This is a gift from God. Every time one these demons decides to drop their "mask", we get to see who they truly are. It becomes more clear every day that we're in a battle for humanity and our birthright. Praise Jesus!
So many wonderful and Pithy comments here. Praise Jesus is right. These peepul haven’t totaled up the number of friends and celebrities suddenly out of their lives? Oh that’s right, the real newz is blocked out, so their little selfhoods don’t faint. And with this recent ad I was remembering back to when Martha was incarcerated years ago, and one of her cell mates had made her a sweater of some sort. I wonder what they talked about in her time there: choosing wedding china, cleaning tablecloths and when to wear white shoes. Yes, it is amazing and sickening how they have all read the same books, and only allow themselves the same web sites, wicki anyone? Masks and capes all falling off and now we see their true wardrobes, gossamer conscience and all God is good: Zoom for all those months helped us zoom in on the criminals, teachers and boards of education haha
I was praying today gratitude for the exposure and a friend reminding me we got what we were praying for. It’s very ugly . They’re crazy trying to manipulate the people & the earth, God made it all perfectly. The evildoers don’t understand yet their time is short. On good days I pray for the ones who still have a soul.
That's pretty much all we can do at this point. This is very tough, keeping up the positivity on a daily basis takes a lot of prayers and patience. I can't even imagine going through ALL of the last 3 years without the Lord. I'm very grateful.
Or maybe the evildoers (both human and demonic) do realize their time is short (either through earthly justice or our Lord's Return) and are desperately trying to finish what they started. Just food for thought. Else why have they doubled, tripled, quadrupled down, ad infinatum, when there are hundreds upon hundreds of studies out there showing masks don't work, lockdowns don't work, social distancing doesn't work, the jabs don't prevent infection, don't prevent transmission, are not safe and effective, probably increase infection susceptibility to all pathogens and damage the immune system, and various databases (VAERS, DMED, VSAFE, Yellow Card, etc.) screaming safety signals never seen before for all other vaccines combined? Either these people are incredibly stupid and have no business in positions of authority and influence, or they are completely given over to the Spirit of the Age and are doing the bidding of the lord of darkness.
Rosalind, thank you for praying. Only God can cleanse us of this mess. We can do what we can for those around us, but only God can change the hearts of man.
May your day be blessed with the Peace that passeth all understanding.
See Jonathan Cahn's latest book "The Return of the Gods" to support everything you are saying. We're being ruled by demonic principalities and have been for decades. They have such a foothold now that it's obvious. You can watch him being interviewed about this book numerous places.
It can be hard to tell until you get to the end. In general, I've found that if someone is getting married at the beginning of the story, its a tragedy.
when she got out of the joint after serving her slap-on-the-wrist sentence, she hired my friend's band to play her coming-home party.
he said that the extent to which the servants and guests were segregated was like something he'd never seen before. usually the band and the waitstaff can hang at the party. not at this one.
Not one of those “trusted voices“ and high level influencers got the real juice, just look at all those fake injections for perps like Biden, Turdeau, etc. and minions like e.g. Mariah Carey.
She was an insider. Highly doubt she took the permanent gene editing Bioweapon shot, that is for the " useless eaters ", the other people, if you're a Dem. I think it was Big Pharma that she shorted or sold on inside information from the Executive, if I recall correctly.
No, she was buddies with a Jewish biotech leader from her dinner party circles and he gave her inside information on his company. Think his name was Sam. I don't have time to pull it up now. Best
Well, given the uptake is around 15.5% nationally, I'd say they're not having much luck with any messenger, thank goodness. Joke is on Pfizer these days (may be wishful thinking but I think it's heading in that direction)
Oh yeah, the marketing department is definitely playing to Pharma's biggest demographic here. A certain slice of post menopausal, college educated American females and/or wanna be females. The most disgusting haute bourgeois collective in world history. Counting on them to "nudge" their family members over the finish line.
Thank you, Kent. I had an unusual upbringing. My father knew about the plans for a one world government back in the early sixties. He didn’t know a huge push for it would come through a fake pandemic (or a least he never mentioned it), but he knew about financial systems and governments being infiltrated by globalists.
He told everyone he encountered what he knew, especially the older he got. Some people actually avoided him when they saw him coming. He was not gentle about it, either! Lol I heard it so much that I became sort of blasé about it. I didn’t think would happen in my lifetime.
I'm 70 and have never had a flu shot let alone this, and most of my rebel friends are around my age. My millennial daughter and her friends, however have all taken the poison.
No flu shots here either. Can’t remember the last time I had real flu (1998 I think). No shingles—nothing. Right after the jab murder plan began I switched to a functional medicine doctor who is herself unjabbed. We had a chat yesterday and I noticed the Ed Dowd book on her desk—Died Suddenly. WOW! She knows and is trying to get people on board in ways that don’t threaten her license. Like showing them that book. Her grown kids did not pay attention to her and one got a booster but didn’t tell her. It’s hard since she’s building a new functional medicine practice (she was my gynecologist back in the day) in a field that is helping people heal without the pharmaceuticals and get out of the sickcare system —which is an uphill battle anyway, and now she has to deal with this evil nonsense. I have only 1 rebel acquaintance locally. My husband (76) got 1 JNJ and quit. Some family members are unvaxxed thank God. My SIL barely survived remdisivir and vent murder. Still unvaxxed. A niece and her family. My brother and his son. That’s it I think. But my own daughter her hubby and my only grandkid are jabbed. They live on Long Island NY so that explains it. Hubby works for MLS and daughter is a medical biller. They buy it all. I tried to warn her but was told to stop it. My vax status never has prevented us from being together however. As little as that happens with me 1000 miles away but we just don’t talk about it. At all. She is now getting iron infusions which is worrying to me. Her hubby has a history of atrial fibrillation so I am very worried about him. The grandkid was already injured by the gardisil jab but nobody talks about that either. I didn’t connect it myself until right before Covid lockdown began. Take care! One thing I’ve noticed now I’m in my 70’s is older women are basically invisible.
I know what you mean about being "invisible"... but I've done things to turn that on its head, too, like being the first, lone, roadside sign-carrying protester here where I live (coastal BC). And actually, sometimes that invisibility can be an asset, as we might not be pinpointed as upstarts. Joke's on them! Please check out my own substack ...
I do think it has kept me under the radar during this. We elders will be crucial later as minds open. I believe that God is creating a people like us and those awake to help the survivors, so to speak, when the time is right for His plan. If we have our hearts and minds open He sends us the information that has kept so many of us alive and kicking—whether or not we accept Him at this time. He meets us where we are. He will need us to pull people out of the “ruins”. and minister to them as we can. Safety, love , knowledge, grace, joy, comfort. Food and shelter. Maybe especially grace and forgiveness. Blessings for you !! We may meet in the front lines someday.
Took my elderly (90) mother to a local physician to get a simple tb test. He was friendly and remarked at how healthy she looked, until he found out she was vaxx free. Then things got testy. He scolded her and we decided that would be the last visit. We actually found a homeopathic dr who praised her decision not to vaxx. Proof is in the pudding…she hasn’t been sick in 5 years, so we’re confident she made the right decision!
As I replied to Janet just now; I have found you really can't assume anything about this in terms of demographics. I am 70 as are most of my friends and we don't even believe in the annual flu shot whereas some of our millennial kids are full covid cultists.
She’s been a total dirtbag since before she went to jail...her stint in jail didn’t improve her attitude...still the pompous, elitist she always was (but now old) ...she probably wanted the money that Pfizer dangled over her head...and besides the people that would still watch her, to believe that she was any kind of ‘authority’ on anything, don’t need this messaging...they have been dutifully ‘complying’ with the Vaxx Manifesto all along, and likely got their Boosters! And the rest of of us don’t likely watch any ‘platforms’ where this ad may have aired, and have likely dropped their cable TV subscription years ago (like me)!
Yes likely…what do you do when you’re 81 and your cable TV career is over and you need Money? Does she still own Martha Stewart Living? I’ve lost track of ‘that world’ as I bailed from it years ago.
She has guest gigs on the food channel and HGTV along with a few limited run special series. Still has the magazine--a mere whisper of its former style and readership.
It is true, I lived in LA for a while. They do grow desperate for attention at some point when nobody is paying attention anymore. So many examples ...
Yep. What's really sad is that many Americans still have this admiration for the rich. I've met a few wealthy people, and they're the most dysfunctional people I've ever met.
It seems to be harmful to a person's character to start out in life with too much given. People who are spoiled like that are never happy, never satisfied.
I've met people whose parents gave them a house, or a new car, or even a business to manage, and they typically don't appreciate it, often complain and are miserable.
A spoiled child in some ways is worse off than an abused child because the spoiled one can't handle difficulties and demands more than it gives to the world.
They are all in their eighties!!! WTH these Evils need to be put out of their medicated miseries immediately! MAIDS in Canada ! They need some of their own medicine.
Someone in the comments asked "is that her?" Who knows really. It might be a Damar thing. 10 years ago I would've laughed if someone told me that in the most recent videos where he thanks doctors for saving his life, it's not the real Damar. Jump to today. AI-fake-generated bodies, voices and content is appearing everywhere. There are now entire dissections online as to whether the Damar seen in the most recent vids is even real. That's crazy, but it also helps keep us on our toes. And no, the final verdict hasn't been established on those. As much of a sh!tshow as as the Damar saga is, it helps illuminate the darker corners of what's happening. Is that Martha in the video, probably, yes. But who can say, really. They could've just gotten any other celebrity to "do" it.
I was responding to Alexander's body double claim, not yours. Stew is the one who started this thing about Damar dying and having a body double. Stew also started the snake venom thing. He's a big distraction machine, he needs to go back to being a bounty hunter. Or rapper.
She's always struck me as a germaphobe, not as bad as Stern or Trump, but anyone like that is easy to manipulate. So while she has definitely demonstrated greed & corruption in the past, its likely she's among the "true believer" camp, and her current actions are the result of propaganda. And, she's going to kill herself with it. Trump too, he's probably getting boosted as well.
I have no clue, but she was disqualified in my book when she started doing a show with Snoop Dog.... maybe he wrote the script while stoned. I find it quite offensive.
Are we living in a comedy or a tragedy? It's difficult to tell anymore.
We are seeing people in the stark light of who they really are. We are living in "interesting times." Blessing/Curse?
This is a gift from God. Every time one these demons decides to drop their "mask", we get to see who they truly are. It becomes more clear every day that we're in a battle for humanity and our birthright. Praise Jesus!
So many wonderful and Pithy comments here. Praise Jesus is right. These peepul haven’t totaled up the number of friends and celebrities suddenly out of their lives? Oh that’s right, the real newz is blocked out, so their little selfhoods don’t faint. And with this recent ad I was remembering back to when Martha was incarcerated years ago, and one of her cell mates had made her a sweater of some sort. I wonder what they talked about in her time there: choosing wedding china, cleaning tablecloths and when to wear white shoes. Yes, it is amazing and sickening how they have all read the same books, and only allow themselves the same web sites, wicki anyone? Masks and capes all falling off and now we see their true wardrobes, gossamer conscience and all God is good: Zoom for all those months helped us zoom in on the criminals, teachers and boards of education haha
Good point! I like how you're thinking!
openness/transparency is a powerful tool, where its blessings can feel like a curse.
I was praying today gratitude for the exposure and a friend reminding me we got what we were praying for. It’s very ugly . They’re crazy trying to manipulate the people & the earth, God made it all perfectly. The evildoers don’t understand yet their time is short. On good days I pray for the ones who still have a soul.
That's pretty much all we can do at this point. This is very tough, keeping up the positivity on a daily basis takes a lot of prayers and patience. I can't even imagine going through ALL of the last 3 years without the Lord. I'm very grateful.
Oh I agree! & remember, He knows we can handle it even when it’s a bit overwhelming.
Or maybe the evildoers (both human and demonic) do realize their time is short (either through earthly justice or our Lord's Return) and are desperately trying to finish what they started. Just food for thought. Else why have they doubled, tripled, quadrupled down, ad infinatum, when there are hundreds upon hundreds of studies out there showing masks don't work, lockdowns don't work, social distancing doesn't work, the jabs don't prevent infection, don't prevent transmission, are not safe and effective, probably increase infection susceptibility to all pathogens and damage the immune system, and various databases (VAERS, DMED, VSAFE, Yellow Card, etc.) screaming safety signals never seen before for all other vaccines combined? Either these people are incredibly stupid and have no business in positions of authority and influence, or they are completely given over to the Spirit of the Age and are doing the bidding of the lord of darkness.
Rosalind, thank you for praying. Only God can cleanse us of this mess. We can do what we can for those around us, but only God can change the hearts of man.
May your day be blessed with the Peace that passeth all understanding.
Mrs. "the Knife"
Thanks. I do experience that peace at times. Can’t explain it.
See Jonathan Cahn's latest book "The Return of the Gods" to support everything you are saying. We're being ruled by demonic principalities and have been for decades. They have such a foothold now that it's obvious. You can watch him being interviewed about this book numerous places.
I had forgotten about Cahn , thank you! Spot on. He helped a friend greatly a decade ago & I’ve always been thankful for him and his ministry.
Curse. (My vote.)
It can be hard to tell until you get to the end. In general, I've found that if someone is getting married at the beginning of the story, its a tragedy.
Is this real life, is this just pfantasy
caught in a landslaide, no escape from reality...
Open your eyes,
mRNA is a bio weapon in disguise.
I’m just a poor peep,
climbing out of this propaganda,
Because it’s oh so much,
all the time,
oh so bright,
too much shine,
Anyway the tv programs don’t really matter to me!
Mama, I don’t watch tv,
it sends shivers down my spine, makes me vomit all the time,
Mama,now I read books and sub stack,
And sometimes watch independent news,
Mama ooh, please don’t watch that crap,
If you stop you’ll be oh so much happier, oh so much happier!
Good vibes inspire people.
One of these days someone will do something with "Enter Sandman"
A dystopian nightmare.
Try to find the comedy in that crappy piece of propaganda.
Laugh at your enemies, they hate that so much!
5th Generation War!
Science fiction? Horror? The ancient categories "comedy" and "tragedy" don't seem even remotely adequate to our current dystopian reality.
I think the proper formulation might be "horror-comedy" GC, along the lines of "Fright Night."
It's more like the Theater of the Absurd. Check it out. It fits.
Self parody written by the new SNL Keebler elf staff.
she and Pfizer are both criminals.
she was incarcerated for insider trading.
Pfizer paid the largest criminal fraud fine in history.
when she got out of the joint after serving her slap-on-the-wrist sentence, she hired my friend's band to play her coming-home party.
he said that the extent to which the servants and guests were segregated was like something he'd never seen before. usually the band and the waitstaff can hang at the party. not at this one.
Not at all surprised.
we can’t have the social classes mixing now can we...
wonder if she fired all her unvaxxed staff too.
Good point! Birds of a feather flock together.
Perhaps she'll eventually end up on Mark's " died suddenly or comes down with some rare disease" future posts.
She probably got the saline.
Not one of those “trusted voices“ and high level influencers got the real juice, just look at all those fake injections for perps like Biden, Turdeau, etc. and minions like e.g. Mariah Carey.
I do think Justin Berber and his wife got the real deal.
And paid for it dearly with their health as well as Celine Dion.
so do i.
She was an insider. Highly doubt she took the permanent gene editing Bioweapon shot, that is for the " useless eaters ", the other people, if you're a Dem. I think it was Big Pharma that she shorted or sold on inside information from the Executive, if I recall correctly.
oh really! wouldn’t that be a full circle story...
Then wouldn't they want her to have "the real thing?"
No, she was buddies with a Jewish biotech leader from her dinner party circles and he gave her inside information on his company. Think his name was Sam. I don't have time to pull it up now. Best
Sam Bankman-Fried? (I'm kidding.)
CEO, Sam Waksal
I don't see what the big deal is.
I always like my unsolicited medical avice with the threat of violence.
she's in a kitchen with a gas stove. HAH!!
She'll be able to keep hers.
Not too sure about that. She just thinks she’s one of them. She’ll be expendable.
we'll see.....
The not-so-implicit threat of violence against us refusers is horrifying.
You're right!
My knees are shaking!
I assume Martha wrote the script. She has a really vicious streak. It oozes out of her.
Which starkly contrasts her "cozy homemaker" brand!!!
She was perfect for this role. I can't think of a more suitable souless vampire.
Omni-crone fights omicron.
Good one (though you may get canceled for it).
That is priceless.
Well, given the uptake is around 15.5% nationally, I'd say they're not having much luck with any messenger, thank goodness. Joke is on Pfizer these days (may be wishful thinking but I think it's heading in that direction)
Oh yeah, the marketing department is definitely playing to Pharma's biggest demographic here. A certain slice of post menopausal, college educated American females and/or wanna be females. The most disgusting haute bourgeois collective in world history. Counting on them to "nudge" their family members over the finish line.
Im a senior. Im no doubt the only senior to my knowledge around me that is unvaxxed. They bought it all hard.
Eugenics targeting of the old and diabetic came first.
Malone pushed it for the elderly way back on Dark Horse.
I’m not as senior as Martha, but i didn’t take it and won’t. I have a few senior friends that didn’t take it, too.
Thank you, Kent. I had an unusual upbringing. My father knew about the plans for a one world government back in the early sixties. He didn’t know a huge push for it would come through a fake pandemic (or a least he never mentioned it), but he knew about financial systems and governments being infiltrated by globalists.
He told everyone he encountered what he knew, especially the older he got. Some people actually avoided him when they saw him coming. He was not gentle about it, either! Lol I heard it so much that I became sort of blasé about it. I didn’t think would happen in my lifetime.
I'm 70 and have never had a flu shot let alone this, and most of my rebel friends are around my age. My millennial daughter and her friends, however have all taken the poison.
No flu shots here either. Can’t remember the last time I had real flu (1998 I think). No shingles—nothing. Right after the jab murder plan began I switched to a functional medicine doctor who is herself unjabbed. We had a chat yesterday and I noticed the Ed Dowd book on her desk—Died Suddenly. WOW! She knows and is trying to get people on board in ways that don’t threaten her license. Like showing them that book. Her grown kids did not pay attention to her and one got a booster but didn’t tell her. It’s hard since she’s building a new functional medicine practice (she was my gynecologist back in the day) in a field that is helping people heal without the pharmaceuticals and get out of the sickcare system —which is an uphill battle anyway, and now she has to deal with this evil nonsense. I have only 1 rebel acquaintance locally. My husband (76) got 1 JNJ and quit. Some family members are unvaxxed thank God. My SIL barely survived remdisivir and vent murder. Still unvaxxed. A niece and her family. My brother and his son. That’s it I think. But my own daughter her hubby and my only grandkid are jabbed. They live on Long Island NY so that explains it. Hubby works for MLS and daughter is a medical biller. They buy it all. I tried to warn her but was told to stop it. My vax status never has prevented us from being together however. As little as that happens with me 1000 miles away but we just don’t talk about it. At all. She is now getting iron infusions which is worrying to me. Her hubby has a history of atrial fibrillation so I am very worried about him. The grandkid was already injured by the gardisil jab but nobody talks about that either. I didn’t connect it myself until right before Covid lockdown began. Take care! One thing I’ve noticed now I’m in my 70’s is older women are basically invisible.
I know what you mean about being "invisible"... but I've done things to turn that on its head, too, like being the first, lone, roadside sign-carrying protester here where I live (coastal BC). And actually, sometimes that invisibility can be an asset, as we might not be pinpointed as upstarts. Joke's on them! Please check out my own substack ...
I will. Thanks.
You may want to consider adding this to your wisdom vault.
Maybe that invisibleness could be used to an advantage at some point...
In many cultures, including Native American Indian, historically, older women ( and men sometimes ) are the wise ones whose advice is sought.
Many Blessings
I do think it has kept me under the radar during this. We elders will be crucial later as minds open. I believe that God is creating a people like us and those awake to help the survivors, so to speak, when the time is right for His plan. If we have our hearts and minds open He sends us the information that has kept so many of us alive and kicking—whether or not we accept Him at this time. He meets us where we are. He will need us to pull people out of the “ruins”. and minister to them as we can. Safety, love , knowledge, grace, joy, comfort. Food and shelter. Maybe especially grace and forgiveness. Blessings for you !! We may meet in the front lines someday.
So sad that they chose not to listen and learn from the wisdom.
Yes. A sister is captured by CNN.
Took my elderly (90) mother to a local physician to get a simple tb test. He was friendly and remarked at how healthy she looked, until he found out she was vaxx free. Then things got testy. He scolded her and we decided that would be the last visit. We actually found a homeopathic dr who praised her decision not to vaxx. Proof is in the pudding…she hasn’t been sick in 5 years, so we’re confident she made the right decision!
As I replied to Janet just now; I have found you really can't assume anything about this in terms of demographics. I am 70 as are most of my friends and we don't even believe in the annual flu shot whereas some of our millennial kids are full covid cultists.
She’s been a total dirtbag since before she went to jail...her stint in jail didn’t improve her attitude...still the pompous, elitist she always was (but now old) ...she probably wanted the money that Pfizer dangled over her head...and besides the people that would still watch her, to believe that she was any kind of ‘authority’ on anything, don’t need this messaging...they have been dutifully ‘complying’ with the Vaxx Manifesto all along, and likely got their Boosters! And the rest of of us don’t likely watch any ‘platforms’ where this ad may have aired, and have likely dropped their cable TV subscription years ago (like me)!
A sign of desperation, then?
Yes likely…what do you do when you’re 81 and your cable TV career is over and you need Money? Does she still own Martha Stewart Living? I’ve lost track of ‘that world’ as I bailed from it years ago.
She has guest gigs on the food channel and HGTV along with a few limited run special series. Still has the magazine--a mere whisper of its former style and readership.
No. The magazine is gone. She still has her name on cheap Chinese merchandise though.
I think she has a show on Roku.
She's an absolute mess and has completely sold out and at 81, hangs out with Snoop. Her brain is mush!!
What kind of w_o_e must you be to appear with Snoop the Dog? He is untouchable.
It was on regular over-the-air TV, too.
A few months ago she had a fake yard sale posing as a TV program. Lots of homosexuals involved.
Lots of homosexuals involved? Oh dear.
Were there black people, too?
Jews? Gypsy's? Mentally ill?
There may have been other perverts in addition to the homosexuals.
It is true, I lived in LA for a while. They do grow desperate for attention at some point when nobody is paying attention anymore. So many examples ...
sad, just will get worse...
I don't get that either.
Yep. What's really sad is that many Americans still have this admiration for the rich. I've met a few wealthy people, and they're the most dysfunctional people I've ever met.
It seems to be harmful to a person's character to start out in life with too much given. People who are spoiled like that are never happy, never satisfied.
I've met people whose parents gave them a house, or a new car, or even a business to manage, and they typically don't appreciate it, often complain and are miserable.
A spoiled child in some ways is worse off than an abused child because the spoiled one can't handle difficulties and demands more than it gives to the world.
First kitty litter and now this? Oh Martha, how far you have fallen.
Ah, I see..the sword is symbolic! 😜😜😜
Mrs. Mc
Hopefully she falls on it soon.
And Fraudci and Soros also!
They are all in their eighties!!! WTH these Evils need to be put out of their medicated miseries immediately! MAIDS in Canada ! They need some of their own medicine.
Someone in the comments asked "is that her?" Who knows really. It might be a Damar thing. 10 years ago I would've laughed if someone told me that in the most recent videos where he thanks doctors for saving his life, it's not the real Damar. Jump to today. AI-fake-generated bodies, voices and content is appearing everywhere. There are now entire dissections online as to whether the Damar seen in the most recent vids is even real. That's crazy, but it also helps keep us on our toes. And no, the final verdict hasn't been established on those. As much of a sh!tshow as as the Damar saga is, it helps illuminate the darker corners of what's happening. Is that Martha in the video, probably, yes. But who can say, really. They could've just gotten any other celebrity to "do" it.
Oh, that's Martha. She'd sue the collective pants off Pifzer if it weren't.
He's implying Martha Stewart, Damar Hamlin, & others have died and been replaced by doubles or CGI
You gotta stop listening to Stew Peters.
I was responding to Alexander's body double claim, not yours. Stew is the one who started this thing about Damar dying and having a body double. Stew also started the snake venom thing. He's a big distraction machine, he needs to go back to being a bounty hunter. Or rapper.
She's always struck me as a germaphobe, not as bad as Stern or Trump, but anyone like that is easy to manipulate. So while she has definitely demonstrated greed & corruption in the past, its likely she's among the "true believer" camp, and her current actions are the result of propaganda. And, she's going to kill herself with it. Trump too, he's probably getting boosted as well.
Did someone threaten her with more jail time?
That would explain making such a schlocky commercial. LOL!
Did she learn to use that thing in the slammer?
Don't you have a grinding wheel on your kitchen counter? At least my husband takes my knives to the cellar to sharpen when he uses his wheel
Just the latest Pharma Whore
Pfzer marketing department creating brand ambassadors
Lack of any moral compass being a requirement!
I can see Jordan Ashton Fischer showing up in M-Stew's kitchen any day now for a 'Jailbird Fashion' tete-a-tete.
EDIT: I can't be bothered to look up his name. You know who I mean.
I have no clue, but she was disqualified in my book when she started doing a show with Snoop Dog.... maybe he wrote the script while stoned. I find it quite offensive.
I'm still trying to unsee the images of Snoop playing golf with Warren Buffett.
Mr Pfizer Powerpoint desk-jockey 'Director' restaurant sting guy.
Who now, at this point, could be offended by anything M-Stew does? That would imply you still expect her to uphold some standards. Come on, now.
Be interesting to know how much Pfizer stock she owns.....
Not enough. It's on sale at the moment.
Stew stew stew. I would love to see Stew(art) Peters interview M Stewart
Shoot. I thought you had some kind of joke I wasn't getting. Couldn't you concoct one with the names you used? Pretty please?