There is no hell too hot for that man. I pray I live to see the day that he is finally recognized by all as the evil tyrant he has grown to be. He clearly loathes the people he was elected to serve and has no idea nor interest in our needs. The deaths of the mere “hoi polloi” means nothing to him. A true sociopath.

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Theo Fleury made a great point in this tweet yesterday which touched on Canadian authorities recommending euthanasia for people with mental health problems:


As a mental health advocate this is the most disgusting article I’ve ever read in my life. You can 💯 recover from any mental health illness. I’m living proof of that.

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Still can NOT believe it is happening in my Canada...........Medical Assistance In Dying.

Veterans, troubled teenagers.........anyone going through bad times willing to sign up........

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And those "who feel they're too poor to live with dignity"... My God.

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Medical assitance in dying...or get fired. It's your choice.

This is a free country after all.

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Isn't it interesting how the madness seems to be invisible to so many.......and yet is of such magnitude as to make the rest of us crazy?

How many years can we withstand the "choice" friends and family have made - keep making - to willingly march to an early medical death?

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How long? For Fucking EVER! That's how long I refuse my Informed Conset & I will KILL anybody attempting to forcibly infect me with bioweapons. 🤗 Simple! 96% of us Aussies SUBMITTED TO THE 1st TWO Emergency Authorisation Use mRNA Gene Altering bioweapons. 4% of TruHumans left on my continent. That's approximately ONE MILLION really pissed off 😤 paisanos & 25,000,000 Deadmen Walking. Tik tok, bitches. Tik tok.

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I'm with you bro. Living in NSW and no bioweapons for me nor ever. I will never comply with QR codes or magic juice passports or microchipping for payments. I saved my wife from taking the shots and we know a few others too who are free. If the traitors in government try to pull similar crap with the global warming BS I won't comply with that either. It's on.

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I didn't mean "withstand" about any of US making the death choice........I meant how long will we have to endure watching/listening to people we knew getting sick and or dying without ever connecting the dots.

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If it were only their death at stake..mand we could not convince them otherwise...that would be bad enough. The problem is their compliance affects all of us in ways unimaginable. If people insist on stupidity that affects them alone...there comes a time you have to let them go. When their insanity one day equally affect us...being a badger is acceptable.

If they claim Christ...then this is a reasonable response..."Jesus may love you...but I think you are an asshole."

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Yes. Their disease and death affects us even if we have already let them go, as I realized I must 20 months ago.

Realized that free will means free will.

My question was an expression of my impatience that I've had my entire life about how my fellow humans could be so blind to political, medical and financial choices to support poisons in their banking, food and bodies.

The choice to support life systems versus death systems is pretty straight forward though not always easy. In my life it has definitely required faith in God to make the difficult, unpopular and "no money" choice.

I never thought I knew better than the creator of life and have never thought anyone else does either.

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Personally, it pisses me off that I cannot access this in the UK.

It is all very well and good for people who are doing OK to say that the idea of MAID is wrong for everybody but why should you be able to decide that for other people like me?

Imagine a situation where your life is so worthless and pointless and the most simplest of tasks are so difficult and every system that is there to supposed "help people" actually does nothing of the sort.

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Are there people in situations where they do truly want to die? Sure. But, that's NOT what this is all about. And, you should know that. This is about the agenda - the psycho Globalists' agenda - for which the fewer "useless eaters" (under their definition) the better. How long until it's mandated to "remove" yourself from "society" if you aren't employed and "productive" according to their definition of such???

And, let's not forget that people are NOT all alike. What one person can live through would put another person in a near-permanent state of catatonia. And, what a given person can't seem to deal with at one moment or at one time in their life, they can easily handle the next day or at another time in their life.

So, this "option" is great, for those who truly do want to "check out", for those who truly are serious about having this life over. But, people change their minds all the time. And, many people can deal with more than they think they can, if they get some counseling or other help. And, therefore, counseling and mental health access is what is really needed at the outset, not Dr. Kevorkian right off the bat. Yes, he can be "on call", but for him to the first one called...??? Beyond sick.

And, if someone is truly serious about getting this life over and done with, THEY WILL FIND A WAY - THEY DON'T NEED THE GUBMINT'S HELP WITH THAT... As you are "pissed off that I [you] cannot access this in the UK", does that mean you would sign up for assisted suicide, if it were available in the UK? If so, how does gubmint assisted suicide NOT being available for you stop you, if you truly are serious about it??? I'm not trying to be obtuse, or give you or anyone else a hard time about this, I'm serious. If you're serious about dying, then how does the gubmint not helping you have any bearing on your decision, or your ability to follow through on it without their "help"???

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No it is beyond sick that in the UK there is neither the systems to help people or any way out at all.

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Mad props (pun intended). ♥️♥️♥️

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Definitely, as a mental health recovery specialist, we ask what happened to you? Not your diagnosis. I told a physician to throw the DSM out the window and burn it. Get a Bible.

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You can throw Macron into hell with him while you are at it.

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C'est vrai.

#VaMacron 🆘️

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And the bunch of other useful WEF idiots with them!

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"Hoi polloi" here...

#NoAmnesty 💔

#TrudeaumustgoNOW 🆘️

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Thank you for putting it so succinctly. If I could curb stomp him I would in a heartbeat, he makes me physically sick.

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Me too.

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Or eternity too long…

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He's trying to be Schwab's best performing seal.

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"Justin, Chyrstia and Jagmeet weren't my best students, but they were the most eager." Klaus.

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Seal Defamation League countersuit forthcoming. We just want fish, we kept your ancestors warm, we gave you our all and now...now....you compare us to him? /s

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A good spirit is always helpful in the face of a seemingly overwhelming situation👍

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It's 40 years now it's the same old story in Quebec. Come flu season, the news is filled with 'overcapacity' horror stories. It's not uncommon for hospitals to be running at as high as 120% capacity. Some hit 140%. Those figures haven't changed. The way they talk and present the narrative distorts reality. If Covid was that bad we'd be at at least 200%, no?

And every year our second-rate public health system survives the onslaught. Instead of Ground Hog Daying us with these stories every season how's about you get off your asses and actually fix the @&@^^# system which is obviously the problem. It gets better this time around. They complain of staff shortages. Hm. Maybe because of the unethical and illegal mandates that laid them off and the rising deaths of doctors? Apparently, we're up to 90 and who knows how many are injured?

The short memories of people are stunning. I keep reminding people older than me about this and I get a blank stare saying, 'Right. That's true. It's always been that way." Unreal.

As for Justin, that was his cringiest creep show yet. Notice how he nods his head as if he's a Vaudeville actor. He's overplaying his part. Look at his body language. His gait and the way he sits. Who shakes hands with their pharmacists? TWICE! Notice too he pulls his mask out of his pocket. No germs or bacteria there. He walks in without one, slips one out to get his obviously fake shots, takes it right off and slips it back in his pocket to deliver his usual irresponsible spiel.

The guy is simply mentally unstable. Who thought this was a good idea to insult people this way?

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Our provincial healthcare systems have been broken forever. What did Alberta do during the pandemic? Promise more icu beds. What did they deliver? They cut more. We need doctors and nurses. So they fire a bunch. Brilliant. Our universities are pumping out gender studies liberal arts majors with no hope of employment except for the federal government. Why can’t we push for more seats for doctors and nursing students? The Fraser report just released a paper showing that, of the 30 countries with universal healthcare, Canada is at the top of the heap for spending, but ranks near the bottom for number of doctors, hospital beds, MRIs and has the longest wait times. Great job Canada! Who is running this gong show?!? Yet no accountability for any of it.

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Fraser has been ranking Canada at the bottom forever.

Know who else? The OECD. That's why I chuckle every time I hear the American left point to Canada as a model. No one looks at Canada as a model. If you want something along the lines of a universal system look at Europe. Or better yet. Reform the American system.

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Maybe one should look at this the other way around: the less hospital beds the better! The less doctors the better! Since allopathic medicine is pretty much the number one killer, one should first eliminate that root cause. And of course stop making people pay through their nose via insane taxes for a broken and a corrupt sick-making system.

Then people would look for actual solutions on their own and start with prevention and taking care of their health, instead of giving up their personal power and agency to the "Gods in White". You would be surprised how quickly people would get better, instead of being put on the downward spiral of meds leading to more meds and death. I have never had any regular client of mine who would come for a weekly massage or healing get any serious illness. Keep your system detoxified and your mind at peace and the body will do the rest.

Of course, now that we are in the Covidapocalypse, everything is a bit different as we are dealing with bio-weapons that seem to be pretty much in everybody's bloodstream, incl. the non-jabbed. But doctors and hospitals certainly arent' the cure for that either; they are part of the cause.

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the system wouldn't let me upvote your comment so I came to comment. I've been saying the same thing for several decades! we just need people to be their own doctors (and get off all the pharmaceuticals that are killing us) rather than simply think 'I can't see a doctor because [your reason here] so I'll do nothing.' there are very few things individuals can't remedy by changing habits for the better and DOING THEIR OWN RESEARCH (blasphemy, I know). glad I'm not alone...

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Absolutely! We have been brainwashed to think our health and wellbeing are our doctor's responsibility. Crazy, isn't it? It's the most important "asset" we have, and determines the time (as in lifespan) we have, which is the second most important asset. To think that instead of being educated on how to take care of our most important asset we delegate it to someone else, who gets paid for giving out pills (toxic) and doing surgery (dangerous) - therefore keeping us sick is more profitable - is insanity! Our world and way of thinking are so terribly upside down, aren't they?

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Well it would certainly help if natural health remedies were not censored and natural health (?) doctors weren’t thrown in jail or murdered for their crimes of healing people

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Censored or banned... Yes, of course, you are right. At the same time, it tells us that they cut into the medical-pharma cartel's profits and counteract the cabal's plans of culling most of the population - proof positive that the there is a demand for them, because they work!

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God bless you Mark for writing this up the way you have - giving names to his littlest victims.

I saw the clip of him doing this thing 2 days ago and was glad my stomach was empty..

And I couldn't think of what to do with the garbage I'd just looked at.

Except to ponder on the odd expression in his eyes and to wonder at exactly what kind of creature Mr Turdeau is.

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He’s a psycho narcissist and he needs to GO!!!!

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I've never in my entire life hated someone so viscerally as I've hated that man. He is despicable. He is demonic. He is deplorable. He is diabolical. Why, oh why, can't THESE kinds of tyrants be assassinated instead of the ones who are actually fighting against this kind of evil.

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Hey just a minute. Aren’t covid jab recipients supposed to wait 15 minutes before they waltz off the set of a movie screening. Also, where was the covid jab bottle? Every time they show someone getting the jab they show the bottle and the needle withdrawing the poison. What’s up with that. FRAUD. That’s what.

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The "pharmacist" wasn't wearing gloves, either.

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Their normal narrative is:

Injectors hold the skin taut with their other hand.

Don't have two of any injections at once.

Come on pharmacy whistle blowers- spill the dirt on Turdy.

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This Pharmacist broke all the rules: you pinch the deltoid muscle and you withdraw first to make sure you are not in an artery or vein. This guy freehands it with a direct jab. What a sham! Completely fake.

The following is the original video for hist first jab in April 2021. The nurse does the exact same thing:


Marc Mullie MD, Montreal

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Nor did he pull back on the plunger to make sure it isn't in a vein

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No one seems to bother with that anyway, unless the victim insists.

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Unfortunately the victims don’t know to ask

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Apparently they don't need to with any vaccinations in the UK any more.

Yet only a decade ago when I was in hospital when I broke mt back I noticed that the nurses never touched patients at all without wearing gloves.

What changed?

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He walks in without a mask, doesn’t fill out any paperwork or provide an insurance card. Then he doesn’t have to wait, puts a mask on after he sits down, and the pharmacist tells him what to expect, but that’s after he’s already been pretend spiked. Then Turdy (thanks Cairn!) stands up, takes off his mask, and gives the usual marketing pitch.

They don’t even follow the protocols or do pretend record keeping during faked shots.

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Those saline injections are totally safe and effective.

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Trudeau stands out as one of the foremost culprits in the basket of deplorable leaders. He should be put on the short list of defendants at Nuremberg 2.0 trials.

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2 weeks ago my patient took his 5th Covid shot plus flu shot (given by the pharmacist, not me). Three days later he was hospitalized with Covid and injection injuries. I guess that means the shots are working.

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It is absolutely horrifying to see this criminal fake the shots and then suggest that parents should inject their children with poison to "protect them". That man stands next to the most creepy killers of all time.

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Did you see where he's (Trudeau) is going to be on the Canadian version of Ru Paul's Drag Race where we can see him, I assume, dress up and pretend to be a woman. I am both horrified and laughing my ass off.

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Viva Frei nailed it: He's doing it to distract from the EA hearings. If people are going to be outraged, I'll make sure it's about something other than my abuse of power, used to instigate violence...

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'whose coverage of such “sudden deaths,” restricted mostly to celebrities, is now as minimal as China’s'

I've noticed this and it is so creepy, and also concerning. There must be a team of people obsessively monitoring social media and other outlets, seeing what the arguments are, and then taking action to counter them.

I'm not naive - I know they will always make counter-arguments in the comments sections or whatever. But they go beyond this and also squelch the information and data itself. Notice how so many statistics provided by various government entities have either disappeared or now seem manipulated and are worthless.

I would love to just tune it out, and I would because I'm not getting those shots, but I have loved ones who seem swayed by these arguments and it helps if I know what the government is saying and can counter it.

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Oh how I wish truTurd would get the real stuff, like 10 shots, like he wants us to. The man is a satanist and he cares more about his elite bosses and the money they pay him to lie. He doesn't give a shit about how many babies have died and will die because of those gene therapy bio weapons.

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I assume parents are blaming ABV - anything but vaxx.

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Justin Trudeau is so gross. Every time I see him speaking, I get a visceral reaction. A sense that everything that comes out of his mouth is an absolute lie, and that he can’t be trusted whatsoever. I have gotten really good at this kind of radar these days. I feel like we need to come up with a new name for this kind of radar, like we did with gaydar. What is the word for getting a visceral reaction from someone you know is part of the scheme to undermine humanity and kill us?

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Instinctual repulsion or revulsion... Like the hackles rising on an animal when they sense danger. I would suggest "preydar", but WE are the prey, so that doesn't work, lol. What about "parasite-itis" or "predator-itis"

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HOW are so MANY choosing euthansia??? Or, if it's true that the jabs affect the brain, and there's evidence for that, then perhaps they're more persuadable...??? It's all just so sick.

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