Vera is a ROCK STAR extraordinaire 😎 I had the honor of speaking with her several weeks ago and am incredibly excited about an upcoming collaboration we have planned.

She has created a document of historic importance that will vindicate Andrew Bridgen and every other heroic truth-teller who has been brave enough to rightly call out the parallels with the Holocaust while demanding "NEVER AGAIN" (as I have repeatedly done myself, e.g., https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-colluder-stop-enabling, https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-holocaust-denier, https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-an-agree-to-disagree-relative, and https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-german-bundestag).

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Extraordinary woman ~

Yesterday Dr Malone reported another layer has been added by ICD further supporting her comparison.

There are ( effective April 1 ) new diagnosis codes for C-19 immunization status.

Maybe WHO will turn to fun Disney characters for our new tattoos.

The unvaccinated will now have the classification of Z28.310. The new ‘CDC update ‘guideline’ update includes clarification on reporting ‘under immunization’ for C-19.

So, my friends, the waters are about to get very choppy.

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Really glad to join your Substack, Mark (and pleased to write "tho" non-neologistically; if you wrote it, it's established).

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This film is so important. I just watched it on CHD. It was very compelling, very well done. I will watch all the upcoming parts to this important series.

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In the 1963 Auschwitz trial staged in Stuttgart by judge Fritz Bauer, most former nazis there asked for forgiveness... they didn't get any! Adolf Eichman didn't get any... instead, he was hanged. Luc

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Part 1 was OUTSTANDING. Share with everyone you know.

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Up until now, it has been pretty much forbidden or censored when anyone attempts to compare the Holocaust to what is happening today. I think this documentary is important right now. I am looking forward to the subsequent segments of this production. So far in the segment we have heard from people who went through this, and those of their descendants.

I want to hear what they say and believe is happening right now. Who better to give us a perspective than these courageous people?

Sadly, if this documentary gains traction then it won't be long before the media, experts, and the medical cartel do everything in their power to discredit the people involved in this production.

I'm considered an old woman at 72, but I totally related to one of the older women being interviewed when she said it was like living in the Twilight Zone.

Her complete and utter frustration and disbelief that this was happening really resonated with me.

My immense thanks and admiration to Vera Sharav.

Covid and all the ramifications of misguided policies have resulted in a hugh loss of the old people whether by design or accident. Perhaps we should start hearing from the ones that are left before its too late.With time and age comes experience and often times invaluable knowledge that must be passed on to future generations. Perhaps it's time to listen.

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Very glad you announced this film. It is terribly important that we not be gaslit and forbidden from drawing the parallels. As Whoopi said, the Holocaust was a crime against humanity. That's even more clear now that we are living through it again. The Nazis started with the infirm and their political enemies. opening Dachau concentration camp a month after Hitler seized power. They went on to slaughter the Jews, the Gypsies, the Jehovah's witnesses, the homosexuals, and everyone else who did not conform to their "ideal" of health and obedience - as they defined it. The brave people in this film give examples of resistance and non compliance and I hope people take courage from it.

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When SCOTUS relied on an over 100 year old decision (Jacobson v. Massachusetts) to uphold vax mandates, which seemed very odd, I took a minute to see where that decision led. It is an old adage that bad decisions usually lead to other bad decisions - sort of like fruit of a poisonous tree riff. That decision led to Buck v. Bell where SCOTUS upheld that the 'States' had an implicit moral duty to sterilize the 'feeble-minded' to stop them from over burdening society. From there I started researching the Eugenics movement in the US and its influence in South America and Europe. I have heard the information contained in this first video before and cross referenced it for substantiating evidence.

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Wow. Vera Sharav didn't pussyfoot around, did she! Let's them have it right between the eyes.

Brilliant. And something only a holocaust survivor could put out there in such a blunt manner. Will be interesting to see the reaction of the "mainstream".

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Hey Mark. The holocaust is not a done deal. There is a lot of evidence that says it did not happen the it is presented by the 'survivors'. Even just on a logistical scale, it was impossible. And for me the biggest 'tell' is there is no indelible blue stain on the walls of the killing rooms from the zyclon B. And no bright pink hue on the dead bodies. Too many holes in the story.

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Said this from the beginning. No one wanted to listen.

Jan 2020

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What a pathetic, ignorant comment

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