not only is it sad for these animals to be in captivity, but to undergo totally unnecessary treatments and then die from it is beyond sad. It is sadistic.

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It's almost as if they want an empty Noah's ark for the apocalypse they are planning.

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It's a satanic death cult. Their goal is to wipe out all life on earth

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I fu*king hate those monsters who did this, they want us to jab out cats and dogs too, well screw them. If the bioweapon injections are killing humans, it's not a stretch to realize they're killing beautiful creatures in zoos. Im so beyond mad right now.

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I quit taking our cats in for routine vaccinations last summer. Don't trust medicine anymore, and I was in it since 1968.

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I actually called my vet and asked if hes giving out covid shots, he said, "no way"

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I seriously doubt there are many vets giving out Covid shots. Probably not much of a financial incentive to do so. These zoos which so foolishly did were likely given a nice “piece of the action”. That’s what’s behind every part of this scamdemic and why nobody’s willing to look any further into the deaths. Hopefully one day it will all come out. Maybe when the results of the damage are undeniable people will admit they were bribed or blackmailed into it.

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Maybe independent vets but if owned by a corporation? They for sure will push it for the $$$ it will bring them. In my town? Corp owned clinics are about 90%. which to me equals ZERO care about your best friend.

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You have the same last name as my family, its so weird because its not a common name.

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Where are they from. I always thought my name was uncommon until I looked it up in the New York phone book and found like 3-4 columns of Schreibers. Where have they all been?

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They're all from Canada.

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Reassuring, but what might be mixed in routine animal vaccinations, unbeknownst to the vet? Big pharma already musing about mixing up human vaccines.

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My dog passed away last Aug 22nd from osteosarcoma so we only have our cat now, he's an indoor cat and will not be getting jabs. Our vet did not like vaccinating animals so all she got was kennel cough because she went to daycare to play and train puppies.

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I spent years with my cats, doing everything by the book. I had 4 cats die, under 5 years old in a row. 3 with liver disease and one by heart attack. Then I said screw this. Next 3? My Buffy lived till 17, my Gato till 19 and my Lucky was almost 22 when she went to sleep, by the fireplace and didn't wake up. Current kitties are 16, 12 and not sure but probably about 14. My last 4 dogs about the same. 17, 14, 16 and 15

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My cat developed a tumor exactly where his vax was administered in his shoulder. Luckily, cancer didn't' spread and he lived to be 16. Only vax my cats get now is rabies one time bc its mandatory to get fixed.

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Same for me. One time rabies as adult for my dog. Should last a lifetime and they know this!!

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From someone that has spent her life taking care of animals, all farm animals, dogs and cats, was a groomer for 50 years, boarding kennel owner for 30+ years and worked in rescue and Vet. service. I to Fu'king hate these money grabbing murderers. No way will I ever have any pet of mine vaccinated for this crap...ever. When the doggie flu vax became popular, my local vet called my boarding kennel and asked it I would include that vax for clients to board their pets. I told them to do their own dirty work, I didn't work for them! I still am the only boarding kennel in the area that doesn't require all the vaxxes. I am not a vet and like it or not, there are plenty of cases where a pet should NOT be vaccinated. And no, the Rabies vax is not a law. It is left up to each state AND each county. Mine only "suggest" it and yet the vets have lied about that for 50 years. Best I can suggest is find a good holistic Vet that also sees the BS shoved down our throats.

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I am so with you my anger is off the charts at the moment and everything I want to say would make a real sailor blush, so I’ll leave it at that.

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Let me correct the Dallas elephant story:

He didn't show any physical signs or symptoms of EEHV therefore the team began immediate, aggressive treatment to make it appear the "virus" was progressing. "Because of the round-the-clock abuse from his animal care and veterinary teams over the last 12 days, along with egging on from zoo teams across the country, Ajabu laid down in the barn on the evening of Monday, May 8 and simply could not fight against them any longer," [end]

Is the reason all elephants are said to have this faux virus that they are pcr testing for faux rna/dna sequences? What do you suppose is the chance that they are mislabeling elephant rna/dna as being from a faux virus? I would say 100%. Is this a PETA op designed to shut down all zoos?

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Or it’s a very common benign virus that poses no issues to otherwise healthy elephants? But once their immune systems are whacked out with these shots they succumb.

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Maybe the killing of endangered animals will generate the attention this overall story deserves... since the death of humans seemingly didn't.

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It is a strain of herpes so more than likely elephants do have it in the same benign way humans have the human version--the one causing cold sores or mono. Im sure the wax dampened the elephant’s immune system and the virus proliferated. It is common latent virus event exacerbated by the shots.

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Please post the link to the research showing the isolation of this "virus." I would love to see it. In the absence of evidence, sorry, but I don't believe it,

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According to what I've read, it was supposedly "asymptomatic" and the elephant died after treatment. These people are sick in the head

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Correct Michael, the animal wasn't sick, they poisoned it for no health reason but for a hidden, political agenda. The people who actually performed the dirty deed are too brainwashed with modern "science" to realize what they did. This is exactly like what they've done for 3 years to the world's human population.

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Have they tried masking the animals, and/or social distancing? Asking for a friend...

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6 years ago we adopted two kittens and unlike our previous pets, these girls have not been getting any shots whatsoever. And they are far healthier than any we’ve had.

Modern medicine is nothing more than legal highly profitable witchcraft.

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Yes, KABBALAH witchcraft to be specific.

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You can think that if it makes you feel better.

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Mark, I don't THINK anything about it.

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True, I don’t ‘think’ enters your mind. Just repeating crap that you have heard.

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Leslie dear, I would love to here your opinion on my article from a couple of weeks ago about Kabbalah, Goetia, and the number 72. I don't just repeat things I've heard. Masons and other occultists take all the blame for all this from people who don't know any better, like you. The spiritual principals of Masonry are the same as Kabbalism. Same pig, different lipstick.

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Note that Mark had no issue with the commenter above me calling modern medicine witchcraft. He only had an issue with me specifically referencing Kabbalism. Just wanted to bring that out.........

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Because you're alluding to modern medicine as being primarily driven by Jews, in a dogmatic, cabalistic manner. It's true ther're tons of Jews in the field, but many more people of other ethnicities and religions. And let's not forget that the founders of modern pharma are none other but the Rockefellers--and that family is not Jewish.

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Thank you. There is entirely enough of this on SUBSTACK.

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Here’s my two cents (which is probably more than I’d be willing to pay for my own opines) - I was brought up in the decades following WW2 in the Deep South which was the time when Jim Crow finally ended. I was part of the tiny close knit Jewish community caught between the acceptable society (we were white) and the outcast crowd (we were the Christ killers after all). But regardless of everything else we all supported Israel, the holy land of our ancient forefathers where its miraculous birth marked the final return home of our people. Shalom in Eretz Yisrael finally. If only we didn’t have to face those terrible Arabs who stood in the way of the fulfillment of our dream. But sometimes you have to fight for what is right and what is yours. Or so I believed.

As I’ve aged I’ve tried to learn to to look at things from every angle and point of view including those who oppose mine. Funny thing about this is the more you learn the more you realize just how little you truly know. So often we cannot see what we are unwilling to look at - rather than put ourselves in somebody else’s shoes, we resist it because they are crazy or foolish or selfish or ignorant. Or they are greedy. But we don’t see these same traits in ourselves.

There are many things that have been done by some Jews that I finds appalling. And so much so that I’m ashamed of it. How could people who proclaim and hold aspirations to love the one creator and respect its glorious creatures (and this includes us humans) be involved in such horrific crimes against us all? And not very convincing about SHALOM either when they turn what they say is retaliation into a full blown display of obliteration and annihilation. I don’t hate Jews (of course not!). In fact I don’t hate anyone, even the monsters who make war or abuse children or anything else. I pity them and truly hope they are stopped and punished. But our great solution is not to hate or fight or lie or cheat or steal or just plain ignore or deny. I’ve felt that wonder of a hearty sense of gratitude and beauty. And if I can feel it, so can everyone else. So instead of blaming the other guys, embrace them. Realize we’re all God children and to quote Rodney King, Why can’t we all get along???

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Human Experimental gene therapy being implemented wily nilly on captive animals with no real data base as to whether COVID 19 is even an issue for them & in spite of there being ample evidence that it impairs general resistance to infectious disease in general across mammalian species!

Wher the hell are the PETA people???!!!

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Hiding with the feminists.

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‘Scuse me, if you listen closely to David Martin, (EU Covid19 2023 conference May 6

in Brussels) he is saying this “new technology” shots had been in development for 30 years, and repeatedly failed all its trials. David mentioned more recently the animals all died. Who and what people running zoos were reacting to, they clearly lacked historical information because they assumed they were acting to “protect” these animals. Soon these zoos may be devoid of their favorites...ironic, yes?

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Just like our medical community

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Inverted - the shots didn't 'fail' at all.....they got the desired effect!

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that's the point--not ironic (sadly)--the idear is ta kill OFF all the zoos--owning animals bad (malarkey but that's the plan) AND to traumatize the kiddies--Oh johnny, 'member that cute monkey ya liked--he DIED (zoos bad / kill animals )--johnny cries--no mo' zoos. Havin' two kids that formed bonds with Gus & his wife (Polar bears) in the CPZ, I kin tell you this is no small thing--folks write books on the beloved critters, kids visit their animal friends and it forms a LOVE for animals. So killin' that is a double whammy--kill the animals and the child's connection to 'em. And so on it goes. This has me hoppin' mad--zoos NOW (like hoss-spit-alls) have been turned into murder machines. Once zoos in the mid-onwards 20th c took beautiful care of the small number of animals in their trust (wildlife-like settings, kind care, trainin' etc)--but as animal ownership (n' animals for food) are on the outs--zoos are out, meat is out, just eat the bugs! (oh an' ya kin own a bug I guess until it's weaponized by Gates to deliver an injection 'er malaria to ya to return the favor). murder train goes choochoochooin' along...

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Maybe the people running the zoos were diversity hires.

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Makes me wonder about our 11 year old cat that just died of liver failure. My husband and I both vaxxed (yeah I know - at least we woke up).

Our friends 7 year old dog just died of the same issue. They however are not vaxxed.

Shedding perhaps?

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I’m so glad you guys woke up👍

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Thanks Kimberly. I am too. It’s hard though trying to make sense of the fact that so many have not. My awakening (my husband came along later) began in September of 2021.

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Also fasting may help destroy the poison

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Yep. I am a patient at Dr. Tenpenny’s practice.

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Listen to Dr Ardis. Nicotine patches might help you. The nicotine blocks the ACEII receptors.

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Someone in my circle commented how all the dogs were getting sick in her neighborhood. Similar cadre of diseases and dying too young. Disgusting. It is a b i o W. Works slowly, quietly, completely. And most important subtly.

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I've been working for over 30 years. I've never had co-workers die suddenly. I've had 3 co-workers die suddenly over the past 2 years. The first in summer of 2021 was a healthy 35 yr old male who died in his sleep. The second was a healthy 60 yr old who died of cardiac arrest. The third was a healthy 27 yr old female who died 3 months after being diagnosed with an aggressive cancer.

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A lot of this is the lawn service companies and the products sprayed.....or toxic mulch.

I was visiting someone, went to get coffee in the morning and when I returned and parked in front of their house, my throat seized up. I looked over and noticed the lawn service guys at their neighbors.

Their dog died prematurely.

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Hard to “like” your comment Ellie.

It’s tragic. Maybe people will be more up in arms if animals start dying the way people are.

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In my area, 5 lapdogs of the same breed have died suddenly recently. I tend to believe shedding is the cause.

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Jul 17, 2023
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Thank you Turtle. So far, so good. Time will tell 🙏

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Jul 17, 2023
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I do Turtle. I’m also a patient at Dr. Tenpenny’s practice. 🥰

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Me too! Thrilled to be there.

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I've never seen so many animals on lifetime and expensive medications. I'm sitting for a couple of friend's pets now and they avoid their medicines like the plague. This is one ugly and dark force that wherever it sees life proliferating it creates weapons or agendas to destroy it. I wish that was an exaggeration. It's even worse than that. They consider us in the category of house pets and we annoy them.

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Beyond tragic.

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It wasn’t enough to try to kill humanity, they are trying to kill animals too. Animals in captivity can’t say NO. I would like to put the responsible parties in a zoo & force inject them over & over again until they die a miserable death.

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They're clear cutting entire ancient forests to put up windfarms in Germany and Scotland to reduce CO2. Trees absorb CO2 and turn it into oxygen. There is an insane death cult running the Western world

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Evil. Pure evil.

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It was well-known that many animals carry coronaviruses and people who work around animals such as vets and zoo personnel become immune to coronaviruses. Obviously, no one at these zoos heard about the ferrets that were the first test subjects more than a decade ago to see if a messenger RNA (mRNA) "vaccine" would work in the way the scientists expected it to. Unfortunately it did not. The ferrets were fine until they were introduced to a "challenge virus" which their immune systems, which had been weakened by the spike proteins, could not handle and they all died. The elephants with the EEHV were likely victims of their "vaccine" induced weakened immune systems.

When I heard that the San Diego Zoo was going to "vaccinate" their animals -- especially those considered "endangered" -- my heart cringed. Those animals didn't know how "endangered" they really were by humans who experimented on all these precious species.

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It’s actually not “messenger” Rna vaccines it’s MODIFIED RNA SHOTS...they expected us to assume it was messenger.

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In what way are these RNA (which has never been done before) "vaccines" being modified?

I will do some research on this and see what I can find but if you have some good sources on this I'd appreciate a response.

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I think the modification is the substitution of pseudo-uridine for uridine, which substitution makes the modRNA molecule resistant to normal breakdown in the body. They don't really know how long it persists.

They claim the modification makes the modRNA "non-immunogenic".

See BioNTech's paper "Modified Uridines are the Key to a Successful Message", by Karikó, 27/9/21


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That claim is bogus.

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Thank you. I'll check it out

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Do say more?

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The RNA shots are not natural. They were created by computers. we all know about artificial mechanical hearts that can pump blood. These shots will result in artificial DNA

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Has anyone I mean anyone, mention in the past THREE years that animals can get sick and die from Covid 19?



EVERYONE HAS GONE MAD- we are now at the mercy of one of the biggest bs fake fake fake science......once again for big Pharma. I would expect more from Veterinarians......

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When they say depopulation, they mean everything, including plant organisms

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No, this is, I think part of Agenda21 (agenda of the 21st Century.) Read the book by Rosa Koire Behind The Green Mask: UN Agenda 21

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Why on earth would you give these "experimental" shots to these animals?

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Or to anyone!

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Gee, I didn't know zoo animals were on the Davos' "Cull List". A future Davos world will thus be free of billions of useless eaters, and mammals kept in zoos.

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Their cull list is any living organism other than themselves. These people are delusional psychopaths. They think they will live on forever as computers or robots.

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