Jesus clearly disagreed.

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Yes, he LOVES US ALL. Even those who were fooled by the vaccine salesmen.

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Relax, April. I never said or insinuated otherwise.

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She'd have fallen faster and harder if not for the vaccines. This proves how safe they are. Move along, nothing to see.

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Pride goeth before the fall

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Nothing to see here... Let me just wipe the blood off the stage before it becomes a stain.

Move on folks.

Anyone that thinks the vaccines are safe is a fucking Jim Jones Kool aid drinker, waiting for the rapture or some shit.

BTW the HBO show the leftovers has been entertaining to rewatch!

Ps all vaccines are bullshit.


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I see the Poynter Institute, that Gates-funded misinformation spreader-has set everyone straight. It was dehydration. https://www.poynter.org/reporting-editing/2022/fox-news-tries-to-link-comedian-heather-mcdonalds-stage-collapse-with-vaccine/ and all these allegations about vaccines are nonsense. Oh, okay. We must be dreaming. safe and effective. safely, without impunity, and effectively, killing.

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Haven’t you ever collapsed and cracked your head open because you didn’t drink enough water? Happens all the time, trust us. AZ is even a desert, so it totally makes sense. There’s nothing unusual going on here.

Haha! These explanation articles reek of desperation.

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As Curly Howard would say, "why soitenly!"

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I remember passing out once to dehydration. I was walking across the desert (literally I lived in Libya as a teen) from the golf club (yes they had a golf club in the desert for the expats🙄) to our house, a 3 km walk. Lucky I had a friend with me, but yeah that’s dehydration.

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But she was inside, inside a building with access to whatever she needed to re-hydrate. Unless she was ill and performing with a "show must go on" ethos (possible) it would seem unlikely. It reminded me of someone who'd just received a knockout punch in a boxing match.

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unlikely for sure. Of all the many concerts given one rarely sees someone collapse from dehydration or any reason for that matter. Something new and wicked has this way come.

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Yes. And this was right at the *beginning* of her performance. It wasn't like someone who'd been under the lights and dancing for an hour and a half.

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Can happen. We will see how she does.

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What's wrong with these people is that they listen to long trusted NPR and believe the CDC and believe that government agencies are there to protect them and don't have time to do their own research and they are surrounded by people drinking kool aid. And they are incited and been induced to be fearful and passive and are told the big lie 24/7 by everyone. I hope she is enlightened by this. It doesn't help to judge her unless she harms others.

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And there will be no inquiry into the unique interactive toxicity of her preferred (shaken not stirred?) cocktail: mRNA + flu vaccine + shingles vaccine.

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I've passed out before, I have low blood pressure. This is a weird "pass out." Falling backwards, flat-out? And if a person was to fake-pass-out as a publicity stunt, this is not what it would look like either. It's kind of like all the athletes. Falling full-flat. "Passing out" is more of a drop, I'd think. Curious.

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I was thinking the same thing. Very very strange

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I'm wondering what was 'so nice'. She was clearly faltering on the first one.

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Her vaxxed audience: "Oh my. poor thing must be anxious or overworked!"


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Very suspicious timing for her (quite obviously genuine) collapse there.

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Not suspicious to me. Don't mock God.

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Which god is that, the God of 5g?

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When you call out the name of Jesus to promote death shots THIS is exactly what happens!

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Let’s hope she makes a full recovery and finally chooses the red pill.

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It looked to me like it was clearly a joke. That she’s a physical comic. Had anyone corroborated that she actually fainted and injured herself?

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Yes. Read the article.

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