It must be incredibly disconcerting for vaxxed to watch these deaths. No one knows if they got the batch with the ticking time bomb... no warning, fine one moment, dropping the next. God, what are witnessing here? I truly get the denial.

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Yes, I just saw Dr. Peter McCullough intelligently remark that the clueless MDs who took the jab are especially terrified; and that they proceeded to promote it to patients in a projection of their own fear, anger, and denial.

(I'm paraphrasing, but that's how I understood it.)

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I saw that too. Believe he said they feel since they took the risk, their patients should as well. Outrageous actually.

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Glad it's getting wide play. He once let out a string of ugly truisms about MDs that had never been seen on vid: that they're largely incurious, corrupt, dumb, and lazy. I floated joyously on a cloud for days on that. McCullough fangirl. :-)

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Bhakdi and Yeadon too.

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Same as TPTB I believe. The Health Authorities took it and still promote it because "if I have to suffer, everyone else should too".

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I wonder what proportion took it, or avoided it, or faked it?

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SageHana, Those cowardly MDs really painted themselves into a corner, didn't they...? They're in quite a conundrum now if they don't cross the aisle into the MD-activist camp.

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Some batches were clearly much worse than others in that their deleterious effects were seen almost immediately. However, the ongoing vaccine carnage indicates that in the somewhat longer term other batches are causing major problems.

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Remember… these jabs have technology built into them.. probably with a time table that produces there evil damage!😨

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Yes, almost certainly.

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At his latest event hosting kory, mccoulough Malone Ron Johnson said something like 1 percent of the lots/batches had 80percemt of the adverse effects. Therefore a manufacturing issue. But with worldwide AEs I am not sure accidental is accurate.

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What I fail to understand is that the people who willingly took the Pfizer injections were liberals, leftists and Democrats -- THEIR people. The resistors are the ones not on their side. Perhaps this is why they are so determined to get the non-vaxxed vaxxed: 1) to eliminate the control group; and 2) to make sure the freedom-fighters go down. But then... there will be no one alive! Who will clean their toilets; fix their air conditioners; fix their fossil-fueled cars and jets; grow and prepare their food? The desperadoes pouring in across the borders, I guess.

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Sorta liberal here. We didn't all take it, just like I know a bunch of conservative types who thought they were displaying patriotism by taking it. It really cuts across different lines than the old right/left.

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Aug 10, 2022·edited Aug 10, 2022

Especially since many of the CovidTruth "thought leaders" (including MCM) have been democrats most of their lives: Del Bigtree, RFKJ, Michael Yeadon (Labour), Pierre Kory...I'm sure there's more, and it would be good to compile this list for the purpose of destroying the two-party illusion as it relates to covid. RFKJ's *A Letter to Liberals* covers this topic as well. I almost forgot Naomi Wolf.

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Trying to like your comment but it won’t let me. Don’t forget Kirsch, Malone, McCullough. They are all hyping this side of it, with as much actual “evidence” as Fauci and his tribe.

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Same here

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Sounds like the 'sorta' part saved you. Now you must commit. The frogs on this side of the pond are lovely.

/hand motions to come over.

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Can't remember where I read this but the sheeple will take them so they can make them compliant with the digital ID and all that goes with it Carbon Credits etc. Those who haven't will be found and culled! Any collateral deaths don't matter because 500,000,000 is the optimum number. Remember it is supposed to be AI and robots that will do most of the jobs and they don't need rest or feeding. I'm sure robots will be fixing robots too. Manless tractors and crop gatherers, etc. Policing will be done by drones and robotic dogs with guns. I've seen the protoypes. Chinas is already using drones to fly through streets advising people to stay 2 metres apart or to go home etc.

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That is certainly one scenario, and it could be their plan, based on published documents by the WEF and statements made by Soros minions at the WEF. But I am beginning to wonder if these elite world planners are really that bright. The Chinese periodically have complete, widespread and spontaneous (and violent) rebellions against their overlords. And after the Mar-a-Lago episode, people, even Democrats, are getting red-pilled wholesale. There is a huge underground movement in this country that people are quiet about, but it is huge. I am not sure these people will allow themselves to be corralled by our Gestapo in the FBI, ATF, IRS or FEMA. Our government (Biden/Garland) appear to be in hiding at the moment which tells you everything; they know they are not in control, and that they are in a helpless minority. The country could come roaring back and stop this WEF/Davos/Aspen nonsense. All of the conservatives I know are currently on edge.

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right - I don't think they are as smart as they think they are, and we aren't as dumb as they think we are. Hopefully those two things will lead to our survival

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I'm in UK and most people where I am have fallen for the narrative. Boris obviously wasn't being tough enough with us or he was interfering too much with Ukraine! We hear about planned cyber attacks and forthcoming outages, food/fuel shortages or much higher prices and the like which is very worrying, especially for low wage earners expected to spend 50% to heat their homes this winter. I agree with you that they are not as bright we think they are so there is hope! The notion of controlling everything on the planet through block chain, bio ID and with global supply chains in the hands of a few with different regions producing different things to be transported across the world makes no sense after what we have experienced with the plandemic and lockdowns of ports. But they do this to test, I am sure and have got plan B, C, D and E already in waiting. However, they do manage to cause much angst especially with the farmers now on mainland europe and here too. Of course, whilst all this is going on they are making $$$ by the hedge funds etc. (not that I know anything about that kind of thing having no experience myself). I think the politicians are either all well rewarded already or are being blackmailed in some way with all their perverted goings on that they do as they are told. We have no real statesmen anymore, no one with any real knowledge or ideas or cares for the country's population. We are very happy to welcome in the boats from Calais and put these illegal immigrants up in hotels yet we have many, many homeless here too, and lots of food banks too. The Kelergi Plan is going well! I'm worrying for the younger ones, the ones who are buying just average homes but are high priced properties now which are still going up so people are offering over the asking prices to secure something. All they have known is very low interest rates which gives them a false sense of security but are now creeping up and could be double digit rates in a year or two. I was buying when the rate was 15% so was limited to much lower rates of borrowing. It is a big worry as a mother.

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As I heard the people coming across US southern border are not va ccined for any disease while the border workers have to be up to date including EUA product.

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That is true. The people pouring across the borders are unvetted in every way, and could be carrying diseases much worse than COVID -- such as viral tuberculosis or ebola. They have not received the Pfizer mRNA injections, and yet it is required of our health care workers, our military, our pilots, etc. This is one reason why people speak of our population being "replaced." There is a collusion between government bureaucrats and large pharmaceutical companies, and no one knows what the long-term goal is. It creates huge insecurity and fear in much of the population -- perhaps that is one of the goals...

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Actually I agree with you about that, it's an artificial divide. We only have the Uniparty, and a few dissenters who are marginalized by the leaders of the Uniparty pack. The Republicans, save Ron Johnson, Rand Paul, John Kennedy and a few others, have indeed protested but they have been marginalized by their own party and given no media attention. (Youtube even censored Ron Johnson's first hearing on the early treatment protocols.) I have plenty of conservative friends who have willingly gotten the Pfizer injections.

But the current administration is the one pushing the vaccine mandates and having people fired. And Fauci has been owned by that party all along. Just surprised that if they want votes, why are they killing their obedient, unquestioning citizens?

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It is not disconcerting to them. They are illogical. They are in denial. SADS - totally plausible to them. covid is the cause to them. They will live and die in denial.

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Global serial murder, no one is safe who has received the shot.

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My fear is that they’re going to blame all of the death and disease on Covid itself or long Covid. I know it’s just anecdotal but I know a ton of people who’ve gotten Covid and none had severe long Covid. In fact, only two people I know had bad cases of the original strain yet they survived. On the other hand, I know quite a few people who were vaccine injured including two suspected vaccine induced deaths. No wonder social media blocks any conversation that goes against the safe and effective narrative.

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Oh, they will try that, but the control group of non-vaxxers will out it in the end.

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I signed my family and I up for this independent unvaxxed control group study.


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Not arguing; just adding. Here to offer the "conspiracy nutjob" (ie, the unpopular but entirely plausible) perspective:

1. "Covid" is the effects of 5G on our frequency/energy-based bodies.

2. "Strains" is pure propaganda and fear porn.

3. There is no "long covid". It's 5G illness and/or jab injury.

4. Flee mainstream media. It's not "information". It's pure, wholesale propaganda.

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Conspiracy or not, I’ve often thought about the long term consequence of having an RF device constantly on our person. They tell use it’s safe but they said the same thing about cigarettes years ago…

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I’m waiting for the definition of conspiracy to change just like words such as recession, vaccine, and woman!

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What’s funny is that I’m guessing a good portion of the folks against the Covid “vaccine” aren’t necessarily anti vax. Those of us not beholden to dogmatic political principle could tell something was off with the whole vac push including not recognizing natural immunity. As we speak. I’m en route to a friends funeral in VA. Forced to take the vaccine to keep his job and now dead of a heart attack at 38.

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Adding a safety signal regarding 4G/5G:

French court orders 4G turn off after 40 cow deaths



Mr Salgues said that since the antenna’s installation in July 2021 – 200 metres away from his farm in Mazeyrat-d'Allier (Haute-Loire) – around 40 of his normally-200-strong herd had died, and milk production had decreased by 15 to 20% within days of the antenna being switched on.

He claimed: “There are no medical elements that could [otherwise] explain this brutal drop in milk production.”

Philippe Molhérat, the mayor of Mazeyrat-d'Allier, who had previously authorised the antenna’s installation, testified in favour of the farmer.

He said that he feared 'a catastrophe on a human level' and that his 'concerns' were growing for the 1500 inhabitants of his village.

Yet lawyers for the mobile operators affected by the ruling, which as well as Orange also included Free and Bouygues Telecom, said that there was 'no scientific evidence' that there is a link between animal health problems and electromagnetic fields surrounding mobile phone antennas.


These may just be 'anecdotes' just like all the vaxx injuries and deaths are mere 'anecdotes'.

I'm pretty sure 4G/5G has been as 'thoroughly' safety tested as the COVID jabs. I don't have an opinion one way or the other, but I wouldn't be surprised if they are a contributing factors. I heard two GP's mention scientific articles about the relationship between 4G/5G and Rouleaux formation (clumping together of red blood cells) in a recent interview.

I haven't done any research on this yet, but am of the strong opinion that it's unwise to dismiss these kinds of theories as 'quack' or 'conspiracy' without any proof to the contrary. They always are... until they aren't.

P.S. Absence of evidence is certainly not evidence of absence, especially if the research has not been carried out at all or is extremely unreliable.

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“There are no studies that have shown this to be harmful” usually means simply that: there have been no studies! And they want to keep it that way.

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The ones done way back in late 70/80's were done by the people who manufacture this stuff so they wouldn't be finding anything untoward. Russia has much more information on damages by EMF.

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we don't know what we don't know

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I got what I think was covid in late 2019 and was sick for two years {still not completely cleared} with symptoms I later learned were long Covid. I finally got better by taking supplements of Vit D, Quercetin, and Zinc. It is real and not right for people to dismiss it as not. I was super healthy, and it was debilitating to the extreme.

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I've heard this as well, and while I think 5G plays a role in our overall health, it's hard to know to what degree it's played here. Dr. Zach Bush has suggested an air born pathogen in some of the early hot spots was more likely causing symptoms than the sars-cov2 'virus' (which isn't a virus it's a bioweapon.)

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You seem to be as guilty of being unable to see the Elephant in the room as the Germ Theorists are. You are guilty of focusing on a single cause instead of considering the wider picture and that is precisely what the Germ and Virus Theorists did.

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Hahaha. Cheers, darling :-)

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Except for most of the early death clusters in North and South America were in places with no 5G. Eventually it will come down from the skies, but that's not yet occurring. It no doubt contributes to neuro damage, but it can't be the pivotal cause of "covid" deaths.

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Long Covid is a fact. I know three people who developed, two of whom were vaxxed at least once and developed it after a Covid illness. It is very persistent, difficult to treat, the hallmark symptom is chronic fatigue but it can have a myriad of symptoms. Bruce Patterson documents ongoing immunological changes characteristic of it. I don’t know why it is being downplayed by so many recently, el gato malo being one of them.

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How do you actually verify that the victim actually got sars-covid2? PCR test?

How do you differentiate it from a flu symptom?

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When I had Covid, I lost my taste and smell for a few weeks as did my wife. I had a worse than normal headache too and that was it. I’ve never experienced the loss of taste/smell with any other virus and usually when I get the flu, I’m sick to my stomach. In November 2020, the flu kicked my ass…way worse than Covid.

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If you google flu and smell loss with a date to: 2018, there are heaps of results.

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Actually, in the beginning I thought there was no value to any of the tests. However, in case after case people were testing (PCR or antigen) and for the most part their positive and negative results correlated strongly with clinical symptoms. Quite frequently the individual had a history of exposure to an individual who was sick or became sick shortly thereafter. Emphatically, most importantly there was often a typical clinical picture including distinct loss of taste or smell, combined with severe fatigue, severe sore throat worse than they have previously experienced. That is not something one would typically see with a normal URI or even influenza. I don’t have the wherewithal to do a viral culture, but in the course of treating three dozen people a clear pattern emerges. Was every diagnosis Covid, and not something else? I think so, but I can’t prove it, but that is true for most things in medicine. There is always room for error. But my point is, I was prepared initially to find out that Covid didn’t exist, was actually influenza, etc. my experience changed my mind.

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Aug 10, 2022·edited Aug 10, 2022

Yes, I thought at first it was rebranded flu, but I am now very much inclined to believe that Covid exists and that is a bio-engineered pathogen. Though the real danger for most people lies with the vaccines.

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There is no doubt that many are experiencing long term symptoms which have been diagnosed as long Covid. We don't actually know the cause though. We do know a bio-weapon was released and then a vax that took the most dangerous part of that bioweapons (spike) and injected into bodies that then became spike protein inducing factories. Is that long covid? Maybe, maybe not. My sis still has no taste 10 months after getting sick, she's not vaxxed, but retains symptoms.

They've diagnosed a rash of sudden death with a label - SADS - and many suspect those are vax deaths. (it's not happening far as we can tell among the unvaxxed. So much misinformation, disinformation and lies. We have a lot more to learn.

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I agree we have a lot more to learn. Unfortunately it will take a long time because the criminal public health authorities are not funding the necessary studies to find the answers to these questions. I’m not sure why you don’t think your unvaxxed sister doesn’t have long Covid. Of the three cases I have personally been involved with two were vaxxed and one was not. There is great overlap between clotshot injury and viral illness so I don’t think one can be certain in each case what exactly is causing the long terms symptoms. It’s a nightmare for the afflicted.

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I agree we. We have to remember though that the viral illness, is not really viral - it's a chimera and has been weaponized in a lab. So the label Covid doesn't mean anything more to me than a 'positive' covid case using PCR. I know there are symptoms and I know they vary - I'm not denying any of that.

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I think we’re basically in full agreement. I use the wordCovid pretty loosely, but of course the origin was a lab.

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I think it’s a real thing but there are many viruses and infections that have longterm symptoms. People with CFS and longterm Lyme have always been ridiculed and thise ridiculing simoly don’t understand how severe these things can be. I think part of it is that there’s a loud Twitter faction that doesn’t want society to be open because they are fearful of Long Covid—but we don’t shut down society over other things like that that can happen. I have not heard anything about LC happening after Omicron.

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I’m not denying that it exists but I highly, highly doubt people are dying suddenly from it.

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So is Nocebo effect.

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"Could be an example of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS), a new term to describe this type of unexpected death of seemingly healthy adults. It’s affecting young athletes, doctors, mothers. SADS seems to have started in 2021. Medical experts do not recognize the cause."

So “(m)edical experts do not recognize the cause” but it has a new name? These are truly wondrous times to be in the medical profession. All you have to do is come up with a medical name describing exactly what you saw but without attempting to explain it and BINGO! A new illness!

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I now use the term Pfizerpox for the cause of these “unexpected deaths”.

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Love Pfizerpox! Genius! (I nominate you for Nobel Prize for virology.)

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As an engineer by trade I feel like I’m more qualified than the clowns who led us to where we are right now. Call me old school but I still believe in the science that men can’t give birth or breast feed. I also believe that saying it’s ok to riot, I mean peacefully protest during a so called pandemic is retarded.

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Aug 10, 2022·edited Aug 10, 2022

Looks like the people clapping caused the Saudi one. Has any msm blamed heartattacks on clapping yet?

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The guy sitting down( to the right)was being whispered to. Man sitting in chair to the right. Phone rings. Seems like someone knew.

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Any deniers out there? Just a couple of questions. How old are you? Have you ever in your lifetime seen anyone old or young, in person, just drop dead? I have not. I am 64. I have seen videos of triathlon participants dropping out due to exhaustion, but never videos of athletes or referees/officials dropping dead on the field. Never ever in person. I’ve seen many videos recently. My understanding is that very rarely will anyone research and compile actual data. It is all made to be something else, anything but vaccines. This goes back to autism in children as well. None of the drug makers will do research. They do not want to know the answer. I was somewhat fortunate that my son and daughter in law had a baby September 2020. My daughter in law asked me what I thought about vaccines. I did some research, read some books, watched some videos and woke up. If I hadn’t done that research, I may have been a vaccine casualty, and in the dark about vaccines, etc. I recently had a tetanus booster shot and afterwards I asked myself why, why, why. I don’t know what’s in those shots. Never again. No more shots.

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deletedAug 11, 2022·edited Aug 11, 2022
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So glad to hear that your grandchildren are able to avoid the vaxes and are healthy. Hooray. I wish someone would run a study of unvaxxed children. Most of the required childhood vaccines are for stuff that makes kids sick but doesn’t kill them. I know because I have had many of the illnesses, and survived my childhood. I would guess that the autism rate and weird illnesses for unvaxxed kids is next to zero, whereas for vaxxed kids it is likely much, much higher. What an incredibly upside down world we are living in today. It seems to be big pharma, the military, education, government agencies, are all against freedom anymore. Maybe they have always been that way and I am just now noticing.

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Tragic consequences of an unnecessary medical inoculations forced by fascist-style governmental mandates

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I admit it is hard to watch these videos and not ascribe a reason for the collapse (and really, from the video and the foreign voices we do not know for sure if the person died). Nor do we have enough information to determine cause of collapse. Instead, we are tricked into seeing evidence of something we believe in - that the jab kills.

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Do you think you had "enough information" to believe that COVID was killing millions in 2020? If so, you need to rethink what you mean by "information."

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His response is a classic diversionary tactic. He will never address what you are saying directly, so he tries to put you in the Covid believer camp. As childish as it is, it’s effective for most people, because most people are driven by their emotions and are not critical thinkers.

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I may have posted this before, but our 48 year old neighbor, double Pfizer injected, keeled over in the middle of Thanksgiving dinner. Just like that. Fell off the chair, unconscious, staring wide-eyed, mouth open. There were six of us and we acted quickly, got him to the ER within the 2 hour window, and he was saved. He had had a massive stroke. No history of that before. Had he been alone, or with people who didn't respond as quickly as we did, he would be dead now. Oh, and as a postscript: He contracted COVID two days ago.

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I know of two healthy early 60's (one just 60 the other 62) who died unexpectedly as well. I know of one stroke and one cancer just a few weeks after jabs, but of course, can't say it was causation but we can say cancers are exploding post jabs.

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The guys to the right, seemed like they knew something was about to happen In the Saudi video.There was also a phone ringing and the men were whispering to each other. Simething weird.

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Exactly. Just a little too …convenient. And a guy right there to catch him. Or how about the edit, where the guy is fading in his chair, but then we get an immediate edit to him on the ground. Or the dancer that goes to his / her knees before going prone.

Proof? Proof of nothing.

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I heard a conspiracy theory that there are two batches floating around: one with a pure saline solution, another with the actual drug. This could explain why not everyone is dropping dead or having side effects.

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Seriously? Am I the only one looking objectively at these videos? Two old dudes keeling over is proof? Old men have keeled over long before Covid shots. And the dancer? I see the person go to his / her knees before going prone, just like the China videos. Maybe that person was dehydrated. Maybe all these videos are AI creations.

The real proof, is when YOU actually see someone around you fall over, and not just one. We are surrounded by vaccinated people, and I have not seen one drop. I’ve heard of two reactions to the jab, but no deaths.

This mass die off is suspiciously always right around the corner or two years out, enough time so that you’ll forget the chicken little’s who kept you distracted and on the anti vaxx reservation,. They give you enough hope that “truth” will prevail, but meanwhile the groundwork for your consensual (by you not responding) and legal enslavement continues.

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Aug 10, 2022·edited Aug 10, 2022Author

You're living in a dream world. These videos are just a very few of similar ones that have been coming out worldwide for months, and that come out every day. In tandem with the overwhelming evidence of excess deaths worldwide, they ARE proof of an unprecedented global die-off since the "vaccination" drive began.

But go ahead and see how many other videos like these you can find from 2020 and before. (And I suggest that you get on a regimen to help you deal with the effects of your own COVID shots.)

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LOL, throwing insults like a liberal! But I know most sheeple fall for that tactic too. I am indeed a pure blood.

There is no “overwhelming” evidence of anything - not Covid, not mass death - except for a lying dialectic moving humanity forward. THAT is clear with anybody who has eyes to see and ears to hear.

Now, I will concede that perhaps these jabs are sterilizing people - that we will see in a few years, and there may be something in it that targets boomers and people my age who have a memory of “the old world”, but a mass die off (?), just not seeing it, just as we didn’t see a mass death from a supposed virus running amuck.

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And videos coming out? They sold Covid on celebrities and politicians getting it. This mass death from shot side of the dialectic, is selling it on initially, random sports figures. But like the Covid scam, the sheep are too dumb to look around them and see if there is any objective confirmation.

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And pretty soon you’ll be deleting my comments and blocking me. Been there, done that with many like you.

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The all cause mortality increases (up to 40% in the period just post mandates) that insurance companies have been reporting, (and Ed Dowd reporting on) the invention of nomenclature like SADS and the ongoing athletes who have dropped over and over and over - are looking pretty effing persuasive to me.

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Don’t forget VAIDS. Where did that one go? Washed far downstream with all the rest of the daily sewer from the dialectic.

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Yes, as we know, numbers can be persuasive. But are they accurate? We saw the Covid numbers completely made up and look how many that convinced. Who’s to say that Kirsch & Co. aren’t doing the exact same thing, for the same dialectic, just the other side of it?

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I was waiting to see this happening because of a deadly "virus", or two, or more... you know...they told us is a pandemic, not easy, but an eternal one...but instead to ask if those dropped people are instant dead because of the "we told you what virus", the first question going through the mind is if they were injected. What kind of new normal and what kind of world is this...

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Yeah - keep falling, dropping, ignoring, and living in fear!

Sometimes it takes a monumental event or series of events to wake a collective of sleeping giants.

Without these significant events, some may live their entire lives perpetually propagandized by ruling class narratives.

Despicably, it is the only way for the overly educated society elites to get some sense of reality while living a perpetuated lie.

As they keep falling/ become healthcare customers for life - more opportunities are opening for those of us keeping our eyes wide open.

It is a matter of time.

Meanwhile, let's keep supporting independent, honest, capable professionals and put our $$$ donations & moral support at work.

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I can imagine what the police captains were saying to the officers a year ago.

They said "You have to learn to use a defibrillator and have it ready at all times in the car, and patrol the streets of the city constantly, because the Minister doesn't want people bodies on the streets and we are expecting very many, so you are now paramedics too, same salary. And have those dehumanizing black masks above the nose. Also, the order to be vaccinated is still active for you scumbags, and don't even think to go to a lawyer because the Courts are dragging their feet through the mud as deep and hard as they can."

Worse Pep Talk Ever!

I wouldn't give a gun to people as disgruntled as the agents of police.

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Hmmm... can I request you to go to my online concert?

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