the most creative part of ourselves and now it is escaping in terrifying forms."
"We know that the vaccine causes kennel cough in dogs, and that recently-vaccinated dogs can cause outbreaks in kennels. We know that this vaccine prevents long-term immunity, whereas natural infection confers natural immunity. And we know that the up-the-nose kennel cough vaccine can cause a whooping-cough-like illness in humans, as well as other serious health conditions. We also know that there is a steady and growing stream of research to show that vaccines cause brain damage, autoimmune diseases, cancer and allergies – which I consider to be the REAL epidemic in the modern dog."
Not just dogs. Horses, too. Not just homeopathic doctors, "evidence-based" medical scientists, too:
Multifocal outbreak of equine influenza in vaccinated horses in Argentina in 2018: Epidemiological aspects and molecular characterisation of the involved virus strains
All animals. Veterinarians have known this for decades. Until they were put into trances and Forgot Suddenly. And oh yeah, about that "Seriously, you're not a horse" CDC smackdown of Ivermectin, horse paste - horses get the flu just like we do, and Ivermectin helps them just like it helps us.
Note - If any of the research publications I link to don't let you open up and read the full studies I suggest using the wonderful resource to get behind the blocks to public knowledge that we, the public pays for. If one doesn't work then try the others:
Reading the sub-headline was heartbreaking enough. No way can this animal lover read the rest. Even so Mark, they deserve the recognition of being poisoned to death by man-unkind.
it's fked up. No animal yelled at me for not wearing a mask, no animal fired anyone for not taking a shot. They don't deserve this human-made hell we've created for the past 3 years.
No surprise here, if they are vaxxing animals. Soon the plants will also be dying off, and in this day of absolute absurdity....we might hear that even the rocks are dying off, if vaxx liquid is spilled on them. Remember, it is all about the internet of things and glorious days ahead. The single most frightening thing to me is the deep ignorance of the world's population. We have been brainwashed to believe and trust the biggest liars and criminals in existence.
This is what happens when good Germans drink the Kool Aid and obey the "all in it together" group think and then insist their animal friends get the same SAFE AND EFFECTIVE they got. You killed Joey the Giraffe, and baby seals, and Koala bears because you are blind lemmings and stupid "woke" sheep.
Humans weren't enough...They're at war with the animals too? AND, NOBODY IS GOING AFTER THE DEMONS?
There isn't one lousy decent human being on Earth since NONE ARE IN THE STREETS GOING AFTER THE DEMONS WEARING HUMAN BEING SUITS in 'The City of London' and Basel, Switzerland.
Guess, this is how we know this isn't HUMAN...It's DEMONIC as all of God's Creation MUST BE DESTROYED.
You said the TRUTH. How can, We The People, confront this situation? All these Conservative news outlets just talk about it. Same with the Republicans. They are the same as the
Democrat Communists. You see Fraudchi in prison? No, he just bought a nice spread
Second Amendment be damned. It's a historical document. It has been destroyed and unloaded and disarmed. Fixing the problem at hand has been reduced to smoke. That's why I am determined to point EVERYONE who has some sense left to them, to seek after the ONLY source of relief from this injustice; the Truth found in the Bible, which has predicted this treachery, and PROVIDES a window of opportunity for escape. No, not temporal escape, but ETERNAL escape. ONLY for those who trust and obey the written Word of God, NOT for the perpetrators who believe in the Devil's lies and deceit.
He’s also receiving security protection including a limo, at our expense even though he allegedly retired. He’s worth millions of dollars, why doesn’t he pay for it himself? If he’s in any danger, it is self-inflicted and he should cover the cost.
Miss VP said depopulate instead of reduce pollution. You really think that she made that mistake? I don't. She's not the smartest tool in the shed, but she does as she is told.
She's just another of their useful idiot placemats. It's pathetic to think that's the only
It almost completely changes our perspective of a doctor who is trying to protect and prolong life. We all need to ask very pointed questions about longevity and side effects when in front of a medical professional
Why the fuck did anyone inject all those species with a bio-weapon intended for humans? The answer might surprise us, no?
It seems the more university education one received, the deeper into the cult. People working in education and medicine were some of the most covid and covid shot deranged. Veterinarians would also be in this group.
The head of Pfizer is a Veterinarian.
And oversaw some horrible things with cow vaccines in Europe before the promotion to CEO.
veterinarians are the experts in diseases that can transmit between humans and animals, and are always the choice for pandemic experts.
They don't need to be an expert in anything else except being able to kill on command.
Seems all the jabbers are doing that even with people and the bovine media ensures that nobody every hears about it
It is the politically and socially correct tribe, the intellectuals. When we were still young students we were normally influenced by new politics, especially liberal and radical politics, but when we leave we are part of normal life with its normal problems and have to work to survive, no time for nonsense politics. But the poor academics, they stayed behind and were still being indoctrinized to radicalism... their own intellectual bubble world, so different from the world outisde their bubble.
Dennis Prager has a great quote along the lines of you must have gone to university for a really long time to be able to believe something so stupid.
This. In the real world, we all realize that NO ONE CARES about your race, etc. because we are too busy caring about actual reality: how are you treating me? Are you a good fit for this job? Are you making my life better or worse by being around you? No one gives a fuck about abstract ideas or labels when they are living actual life.
Yes, it is as if one wants to scream at them, to wake up and get a life! They are or their "program" is destabilizing the normal lifestyle and we are really getting fed up with it. Still don't get it why they are treated as kings and queens through gov programs with major laws to protect discrimination against them??? It is a hormonal and/psychotic illness in them that CAN also be treated with hormones the other (right way) round... but all of a sudden they all decide to follow the wrong way round. Maybe because they are the forerunners to transhumans following... desensetizing us to what is waiting for us in the future...o, and money to be made by stockholders...
Wow this thread is intriguing. There was a dual dose flyover horse sterilizer that had some structural similarities to the patented mRNA tek we suffered. The vampires have been using mRNA tek on animals for a while?
I read they have been using them in swine for more than a year
Can you elaborate on this? Thanks!
The mode of operation, the type of chemicals and the dosage schedule are very similar to the mRNA experiment carried out globally. Since this supposed new disease is from other species it makes sense that they would turn to government contractors to cook up the "Final Solution" no?
YES, Why? These freaking monsters don't care about anything that breathes air. That's why
it's either us or them! Because, they are consuming our air.
I've wondered from the beginning if these psychopaths are humans at all. You think they breath the same air as we do? I have my doubts about that.
Who knew John Water's Female Trouble would be so prophetic ("Just look at all those trees staling MY oxygen!!!)
Save the trees. Wipe with a weed.
Nettles? Poison Ivy? ;-D
Because they’re all EVIL, Luciferian fucktards, that’s why...
They wanna kill us, FINE ~ Bring it! 👊🏻💪🏻 But leave the innocent, helpless animals alone! 🤬
If they wanted them dead, euthanize them! Don’t make them suffer with the effects of the poison jab!
Yes, I agree with "aj" below. No profits without the jab. And the waters are so muddied with propaganda, even the vets are buying the noise. It seems that to inject the animals is counter-productive in every aspect logically. More likely, it is a false reflection of their due care for the creatures so as to bolster the confidence of the human public. The vets don't want the animals to suffer or die. I think that's a definite stretch.
no profits without the jab
Last thing they need is 'money'. They can print what they need - but these days, no need to print anything - all they do is add more zero's to their account - and voila! Psychopaths DO NOT think like us for sure especially when they are so 'inbred' - they thrive on the psychotic thought that they are superior and in control over all lives on Earth - and that the Earth belongs just to them and we are merely annoying pests that are using up 'THEIR resources' and most lives must to be eliminated. One good thing about what has transpired over the past 3 years is that, THEY have become overly confident and are showing themselves, thinking that they will surely win. They are so wrong. Now we can see who they are, most of them anyway, and that makes them perfect targets.
This interesting analysis may shed light on the underlying motives (at the international policy level) of both zoos and zoo management in addition to the impulse of WWF to get into the business of wildlife management in the first place. After all, if one can normalize the hubris that some select humans are enlightened enough to steward whole ecosystems and assume responsibility for whole species, it's not a far cry from expanding the role - for those to whom the privilege was already assigned - to include the human species.
So well put, the hubris of some people thinking they can decide the fate of whole ecosystems, etc. I guess it’s just the same story as old as time, people trying to grab power over others. This time it genuinely seems like these people believe in their bullshit though. Tyranny wrapped up with a smug, virtuous bow.
They’ve been doing it no one was paying attention to these monsters of evil they were to busy talking about themselves. Plus trying to find out if you got the JAB
It’s a case of MeMeMe
I bought a German Shepard puppy my vet ask me if I wanted it for her I said hell no if I’m not taking it why should my puppy He agreed with me said he just had to ask cause people are turning him in it’s a requirement. Screw them
Like so many other humans, they thought they knew what was best. And, given the literally military grade propaganda used on us, it's really not a wonder that they vaxxed the animals... And, I'd read reports that numerous folks had their pets vaxxed. What I'm wondering is who has records of which animals were vaxxed & in which zoos, and how many of those animals have now died/are dying/will die, and when their dying began... We need to track this. THIS will awaken some folks.
I needed to update my dog's vaccines recently and I almost didn't do it. But he's a therapy dog and it is necessary. I should get a fake vax card for him. I don't trust any pharmaceuticals any more. Very sad.
I’d get a fake card. Pets are over vaxxed. And too many pet meds.
Welcome to Florida. We live near Orlando. Where do you live? You certainly can
play a lot of golf in Florida :-) I agree Pets get way too many vaccines.
Lakewood Ranch on a golf course! Sprayed with too many chemicals!
Glad you brought your Conservative vote with YOU :-)
We appreciate it !
We never vaccinate our dogs past a single DHP vaccine at 16 weeks of age. That's all they get for a lifetime. Titre tests prove lifetime protection. The veterinary pharmaceutical industry, aided and abetted by their pimps in the veterinary industry, would vaccinate every year, given the opportunity, even though they are unnecessary and dangerous.
I looked for a vet near me to see if we could check titers for rabies and couldn't come up with anything. Is there an online lab that could check?
There is a vet in New Jersey (I think) that will do titers by mail. You would just need to have the blood drawn at your vet. I heard this in the Vital Animal Podcast. If you’re not a podcast listener, the website is vitalanimal.com. Dr Will Falconer is a homeopathic vet and has lots of good info.
Now that I’m thinking of it, I may have heard it on Karen Becker’s podcast, Take Control of your Animal’s Health (Healthypets.Mercola.com). If you find a vet to do it they will charge a lot more than if you can send the sample for titering direct the the lab. If you have any holistic or homeopathic vets near you they might be able to point you in the right direction. I know of one in Minnesota you could contact. Let me know if you want her info.
Homeopathic works incredibly on animals (and humans if used correctly). I once had a dog less than a year old, got tick fever and lost the use of her back legs. Someone told me to give her homeopathic ledum and next morning was running around again. I was converted to homeopathic ever since, over 30 years ago.
I’ve used some homeopathic remedies for myself and had good results. No side effects, either.
I'm in the UK, titre testing is readily available, the brand name is 'Vaccicheck'.
Do not vaccinate your animals! They are all bad. Do research! I will never give any of my animals ever again! The animal industry is just as bad a the human industry.💰💵
Thank you! I won't do anymore.
The stuff they give to animals is not nearly as deadly as what they give to humans. But I see your point. It's ALL bad, and does NOT protect us from anything.
Don’t be so sure Joy. I think many illnesses that animals get are from “vaccines”.
Just like SIDS and autism just happen out of the blue…because, right?
Follow the money!
I am fully AWARE that the animal vaccines (mostly consumed by average "pet" owners) are making our pets VERY sick, which leads to more vet bills. Now we have pets with HUMAN diseases like cancer, diabetes, etc.
My point was simply that livestock farmers CAN sue when their "for profit" animals are injured. The PEOPLE are unable to sue when the vaccines injure HUMANS. The NCVIA does not prevent a lawsuit for the destruction of ANIMALS from the vaccines. It prevents HUMANS from suing for the deaths and injuries when a HUMAN is the victim.
And, a veterinary school is just like a medical school for human beings.
BIG money!😉
Yeah, but injuring animals with Pharma is not as easy. Farmers can actually SUE for the destruction of their herd. Because they see the financial losses happening, farmers will put up with far less health destruction than humans. And unlike the owner of an animal, if you're a HUMAN injured by injections, you basically have no legal recourse due to the NCVIA which immunized pharma and basically gave them a free pass to maim and murder as many people as they want to.
VAERS runs the cover-up by making sure less than 1% of the injuries and deaths after vaccination ever see the light of day. So while VAERS hides the dead bodies, the CDC & FDA promote the "safe" propaganda - cuz the injuries are "rare".
I would just love to tell the IRS "My accounting system captures less than 1% of my income. But as you can see from these numbers, it's 'rare' for me to have any income. Therefore, I owe no taxes."
Oh, our loving government.
You got it Joy!
I know what you mean. We have 2 Westies and an indoor Kitty. They have their vaccines
up-to-date. They are all doing fine. But, I still don't like it. The Breeder showed us the
shot record for the Baby Westies. They were given a COVID vaccine. This was before
the Plandemic. I saw the paper.
Corona virus in dogs is a specific virus to canines.
Canine coronavirus (CCoV) is not the same virus as SARS-CoV-2 that causes the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).
I believe it's referred to as kennel cough but don't quote me...been a long time since I was a vet assistant.
That being said, none of my cats or dogs are vaccinated and have never had any health issues. Cats are indoor only.
I used to jab my pets and all of THEM got sick from eye infections right up to cancer. None of them lived as long as my current, unjabbed pets, either.
I like UnmRNAted. :-)
Lol. Me aaand my pets 😉
Right On :-)
Kennel cough is mostly harmless unless the animal is older or already ill. One time I took my digs in to get a kennel cough vax so I could board them. My vet grumbled but gave the shots Her comment was “if those places would just clean better kennel cough wouldn’t be an issue”.
Your vet is correct!
Thank you for that information. I will stop jabbing my dogs as well.
The canine Corona shot is meant for puppies(and is probably unnecessary) - I had moved to a new area and needed a new vet for coco, my 12 year old Shih Tsu. He was given that Corona shot unbeknownst to me along with his other DHP and Rabies shots. He was never the same afterwards, sick and died a few months later.
I am so sorry for your loss. My dogs are getting old too - all 4 are very healthy and I will NOT jab them with anything ever again.
So sorry for your needless loss. 💔🐶
Really. WOW. Thank YOU for the information. Sounds like you really LOVE and take care
We are all Gods creatures ❤️
Except the ones that are jabbing His creations 😉
Or maybe they are too.... 😳
I think the others were carved out of the Demons and brainwashed into the Underworld. Just look at what Demonic people we have in our Government and Country. They have NO souls.
They don't care, if they kill a baby or any other human being. If it breathes, they want to kill it.
I'll be happy when some of them start dying already.
Your analogy is accurate, IMO. "Demons" are fallen angels along with their commander in chief, Satan. "Brainwashing" can only be achieved by them, if the victim has succumbed to their machinations, and if the protective Hand of our Creator God is withdrawn. A sad state of affairs exists which parallels that of the Hebrews of old, wherein Israel rejected God, and the result was the destruction of that once great nation. Now, as anyone can see, the USA is reaping the very same prophetically pronounced visitations for having turned their backs on God. The total destruction of the U.S. is yet to occur but rapidly approaching. The destruction describes a definite injustice and treachery of every inherent system contained within her moral-vacant institutions and govt. The country will lead out militarily, but through her indoctrinating influence, become the foremost leader among nations in the onslaught aimed at the complete obliteration of anything having to do with glorifying the Creator. Have we not witnessed the dramatic rise of that sentiment already? I know first hand this to be a reality.
The majority of the commenters of Sir Steve's stack, are VERY sharp, smart, and well informed. I'm humbled. However, there is still a small step to be taken toward the realization that there is a deadly "contest" being waged between the powers that be. We are simply pawns, yet given assistance and free will to follow whom once we choose. It's my constant concern and prayer that by reiterating the Truth of this matter, that more of us will take a solemn step back and have a look at the big picture, from time past until now. Better yet, to investigate prophetic verbiage found ONLY in the pages of the Bible, where God Himself pleads with every soul to trust HIM, and not the lying demons which were extricated from His presence in heaven.
Lies are intentionally candy-coated to our liking, that's what makes them treacherous, whereas the Truth, quite often so very painful to face, is the medicine our inquisitive souls NEED. While spiritual realities can only be obtained confidently by the investigation of the Word of God and the prophecies therein, scientific realities (true science) divulge the impossibilities of false theories regarding origins.
It's quite the "slam dunk!"
May our Lord and Savior guide your investigation. (See how Satan has infiltrated the Protestant churches of USA, teaching false doctrines he promotes for the death of God's creatures.) Look at some prominent SDA leaders for guidance. Randy Skeet, Doug Bachelor, Walter Veith, Secrets Unsealed, Amazing Facts, Amazing Discoveries, etc. These are all true to the Word of God, as "the needle to the pole."
Kennel cough is usually bordatella bronchiseptica, a close relative to pertussis. And coronavirus vaccines don't work, even theoretically, esp. if reliant on spike protein only.
I stopped vaxing mine years ago.
When the vet tech said the dose for a chihuahua and Rotti were the same.
When I thought about all the strange cancers and diseases dogs get now, compared to growing up in the 1960’s.
And, the amount of Pharma drugs they are now supposed to have.
Personally, if he’s a therapy dog, you’d be a lot worse off if he gets a reaction from a vax, than having to leave him at home.
Exactly. What good is a DISABLED support dog?
Good point
The vet med apoquel is for autoimmune diseases. (Joints, skin, digestive suffering ...when immune systems attack healthy organs & tissue).
I don't trust any pharmaceuticals anymore either. There's big money in making pets sick.
They would have to kill me before I would give my dog a vaccine. Nope, and nope
Heehee fake vax cards for pets. This is a level of dystopian lunacy that is almost funny
I have 4 dogs and of course they are family. I have been wondering and worried about the jabs that they get yearly. I think I will just skip it from now on. They are all very healthy and I am sure they will be fine and much better of without the toxins.
It's neck-and-neck for greatest absurdity of the COVID-theatre days -- band kids playing instruments with little mini filters on them, or giving COVID jabs to zoo animals.
If dying humans can’t wake up the masses perhaps dying animals will. Years ago I read where an off planet alien race sent a message to our human leaders, “If you cause the dolphins to go extinct we will wipe you out.” I hope they are only referring to our stupid human leaders and I hope they won’t wait until they are extinct. Bring it now.
Do you read Clif High's substacks? He's into space aliens. What do you know about
space aliens? Have they been on earth? Is our Government involved with the alien
Clif is da man!!!❤️
Yes, yes and yes but outside of myself and Clif not many anti-vaxxer’s want to mention them.
I used to be a believer, but the evidence we see tends to have a certain pattern.....
"Daimonic Reality by Patrick Harpur examines UFOs and a wide variety of “paranormal” phenomena from a rather unique angle. Although Harpur never fully defines the daimonic—“the daimonic that can be defined is not the true daimonic,” as Lao-Tse would say—it seems to exist both inside us and outside us. Like the Greek daemon and unlike the Christian demon, it takes both good/healing and bad/terrifying forms, depending on our commitment to rationalistic ego states.
In a sense, the daimonic is like the collective unconscious of Carl Jung, inside us as a part of our total self that the ego wishes to deny, outside us in all the other humans who ever existed and in the dreams, myths, and arts of all the world. But Harpur follows Irish poet (and Golden Dawn alumnus) W. B. Yeats as often as he follows Jung, and traces some of his ideas back to Giordano Bruno and the alchemical/hermetic mystics of the Renaissance. The daimonic is just a bit more personalized and individualized than Jung’s species unconscious.
Harpur’s major thesis is that unless we recognize the daimonic (make friends with it, Jung would say) it takes increasingly malignant and terrifying forms. For instance, the Greys of UFO abduction lore, he says, are deliberately mirroring our ego-centered and “scientistic” age—showing no emotions of the humans they experiment upon, just as the ideal science student feels no emotion and has no concern with the emotions of the animal being tortured in his laboratory."
Despite dealing with many subjects common to conspiracy theories, this book does not quite fit into that category. We are the conspirators, so to speak. We have repressed the most creative part of ourselves and now it is escaping in terrifying forms."
Ayyy-freakin-men Mike!!!!
I’m translating.
Homeopathic veterinarians have been telling us about what "vaccines" do for years:
Radical Honesty
Hpathy, June 15, 2018
"We know that the vaccine causes kennel cough in dogs, and that recently-vaccinated dogs can cause outbreaks in kennels. We know that this vaccine prevents long-term immunity, whereas natural infection confers natural immunity. And we know that the up-the-nose kennel cough vaccine can cause a whooping-cough-like illness in humans, as well as other serious health conditions. We also know that there is a steady and growing stream of research to show that vaccines cause brain damage, autoimmune diseases, cancer and allergies – which I consider to be the REAL epidemic in the modern dog."
Not just dogs. Horses, too. Not just homeopathic doctors, "evidence-based" medical scientists, too:
Multifocal outbreak of equine influenza in vaccinated horses in Argentina in 2018: Epidemiological aspects and molecular characterisation of the involved virus strains
Equine Veterinary Journal, May, 2020
Potential of vaccination to confound interpretation of real-time PCR results for equine influenza
The Veterinary Record, September 3, 2011
Diagnostic methods applied to analysis of an outbreak of equine influenza in a riding school in which vaccine failure occurred
Veterinary Microbiology, June 10, 2003
Detection of modified-live equine intranasal vaccine pathogens in adult horses using quantitative PCR
The Veterinary Record, November 22, 2014
Diagnosis of equine influenza by the polymerase chain reaction
Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, January 6, 1994
All animals. Veterinarians have known this for decades. Until they were put into trances and Forgot Suddenly. And oh yeah, about that "Seriously, you're not a horse" CDC smackdown of Ivermectin, horse paste - horses get the flu just like we do, and Ivermectin helps them just like it helps us.
Note - If any of the research publications I link to don't let you open up and read the full studies I suggest using the wonderful resource to get behind the blocks to public knowledge that we, the public pays for. If one doesn't work then try the others:
100% C19 trial animals died! That did NOT stop government from pushing mandates!
You think those fucking parasites give a rats ass on how many animals they killed?
Disasters worse than God’s flood are coming.
Not hard, since that flooding was just a spill over the Strait of Kerch. Bombing its bridge may well lead to worse!
This hurts me more than the human deaths. Guess that says a lot about how I feel about people these days. Had a hard time "liking" this article.
Thanks though, MCM, for keeping track and tabulating the needless deaths, human AND animal 😭
Hurts, me too :-(
Me three. 😭
Any warm blooded animal, will get/has got the Jab in Zoos?
Reading the sub-headline was heartbreaking enough. No way can this animal lover read the rest. Even so Mark, they deserve the recognition of being poisoned to death by man-unkind.
it's fked up. No animal yelled at me for not wearing a mask, no animal fired anyone for not taking a shot. They don't deserve this human-made hell we've created for the past 3 years.
No surprise here, if they are vaxxing animals. Soon the plants will also be dying off, and in this day of absolute absurdity....we might hear that even the rocks are dying off, if vaxx liquid is spilled on them. Remember, it is all about the internet of things and glorious days ahead. The single most frightening thing to me is the deep ignorance of the world's population. We have been brainwashed to believe and trust the biggest liars and criminals in existence.
This is what happens when good Germans drink the Kool Aid and obey the "all in it together" group think and then insist their animal friends get the same SAFE AND EFFECTIVE they got. You killed Joey the Giraffe, and baby seals, and Koala bears because you are blind lemmings and stupid "woke" sheep.
WEF said.
No Pets
I Guess no zoo animals
Wild Game
Farm animals
Poultry either.
Here’s an idea.
Let’s eradicate that disease called Globalist and save the People, Planet, Children and animals instead.
These people are despicable! Just more of their plan to poison us, starve us and depopulate us as well as destroy crops, insects and animals.
Humans weren't enough...They're at war with the animals too? AND, NOBODY IS GOING AFTER THE DEMONS?
There isn't one lousy decent human being on Earth since NONE ARE IN THE STREETS GOING AFTER THE DEMONS WEARING HUMAN BEING SUITS in 'The City of London' and Basel, Switzerland.
Guess, this is how we know this isn't HUMAN...It's DEMONIC as all of God's Creation MUST BE DESTROYED.
You said the TRUTH. How can, We The People, confront this situation? All these Conservative news outlets just talk about it. Same with the Republicans. They are the same as the
Democrat Communists. You see Fraudchi in prison? No, he just bought a nice spread
on blood money he made off the PLANDEMIC.
Second Amendment be damned. It's a historical document. It has been destroyed and unloaded and disarmed. Fixing the problem at hand has been reduced to smoke. That's why I am determined to point EVERYONE who has some sense left to them, to seek after the ONLY source of relief from this injustice; the Truth found in the Bible, which has predicted this treachery, and PROVIDES a window of opportunity for escape. No, not temporal escape, but ETERNAL escape. ONLY for those who trust and obey the written Word of God, NOT for the perpetrators who believe in the Devil's lies and deceit.
Stay buckled up. It's going to get rough.
He’s also receiving security protection including a limo, at our expense even though he allegedly retired. He’s worth millions of dollars, why doesn’t he pay for it himself? If he’s in any danger, it is self-inflicted and he should cover the cost.
Miss VP said depopulate instead of reduce pollution. You really think that she made that mistake? I don't. She's not the smartest tool in the shed, but she does as she is told.
She's just another of their useful idiot placemats. It's pathetic to think that's the only
way she can get recognized. :-)
It almost completely changes our perspective of a doctor who is trying to protect and prolong life. We all need to ask very pointed questions about longevity and side effects when in front of a medical professional
Yes, they lied about “safe and effective” mRNA shots and probably everything else.