Videos of people "dying suddenly" in Thailand, India and Spain (and a different video of that Saudi man's collapse in Cairo)
Still more evidence that people everywhere are REALLY dropping dead in public, just as we were TOLD was happening in China (but wasn't) back in January, 2020
Twitter, or whoever really runs it, has decided that no one should see the video, which I and others posted yesterday, of Mohammed Al-Qahtani dropping dead mid-speech in Cairo. (He was a Saudi businessman, not an ambassador.)
Here’s another, less dramatic video of the same collapse, which happens at the very end. (It’s also on Twitter, so watch it now, and download it if you can.)

محمد بن ناصر بن وزن آل مسعود القحطاني
رجل أعمال سعودي مقيم بالإمارات وتم منحه مناصب شرفية كسفير نوايا حسنة وما إلى ذلك
"ستكتب شهادتهم ويُسئلون"
اللهم إنا نسألك حسن الخاتمة
Thai woman, 55, collapses during group dance—a video (amazingly!) reported on Thai TV news. It’s 25 seconds in:
On Telegram: Indian ex-serviceman drops dead during playing of the national anthem:
Spanish man has heart attack while renewing his ID:
It must be incredibly disconcerting for vaxxed to watch these deaths. No one knows if they got the batch with the ticking time bomb... no warning, fine one moment, dropping the next. God, what are witnessing here? I truly get the denial.
Global serial murder, no one is safe who has received the shot.