Excellent rebuttal to the interruption, and a great demonstration of the point.

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Thank you for sharing this. The timing is perfect (as was the interruption). I hope that some of the students who had the opportunity to learn from you in person will pick up the sword and continue the journey. And as a public speaker, I cannot help but admire your composure and deft handling of the diversion with such eloquence and grace. I tip my hat.

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At this point in our history propaganda has been raised to an art form. It is sometimes hard to know who to believe. Thanks for sharing. All should watch.

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A beautiful job of remaining grounded in the face of his outburst - and continuing to engage. You didn't "cancel" him - you exposed his level of complicity in participating in the propaganda.

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Start at the 13-minute mark. The rage at questioning the official narrative is obvious. It’s a mental illness in the western press.

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Dang, Mark, that was MASTERFUL how you handled that guy. I keep chuckling at, "See? He can't hear what I said." IT'S SO TRUE! A great demonstration of how propaganda works and why it works. A consistent message, with no counterpoint, drummed into people's heads nonstop. Now I get why the COVID propaganda regime works so well. It's truly impressive, albeit maddening...

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GREAT exchange in your lecture, Mark! Change the date to late 2019, shift the headline to, "We're ALL gonna die!!! Deadly Plague!!", and BAM! Same argument applies to the ad campaign that circled the globe ON THE SAME DAY. The new "enemy": EVERY HUMAN ON EARTH: fear porn, skillfully concealing the intentionally never-ending gift to the coffers of big pharma, politicians, university research departments, MSM advertising and Wall Street. 2020 and 2021 put MULTI-BILLIONS into the pockets of THE RICHEST people on Earth, while they knowingly and gleefully destroyed the health, community and livelihoods, pitting loving families and dear friends against one another, of BILLIONS of Humans world-wide. ANYONE questioning ANY PART OF THE SCRIPT: censored, vilified, doxed, financially ruined, bank accounts and assets seized, all labeled "terrorists". Two years and counting, STILL NO DEFINITIVE END IN SIGHT, into the shocking success of the 24-7-365-global VIRTUE-SIGNALLING do loop, BECAUSE they were banished from corporate-run "social media", the world's "dirty, inconsiderate, selfish little people", have done THEIR OWN research and are reporting out, inventing their OWN MEDIA. Planet-wide, they have exposed, jailed and begun suing the perps, with world-wide documentation of, now, about a century or more of corruption, for intentional mass-murder-for-profit, and instead, have MSM, Wall Street, global governments, Big Education at every grade level, Pharma boxed in. NOW WHAT??? The BIG SCRIPT's new look-over-here ad campaign: THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING!!!! THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING!!!

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MCM is correct 99.7% of the time.

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This is a great video. I’ve forwarded it on to everyone I know who might actually watch this. ( which , in a very real way, is my own “Overton Window.” ) So, with this little realization as an example. I’m learning to be more vigilant and self-aware. Thank you for that!

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Thank you! I used to consider myself part of the left, but I don't recognize it anymore. The black/white situations we are given by the legacy media are convenient, but numbing. Even trying to find data that backs up what they are alleging can be difficult.

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Feb 25, 2022
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Agreed! The more I learn, the less I think it actually matters.

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Mark, Thanks for sharing this. As others have said in the comments, you are to be commended for turning the disrupting question into a productive opportunity....great presentation. JF

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When nations reject God, they get three things: Rulers who hate them: Psalms. 106:35-42, Laws that enslave them: Ezekiel 20:24-25, Rights taken from them: Isaiah. 5:20, 23, 24

Order out of Chaos;

A Staged Russia/Ukraine Conflict Is Part of the Plan To Take Down the Current World Order


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This is one of the most incredible pieces I’ve seen - maybe THE most. It made me realize so many things - the mechanics of propaganda and the key to success being the “war before the war,” that once people go along with the so-called consensus, that war has been won bc people “internalize” the narrative. Genius. All of it. For me, this has been the missing piece that I just didn’t get. HOW could my really smart lefty friends not question the narrative AND vilify me for doing so? Thank you Mark for illuminating my little world. Truth, I am always humbly reminded, must be sought and it ain’t on CNN or the NYT.

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You recognized the good fortune of the philosophy professor’s outburst in the moment which is remarkable. It was indeed the perfect illustration of the topic at hand. I think that more people see the lies now more than ever but definitely not enough. The very nature of the beast makes revelation difficult.

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Brilliant. And now the CNN/MSNBC/Google/WashPost gullible zombies have fallen for it yet again and once again are leading the charge for more war. Unbelievable capacity for forgetting and for blindly believing whatever the billilnaire propaganda outlets tell them

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Absolutely brilliant! Stunningly impressive intellect and composure.

Unfortunately, it won't be long now before you make SPLC's hit list. Because...

truth and reality = hate.

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