all the israeli musicians i know love arabic music

all the arab musicians i know play with jews

left to our own devices, there would be arguments over arrangements for sure, and band breakups no doubt, but probably no wars

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We, the decent people of the world are not the problem, BUT, we must allow and note that we the decent people have been too long silent about all the deeply evil actions that have been done by, MOSTLY, the usa as the leader and its western nations followers. Nothing can change until we stop our governments from supporting the obvious usa generated evil which others then feel they must to stay in the usa's good books.

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You can complain all you like about the true evil that is the US influence around the world and nothing will happen to you for stating that obvious truth, not yet anyway, but complain about the true evil that is zionism that is enabled by the truly evil US and you will be pounced on. Why is that I wonder? It seems the tail has been wagging the dog for far too long but that can never last as we are seeing its end-game now as they go all in and the mask slips of just who controls who as "US" vessels are put in place of danger for a repeat of what happened to the USS LIberty and this time with anti-ship missiles in many hands the "israeli" lie that "we didn do nuffin" will win and the US will be dragged in and down will come baby cradle and all ....... and that will be the end oif the evil hegemony once and for all. Some people are only put on this planet to show us how not to be but if instead some choose to support and emulate their evil then God help them because I won't.

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One big truism. The usa, which, having myriad massive Holocausts of its own, decides that supporting the zionists' Palestinian Holocaust is no big deal. What's more suffering for a bunch of Pals when having a usa war criminal war criminal partner in the ME is great for the usa.


Now for the BIG truism:

"Antisemitism" has long been weaponized. Intelligent folks should recognize this and approach it with the same degree of controlled anger for when people call decent people "truthers" or "conspiracy theorists". Read what Donna Nevel, an anti-zionist describes.

"When I was a young Zionist activist in college ... I went to a hasbara (propaganda) training at the Israeli Consulate. I remember being shocked that one of the things we were told was that when someone argued against Israel, not to address the argument, but, instead, to accuse the person of antisemitism. -- Donna Nevel, Community Psychologist and Educator, founding member of Facing the Nakba and Jews Say No!

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yup! same here! we're needin' a call ta make music not war (I'm just mysti-fried at the mis-directed hate all over but 'specially in NYShitty, still my home tho we had'ta leave it!)... the viddeoy shared reminds me a bit of Choir Choir Choir (me an' my daughters partissy-pated in more'n one of their group sings)--run by two enthustiastic an' markedly geeky jewish canadeeinz (one is also asian, both are a hoot!)


I'd say it's time fer a choir-choir-choir peace event but sadly I don't think those "boys"'d be safe in NYSeize now given what I'm'a seein' and a' hearin'... my the times they 'r a' changin'...

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in the meantime if you feel like coming back, there's a fleetwood mac singalong at irving plaza next month. clinton campaign songs, can't wait! yesterday really is gone.

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that do sound fun! most've us cain't stop thinkin' 'bout tomorree... let's hope the "better than before" part appears prior to 2030 cuz all this "feudin' fussin' and a' fightin'" is gettin' ta me!


(courtesy've the park avenue hillbilly!)

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ha! the theme reminds me of the Giants Four of Two (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1xMXNbGCwk) but I do be-leave I know that sorry dunkin' donuts (ew) . Fun band tho! Since when duz the L train get anybuddy there "on time" tho? Guess it wuz like a cannonball cuz it often tooted, missed its mark an' decided, randumbly, not ta stop at Bedford as we'd wartch it whizz by. They should'a called it the panini line cuz it always pressed ya inta an oozy sandwidge... miss the shitty, not so much them trains! ('er dodgin' the human bullets neither!)

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you also won't be "getting your shed on" at rush hour ;)

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And there were very few problems up to 80 years ago. I wonder what changed?

It is like the Covid jabs, they came along and everything changed and we on here quite rightly say we need to at least consider that the Covid jabs are the problem but as far as the Middle East goes we are told that the victims are to blame for what happened 80 years ago not the jabs, sorry, the people who occupied their country.

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just as several other people in other substacks assured us - it is NOT the people. They live together, work together and get along just fine. One wrote how his taxi driver pointed a t the 3 language street names. It is the govt and some sickeningly rich people that provoke and set the people up against each other. I remember reading from former Yugoslavia how all had intermarried - then all of asudden, brothers are killing brothers-in-law, sisters, children.... I also read Novak Djokovic's book. He does not spill a word about not getting along with neighbors - no, governments (nato) decided to bomb... the man in the street is the one who suffers, while these 'behind the scenes' eat lobster and drink champagne. Let them fight it out that want war, in a desert somewhere, and leave the people alone!

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I have a similar fantasy, which is to send all the sociopath leaders to an isolated island they can't get off of and no one can rescue them from, and let them engage in their b.s. with each other. With no honor among thieves, I suspect it will be like an Agatha Christie novel where people mysteriously die or disappear. I should feel compassion for them, but they have killed so many people that I think the important thing is not to allow them to victimize and sacrifice anyone else. Now that I think about it, maybe that can be the home of the new world order!

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well you got a great idea there. If Alcatraz is available they could replay the Christie play! Was it the mouse trap? and then there were none...

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I was thinking of asking Elon Musk, to put them all on a one way trip to Mars, with buckets, shovels and packs of organic (I am nice) seeds, and let them show us how smart they are those supposed Elites...I would love to be entertained watching their daily progress via ZOOM conference..

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You are nice! The GMO seeds they're forcing on farmers everywhere and are making so much money from should be acceptable to them, shouldn't they?

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I suggest you go to the West bank and see how Palestinians are treated. What you have stated here is simply not true. It IS the people that are attacking Palestinians that ARE the problem. Go there as friends of mine have done and the stories are quite frankly horrific. Here is one link to a woman who thought like you before she actually went there. I'm not sure if Mark allows links on his pieces but here you go anyway. https://rumble.com/v3tc5cj-the-truth-what-we-saw-in-the-west-bank-real-american-experiences-in-occupie.html I got my stories from a woman who worked for Amnesty International in the West bank and her stories back up what the woman on the video is saying. Real life isn't nice words on a blog about harmony. We can't solve problems until we admit to having them.

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I got my story from a man who visited Israel as well. Israelis should have stayed out of palistinian country. Ask Europeans how they feel about the invasion of middle eastern people. I just read a story of some English people, who report on Pakistani immigrants celebrating their (Pakistans) independence from UK and demonishing the country. Imagine how the Natives must have felt here in US when first a few, then a couple hundred, then a slew invade their country. And imagine these invaders have the world on their side, getting money from everywhere so they can defend their conquered pieces of land. I am not saying all invaders are like that, but I think especially Israeli invaders, with so much help from abroad, and with the exaggeration of WW2 on their side, trample palestine and its people (who were there for probably 100s of years already) Of course I don't know the situation first hand, I would not even think of going to a country at war for 2000 yrs

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Fundamentalists claim that Israel doesn’t have a right to exist as a country: they are occupying Palestinian land, even in Tel Aviv.

“Prophet of Doom is the best-documented, most comprehensive, presentation of Islam's five oldest and most reliable scriptural sources. Ishaq's Biography of Muhammad, Tabari's History of Islam, and Bukhari's and Muslim's Hadith, were used to reorder the Qur'an chronologically and to set its surahs into the context of Muhammad's life. When this evidence is evaluated systematically, the only rational conclusion is that Islam's lone prophet was a ruthless terrorist, a mass-murderer, a thief, slave trader, rapist and pedophile.”

Yet, the majority doesn’t take the Quran literally: otherwise, they fail to murder any non-muslim as commanded by the Quran (just as the Jews fail to stone homosexuals and adulterers as demanded by God).

Gazans would retract the support to violent Hamas if there was a 2 state solution with UN boundaries and a special international status for Jerusalem, being an emblem for Jews, Muslims and Christians.

All we are saying is give peace a chance!

The USA has become ATM of foreign wars like Ukraine and Gaza: why?


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when one can print limitless money it's easy to act like an ATM

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Ukraine? Joe Biden and the Administration's cash laundering service? Please. It is estimated that a population of Muslims larger than the US are fundamentalists. And they regard all the others who are moderate as apostate. Fundamentalist Muslims kill thousands of Christians and other Muslims every year. The only reason they haven't slaughtered all the Jews in Israel is the IDF. This thread has made me realize I haven't contributed to the IDF in a while. Time to start giving--thanks to all for the reminder.

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Dear Maha, I pray for your health and life... and your loved ones... and country.

So your solution to fundamentalism is ?

When is Israel going to be safe enough? when Gaza becomes a desert? then the rest of Palestine, Syria, Iran....

Don't you see that the IDF attack on Gaza's innocent children could provoke that Muslims unite to wipe Israel out?

So far, Israel got away with all the wars, but there's a limit for payback and it's getting close.

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in the middle ages, so - called christians murdered thousands of muslims. for some reason, people got blood thirsty. I have no idea why people think it is a good idea to start slaughtering their fellow man.

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"it is estimated that...."? now that sounds easy. who says what and why?

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Amen to that.

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if the US were to mind its own business and take care of its own problems first, the world would be a lot better off. Homeless are sleeping in the front of the rich people sitting in the govt but they don't even see them. Veterans are dying in the street. They faught in the wars created by these criminals. Then they get abandoned.

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Start by closing its borders, and clean out all the reprobates in Congress

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How right you are.

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Beautiful. Unfortunately Governments get in the way....

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This is why we will win. We can do this. The blood drinkers can't.

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I was thinking this morning... music used to be so powerful for me. Writing and singing and living in those precious creative moments and, lately, I felt I could not do that any longer. I was numb. Perhaps, I should also be deaf and dumb also. Watching people tear each other apart because some dare to question their world and others fear the judgment of people and religious dogma more than our Creator God. Thanks for posting this video, Mr. Miller, the frequency of joy and love was very healing.

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I have listened to it 4 times now and shared it with family. Each time, my hair stood up. I also “listened” to my physical response to the Song. I intellectually wanted some other words/names acknowledged but was still thrilled with what was offered.

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making music does wonders, listening to it as well or just humming along with a song one recognises (I'm part of an orchestra and it keeps me both sane and fairly optimistic).

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a fucking men

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This "Holy War", as it's cynically portrayed by governments who have a lot to gain, is a bald-faced land grab with horrifying consequences.

There is an enormous LNG (liquid natural gas) field off the coast of Gaza in the Mediterranean that the Israeli government very much wants to mine and sell the product of their mining. They want to build a canal right through what is now the Gaza Strip to transport the LNG to the southern coast. So they have to "clear the land" to accomplish their goals.

This enormous gas field is called LEVIATHAN.

Here's where it gets eerily Biblical - It is prophesied multiple times that one of the heralds of the end of the world is when LEVIATHAN RISES FROM THE SEA.

Just like the land grab in Lahaina, child sacrifice is necessary to somehow seal the evil deal. Just like in ancient times. Incredible.

I pray for the sacrificed. May God give solace to them and their families.

Thank you, Mark for showing us how loving people can be. It's wonderful.

PS - It's dawned on me this video is a great example of why God created us - TO LOVE. We are really good at it and not good at all in dealing with hatred and evil. Why God warned us against trying and why we are having so much trouble trying to figure out how to defeat evil today. Why God sent us a Savior. We need Him to win this.

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If they're looking to grab that gas field, it's not for the Israeli people---whose government appears to be intent on killing off. Whats driving this atrocity, in short, is globalism, rather than the more parochial Zionism, which is now being used to make the real agenda. (Just my two cents.)

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I agree. Ultimately the land grabs have nothing to do with any nation or local peoples. It's all globalism. The same is true for Ukraine. It has vast oil and mineral resources and "they" are trying to tie up all the resources.

Once all energy sources are controlled it will be much simpler to control the populations.

What's happening in Gaza has happened so many times before. The genocide of the Native Americans to control the land. The massacre of impoverished Mexican people on the land captured by the republic of Texas. And these are just examples of few US genocides.

Though there is a difference. The globalist are playing for all the marbles.

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TPTB have plans (globalism, NWO) in which even the wars, no matter how atrocious, are mere turns in a play on a massive chess board. apart from securing the off-shore oil and gas fields, plans for the Gaza region are said to include a revitalised concept for the Ben Gurion Canal - https://helenaglass.net/2023/11/01/israeli-war-facilitating-twoo-israeli-projects/

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Yes. The canal is the practical (and cynical) reason the Israelis want to "clear" the Palestinians from the Gaza Strip. It's sickening that they try and use God and divine "rights" for their money-grubbing genocide. I don't have animosity for the Israeli people or the Palestinian people. I abhor the dirty machinations of any group of demented evil men/women regardless of national or racial alliance. I pray for the innocent.

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we all do. and we should sing more often.

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Amen! I was just studying the myriad of excellent healing properties of singing. Not the least of which is the repair of the Vagus Nerves which run down the sides of the neck from the brain and are two of the main conduits by which the brain sends messages of all kinds, millions of them, to the rest of the body. Singing is the best thing anyone can do to help their Vagus Nerves repair, stay in optimal shape and help their entire nervous system. Amazing, no?

God Bless.

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Yes. Good point. It does come back to globalism in the end.

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I would love for you to expand on these thoughts, Mark. You alluded to a Big Picture context within which these atrocities fit, and psychological operations to get everyone jacked up. I'd like to know what you're thinking...

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I’m cautiously optimistic about our future

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It's not "our" future that is in jeopardy, the our being we westerners who have allowed the usa to do all its war crimes, gangsterism, allowing, supporting, aiding and abetting the zionist takeover of Palestine.

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It was Always Judea. Palestine is a recent fiction.

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All thru the 1920s, 30s, ... there were flights to Palestine, NEVER to judea because there was no judea. Why trust always lying zionists, Cara?

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See my comments/EVIDENCE to lying maha, below, cara. Why do you do zionist lies? That is amoral on so many levels.

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What college did you attend, or did you come to this conclusion all by yourself?

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"colleges" PB, especially usa ones but not only, are brainwashing centers. And what "conclusion" specifically are you referencing?

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Zionism is just a return home for Jews who wish to return to land occupied but barely developed even for food production by Arabs. There is no Palestine. It comes from a term of derision during Roman times. There are no Palestinians. There are Arabs. Christian Arabs don't hate Jews and plot their genocide. Islamist Arabs do.

Since you hate Israel so much, your life would be quite impoverished if you surrendered all the swag in your life created, or co-created in Israel. You would not be posting online, for one.

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“Let us not ignore the truth among ourselves … politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves… The country is theirs, because they inhabit it, whereas we want to come here and settle down, and in their view we want to take away from them their country. … Behind the terrorism [by the Arabs] is a movement, which though primitive is not devoid of idealism and self sacrifice.”

— David Ben Gurion. Quoted on pp 91-2 of Chomsky’s Fateful Triangle, which appears in Simha Flapan’s “Zionism and the Palestinians pp 141-2 citing a 1938 speech.

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“If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?”

David Ben-Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister): Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp121.

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Total boolshtt, maha. zionist boolshtt.


Isn't it true that Palestine was empty and inhabited by nomadic people?

למאמר בעברית

UN map (updated Aug. 1950) showing Palestinians still own 94% of the lands

From the early stages of Zionism to the present, Zionists have propagated the myth that the most important land bridge in human history (Palestine) has been empty and destitute for two thousand years until it was later developed by the Israeli Jews. To facilitate such disinformation, the Zionists adopted the following slogan to entice European Jewry to emigrate to Palestine:

"A land with no people is for a people with no land".

Had the Zionist leadership admitted the existence of an indigenous people, then they would have been obliged to explain how they intended to displace them. To disprove this baseless myth, let's quote Ben-Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister) who stated as early as 1918 that "Palestine is not an empty country". According to Shabtai Teveth (one of Ben-Gurion's official biographers), Ben-Gurion stated in an article published in 1918:

"Palestine is not an empty country . . . on no account must we injure the rights of the inhabitants."

Ben-Gurion often returned to this point, emphasizing that Palestinian Arabs had "the full right" to an independent economic, cultural, and communal life, but not political. (Shabtai Teveth, p. 37-38)

To further destroy this ridiculous myth, here is a scanned page from a book written by Ben-Gurion himself, stating that Jews made up 12% of the total Palestinian population as of 1914; most of those Palestinian Jews lived in the major cities who weren't a self-sustaining community that lived off of charity from diaspora Jews. It's not only that the majority of the Jews in Palestine were not Zionists (by Ben-Gurion's own admission), but they were also not even citizens of the country since many had recently fled anti-Semitic Tsarist Russia. It is worth noting that Ben-Gurion wrote these facts as late as Jan. 1966. Also here is AP News which cited Ben-Gurion admitting that Palestinians are the original Israelites who simply converted and never left. This implies that the current Zionist narrative was concocted out of thin air after the 6-Day War when the majority of American Jews "became" Zionists. Thanks to "From Time Immemorial" which the NY Times rebuked soon after it was released. Therefore, why American Jews have been propagating myths about Palestine and its people which the Israeli founding father walked away from since the early 1930s? If Palestine (the most important land bridge) was empty, why they haven't immigrated especially after WWII ended when many of Europe's Jews lingered in the displaced persons camps? Well, here is the NY Times' editor giving us a hint as to why that was the case two years before Nakba, which of course never happened!

As the Ottoman census records show Palestine was widely inhabited in the late 19th and early 20th century, especially in the rural areas where agriculture was the main profession. According to Justine McCarthy (p. 26), an authority on the Ottoman Turks, Palestine's population in the early 19th century was 350,000, and in 1914 Palestine had a population of 657,000 Muslim Arabs, 81,000 Christian Arabs, and 59,000 Jews (including many European Jews from the first and second Aliyah).

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thank you for posting this. right now there seem to be serious plans to build a Ben Gurion Canal, a revitalised concept to be a challenge to the Suez Canal (owned by Egypt, you see) - https://helenaglass.net/2023/11/01/israeli-war-facilitating-twoo-israeli-projects/

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I stopped reading after the first 5 words.

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Of course you did, zionist brainwashed maha.

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Nothing worse in the world than a lying zionist, maha except maybe for lying usians.

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You know what’s going on 👍

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Everyone should know what's REALLY going on. Pass it on. https://www.palestineremembered.com/

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🙏🙏Matisyahu is and has always been a phenomenal artist, dedicated to peace and spreading the joy and light of reggae. I wish more people could see this conflict for the distraction it really is.

People are discombobulated and angry. They are lashing out at everything, but most specifically because they know deep down that something has gone wrong, so very wrong since 2020.

If the purposely stoked powder keg in Gaza, continues and blows, no one will be focusing on the despicable violation of humanity and it's genome. They lied about everything to do with the shots and the after effects and damage is catastrophic. Human DNA has irreversibly been changed. By the final accounting it will have eclipsed ALL other human catastrophes combined. 😐🤔😭

If 2 of the most vaccinated country's go to war, and drag all the other highly vaccinated countries into it as well, well doesn't that conveniently explain the global excess deaths for each, that nobody in power wants to discuss?😐🤔🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

I'm not saying this conflict isn't ancient, or that there are atrocities and sacrifices on both sides. But I ask everyone to stop and ask 2 questions about this conflict erupting (now more than any other time).....

1) Why now?🤔

2) Who does this benefit?🤔

#wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforget #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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I agree wholeheartedly. Why now?

I know it is very simplistic to say but I think this recent violence is just following the plan and covering up the atrocity of the past 3 years.

Thousands injured and dying from the whole horrible fake pandemic and the shots.

Nothing less than murder.

If this congflagration between Israel and Palestinians had not happened recently people might be paying more attention to the thousands of sudden deaths and injuries from the created "pandemic" and the poison injections. They are happening daily. Everywhere.

It took a war to distract. That's how bad things are.

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👏👏👏😉 now if you ask the next question, you'll see links to the insurance, financial industries and governments, then you'll see further down the road and why it took a war (actually a few different distractions) to cover the tracks.🤔🤔😐💥💣🤦‍♀️

#wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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This is the oddest thing; comments for this tweet are flying about re who rules the French republic? Which hatred is not tolerated? Hatred against one? two? communities will be severely punished.

What about hatred against Christians/Muslims/other?

French President speaking today in front of the Parisian lodge.


Translated from French by

The F.


is no longer even hidden:

“We will be merciless in the face of the bearers of hatred of Jews and hatred of Freemasons who come from the same impulse, and are two preludes, two pretexts for hatred of the republic”

Strategieduchoc 🇫🇷


Le F.


ne se cache même plus:

« Nous serons impitoyables face aux porteurs de haine des juifs et de la haine des francs-maçons qui procèdent du même élan, et sont deux préludes, deux prétextes à la haine de la république »

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This is real? He actually lumped "hatred of Freemasons" in there?

Has someone thrown something at a Mason??

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He did... This is surreal. If we were to say that we would be called conspiracy theorist and maybe put in jail? I heard it in French. It's exactly what he said. And the image shows him at a lodge!

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You're right. He did. Good Lord....

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And since you are open-minded and since Kennedy's famous speech on secret societies is something you talked about, I believe, bear with me and with this SDA pastor from South Africa, and see how he explains the birth of secret societies (in every religion!) since the tower of Babel and the need for a man-made new world order. Here (start at minute 14:25--there's even a diagram). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdnjL9GM5oQ&list=PLdbXyyVfVp-7hBkVKQ3teqZDpkN3MQ4yz&index=1

177 WUP Walter Veith & Martin Smith

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A stone no doubt. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones!

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'Freemason' anagrams to 'Forenames'. This sounds like 'four names'.

Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron has four names.

In top single one word anagrams of his name you will find 'franc-maçonnerie' which I understand means 'Freemason'.

Some people think of Macron as the anti Christ as Macron mean 'mark'.


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Unfamiliar with the 'four names' idea; in France, a lot of people have four names given in honor of their god/mother/father. Also, in France, car plates are seen right in the middle of the car; in some States (US), there's only one plate (middle) and it is placed in the back, the front one having been officially removed (to save money?).

Meanwhile I've always wondered whether it was ante Christ or anti Christ (as we know, one prefix means before and the other against).

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Yes, ante and anti are interesting. Of course the Antichrist, against Jesus Christ, is to come before Jesus Christ so both meanings may apply.

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FLASH - Emmanuel #Macron is going today to the headquarters of the main French obedience of Freemasons to speak to the brothers of the Grand Orient. After visiting 2 Masonic temples, the PR will have lunch with the grand masters of several denominations. “An exceptional trip”, indicates the Élysée to signify the “recognition of the Republic” towards Freemasonry.

1:34 AM · Nov 8, 2023

·Brèves de presse


⚡🇨🇵FLASH - Emmanuel #Macron se rend aujourd'hui au siège de la principale obédience française de francs-maçons pour s'exprimer devant les frères du Grand Orient. Après la visite de 2 temples maçonniques, le PR déjeunera avec les grands maîtres de plusieurs obédiences. « Un déplacement exceptionnel », indique l'Élysée pour signifier la « reconnaissance de la République » envers la franc-maçonnerie.

Translated from French



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I am so weary.

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One day... I pray.

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Ann, I'll respond here as I can't access an independent comment box. I apologize.


Thank you Mark, beautiful ❤️ And so it shall be. 🙏🏻

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Don’t let the globalists take this from us! Do not comply with their hate-mongering!

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That was beautiful.

I have just found this on my favourite French Blog, L'echelle de Jacob. 67 French soldiers, vaccinated 5 times, average age 27 were repatriated to France. All have died. https://twitter.com/myriampalomba

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I hope this works. I am so sad for France. The French health service took care of my very sick son when I could get no help in UK. We had to live there for six years and returned just before covid. I have always loved France and was lucky to study there when I was young. Macron has been put there to destroy France as all the "leaders" everywhere. It is no longer the country of the 60's and 70's

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Thank you. I did not know about those militaires ... such a shame! I believe you about your experience with the French health system; it used to be 'normal.' No longer. See soignants suspendus. What a giant waste of time. Macron (or Biden) is not interested by his country or population (il emmerde les nonvaccines), and has dismantled the Hexagone to a point of no return. After decades in the U.S., and upon retirement soon to be followed by the closing of the borders and the supercherie of covid, I have decided not to return to my home country, and that is highly distressing. I believe Americans who are individualists and do not expect much of their governments are better equipped to face this NWO. Not the French, nor the Canadians.

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I spent a year in California the 80's and had a wonderful time. I am sure the USA has changed a lot in that time too. Good luck with your decision to stay.

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Brought tears to my eyes

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